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Lecture 17: Tissues (Use Becker Ch.

13 and 16 as your reference, I highlighted areas you should read in the eBook)
[A]Epithelial tissues form protective, semipermeable barriers between compartments [B]Epithelial cells have structural polarity [B]Epithelial tissues are classified according to cellular structure and function [B]Some epithelial tissues are optimized for protection: the epidermis [B]Some epithelial tissues are optimized for absorption: the gastrointestinal system [B]Some epithelial tissues are optimized for transport: the kidney [B]Carcinomas are cancers originating from epithelial cells [A]Nervous tissues store and transmit information as electrical charge [B]Nervous tissues are composed of at least two different cell types [C]Neurons transmit signals via action potentials [C]Glial cells support neurons and increase the speed of action potential transmission [C]The synapse is a customized junction to facilitate cell-cell communication [A]Muscle tissues convert chemical signals into mechanical force [B]Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated, highly specialized cells [C]Sarcomeres are combined to form muscle fibrils [C]Action potentials stimulate skeletal muscle contraction [C]Skeletal muscle contraction is driven by the crossbridge cycle [B]Cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping blood [C]The pacemaker is a specialized form of cardiac muscle [C]Cardiac muscle cells are electrically coupled [C]Cardiac muscle contraction is determined by intrinsic and extrinsic controls [B]Smooth muscle cells generate force in three dimensions [C]Vascular smooth muscle cells control the diameter of blood vessels [C]Airway smooth muscles control airflow [C]Smooth muscle is responsible for peristalsis in the gut [A]Connective tissues provide mechanical strength and cushioning to the animal body

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