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Panchang consists of two words 1. Panch means Five 2.

Ang means Parts The name 'Panchng' is a Hindi Word and made up of 5 parts names as: Tithi, Day, Nakshtra, Yog and Karan TITHI: The Thithi is calculated with help of poisition of Sun and Moon in transit. Calculation of TITHI Tithi = (Moon Longitude - Sun Longitude) / 12 if the calculated result is greater than 15, we have to substract 15 from the result. The net result is Tithi. TITHI VRIDHI is the tithi present at Sunrise on first day anas well as on the second day. TITHI KSHAYA is the tithi starts after sunrise and ends before sun rise on second day. DAY: Seven days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. NAKSHATRAS: The 360 degrees zodiac is divided into 27 parts to acheive a single naksjtra i.e. of 13 degrees 20 min. There are 27 Nakshtras, Every nakshtra is further divided into four periods (CHARAN) i.e. 3 degree 20 min. A Rashi consists of Two and a quarter of the Nakshtras. Calculation of NAKSHTRA Nakshtra = Moon Longitude / 13 deg. 20 min YOG: There are 27 Yogas named as Vishkumbh, Preeti, Aayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhan, Atigand, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shool, Gand, Vridhi, Dhruv, Vyaghat, Harshan, Vajra, Sidhi, Vyatipat, Variyaan, Parigh, Shiv, Sidh, Sadhya, Shubh, Shukla, Brahm, Ainder and Vaidhriti. Calculation of YOG Yog = (Moon Longitude + Sun Longitude) / 13 deg. 20 min KARAN: One tithi consists of two karans. there are total 11 Karan,

among them seven Char karans are named as Vav, Valav, Kaulav, Taitil, Gar, Vanij, Vishti. Four are fixed Karans named as Shakuni, Chatushpad, Naag kinstughan. Calculation of KARAN Karan = (Tithi) / 2 Here is the utility for you to view Panchang along with Sun Rise, Rahu Kalam, Yamakandam
The calculations are made on basis of 77.11 E Longitude and 28.39 N Latitude

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