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Montana Phillips, Massinda Marsh, Kenzie Estep, Olivia Bowman

What is Viking New Tech?

Viking new tech is a project based learning environment. Where you can get to work with people you may not know. When you are in here be aware that you take control of your own learning. This is a commitment to yourself.

When any freshman presents the audience is the panelist that is the guidance councilors and Administers. Youve got to be very professional and responsible meaning no slacking off, no goofing around . When projects to come around dress appropriately for what you are presenting! You might be nervous the fist couple of projects but eventually it will be easy! When asked a question you dont know say I'm not sure, ill get back to you on that. Dont always assume you being to loud if you think you are yelling go even louder! For you opening give something to pull the audience in!

1. Meeting new people 2. Finding classes 3. Finding locker 4. Dealing with upper class Men 5. Getting use to the teachers 6. Making your own rules 7. Presenting for the first time. 8. Using the computers 9. Bells 10.Getting use to the lunch

21st centaury skills

Written communication- getting information and rewording/writing it in a different war. Agency- turning your work in on time or you wont get a good grade. Knowledge-and thinking- what you want to know about the subject. Collaboration- work together as a group, not just by yourself. Oral communication- how you present the information you found about the subject.

It helps you a lot with how you present in front of people if you dont know everything to do. If you like working with people in a group, VNT gives you the opportunity to do that.

Surviving the first day will be hard. But it will get easier down the road. Things to survive is getting homework done on time, get projects done on time, and waking up on time. High school is nothing like your middle school.

One other thing in high school as a general foundation the whole concept is if you want to survive respect people and administrators. As this message goes to every one of you listen carefully and try to make your next 4 years a blast. Create your future!!!


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Viking New Tech Picture: Viking New Tech Picture: Person Presenting:

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