August 2013 Trms HW Help

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Pavana Karthikeyan

Questions - Aug 22, 2013 #Spanish Do we hve any Spanish hw Jimmy Cooper Aug 22, 2013 No

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 22, 2013 K thx

R Mathew Aug 22, 2013 gasp...choke...cough cough...choke...cough COUGH COUGH... gasp...COUGH...cant breathe...COUGH! COUGH!...spit...clear throat twice...all better.

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 22, 2013 Ok then

R Mathew Aug 22, 2013 ikr

Garrett Agans moderator Aug 22, 2013 What class not in paschsl

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 I had ms paschal last yr...she was nice and sometimes mean...she gave out tickets...and gummies...and she had a ticket store where she gave lollipops that are chili-flavored (but people actually liked it)...and stickers and other weird stuff... Show less Jimmy Cooper Aug 23, 2013 great!.....

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 r u being sarcastic?

Jimmy Cooper Aug 23, 2013 No...

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 ok...cuz its hard 2 tell if someones being sarcastic online or not...

Ridhi Choragudi
Blog - Aug 22, 2013 4 whoever who has ms. polk how do u do #9

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 22, 2013 Idk I left my book at schol

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 22, 2013 School

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 22, 2013 ok im gonna type it on here. a triangle has side lengths of 5 inches, 12 inches, and 15 inches. every dimension is multiplied by 1/5 to form a new triangle . How is the ratio of the perimeters related to the ratio of the corresponding sides? Show less R Mathew Aug 22, 2013 darn I left my book at school, too! R Mathew Aug 22, 2013 anyway, first add. 5+12+15= 32. then 5(1/5) + 12(1/5) + 15(1/5)=6 2/5. and then...wait........................................ ohh...yeah...idk.

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 22, 2013 thx any way

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 22, 2013 I had this question too so thank u for answering that MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jimmy Cooper Aug 22, 2013 That's not normal for Pavana.

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 22, 2013 Oh watevs Andrew

Jimmy Cooper Aug 22, 2013 You're especially wierd today

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 22, 2013 Watever

Jimmy Cooper Aug 22, 2013 What happened?

Jimmy Cooper Aug 22, 2013 My dad could not answer that. I don't know who else can.

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 22, 2013 k thx^

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 is there an online textbook cuz I forgot to bring it home...oh well...ill do it during HR. do u think id finish?

Fernanda Morote Aug 23, 2013 Wow ms Polk is still teaching there?

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 yeah...she's AWESOME...she lets us eat...wait u had her b4, rite? old is she?

Rhea M Aug 23, 2013 also, ms Goldberg retired at the end of last yr... :'(

Fernanda Morote
Blog - Aug 26, 2013 This is my strive for 25 from last year. I kinda miss this stuff. tear

Sebastian Murphy owner Aug 26, 2013 Fernanda I have Dr Barkley this year for homeroom

Fernanda Morote Aug 26, 2013 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ur gonna have some awesome stories u just wait. ;p

Fernanda Morote Aug 26, 2013 Oh and notice how only three books on that strive for 25 list are under 300 pages

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 26, 2013 I see Ender's Game =)

Tyler Shin moderator You spelled labyrinth wrong.

Fernanda Morote Aug 27, 2013 Oh well. Too bad. Thatoh. Oh yeah, I guess I did.

Robert Hunter Sep 5, 2013 u miss this stuff?

Jimmy Cooper
Questions - Aug 26, 2013 8/26/13 Subject: Strive for 25 Teacher: Any Project? I guess? Does anyone know if we NEED the dates on the Strive for 25? Thanks.

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 26, 2013 Just guesstimate, its not really that important.

Jimmy Cooper Aug 26, 2013 That was fast. Faster than I could type this entire question.

Jimmy Cooper Aug 26, 2013 Just to make sure I need more people to confirm.

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 26, 2013 =)

Sebastian Murphy owner Aug 26, 2013 Just guess

Jimmy Cooper Aug 26, 2013 I truly don't know.

Rhea M Aug 27, 2013 I lied... I read all the books during the summer, but im putting recent 8/17/13...she's (or he's) not going to check ur memory on wat date u put it on...the dates r not important.

Sebastian Murphy owner

Questions - Aug 26, 2013 Mr Aiken 41-42 odd but when do we stop

Sebastian Murphy owner

Blog - Aug 29, 2013 There you go garett

Garrett Agans moderator Aug 29, 2013 Thanks!

Garrett Agans moderator Aug 29, 2013 If your still on is word 2 collaboration? i am writing that for now

Sebastian Murphy owner Aug 30, 2013 Yes

Tyler Shin moderator

Questions - Aug 29, 2013 #SanAntonio For Mrs. San Antonio, do we have any homework and if we do what is it?

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 29, 2013 y but i hv no clue wat it is

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 29, 2013 so helpful

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 Always look at the blog.

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 29, 2013 Today is Thursday.

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 Dang it Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 If it's the same as Ms.Geiger, then none.

Garrett Agans moderator Aug 29, 2013 Same with Mrs. Paschal has none, I dont know about Mrs. San Antonio tho.

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 29, 2013 i no tht we hv hw 4 sure, but i didnt write it down. hehe

Tyler Shin moderator

Questions - Aug 29, 2013 Wat's Mrs. Polk's homework?

Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 pg 249...#9-11...idk the rest.

Garrett Agans moderator Aug 29, 2013 Idk I don't have her

Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 tyler, wat period do u hve her?

Rhea M Aug 30, 2013 wait...its #9-12, 20-23, 25, 26

Tyler Shin moderator Aug 30, 2013 Thanks. I already just did 9-29 just to make sure. Tyler Shin moderator Aug 30, 2013 :(

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 30, 2013 haha

Jimmy Cooper Sep 1, 2013 THANK YOU!!!

Ridhi Choragudi
Blog - Aug 29, 2013 4 any1 who has polk, how do u do 12 and 23 (7th period polk)

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 You guys had homework?

Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 29, 2013 Yea it's the class work tat we did but we didn't finish it

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 Oh... right... whoops.

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 29, 2013 can any1 answer ze question tho

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 I think for 6th period it was just study for tomorrow's quiz. Pavana Karthikeyan Aug 29, 2013 Didn't u guys do bookworm for class work

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 Screenshot please? Ughh... I don't know.

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 ???

Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 wats the username n password 4 online txtbk

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 29, 2013 i hv no clu

Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 fine...wats da ques?

Ridhi Choragudi Aug 29, 2013 i'll just do it during hr

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 WHAT WORKSHEET?!?!

Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 don't freak out...u guys r kinda behind, anyway...(ur period, at least)


Rhea M Aug 29, 2013 uh-huh..wats da online txtbk account stuff?

Jimmy Cooper Aug 29, 2013 I know science, but idk math.

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