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Paper A PAPER 1

Section Directed Writing

Descriptive Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1 2 5 Poster Graphic Organiser Descriptive Theres Been a Death in the Opposite House The Drovers Wife Important incident in the story

Descriptive Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1 1 4 2 Poster Graphic Organiser Narrative In the Midst of Hardship Favourite part of the story

Descriptive Discussion Reflective Narrative Descriptive/Narrative 1

Continuous writing

Advertisement Charts, Tables & Graphs Comic strips, Maps & Pictures Short Texts Notices & Signs Information Transfer Comprehension & Summary Poem

2 2 4 Short passage

1 1 5 Book review

1 4 2 Descriptive Table Narrative Nature Part of the story that make them angry



Table & question Table & Question Narrative If The Sound Machine Ending of the story Narrative Monsoon History The Necklace Difficult decision made by a character

Short Story Novel

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2008 Article Descriptive/ Narrative Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative -

2009 Report Descriptive/ Narrative Argumentative Reflective Narrative Descriptive/ Narrative 1

2010 Informal letter

2011 Talk

2012 Informal letter



Paper 1


Time: One hour and forty-five minutes This question paper consists of two sections : Section A and Section B. Answer both sections. You are advised to spend 45 minutes on Section A and one hour on Section B.
Section A: Directed Writing (35 marks) As the head of the Students Disciplinary Board, you are very concerned over the increasing number of complaints filed by students about those who are involved in gangsterism in schools. Write an article for your school newsletter on how to prevent gangsterism in schools. Use the notes below to write your article.

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motivational talks campaigns recreational activities weekend activities community work close monitoring by teachers regular spot checks counselling sessions peer observation fines harsh punishment rewards

When writing the article, you should remember: to give it a suitable title to mention the writers name to use all the notes given

that your readers are mainly students Note: For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.


Section B: Continuous Writing (50 marks) Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics. 1 Describe a school activity that you have participated in. 2 Tuition is it really necessary? Discuss. 3 Write a story ending with Wait for me! Im coming too. 4 Libraries no longer have a place in society. 5 Traditions


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Paper 2


Time: Two hours and fifteen minutes The question paper consists of four sections: Section A. Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this question paper. Questions in Section A have four options.
Section A (15 marks)

Sling your bag in front of you so that you can keep an eye on it. Also make sure that it is properly fastened or zipped up. Do not leave handbag in a shopping basket or trolley. Check your wallet or handbag immediately if someone jostles or bumps into you. Do not doze off in the bus or train and leave your belongings unattended.
1 The most suitable title for the tips above is A Beware of Strangers B Keeping Your Cash Safe C How to Use Public Transport D Protecting Yourself from Pickpockets 3

His sweaters been thrown on the floor, His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV, And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door. His books are all jammed in the closet, His vest has been left in the hall. A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed, And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall. Extract from a Shel Silverstein poem

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The poem probably describes A a messy classroom B an untidy bedroom C a chaotic living room D a cluttered dining room

Excite your taste buds with Delights sensational choice of burgers. Our chefs have prepared five variations of burger from the United States, Australia, Mexico, Germany and the United Kingdom. All burgers are served with homemade bread. Each burger patty is prepared using seasoning unique to the country of origin. Prices range from RM25 to RM35 per plate

FIRE KILLS: Prevent It Be Prepared To Face Emergencies Ensure that your family is prepared and knows the escape route in case of a fire REMEMBER 994
4 What is the purpose of the notice? A to warn the public about the dangers of fire B to warn the public about potential fire hazards C to remind the public what to do in case of a fire D to inform the public about fire prevention methods

According to the advertisement, Delights A prepares their own bread B has chefs from five different countries C charges RM25 for each plate of burger D import the patties from five different countries


While reviewing Math symbols with my Form 1 students, I drew a greater-than (>) and a less-than (<) sign on the blackboard and asked, Does anyone remember what these mean? A few moments passed, and then a boy confidently raised his hand, One means fast-forward, he exclaimed, and the other means rewind!
5 Which of the following is true about the joke? A the boy answered the teacher correctly B the teacher did not understand the boys answer C the teacher was revising some Mathematics symbols D the teacher was trying to teach the students how to operate a DVD player


Shoot your daughters and frame your mother-in-law!

8 The sign above is found outside a A photo studio B police station C hospital D cybercaf

Questions 9 15 are based on the following passage.


Tigers are different from one another as A their body shape and size differ greatly B they have stripes on the sides of their body C the colour of their stripes differs in intensity D the stripes on the sides of their body do not form the same patterns

9 A myself C yourself 10 A a C the 11 A this C these 12 A order C stipulate 13 A start C started 14 A in C at 15 A has C have

B herself D ourselves B an D some B that D those B advise D prescribe B starts D starting B on D from B had D having

Chocolate contains essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins. Magnesium content in cocoa powder is beneficial for the heart and hypertension patients. The fat in high quality pure cocoa chocolate can be considered cholesterol free as studies indicate it does not fur up the arteries or contribute to high cholesterol levels. Eating chocolate also releases these agents into the system, thus it can provide a lift when we are feeling down.

From the extract, we know that A fats in all chocolates are cholesterol free B eating chocolate can make someone feel less depressed C cocoa powder is the highest natural source for magnesium D calcium in cocoa powder will worsen the hypertension patients

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Have you ever had a bad habit you wanted to get rid off but failed? Now you can successfully kick your bad habit using the following steps. First, you must be aware that your habit is bad and is limiting your performance. Second, ask 9 why you want this habit to be replaced. The more good reasons you can think of, the higher the chance of replacing it. Writing down your reasons will force you to think and make 10 commitment. Third, set a suitable time frame to replace 11 habit. Most experts 12 a minimum of 21 days. Fourth, 13 a new habit that will counter the bad habit you want to kick. Fifth, you must be very conscious of your new habit 14 the beginning. If you repeat the bad habit, remember to tell yourself that you already 15 another habit to replace it. Finally, enjoy your new habit and it will soon become part of you and the old habit will soon be forgotten.



Section B (10 marks) Read the following information on the different fares and answer the questions that follow. Fly from KL to Brisbane/Perth From RM149 one way! Everyday low fares!
International > Hong Kong RM2 200 now from RM99 one way > Guangzhou RM2 650 now from RM149 one way > Shanghai RM3 709 now from RM149 one way ASEAN > Jakarta RM1 279 now from RM50 one way > Manila RM1 375 now from RM10 one way > Phuket RM747 now from RM50 one way > Hanoi RM2 200 now from RM99 one way ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book early. Book online. No refunds. Booking period: 9 to 22 June 2013 Travel Period: Perth and Brisbane 1 November 2013 to 30 April 2014 Other destinations 15 July to 14 October 2014 JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web

The above economy fares exclude fuel surcharge insurance levy, airport tax and other applicable charges. Low fares are not available during peak periods. Terms and conditions apply.
Question 16 - 25 Using the information given, write the most appropriate fares in the boxes below Questions 21 25 Complete the sentences below using the information given. 21 Joshua pays RM2 650 for a one-way ticket to Guangzhou because ______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 22 Marilyn paid RM149 for a one-way ticket to Brisbane but she must travel ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 23 The fares advertised exclude _______________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 24 Tom cannot get an offer ticket to Perth for Christmas because ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 25 When Ana visits her pen-pal in Manila, she pays ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Description 16. May May and her parents are going to Hong Kong for a holiday. How much must they pay? 17. Minh Ho wants to buy a ticket to Hanoi 18. Rahim wants to buy a ticket to Perth 19. Ari wants to buy a ticket to Phuket 20. Sassy wants to go to Shanghai

One-Way Fare From

From From From From


Section C (25 marks) Questions 26 -31 are based on the following passage.


1 Todays youth will be tomorrows leader. But the scenario of todays youth is a dismal one as they are plagued with so many social ills. 2 Firstly, what are the social ills? An alarming large number of youths are involved in smoking, taking drugs and alcoholism. Many youths are destroying their future because they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Drink-driving, reckless driving and illegal racing have become popular pastimes for youths. AIDS and HIV are diseases that have surfaced with drug abuse. Young teenagers like to roam the city streets, especially at night. In school, they play truant and skip classes and are disruptive. They prefer to loiter around shopping complexes instead of studying. Teenagers under peer pressure also vandalise public property in order to gain acceptance of their peers. They form gangs and take part in violent fights and criminal activities. These are the various social ills that are plaguing the youths. 3 What are the causes of this dreary situation? One of the factors responsible for the rise of ills among young children is parents. Parents play a pivotal role in the raising of their children and moulding their characters. However, due to the pursuit of material wealth and career advancement, parents have made their children feel neglected and unloved. Youths then turn to their friends and start to misbehave in order to get their parents attention. 4 The deteriorating discipline in schools is a contributing factor. Schools are given limited power to wield the cane and mete out punishment to errant students. Schools have also becoming boring to many students. They find playing truant more interesting. Besides, the school curriculum does not put equal emphasis on instilling moral and religious principles as well as nurturing the intellect. 5 Many children run away from poverty, broken families and abusive parents. An alarming number of youths are physically and mentally abused by their parents. Marital disharmony due to divorce, unemployment and financial problems contributes to family breaks-up and the children end up feeling lost and unloved. They leave the house and mix with the bad hats. 6 Something must be done fast or our youths will ruin their future and become a destructive factor that will undermine nation building. Parents play a crucial role in bringing up their children. There should be communication between children and parents. Parents should keep track of their childrens friends and their movements. Daily discussions about schools, checking their exercise books and going on holiday together will go a long way in creating a strong emotional bond between children and their parents. 7 Schools should play more caring role too. Teachers and counsellors play an important role in teaching discipline and imparting knowledge. They should collaborate with their students parents and let the parents know if their children misbehave, play truant or have problems. Cooperation between schools and parents is important to overcome many disciplinary problems. They should instil religious and moral values in youths so that they can think rationally and evaluate their actions correctly. 8 The government also play an effective role in curbing social ills. The setting up Rakan Muda camps, summer camps and motivational camps can teach youths to be independent and constructive and encourage team spirit. These will contribute to multiracial integration and unity. A disciplined society can contribute to the development of the nature. 9 To put it in a nutshell, the youths of today have to stand up, hold hands with other youths and rise to the challenge of becoming more productive and useful citizens.








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26 From paragraph 2, (a) state one social ill those youths involved in. __________________________________________________________________________ (1mark) (b) state one disease associated with drug abuse. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 27 From paragraph 3, give two reasons why parents neglect their children. Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 28 From paragraph 4, give two reasons why are schools become boring to many students. Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 29 From paragraph 5, (a) which phrase has the same meaning as escape? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) which phrase tells you that people who deliberately stir up problems? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 30 From paragraph 7, (a) (b) define the role of school counsellors. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) explain why it is good for cooperation between schools and parents. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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31 Based on the passage given, write a summary of: social ills face by todays youths the role of parents and schools to help the youths Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must: be in continuous writing form (not in note form) use materials from line 3 to line 37 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below Begin your summary as follows: (15 marks)

Todays youths are plagued with so many social ills which


Section D (20 marks) 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Are you still playing your flute? When there is hardly time for our love I am feeling guilty To be longing for your song The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo Uncovered by the breath of an artist Composed by his fingers Blown by the wind To the depth of my heart Are you still playing your flute? In the village so quiet and deserted Amidst the sick rice field While here it has become a luxury To spend time watching the rain Gazing at the evening rays Collecting dew drops Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers Are you still playing your flute? The more it disturbs my conscience to be thinking of you in the hazard of you my younger brothers unemployed and desperate my people disunited by politics my friends slaughtered mercilessly thus world is too old and bleeding Zurinah Hassan (a) Which phrase in stanza 1 refers to the flute? _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)


(b) In stanza 1, (i) what is hidden in the flute? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (c) (ii) who uncovers it? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) What do you think is a luxury for you as a student? Give a reason to support your answer. Luxury: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. The Curse - Lee Su Ann Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Based on the novel that you have read, describe an element of love that is shown in the novel. Support your answer with close reference from the text. (15 marks)


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English Paper 1

Format - Content -

title Name of writer Paragraph

Section A: Directed writing 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 12 marks 20 marks _______ 35 marks

include all the points given

Language - total

Section B: Continuous Writing Impression marking - 50 marks




Paper 2
Section A

1 D 9 C 2 A 10 A 3 B 11 A 4 C 12 B 5 C 13 A 6 D 14 D 7 B 15 C 8 A

Section B 16 RM 297 21 he is travelling during a peak period 17 RM99 22 between 1 November 2013 and 30 April 2014 18 RM149 23 fuel surcharge, insurance levy, airport tax and other applicable charges 19 20 RM 50 RM 149 24 25 the fares on offer are not available during peak periods RM 100 for a one-way ticket

Section C 26 (a) smoking/ taking drugs/ alcoholism/ drink-driving/ illegal rcing/ reckless driving (choose any one) (b) AIDS/ HIV (choose any one)

27 Reason 1: pursuit of material wealth Reason 2: busy themselves with career advancement 28 Reason 1: school curriculum does not put equal emphasis on instilling moral and Religious principles Reason 2: school curriculum does not fully nurture the intellect of students 29 (a) run away (b) bad hats

30 (a) they play an important in teaching discipline and imparting knowledge/ they collaborate with their students parents and let the parents know if their children misbehave, play truant or have problems in school (b) it is good to overcome many disciplinary problems



31 Summary points a) smoking, taking drugs. alcoholism b) drink-driving, reckless driving, illegal racing c) Aids and HIV d) playing truant, vandalism, loiter around e) should be communication between parents and children f) parents should keep track of their childrens friends and their movement g) should have daily discussion about school and checking their exercise books h) going on holidays together i) teachers and counsellors should teach discipline and impart knowledge j) teachers should collaborate with childrens parents inform them if their children misbehave, play truant or have problems k) cooperation between teachers and parents to overcome many disciplinary problems l) both parents and teachers should instil religious and moral values in children *maximum 10 points for content and 5 marks for language Section D 32 (a) slim hollow of the banboo (b) (i) the melody (ii) an artist/ the personas beloved (c) Luxury: accept any logical answer and reason Reason:

33 Content - 10 marks Language - 5 marks


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