V8 SuperCharger Alpha Milestone Special - SH

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#!/system/bin/sh # V8 SuperCharger, OOM Grouping & Priority Fixes created by zeppelinrox.

echo " REMINDER: ONLY USE BUSYBOX v1.18.2 OR LOWER!!" #set -o errexit cat > /sdcard/V8SuperCharger.html <<EOF Hi! I hope that the V8 SuperCharger script is working well for you!<br> <br> First be sure to have <a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=com.jrummy.b usybox.installer">BusyBox</a> installed or else the scripts won't work!<br> Also, only install <b>BusyBox v1.18.2 or lower!</b> v1.18.3 and above sometimes give errors on some ROMs!<br> <br> A nice app for running the script is <a href="http://market.android.com/details? id=os.tools.scriptmanager">Script Manager</a><br> It can even load scripts on boot - on ANY ROM!<br> Plus, it even has WIDGETS!<br> So you can actually put a V8 SuperCharger shortcut on your desktop, launch it, a nd have a quick peek at your current status!<br> <br> But first, you need to set up Script Manager properly!<br> In the "Config" settings, enable "Browse as Root."<br> Then browse to where you saved the V8 SuperCharger script, select it, and in the script's properties box, be sure to select "Run as Root."<br> <b>Do NOT run this file at boot!</b> (You don't want to run the install on every boot, do you?)<br> Run the V8 SuperCharger script, touch the screen to access the soft keyboard, an d enter your choice :)<br> <br> <b>Stock ROMs</b>: After running the script, have Script Manager load the newly created <b>/data/99SuperCharger.sh</b> on boot<br> In the "Config" settings, be sure that "Browse as Root" is enabled.<br> Press the menu key and then Browser. Navigate up to the root, then click on the "data" folder.<br> Click on 99SuperCharger.sh and select "Script" from the "Open As" menu.<br> In the properties dialogue box, check "Run as root" and "Run at boot" and "Save" .<br> And that's it!<br> Script Manager will load your most recent settings on boot!<br> If you run the script later and with different settings, you don't have to recon figure anything.<br> Script Manager will just load the new /data/99SuperCharger.sh on boot automagica lly :)<br> <br> <b>Custom ROMs</b>: If you have a custom rom that loads /system/etc/init.d boot scripts,<br> You DON'T need to use Script Manager to load a boot script. It will all be autom atic!<br> Also, if you can run boot scripts from the /system/etc/init.d folder, there are other options.<br> For example you can use an app like Terminal Emulator to run the script.<br> I've even made a special version for Terminal Emulator which has 60 colums :)<br > If your ROM has the option, <b>DISABLE "Lock Home In Memory.</b> This takes effe ct immediately.<br> Alternately, <u>if you need to free up extra ram</u>, you can use "Lock Home in Memory" as a "Saftey Lock".<br> ie. Use it to toggle your launcher from "Bulletproof" (0) or Die-Hard (1) to "We ak" (2) in the event that you want to make the launcher an easy kill and free up extra ram ;)<br> <br>

<b>If Settings Don't Stick:</b> If you have Auto Memory Manager, DISABLE SuperUs er permissions and if you have AutoKiller Memory Optimizer, DISABLE the apply se ttings at boot option!<br> Also, if you have a <b>Custom ROM</b>, there might be something in the init.d fo lder that interferes with priorities and minfrees.<br> If you can't find the problem, a quick fix is to have Script Manager run <b>/sys tem/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger</b> "at boot" and "as root."<br> <br> For those with a <b>Milestone</b>, I made a version for <b>Androidiani Open Reco very</b> too :D<br> Just extract the zip to the root of the sdcard (it contains the directory struct ure), load AOR, and there will be a SuperCharger Menu on the main screen! <br> <br> <b>Overclocker:</b> Only for Custom ROMs with the init.d folder! And ONLY for ad vanced users!!<br> Basically, this is a shortcut to having to edit an overclock script file manuall y.<br> A new overclock file is created and any other overclock settings/modules remain the same.<br> All that the new file does is override previously loaded mhz and vsel values<br> The "backup" is to merely delete the overclock file that the V8 SuperCharger cre ated ;)<br> <br> For more SuperCharging help and info,<br> See the <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276">V8 Sup erCharger Thread</a><br> Feedback is Welcome!<br> <br> -=zeppelinrox=- @ <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=9912 76">XDA</a> & <a href="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/148268-scrip t-v6-supercharger-htk-bulletproof-launchers-fix-memory-all-androids.html">Droid< /a> Forums<br> EOF reset="\e[0m";black="\e[0;30m";blackbold="\e[1;30m";red="\e[0;31m";redbold="\e[1 ;31m";green="\e[0;32m";greenbold="\e[1;32m";yellow="\e[0;33m";yellowbold="\e[1;3 3m";blue="\e[0;34m";bluebold="\e[1;34m";magneta="\e[0;35m";magnetabold="\e[1;35m ";cyan="\e[0;36m";cyanbold="\e[1;36m";white="\e[0;37m";whitebold="\e[1;37m" hilite=$yellow titles=$greenbold colour=$cyan error=0 ocerror=0 speed=2 sleep="sleep $speed" clear smrun=`pidof os.tools.scriptmanager` echo " REMINDER: ONLY USE BUSYBOX v1.18.2 OR LOWER!!" echo "" if [[ -n "$smrun" ]]; then echo -e $hilite" Touch the screen to bring up soft keyboard."$reset else echo -e $hilite" Try Script Manager... it's easier!"$reset fi echo "" echo -e " Settings: "$titles"Titles, "$colour"Text, "$reset"Scrolling Speed = $s peed." echo "" echo " Customize colours and scrolling speed?" echo -n " Enter Y for Yes, any key for defaults: " read customcolours

case $customcolours in y|Y)custom=1;; *)echo -e $colour echo " Default theme loaded...";; esac if [ "$custom" -eq 1 ] 2>/dev/null; then while : do echo "" echo -e $titles" Title Colour: "$cyanbold"C-yan,"$whitebold"W-hite,"$gre enbold"G-reen,"$redbold"R-ed,"$magnetabold"M-agneta"$reset echo -n " Choose a title colour: " read ctitles case $ctitles in c|C)titles=$cyanbold;tt=c;break;; w|W)titles=$whitebold;tt=w;break;; g|G)titles=$greenbold;tt=g;break;; r|R)titles=$redbold;tt=r;break;; m|M)titles=$magnetabold;tt=m;break;; *)echo "" echo -e $hilite" Invalid entry... Please try again..." sleep 2 echo -e $reset clear if [[ -n "$smrun" ]]; then echo -e $hilite" Touch the screen to bring up soft key board."$reset else echo -e $hilite" Try Script Manager... it's easier!"$res et fi echo "" echo -e " Settings: "$titles"Titles, "$colour"Text, "$reset"Sc rolling Speed = $speed." echo "" echo " Customize colours and scrolling speed?" echo " Enter Y for Yes, any key for defaults: $customcolours"; ; esac done while : do echo -e $reset clear if [[ -n "$smrun" ]]; then echo -e $hilite" Touch the screen to bring up soft keyboard."$ reset else echo -e $hilite" Try Script Manager... it's easier!"$reset fi echo "" echo -e " Settings: "$titles"Titles, "$colour"Text, "$reset"Scrolling Sp eed = $speed." echo "" echo " Customize colours and scrolling speed?" echo " Enter Y for Yes, any key for defaults: $customcolours" echo "" echo -e $titles" Title Colour: "$cyanbold"C-yan,"$whitebold"W-hite,"$gre enbold"G-reen,"$redbold"R-ed,"$magnetabold"M-agneta"$reset echo " Choose a title colour: "$tt

echo "" echo -e $colour" Text Colour: "$cyan"C-yan,"$white"W-hite,"$green"G-ree n,"$red"R-ed,"$magneta"M-agneta"$reset echo -n " Choose a text colour: " read ccolour case $ccolour in c|C)colour=$cyan;cl=c;break;; w|W)colour=$white;cl=w;break;; g|G)colour=$green;cl=g;break;; r|R)colour=$red;cl=r;break;; m|M)colour=$magneta;cl=m;break;; *)echo "" echo -e $hilite" Invalid entry... Please try again..." sleep 2;; esac done while : do echo -e $reset clear if [[ -n "$smrun" ]]; then echo -e $hilite" Touch the screen to bring up soft keyboard."$ reset else echo -e $hilite" Try Script Manager... it's easier!"$reset fi echo "" echo -e " Settings: "$titles"Titles, "$colour"Text, "$reset"Scrolling Sp eed = $speed." echo "" echo " Customize colours and scrolling speed?" echo " Enter Y for Yes, any key for defaults: $customcolours" echo "" echo -e $titles" Title Colour: "$cyanbold"C-yan,"$whitebold"W-hite,"$gre enbold"G-reen,"$redbold"R-ed,"$magnetabold"M-agneta"$reset echo " Choose a title colour: "$tt echo "" echo -e $colour" Text Colour: "$cyan"C-yan,"$white"W-hite,"$green"G-ree n,"$red"R-ed,"$magneta"M-agneta"$reset echo " Choose a text colour: "$cl echo -e $colour echo " Scrolling speed options..." echo "" echo " 0(no waiting), 1(fast), 2(normal), 3(slow)" echo "" echo -n " Please select scrolling speed (0 - 3): " read cspeed case $cspeed in 0)sleep="sleep $cspeed";break;; 1)sleep="sleep $cspeed";break;; 2)sleep="sleep $cspeed";break;; 3)sleep="sleep $cspeed";break;; *)echo "" echo -e $hilite" Invalid entry... Please try again..." $sleep;; esac done fi info=$titles sig=$titles

line=$titles================================================ $sleep while : echo "" do HL=`getprop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ`;FA=`getprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ`;PA=`getprop ro. PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ`;VA=`getprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ` if [[ -z "$PA" ]]; then froyo=1 else froyo=0 fi MB0=4;MB1=0;MB2=0;MB3=0;MB4=0;MB5=0;MB6=0 SP1=0;SL1=0;SL2=0;SL3=0;SL4=0;SL5=0;SL6=0 echo -e $line echo -e $hilite"For Help & Info see /sdcard/V8SuperCharger.html" echo -e $line $sleep echo "\\\\\\\\ V 8 S U P E R C H A R G E R - M E N U ////" echo " ==============================================" echo -e $colour echo " 1. SuperCharger & Launcher Status" echo " 2. Aggressive 1 Settings {6,8,24,30,40,50 mb}" echo " 3. Aggressive 2 Settings {6,8,25,30,35,35 mb}" echo " 4. Balanced 1 Settings {6,8,24,26,28,30 mb}" echo " 5. Balanced 2 Settings {6,8,26,27,28,28 mb}" echo " 6. Balanced 3 Settings {6,8,26,28,30,32 mb}" echo " 7. MultiTasking Settings {6,8,22,24,26,26 mb}" echo " 8. Gaming Settings {6,20,40,70,80,90 mb}" echo " 9. MegaMemory Device {6,12,75,125,150,175 mb}" echo "10. Cust-OOMized Settings {See Slot 3 Tips!}" echo "11. OOM Grouping Fixes + Die-Hard Launcher" echo "12. OOM Grouping Fixes + BulletProof Launcher" echo "13. UnDo Kernel/Memory Tweaks" echo "14. UnSuperCharger" echo "15. 3G TurboCharger + Hardware Acceleration" echo "16. Overclocker {99sc-overclock SuperCedes OC}" echo "17. UnOverclocker {Removes 99sc-overclock}" echo "18. REBOOT! (WARNING - There is NO Warning!)" echo "19. Exit" echo -e $hilite awk -F , '{print " NOTE: Current minfrees = "$1/256,$2/256,$3/256,$4/256,$5/256 ,$6/256 " mb"}' /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree echo -n " Launcher is.... "; if [ "$HL" -gt "$VA" ]; then echo "so.... weak.... :(" status=4 elif [ "$HL" -eq "$VA" ]; then echo "Locked In Memory!" status=3 elif [ "$froyo" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$HL" -eq "$FA" ]; then echo "BULLETPROOF!" status=1 else echo "HARD TO KILL!" status=2 fi else if [ "$HL" -ge "$FA" ] && [ "$HL" -lt "$PA" ]; then

echo "BULLETPROOF!" status=1 else echo "HARD TO KILL!" status=2 fi fi echo -e $colour echo " Disable Lock Home in Memory &..." echo " Disable Compcache & wipe caches if lag occurs!" echo "" if [[ -n "$smrun" ]]; then echo " In Config, select Run as Root & Browse as Root!" echo -e " But "$hilite"DO NOT"$colour" run this script at boot!" echo "" echo " For a quick status check..." echo " ...put a V8 SuperCharger WIDGET on the desktop!" else echo " Optimized for display with Script Manager." echo "" echo " SM can give you a quick status check..." echo " ...Put a V8 SuperCharger WIDGET on the desktop!" echo " ...Try it! :)" fi echo "" echo -e $hilite" Slot 3 Sets Free RAM & is your New Task Killer!" echo "" echo -n " Please make a selection (1 - 18): " read opt echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -ne 19 ] 2>/dev/null; then mount -o remount,rw /system 2>/dev/null for m in /dev/block/mtdblock* do mount -o remount,rw $m /system 2>/dev/null done fi echo -e $line echo " \\\\\\\\ V8 SUPERCHARGER ////" echo " =======================" echo -e $hilite $sleep case $opt in 1) echo " V8 SUPERCHARGER AND LAUNCHER STATUS!";; 2) echo " AGGRESSIVE 1 + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Aggressive 1" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=24;MB4=30;MB5=40;MB6=50;; 3) echo " AGGRESSIVE 2 + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Aggressive 2" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=25;MB4=30;MB5=35;MB6=35;; 4) echo " BALANCED 1 + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Balanced 1" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=24;MB4=26;MB5=28;MB6=30;; 5) echo " BALANCED 2 + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Balanced 2" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=26;MB4=27;MB5=28;MB6=28;; 6) echo " BALANCED 3 + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Balanced 3" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=26;MB4=28;MB5=30;MB6=32;;

7) echo " MULTITASKING + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="MultiTasking" MB1=6;MB2=8;MB3=22;MB4=24;MB5=26;MB6=26;; 8) echo " GAMING + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="Gaming" MB1=6;MB2=20;MB3=40;MB4=70;MB5=80;MB6=90;; 9) echo " MEGAMEMORY + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="MegaMemory" MB1=6;MB2=12;MB3=75;MB4=125;MB5=150;MB6=175;; 10)echo " CUST-OOMIZER + DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!" CONFIG="CUST-OOMIZED" echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep echo " Enter your desired lowmemorykiller OOM levels!" echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" Slot 3 determines your fee ram the most!!"$colour echo "" $sleep echo " To restart, enter a letter to go to main menu." echo -e $hilite $sleep echo -n " Slot 1: ";read MB1 if [ "$MB1" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " Slot 2: ";read MB2 if [ "$MB2" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " Slot 3: ";read MB3 if [ "$MB3" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " Slot 4: ";read MB4 if [ "$MB4" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " Slot 5: " ;read MB5 if [ "$MB5" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " Slot 6: ";read MB6 if [ "$MB6" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "" echo " Cust-OOMiz ed Settings Accepted!" else error=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi echo "";;

11)echo " OOM GROUPING FIXES PLUS..." echo "" echo " ...DIE-HARD LAUNCHER!";; 12)echo " OOM GROUPING FIXES PLUS..." echo "" echo " ...BULLETPROOF LAUNCHER!";; 13)echo -e $titles" ===================" echo " //// UNKERNELIZER \\\\\\\\";; 14)echo -e $titles" =====================" echo " //// UNSUPERCHARGER \\\\\\\\";; 15)echo -e $titles" ======================" echo " //// 3G TURBOCHARGER \\\\\\\\";; 16)echo -e $titles" ==================" echo " //// OVERCLOCKER \\\\\\\\" echo -e $line echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" WARNING: For Advanced Users only!!" $sleep echo " For Custom ROMs only!!" echo " This may have no effect on some Custom ROMs :p" echo -e $colour $sleep echo " This creates /system/init.d/99sc-overclock" $sleep echo " Current overclock files are untouched..." echo " 99sc-overclock merely updates mhz and vsel!" echo "" $sleep echo " Guide for entering your 5 desired steppings..." echo -e $hilite $sleep echo " Maximum Speed = 1200 mhz - Maximum vsel = 80" echo " Minimum Speed = 125 mhz - Minimum vsel = 18" echo -e $colour $sleep echo " ENTER THE TOP SPEED AND VSEL FIRST! (in mhz)" $sleep echo "" echo " EACH VALUE MUST BE LOWER THAN PRIOR VALUE" echo "" $sleep echo " To restart, enter a letter to go to main menu." echo -e $hilite $sleep echo -n " 5th Gear mhz: ";read MHZ5 if [ "$MHZ5" -ge 125 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$MHZ5" -le 1200 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo -n " vsel 5: ";read VSEL5 if [ "$VSEL5" -ge 18 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$VSEL5" -le 80 ] 2>/dev /null; then echo -n " 4th Gear mhz: ";read MHZ4 if [ "$MHZ4" -ge 125 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$MHZ4" -le 1200 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$MHZ5" -gt "$MHZ4" ];then echo -n " v sel 4: ";read VSEL4 if [ "$VSEL4" -ge 18 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$VSEL4" -le 80 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$VSEL5" -gt "$VSEL4" ]; th

en echo -n " r mhz: ";read MHZ3 if [ "$MHZ3" -ge 125 ] 2 >/dev/null && [ "$MHZ3" -le 1200 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$MHZ4" -gt "$MHZ3" ];then echo -n " vsel 3: ";read VSEL3 if [ "$V SEL3" -ge 18 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$VSEL3" -le 80 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$VSEL4" -gt "$VSEL3" ];then echo -n " 2nd Gear mhz: ";read MHZ2 3rd Gea

if [ "$MHZ2" -ge 125 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$MHZ2" -le 1200 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$MHZ3" -gt "$MHZ2" ]; then echo -n " vsel 2: ";read VSEL2

if [ "$VSEL2" -ge 18 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$VSEL2" -le 80 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$VSEL3" -gt "$VSEL2" ]; then echo -n " 1st Gear mhz: ";read MHZ1

if [ "$MHZ1" -ge 125 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$MHZ1" -le 1200 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$MHZ2" -gt "$MHZ1" ]; then echo -n " vsel 1: ";read VSEL1

if [ "$VSEL1" -ge 18 ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$VSEL1" -le 80 ] 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$VSEL2" -gt "$VSEL1" ]; then else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1

fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror= 1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else ocerror=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi else error=1 fi

echo "";; 17)echo -e $titles" ====================" echo " //// UNOVERCLOCKER \\\\\\\\";; 18)echo " !!POOF!!" $sleep reboot;; 19)echo " Did you find this useful? Feedback is welcome!";; *) echo -e " #!*@%$*?%@&)&*#!*?(*)(*)&(!)%#!&?@#$*%&?&$%$*#?!"$colour echo "" sleep 2 echo " oops.. typo?! $opt is an Invalid Option!" echo "" $sleep echo " 1 <= Valid Option => 18 !!"; echo "" $sleep echo -n " hehe... Press Enter key to continue... ;) "; read enterKey echo "" opt=0;; esac if [ "$opt" -ge 1 ] && [ "$opt" -le 19 ]; then echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep fi if [ "$error" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e $hilite" Input Error! Try again :)" error=0 sleep 2 elif [ "$ocerror" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e $hilite" Input Error! Last value entered was too high!" echo "" sleep 2 echo " Try again :)" ocerror=0 sleep 2 else if [ "$opt" -eq 1 ]; then echo " Out Of Memory (OOM) / lowmemorykiller values:" echo "" $sleep echo " "`cat /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfr ee` pages echo -e $hilite $sleep awk -F , '{print " Which means: "$1/256",",$2/256",",$3/256",", $4/256",",$5/256",",$6/256 " mb"}' /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfre e echo "" echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep echo " Home Launcher Priority is: $HL" echo "" $sleep echo " Foreground App Priority is: $FA" echo "" $sleep echo " Visible App Priority is: $VA"

echo "" $sleep if [ "$HL" -le "$FA" ]; then echo -e $hilite" Home Launcher = Foreground App = BULLET PROOF!" elif [ "$HL" -gt "$FA" ] && [ "$HL" -lt "$VA" ]; then echo " Launcher is greater than Foreground App..." echo "" $sleep echo " ...and it is less than Visible App..." echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" Home Launcher is DIE-HARD!" elif [ "$HL" -eq "$VA" ]; then echo -e $hilite"Home Launcher = Visible App = Locked In Memory!" else [ "$HL" -gt "$VA" ] echo " Launcher is greater than Visible App..." echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" Wow, that's one weak ass launc her! :(" fi echo -e $colour $sleep echo " BUT if Home is Locked in Memory,it's really $VA!" echo "" $sleep echo " ie. Home Launcher =Visible App= Pretty Weak :P" echo "" echo -e $line echo "" $sleep echo -e $sig" SuperCharger and Launcher Status..." fi if [ "$opt" -ge 2 ] && [ "$opt" -le 14 ]; then if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then SP1=$(($MB0*256));SL1=$(($MB1*256));SL2=$(($MB2*256));SL 3=$(($MB3*256));SL4=$(($MB4*256));SL5=$(($MB5*256));SL6=$(($MB6*256)) echo -e $hilite" zoom... zoom..." echo "" $sleep fi if [ "$opt" -eq 11 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo " This toggles the launcher between..." echo "" echo " ...Die-Hard and BulletProof" echo "" echo -e $hilite" Minfree values will remain unchanged!" echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo -e $hilite" WARNING: BulletProofing is not recommended..." echo " ...It can have negative eff ects!" echo -e $colour echo -n " Continue? Enter Y for Yes, any key for No: " read bp

case $bp in y|Y)echo " Okaaaay... if you say so..." echo "";; *)opt=99;; esac $sleep fi fi if [ "$opt" -le 12 ]; then echo -e $info"============= Information Section ====== ======" echo " echo -e $colour $sleep ======================="

fi if [ "$opt" -ne 13 ]; then if [ -f "/sdcard/V8UnSuperCharged.html" ]; then rm /sdcard/V8UnSuperCharged.html fi if [ -f "/sdcard/V8SuperChargerHelp.html" ]; then rm /sdcard/V8SuperChargerHelp.html fi if [ -f "/sdcard/V8SuperChargerScriptManagerHelp.html" ] ; then rm /sdcard/V8SuperChargerScriptManagerHelp.html fi sed -i '/.*_ADJ/d' /data/local.prop sed -i '/.*_ADJ/d' /system/build.prop sed -i '/.*99SuperCharger/d' /data/local/userinit.sh fi if [ "$opt" -le 13 ] && [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_u mts.rc" ]; then echo " Found /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc" echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -eq 11 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo " init.mapphone_umts.rc will be OOM Fixed!" elif [ "$opt" -eq 13 ]; then echo " init.mapphone_umts.rc to be UnKernelized! " else echo " init.mapphone_umts.rc to be SuperCharged! " fi echo "" $sleep if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc.unsupe r" ]; then echo " Backup already exists... leaving backup i ntact" else echo " Backing up ORIGINAL settings..." cp -r /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc / system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc.unsuper fi echo "" $sleep fi if [ "$opt" -eq 14 ]; then echo -e $hilite" UNSUPERCHARGE..."

echo "" sleep 1 echo " ...UNFIX OOM GROUPINGS..." echo "" sleep 1 echo " ...RESTORE WEAK ASS LAUNCHER" echo "" echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep echo " UnSuperCharging Performance...." echo "" $sleep if [ -f "/sdcard/V8UnSuperChargerError.html" ]; then rm /sdcard/V8UnSuperChargerError.html fi if [ ! -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger" ] && [ ! f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" ] && [ ! -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.r c" ] && [ ! -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc.unsuper" ]; then echo -e $hilite" I Got Nothing To Do! Try SuperC harging first!" echo "" $sleep cat > /sdcard/V8UnSuperCharged.html <<EOF There was nothing to uninstall!<br> <br> For more SuperCharging help and info,<br> See the <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276">V8 Sup erCharger Thread</a><br> Feedback is Welcome!<br> <br> -=zeppelinrox=- @ <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=9912 76">XDA</a> & <a href="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/148268-scrip t-v6-supercharger-htk-bulletproof-launchers-fix-memory-all-androids.html">Droid< /a> Forums<br> EOF echo -e $line echo -e $hilite"See /sdcard/V8UnSuperCharged.htm l for more help!" echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep fi if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc.unsupe r" ]; then echo -e $hilite" BACKUP FOUND!"$ colour echo "" $sleep echo "Restore /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_u mts.rc" echo "" $sleep cp -fr /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc. unsuper /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc fi if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc" ]; th en if [ ! -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts .rc.unsuper" ]; then

echo -e $hilite" ERROR... ERROR..."


echo "" $sleep echo " BACKUP NOT FOUND!" echo "" $sleep echo "CAN'T restore your ROM's default m infree values!" echo "" sleep 3 cat > /sdcard/V8UnSuperChargerError.html <<EOF The backup file, /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc.unsuper,<br> WAS NOT found! Please do a manual restore of init.mapphone_umts.rc<br> from you ROM's update file!<br> <br> For more SuperCharging help and info,<br> See the <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276">V8 Sup erCharger Thread</a><br> Feedback is Welcome!<br> <br> -=zeppelinrox=- @ <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=9912 76">XDA</a> & <a href="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/148268-scrip t-v6-supercharger-htk-bulletproof-launchers-fix-memory-all-androids.html">Droid< /a> Forums<br> EOF echo -e $line echo -e $hilite"See /sdcard/V8UnSuperCha rgerError.html for help!" echo -e $hilite echo "" sleep 4 echo " Clean /system/etc/rootfs/init.map phone_umts.rc" echo "" sed -i '/.*_ADJ/d' /system/etc/rootfs/in it.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/parameters\/adj/d' /system/etc/ rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/vm\/.*oom.*/d' /system/etc/root fs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/kernel\/panic.*/d' /system/etc/ rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc $sleep fi fi fi if [ "$opt" -le 10 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 14 ]; then sed -i '/.*_MEM/d' /data/local.prop sed -i '/.*_MEM/d' /system/build.prop if [ -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger" ]; then echo " Cleaning Up SuperCharge from init.d folde r" echo "" $sleep echo " Cleaning Up Grouping Fixes from init.d fo lder" echo "" rm /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger $sleep

fi if [ -f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" ]; then echo " Cleaning Up SuperCharge from /data folder " echo "" $sleep echo " Cleaning Up Grouping Fixes from /data fol der" echo "" rm /data/99SuperCharger.sh $sleep fi fi if [ "$opt" -eq 14 ]; then if [ ! -f "/sdcard/V8UnSuperCharged.html" ]; then echo " Removed Kernel/Memory Tweaks..." echo "" $sleep if [ ! -f "/sdcard/V8UnSuperChargerError.html" ] ; then echo " Your ROM's default minfree values are restored!" echo "" $sleep fi echo " Out Of Memory (OOM) Groupings UnFixed..." echo "" $sleep echo " ...OOM Priorities UnFixed. .." echo "" $sleep echo " ed :(" echo "" $sleep echo " UnSuperCharging Complete..." echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" REBOOT NOW FOR UNSUPERCHARGE T O TAKE EFFECT!" echo "" echo -e $line echo "" $sleep fi echo -e $sig" UnSuperCharging..." fi if [ "$opt" -eq 11 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc" ]; th en sed -i '/parameters\/adj/d' /system/etc/rootfs/i nit.mapphone_umts.rc fi if [ -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger" ]; then echo " Removing Prior Grouping Fixes from init.d folder" echo "" sed -i '/parameters\/adj/d' /system/etc/init.d/9 9SuperCharger Weak Ass Launcher Restor

$sleep fi if [ -f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" ]; then echo " Removing Prior Grouping Fixes from /data folder" echo "" sed -i '/parameters\/adj/d' /data/99SuperCharger .sh $sleep fi fi if [ "$opt" -le 13 ]; then if [ "$opt" -eq 13 ]; then echo " Removing Kernel/Memory Tweaks..." echo "" $sleep fi if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc" ]; th en if [ "$opt" -ne 13 ]; then sed -i '/.*_ADJ/d' /system/etc/rootfs/in it.mapphone_umts.rc fi sed -i '/vm\/.*oom.*/d' /system/etc/rootfs/init. mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/kernel\/panic.*/d' /system/etc/rootfs/i nit.mapphone_umts.rc fi if [ -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger" ]; then sed -i '/.*oom.*/d' /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCh arger sed -i '/.*panic.*/d' /system/etc/init.d/99Super Charger fi if [ -f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" ]; then sed -i '/.*oom.*/d' /data/99SuperCharger.sh sed -i '/.*panic.*/d' /data/99SuperCharger.sh fi if [ "$opt" -eq 13 ]; then echo " ...Kernel/Memory Tweaks Rem oved!" $sleep fi fi if [ "$opt" -le 12 ]; then echo -e $line$colour if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo -e $hilite" SuperCharging Performance: $CON FIG!" echo -e $line$colour echo "" $sleep echo " Out Of Memory (OOM) / lowmemorykiller val ues:" echo "" $sleep awk -F , '{print " Old MB = "$1/256",",$2/256 ",",$3/256",",$4/256",",$5/256",",$6/256 " mb"}' /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/par ameters/minfree echo -e $hilite" New MB = $MB1, $MB2, $MB3, $

MB4, $MB5, $MB6 mb"$colour echo "" $sleep echo " Old Pages = "`cat /sys/module/lowmemoryki ller/parameters/minfree` echo -e $hilite" New Pages = $SL1,$SL2,$SL3,$SL4 ,$SL5,$SL6"$colour $sleep fi if [ -f "/system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc" ]; th en if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then sed -i '/.*_MEM/d' /system/etc/rootfs/in it.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/lowmemorykiller/d' /system/etc/ rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc fi echo "" echo " Fixing Out Of Memory (OOM) Groupings..." echo "" sed -i '/on boot/ a\ write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 0,2,4,7,14,15' /system/etc/ rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc $sleep echo " ...Fixing OOM Prioriti es..." echo "" $sleep sed -i '/on early/ a\ setprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ 0' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ 2' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ 1' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ 3' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_ADJ 4' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ 6' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ 2' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.HOME_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ 7' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_ADJ 8' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ 15' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc echo " ...OOM Groupings and Priorities are now f ixed!" echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo " Applying BulletProof Launcher..." echo "" $sleep sed -i 's/.* ro.HOME_APP_ADJ .*/ setp rop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ 0/' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc echo " Launcher is no Longer Die-Hard... "

echo "" $sleep echo " BULLETPROOF!" else


echo " Applying Die-Hard Launcher..." echo "" $sleep sed -i 's/.* ro.HOME_APP_ADJ .*/ setp rop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ 1/' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc echo " ...Die-Hard Laun cher APPLIED!" fi echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then sed -i '/lowmemorykiller/ a\ write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree '$SL1,$SL2,$SL3,$SL4,$S L5,$SL6 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ/ a\ setprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM '$SL1 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM '$SL2 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_MEM '$SP1 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.r c sed -i '/ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_MEM '$SL3 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts. rc sed -i '/ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM '$SL3 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts. rc sed -i '/ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM '$SL4 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.HOME_APP_MEM '$SP1 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.HOME_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM '$SL4 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM '$SL5 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts. rc sed -i '/ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM/ a\ setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM '$SL6 /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc fi echo " Applying Kernel/Memory Tweaks..." echo "" $sleep echo " oom_kill_allocating_task = 0" echo " panic_on_oom = 0" echo " panic_on_oops = 1" echo " panic = 0" echo "" $sleep sed -i '/minfree/ a\ write /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_allocating_task 0' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapph one_umts.rc sed -i '/oom_kill_allocating_task/ a\ write /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_oom 0' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc sed -i '/panic_on_oom/ a\ write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umt

s.rc sed -i '/panic_on_oops/ a\ write /proc/sys/kernel/panic 0' /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc else echo "" echo " Fixing Out Of Memory (OOM) Groupings..." echo "" $sleep echo " ...Fixing OOM Prioriti es..." echo "" $sleep cat >> /data/local.prop <<EOF ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ=0 ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ=2 ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ=1 ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ=3 ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_ADJ=4 ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ=6 ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=2 ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ=7 ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_ADJ=8 ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ=15 EOF echo " ...OOM Groupings and Priorities are now f ixed!" echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo " Applying BulletProof Launcher..." echo "" $sleep sed -i 's/ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=.*/ro.HOME_APP _ADJ=0/' /data/local.prop echo " Launcher is no Longer Die-Hard... " echo "" $sleep echo " ...It's BULLETPROOF!" else echo " Applying Die-Hard Launcher..." echo "" $sleep sed -i 's/ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=.*/ro.HOME_APP _ADJ=1/' /data/local.prop echo " ...Die-Hard Laun cher APPLIED!" fi echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then cat >> /data/local.prop <<EOF ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM=$SL1 ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM=$SL2 ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_MEM=$SP1 ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_MEM=$SL3 ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM=$SL3 ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM=$SL4 ro.HOME_APP_MEM=$SP1

ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM=$SL4 ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM=$SL5 ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM=$SL6 EOF fi echo " Applying Kernel/Memory Tweaks..." echo "" $sleep echo " oom_kill_allocating_task = echo " panic_on_oom = echo " panic_on_oops = echo " panic = echo "" $sleep if [ -d "/system/etc/init.d" ]; then if [ -f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" n rm /data/99SuperCharger.sh fi if [ ! -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCha rger" ]; then echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /syste m/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger fi echo "echo "0,2,4,7,14,15" > /sys/module /lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj;" >> /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo "echo "$SL1,$SL2,$SL3,$SL4, $SL5,$SL6" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree;" >> /system/etc/ini t.d/99SuperCharger fi echo "echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_a llocating_task;" >> /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger echo "echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_o om;" >> /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger echo "busybox sysctl -w kernel.panic_on_ oops=1;" >> /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger echo "busybox sysctl -w kernel.panic=0;" >> /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger chown 0.0 /system/etc/init.d/99SuperChar ger chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/99SuperChar ger if [ ! -f "/data/local/userinit.sh" ]; t hen echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /data/ local/userinit.sh fi echo "sh /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharg er;" >> /data/local/userinit.sh chown 0.0 /data/local/userinit.sh chmod 777 /data/local/userinit.sh else if [ -f "/system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharg er" ]; then rm /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCha rger fi if [ ! -f "/data/99SuperCharger.sh" ]; t hen

0" 0" 1" 0"

]; the

echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /data/ 99SuperCharger.sh fi echo "echo "0,2,4,7,14,15" > /sys/module /lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj;" >> /data/99SuperCharger.sh if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo "echo "$SL1,$SL2,$SL3,$SL4, $SL5,$SL6" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree;" >> /data/99SuperCh arger.sh fi echo "echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_a llocating_task;" >> /data/99SuperCharger.sh echo "echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_o om;" >> /data/99SuperCharger.sh echo "busybox sysctl -w kernel.panic_on_ oops=1;" >> /data/99SuperCharger.sh echo "busybox sysctl -w kernel.panic=0;" >> /data/99SuperCharger.sh echo -e $hilite" SORRY, INCOMPATIBLE ROM ! - but not for long ;)"$colour echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo " Some Changes are TEMPORAR Y & WON'T PERSIST!" echo "" $sleep echo " To enable PERSISTENT Supe rCharger settings..." echo "" $sleep echo "...Die-Hard Launcher and O OM Grouping Fixes..." else echo " To enable PERSISTENT OOM Grouping Fixes..." fi echo -e $hilite $sleep if [ $smrun -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then cat > /sdcard/V8SuperChargerScriptManagerHelp.html <<EOF Yay! You already have <a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=os.tools.scr iptmanager">Script Manager!</a><br> After running the script, have Script Manager load the newly created <b>/data/99 SuperCharger.sh</b> on boot<br> In the "Config" settings, enable "Browse as Root."<br> Press the menu key and then Browser.<br> Navigate up to the root, then click on the "data" folder.<br> Click on 99SuperCharger.sh and select "Script" from the "Open As" menu.<br> In the properties dialogue box, check "Run as root" and "Run at boot" and "Save" .<br> And that's it!<br> Script Manager will load your most recent settings on boot!<br> If you run the script later and with different settings, you don't have to recon figure anything.<br> Script Manager will just load the new /data/99SuperCharger.sh on boot automagica lly :)<br> <br> For more SuperCharging help and info,<br> See the <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276">V8 Sup

erCharger Thread</a><br> Feedback is Welcome!<br> <br> -=zeppelinrox=- @ <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=9912 76">XDA</a> & <a href="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/148268-scrip t-v6-supercharger-htk-bulletproof-launchers-fix-memory-all-androids.html">Droid< /a> Forums<br> EOF echo " Use THIS app to load 99Su perCharger.sh on boot!" echo "" $sleep echo -e $line echo -e $hilite"See /sdcard/V8Su perChargerScriptManagerHelp.html" echo -e $line$colour else echo " ..Please ENABLE boot scri pts to be run from..." echo " .../syst em/etc/init.d folder!" echo " Easier: Script Manager ca n solve everything ;)" echo "" $sleep cat > /sdcard/V8SuperChargerHelp.html <<EOF To enable init.d boot scripts, go <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showt hread.php?t=1017291">HERE</a><br> This is for Motorolas! At least some of them anyway.<br> If that page is incompatible with your phone, do some reasearch!<br> <br> A very nice and easy solution is to simply use<br> Script Manager to load scripts on boot - on ANY ROM!<br> Here is the <a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=os.tools.scriptmanager ">Market Link</a><br> So first, you use Script Manager to run the V8 SuperCharger script.<br> Then use it again to load the newly created <b>/data/99SuperCharger.sh</b> on bo ot<br> In the 99SuperCharger.sh properties dialogue box, check "Run as root" and "Run a t boot" and "Save".<br> And that's it!<br> Script Manager will load your most recent settings on boot!<br> If you run the script later and with different settings, you don't have to recon figure anything.<br> Script Manager will just load the new /data/99SuperCharger.sh on boot automagica lly :)<br> <br> For more SuperCharging help and info,<br> See the <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276">V8 Sup erCharger Thread</a><br> Feedback is Welcome!<br> <br> -=zeppelinrox=- @ <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=9912 76">XDA</a> & <a href="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/148268-scrip t-v6-supercharger-htk-bulletproof-launchers-fix-memory-all-androids.html">Droid< /a> Forums<br> EOF echo -e $line echo -e $hilite" See /sdcard/V8S uperChargerHelp.html for help!"

echo -e $line$colour fi echo "" $sleep fi fi echo "0,2,4,7,14,15" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/param eters/adj if [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo " Setting lowmemorykiller to $MB1,$MB2,$MB3 ,$MB4,$MB5,$MB6 mb" echo "" echo "$SL1,$SL2,$SL3,$SL4,$SL5,$SL6" > /sys/modu le/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree $sleep echo " OOM minfrees levels are now set to..." echo "" echo " ..."`cat /sys/module/lowmemorykil ler/parameters/minfree` echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" SUPERCHARGE IN EFFECT IMME DIATELY!!"$colour echo "" $sleep echo " If this is your first V8 SuperCharge...." echo "" $sleep fi echo -e $hilite" REBOOT NOW TO ENABLE..." echo "" $sleep if [ "$opt" -eq 12 ]; then echo " ...BULLETPROOF LAUNCHER..." else echo " ...DIE-HARD LAUNCHER..." fi echo "" $sleep echo " ...AND OOM GROUPING FIXES!" echo "" $sleep if [ -f "/sdcard/V8SuperChargerHelp.html" ]; then echo -e $line$hilite echo " ...AND RE-RUN THIS SCRIPT AFTER EACH RE BOOT!" elif [ -f "/sdcard/V8SuperChargerScriptManagerHelp.html" ]; then echo -e $line$hilite echo " DON'T FORGET to have Script Manager load. .." echo " .../data/99SuperCharger.sh on boot!" elif [ "$opt" -le 10 ]; then echo -e $line$hilite echo "$CONFIG Settings WILL PERSIST after reboot !" fi echo -e $line echo ""

$sleep fi fi if [ "$opt" -eq 15 ]; then cat >> /data/local.prop <<EOF ro.ril.hsxpa=3 ro.ril.gprsclass=12 ro.ril.hep=1 ro.ril.enable.dtm=1 ro.ril.hsdpa.category=28 ro.ril.enable.a53=1 ro.ril.enable.3g.prefix=1 ro.ril.htcmaskw1.bitmask=4294967295 ro.ril.htcmaskw1=14449 ro.ril.hsupa.category=9 debug.sf.hw=1 EOF fi if [ "$opt" -eq 16 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 17 ]; then if [ -d "/system/etc/init.d" ]; then if [ "$opt" -eq 16 ]; then echo " Accepted Custom Overclock Values... " echo "" $sleep echo " $MHZ5 mhz @ $VSEL5 vsel" echo " $MHZ4 mhz @ $VSEL4 vsel" echo " $MHZ3 mhz @ $VSEL3 vsel" echo " $MHZ2 mhz @ $VSEL2 vsel" echo " $MHZ1 mhz @ $VSEL1 vs el" echo "" $sleep cat > /system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock <<EOF #!/system/bin/sh echo "5 $(($MHZ5*1000000)) $VSEL5" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps; echo "4 $(($MHZ4*1000000)) $VSEL4" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps; echo "3 $(($MHZ3*1000000)) $VSEL3" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps; echo "2 $(($MHZ2*1000000)) $VSEL2" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps; echo "1 $(($MHZ1*1000000)) $VSEL1" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps; EOF chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock chown 0.2000 /system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock echo " Created /system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock ..." echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" REBOOT NOW TO ACTIVATE NEW OVER CLOCK SETTINGS!" else echo " Removing Custom Overclock Values... " echo "" $sleep if [ -f "/system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock" ]; t hen rm /system/etc/init.d/99sc-overclock echo " Deleted /system/etc/init.d/99sc-o verclock..." echo "" $sleep echo -e $hilite" REBOOT NOW TO RESTORE P

RIOR OVERCLOCK SETTINGS" else echo -e $hilite" /system/etc/init.d/99sc -overclock not found :P" fi fi else echo -e $hilite" /system/etc/init.d folder not found :P" fi echo "" echo -e $line echo "" $sleep echo -e $sig" Overclocker & UnOverclocker..." fi if [ "$opt" -ge echo -e echo "" $sleep echo " fi if [ "$opt" -ge echo "" $sleep echo " sleep 2 fi if [ "$opt" -eq echo "" echo -e e :)" echo "" $sleep exit 0 fi fi mount -o remount,ro /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system; m ount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/ mtdblock2 /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system; mount -o re mount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock6 /system; mount -o remount,ro / dev/block/mtdblock7 /system; mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock8 /system; m ount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock9 /system 2>/dev/null done 2 ] && [ "$opt" -le 12 ] || [ "$opt" -eq 19 ]; then $sig" SuperCharging, OOM Grouping & Priority Fixes.." ...Die-Hard & BulletProof Launchers.." 1 ] && [ "$opt" -le 19 ]; then ...by -=zeppelinrox=- @ XDA & Droid Forums" 19 ]; then $magnetabold" Buh By

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