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Cooperating Teacher Evaluation

ED 396 Candidate_____Dionetta Piazzo________________ Site_Southeastern Education Center______

Cooperating Teacher Signature_Christian Schnell___________________________________ Check all that are applicable. CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (Standards 2, 3, 5, 7) [Coordination, Integrative Interaction] ___x___Organize, allocates, and manages resources of time, space, activities and attention to engage students productively ___x___Reinforces learning communities in which individual differences are respected and in which students work collaboratively and independently when possible ___x___Shows enthusiasm for teaching ___x___Treats children with respect, caring, warmth ___x___Creates a positive learning climate for children by giving appropriate verbal and nonverbal invitations to children ___x___Shows awareness of childrens attention span ___x___Promotes child participation and social interaction ___x___Recognizes potential problems
____Not Observed _____Emerging ___x__Proficient _____ Distinctive

___x___Responds in an effective and timely manner when problems occur INSTRUCTION (Standards 2, 3, 4, 7) [Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction] ___x___Provides opportunities for active engagement, manipulation and/or testing of ideas and materials ___x___Demonstrates sensitivity to needs of individual children ___x___Identifies appropriate expectations for childrens performance, making adaptations when necessary __x___Chooses appropriate teaching strategies, learning experiences, and materials to achieve instructional purposes and to meet student needs ___x___Uses positive encouragement effectively ___x___Communicates clearly and accurately in verbal and/or nonverbal modes ___x___ Explains content clearly ___x___Articulates clear directions and cues ___x___Speaks with interest about topic ___x___Reinforces participation ____Not Observed ____Emerging __x__Proficient _____ Distinctive

PROFESSIONALISM (Standard 10) [Communication, Integrative Interaction] ___x___Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher, faculty, and parents ___x___Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional demeanor ___x___Arrives on time and remains as expected ___x___Attends as regularly scheduled ____Not Observed ____Emerging __x__Proficient _____ Distinctive


__x__Proficient Overall Performance:

_____ Distinctive

COMMENTS: Di came into a very tough environment and was able to develop a rapport with some of the

students, something difficult to do with kids who trust few people. When teaching her lesson she adapted well by giving the students the use of a calculator once she say they were struggling with adding a big group of numbers. She kept FJ focused throughout the lesson and allowed NH to work ahead by himself since he was understanding the subject quickly.

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