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Frequently Asked Questions on PDC Rule and CA Processing Fee

Q1: My PDC1 submission was first submitted before the implementation of PDC Rule. Do I need to pay processing fee for PDC2, PDC7 and PDC8? A1: Yes, all submissions are subjected to CA processing fee irrespective of the year the planning/design submission was first submitted or approved. However, payment of processing fee depends on the submission cycle and amendments. Please refer to PDC Rule for further details. Q2: My submission involves revision to reduced PE. Do I need to pay processing fee? A2: Yes, any changes made on the submission are subjected to processing fee, unlike the SCC computation whereby only additional PE is subjected to SCC payment. Q3: Is there any other draft/Government cheque? mode of paym ent apart from Bankers

A3: At the moment, Bankers draft and Government cheque are the only two modes of payment. IWK will look into other options soon. Q4: I have submitted several WSIA/PDC7 for one project with several phases. Can I submit a total amount in a form of bank draft? A4: For the purpose of accurate data entry, the computer system has been programmed specifically to capture exact payable amount based on the scheduled fee in the PDC Rule, hence it will only generate on e receipt for one submission. Kindly prepare each bank draft separately. Q5: Is it compulsory to intermediate inspection? submit more than one WSIA/PDC7 for

A5: No, however CA has the right to ask CP to submit WSIA/PDC7 for another inspection if CCTV test has not conducted earlier or if the previous CCTV test conducted had failed. Q6: I had submitted PDC1/PDC2 application for the 2 n d time. Why does CA request me to pay?

A6: CA will request Developer to pay processing fee if the 2 nd submission of PDC1/PDC2 has a lapse period of 6 months from the 1 st submission replied date. Similarly, processing fee will be imposed if 2 nd submission for PDC8 is submitted after 3 months from the 1 st submission replied date. Q7: I had submitted my application after 1 st July 2013 and CA had already processed the submission without imposing any processing fee. However, I received a telephone call by CA to pay for the outstanding amount and the Developer is requesting for an official letter from CA. A7: The implementation of PDC Rule is effective starting from 1 st July 2013. Though the regulator, SPAN had informed a week later, all submissions are subjected to CA processing fee as off 1 st July 2013. Customers are advised to download the PDC Rule from SPAN website to underst and the details and the responsibility of each stakeholder, namely Developer, Consultant (Competent Person or Qualified Person) and Contractor (Permit Holder). Q8: I am a Competent Person registered with the Board of Engineers. Can I submit PDC8 for public sewerage system? A8: Yes. Competent Person private sewerage systems. handover public sewerage encouraged to register with is allowed to submit PDC 8 for both public and However, only Qualified Person is allowed to system. Nevertheless, all Competent Person are SPAN as a Qualified Person.

Q9: I had submitted for PDC8 (4 th time) to CA. Why am I subjected to processing fee; isnt this concept similar to PDC1/PDC2 submission for 2 nd and 4 th cycle? A9: Unlike PDC1/PDC2 concept which generally requires Develope r to pay for submission cycle no. 1, 3, 5 etc, PDC8 submission for cycle no. 3 and above will be imposed processing fee continuously as a way of deterring Developer in delaying handover of proper sewerage systems. Only PDC8 submitted for the 2 nd time within 3 months will be exempted from processing fee. Q10: I have made the payment based on PE range of below 1000 PE and had receive comments from CA. During the 2 nd submission, the new revised PE is more than 1000 PE, do I have to pay new fee based on more than 1000 PE or just top up the remainder amount? A10: You are required to pay the full amount based on the new PE range for the 2 nd submission. Q11: I have obtained PDC2 approval for sewer reticulation consisting of multiple phases, can I submit one PDC 6 to encompass all the phases?

A11: Yes, only if the submission involved the same Permit Holder. Otherwise, Competent Person required to submit several PDC6 as and when the construction takes place. Q12: I have submitted for IST submi ssion, however CA commented to connect and upgrade nearby sewage treatment plant, whereby I had already paid RM150 during the 1 s t submission for IST application. For the 2 nd submission, am I required to pay more? A12: You are required to pay the full amount based on the new system type for the 2 nd submission. Q13: Now that Im paying the processing fees, why do I still have to provide the envelopes? A13: Starting 1 st July 2013, with the implementation of PDC Rule, Developer need not provide any envelopes with stamps as the new CA processing fee had already incorporated this cost element into the fee.

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