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Anatomy, Lecture As age increase, the # of osteoblasts decreases As age increases, the # of osteoclast increases As age increases, Bones

become brittle As age increase, there is a Disease osteoporosis Bone density decreases

Chapter 7, Axial Skeleton -when axis turn, bones involve are scull bone, vertabra, sternum, ribs, hyoid, sacrum -Vertabra has : 7 cervical bones, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertabra, coccyx( tailbone) -Sternum: (breast Bone), -xiphoid process ( end bone) -True ribs, physically come and touch separate by cartilage sternum -False Ribs, lower part -costal cartilage connects sternum to Hyoid: muscle located at the throat section b/t the mandible an dlarynx, supports the tongue for swallowing Appendicular skeleton -shoulder girdle ( back shoulder bone and front) Scapula and Clavicle - Clavicle easy to break because you dnt want to hurt your face -Pelvic Girdle: 2 oscoxae called the hip bone (coxae in singular) > connected to each together, wrapped around called (pubic symphesis) >touch the sacrum Acetabulum: head of femur,( thigh bone) *lower an d upper appendicular *bones do not touch

Similar: each have a girdle, connects appendage to body

-each have a upper limb bone -2 lower limb bones (tibia and fibula) Mass of short bones ( carpals and tarsals) -metatarsal and metacarpals ( make up whole foot an d hand) -phalanges (toes and fingers) -sesamoid bone Difference: -lower girdle is less mobile - upper girdle- most freely movable _shoulders- home to most freely movable

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