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Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Keenig | with David Jay | Beatriz Martin New ENGLISH FILE mm, Advanced Teacher's Book OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD (Great Clarendon Sweet, Oxford ox2 SF Oxford tniversicy Pres isa department ofthe University of Oxfond. lkturthersthe Universi’ objective of excellence n researches and education by publishing woréwie in (Oxford New York ‘Auckland Cape Town DaresSalasm Hong Kong Karachi Koala lumpur Madrid Melbourne MeticeCiy Nairost, Dew Delhi Shanghat Taipei Toran With oticesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Caech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Polatd Porngal Singapore South Kotes Switzeriand Thailand Turkey Ukssine Vesey oxtonD and oxrorn eNctis are eyistered trade matks of (Oxford University Pres inthe UK and in certain other oories (© Oxford Univers ress 2010 ‘The mors rights of he author have been sere Database right Oxtord University Press makes) Fist published aoi0 wos7es4221 ‘Allsghts reserved, No partof this pubication may be reproduce, stored ina reieval system, or transite in any formar by any means, twithow the prior permission in wring of Oxford University ees faith fhe sole excepion of photocopying carried out under the conditions sated inthe paragraph headed Photocopying) or as expres permite byl or lander terms agreed with the appropriate teprographicsights nganiontens Enquinesconcering reproduction ouside the scope ofthe store stale ‘eset tothe ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, ache address above ‘You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you mustimpose this sme conditon ou aay aceuins Photocopying ‘Te Publisher grants permission forthe photocopying of those pages marked ‘Photocopiable' according in the following conditions ndivista pacha, {ay make copies for their own us of fr use by cases this they feck School purchasers may make copies fo se by staf and staden, bar tas Permission doesnot extend to additional schools or ranches ‘Underno circumstances may any pare of this book be photocopied fo resale ‘Any website referred ton this publication are inthe public domain and thelr addresses are provided by Oxford University Pes fo infomation only, Orford University Pres disclaims any responsibility forthe content sax: 9780194594790 BooK 'SaN: 978079 4594813 Pack Printed in Spin by Just Colour Graphic SL. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The thors woud ko hank al he ached suet nd he world whase edt has hie st shape New gs Fad ol hse ford Unt rst Onc and aru he world) who hae ented es we Bally very spec hans frm Clive fo Mera Ange, aca, end Eran rm erst fo Cristian, fr al hei lp and encouragement Cte woul a ie 1 ‘hank her che eagur. Mara and Kosa for her cet inp, ‘The bier an euthors would ef than Sunes or his mae fedbac othe materials Te cuts an publ orga tae who Bae gen perio oreo ‘he owing extracts and adaption of copyrigh ata 390 Extract from Promise Me by Harlan Coben, Copyright 2006 by Hatlan (Coben. Reproduced by permission of The Aaton M Priest Ageney aed Oven Books, an imprint of The Orion Publishing Group, London Ext sony th ‘aac of Sang Gs by Sale Day. © 2008 Salle Ba. Reproduced by pers sion of HarperCollins Publishers ed, Exzact from Bona of Py by eae ‘2ueig, IBN 9781905548155, Reprinted by kind permiston of pace Pest ‘ud. 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