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What do Roger, Sandra and Paul have to do?

Mr and Mrs Collins have three children, Roger, Sandra and Paul. The parents are not at home for three days. Before they left they gave their children a list of jobs. Lets see what these jobs are:

yesterday Roger Sandra Paul



Exercise: 1. Write down three sentences and say what Sandra/ Paul/ or Roger have to do/ had to do/ will have to do. (1 sentence per day)

e.g. Roger had to clean up the living room yesterday. Sandra

2. Write three sentences and say which activities Sandra/ Paul and Roger have to do together. (1 sentence per day)

e.g. Yesterday Roger and Sandra had to take the dog outside. Today Paul and Sandra
3. Form three questions asking what Sandra/ Paul and/or Roger have to do/ had to do/ will have to do. (1 sentence per day). Write them down. Then ask your neighbour the questions.

e.g. Does Sandra have to take the dog out today? Answer: No she doesnt have to take the dog out today. Roger and Paul have to take the dog out. She had to take the dog out yesterday.
Task: Your turn now: Write down what you have to do at home and tell your partner.

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