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Herpes zoster

This is an acute skin disease with burning pain. The skin lesions are the erythema and
clusters of vesicles arranged in tapelike around the trunk of thebody.

Applications of hand therapy:

Acupuncture therapy:

At regular and extra acupoints:

Location: According to the location of lesions. For example, Quchi (LI 11) and Hegu
(LI 4) for lesions on the face; and Zhigou (TE 6), Waiguan (TE 5) and Houxi (SI 3)
for lesions on the waist.

Method of manipulation: After strong stimulation, the needles are retained for 30
At reflective areas:
Location: Areas corresponding to the location of lesion in dorsal and palmar reflective

Method of manipulation: Routine acupuncture and bleeding therapy can be applied.

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Herpes zoster
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TCM diagnosis

Herpes zoster
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