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Political Marketing: Gujarat Election 2012

Kumarsambhava Singh Roll No: M13119

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What is Political Marketing? Branding Positioning Visibility Internet Marketing Use of New Technology

What is Political Marketing?

Political Marketing is just not about:
Political Advertisement Party Political Broadcast Electrol Speches

Its Conveing the whole area of party positioning in Electotal Market. It can be termed as Electionery.

A Unique Brand of Mr. Modi was created by following ways.
Posters having comparision with Sardar Patel NAMO was used to creat verble brand identity. Tagelines used were Jeetega Gujarat Sab ka sath Sab ka Viswas A new term Gujarat Model of Development was floated.

Brand Modi was Positioned against UPA-2 Central Government.


Modi vs UPA-II
Gujarat Development and Growth vs UPA-II corruption and falling Economy. Voting for Future Prime Minister STRONG LEADER VS MANMOHAN SINGH

Influencer Maketing

Focus is placed on specific key individual

Whole election was fought around Mr. Modi

People were made to belive that they wer voting for future PM.

Modi was visible in every BJP and state Govt. Hoaldings. Modi Masks were Circulated.

Internet Marketing
A group of 275 members were engaged in
Discussion on social media Post information on events and dates related to election Following every post on Facebook and Twitter. Constantly updating Tech-savy Modis Micro Blogging sites.

Live video Conference and chat on Google + Hangouts.

Use of New Technology

3D Modi:

Political Merchandise:
Tshirts and merchandise having Modi photo or name were available for sale.


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