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Source A: Henry VIII Timeline

Year 1501 C.E. 1502 C.E. Event Catherine of Aragon and Arthur, Prince of Wales (Henrys Brother) marry April 2, 1502 - Death of Prince Arthur A papal dispensation was obtained to enable Henry VIII to marry the wife (Catherine of Aragon) of his brother Arthur who had died 1509 C.E. 1517 C.E. 1521 C.E. 1529 C.E. 1533 C.E. 1534 C.E. 1536 C.E. King Henry VIII marries Catherine of Aragon The Protestant Reformation begins when Martin Luther nails his "95 Theses" against the Catholic practice of selling indulgences King Henry VIII receives the title "Defender of the Faith" from Pope Leo X for his opposition to Martin Luther King Henry VIII dismisses Lord Chancellor Thomas Wolsey for failing to obtain the Pope's consent to his divorce from Catherine of Aragon Henry married Anne Boleyn and is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII Henry VIII broke with the Church in Rome with the Act of Supremacy, which made the king the head of the Church of England. Anne Boleyn tried for treason, and executed on Tower Hill. Within 24 hours of Anne Boleyn's execution, Jane Seymour and Henry VIII were formally betrothed Jane Seymour dies after the premature birth of a son, the future King Edward VI Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves but the marriage is annulled 49 year old Henry married 19 year old Katherine Howard Katherine Howard is executed for adultery Henry marries Katherine Parr Henry Dies!

1537 C.E. 1540 C.E.

1542 C.E. 1543 C.E. 1547 C.E

1) Which two people was Catherine of Aragon married to? Why did this happen?

2) In what year was Edward VI born? What significance does this have for Henry VIII?

3) How many wives does Henry VIII have throughout his life? What could this say about him?

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