New Poll: Majority Support For Marriage For Gay and Lesbian New Mexicans

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September 30, 2013 To: Why Marriage Matters New Mexico Fr: Anzalone Liszt Grove Research Re:

New Mexican Voters Support Marriage Equality A recent poll1 by Anzalone Liszt Grove finds a majority of New Mexico voters support marriage for gay and lesbian couples (51% favor; 42% oppose), with an even greater number supporting a favorable ruling by the New Mexico Supreme Court (53% favor; 40% oppose). Finally, 53% of voters would also back an initiative to legalize marriage with 41% opposed. 80
As you may know, committed gay and lesbian couples can currently marry in some New Mexico counties, but not other counties. Do you favor or oppose the New Mexico State Supreme Court issuing a ruling to clarify that gay and lesbian couples can legally marry anywhere in our state?


53 40
39 32



0 Strongly/S'what Favor Strongly/S'what Oppose

While the strongest support for the freedom to marry comes from 18-to-34 year olds and those who self-identify as Democrats, especially women and Anglos, there is strong majority support from important segments of New Mexico. After voters learn that gay and lesbian couples can marry in some New Mexico counties but not others, a majority of Independents (59%), older Hispanics (53%), Anglo men (54%), Catholics (54%), and Hispanics who attend church weekly (53%) support a New Mexico Supreme Court ruling allowing all committed gay and lesbian couples to marry. In addition, most voters dont foresee a negative impact after a favorable court ruling. A strong majority (55%) believe that a court decision legalizing marriage would have not much or no impact at all on their family and community. Equally important, voters would reject an initiative on the ballot by 54% to 38%. And an even greater percentage (63%) says that if their state legislator voted to legalize marriage it would either make them more likely to vote for that legislator, or it wouldnt be a factor in their vote.
Anzalone Liszt Grove Research conducted a poll of 502 registered New Mexico voters from Sept. 18 22, 2013. Twenty percent (20%) of all interviews were conducted over cellphones. The margin of error for the statewide sample is plus or minus 4.4% percentage points at the 95% level of confidence. The margin of error for subgroups varies and is higher.

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