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DATE: 27TH OCTOBER 2011 Subjek: Kelas: Tema: Unit: Sub-unit:


PENDIDIKAN SIVIK DAN KEWARGANEGARAAN 2A CABARAN MASA DEPAN 9-10 1. KEPIMPINAN BERWAWASAN 2. KERAJAAN TELUS DAN AMANAH 3. SERANTAU 4. DUNIA Pada akhir unit ini pelajar dapat: Hasil 1. Membuat pembetulan bagi kesilapan yang telah dilakukan. Pembelajaran: a. Guru dan pelajar berbincang tentang jawapan yang betul. b. Pelajar membuat pembetlan. Refleksi:

DATE: 27TH OCTOBER 2011 Class: Subject: Topic: General Objective: Specific Objective: Learning outcome(s): Value: Activities: Reflection: 2 Dedikasi, English Language Year End Test Sub-topic: To enable students to:



Do their exam well Do correction on mistakes they made.

By the end of the lesson students are able to: 1. answer questions in their yearend test. 3.0 LANGUAGE FOR Specification:

Level 2

Co-operation Exam paper Teaching aid(s): Patience 1. Teacher and students discuss correct answer for test questions. 2. Students do correction on mistakes they made.

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