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Bashams Social Studies Class

As we are learning, the Civil War was a busy time for South Carolinians. 1. Create a group of 3 students. 2. Look at of the links below and decide which event you would like research in depth. 3. Use the links to research the event your group chose. Make sure to find out: when the event happened, what happened, and why it happened. 4. Create a plan for your presentation. It should include some form of technology. Have your ideas approved by your teacher. 5. Create your presentation and present it. The Sinking of the H.L. Hunley
The Hunley Rises Again - Read this article about the Hunley. Remember that the article was written in 2001, much later than the actual event. http://www.hunley.org/main_index.asp?CONTENT=INSIDE - Click the slow connections link. A window should appear with a virtual tour of the Hunley. Click and drag the mouse to explore excavated submarine.

Attack on Fort Sumter

Video: Democracy: Worth Fighting For- The video shows President Lincoln at during the time of the attack on Fort Sumter. Think about Lincolns reaction and what this meant for the nation. Video: The Civil War: Fort Sumter - Watch the video on the battle at Fort Sumter. http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fortsumter.html?tab=facts - Read the article on the battle at Fort Sumter.

William T. Shermans March to the Sea

http://www.history.com/topics/shermans-march Read the information on Shermans march. What did he and his troops do? What did it accomplish? http://www.teachingushistory.org/lessons/ Colaviewfromstatehouse.htmView the picture. Be sure to read the description.

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