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GRANTHAMS HALL RESURRECTION PROJECT ‘Suggested Work Schedule* — ‘OUTSIDE. : _ Volunteers + Content otis on bith side) : (ether thes sdeshaveteen done) = Potluck*Social New back porch eer Neve roof (neta enamelled? ving?) ‘SUNDAY lDegraetearese NOVEMBER OTH $ Put new door on basement 6:00 pm + Rein hall ent door oe ‘sal 200 amp sence Come ost snd mingle vit ts Tommie INSIDE ‘enjoy seme great food Pana inside of al blow plat al scicrepne nis leek Insulate atic ¢ Sand floor and varaish o ile “Level floor toward back of hall “Install new lighting (flourescent incandescent?) ‘+ Tostall perimeter heating stick around to chat about the future of (Geanthaons Hall Give us call fo confirm {your atendance& the location (oateen Rammer ‘anor? Titi wat reid of int : ‘mal Gnor Meng the wre Groans ang een Omen (ARYAN A Improvement Dis a0 Ag thte'te sou: a Suthe aint Pate Additional Suggestions, siisic Rendering We ne Comments, & Ideas from couple of good pencil/pen sketches of fia Eal rom de portation the Feedback Surveys, ete. Any inspired artists out there? dene iare teceet * Batimations —tfyou have he ‘firuptchen tilt ntimate he ors of ey of + additional Kitchen windows) ewe could * fx leak n men's washroom sink ‘handicap washroom “wheelchair access 4 skylights ‘+ improved ventilation ‘+ drop calling for sound (& heat loss) redctio + new paint job (interior & exterior) * window's) above frant entrance * new eurtainslshades + insulate plumbing the jobs listed on sure use your help "Christmas Craft Fair— Ws _getting about that time of year, eh? ‘Anyone intrested in helping t co organize this fun'atsing event? 2 886-8717 0 ‘Ths Grenthome Oper foo orth Wave RESURRECTION PROJECT RESURRECTED summer vacation”). Ifyou read the Progress Report in this issue you will likely understand why things have been alittle slow in getting underway. in any case, the latest news is that the Granthams Hall Resurrection Project has been “restored to life” and is ready to get rollin’ ‘Cheers to all you folks who volunteered for one or more af the Project's three teams— planning, fundraising, and work party ‘There are now more than twenty ‘of us to tackle this venture 66 J ims ae one thing. .and Fave yor another.” This aquote from a novel by author Tom Robbins nicely sums Up the history of the Grantham Hall Resurrection Project since it hogan last Apri. Inthe frst issue af the UpBeat it was suggested (hat “thie summer will ee 2 series of round table planning sessions, fun'rasing dinners and events", Fate has it thal these fetivities have only just begun and that “this summer" has been ecited into “this year” Ifyou have been out and clearly a case of many hands to bout the community recently, make light work. Your respanse you may have noticed a notice _to the eall for help really blows away the idea that the community spirit isa mythical being and only exists in our imagirations. Yes...weire still taking volunteers! that the Project is temporarily “on hold”, That could have been easily worded as “back to the drawing board” (or maybe “on resurrection, n. [L. re-, again, and surgo, to arise] Arising again to life; a revival or resto- ration; bringing back into practice or use. GRANTHAMS HALL RESURRECTION PROJECT ‘Ocroum ¢ 1994 "y Pn cares Background At th Anna Gane ‘Meeting of The Gronthame Landing Property Sesocaton and the Ganthams Landing Improvement District Api 9) Phi Corte prewnted a Suggested Work Scheula e:fiing up Grantham all ‘and corapponted 9 cordial alanecr ‘torts t dove Shortly after accepting this task, ound myself wondering hove 1 ‘wns ging to tall the ob that ‘ing up the Hall was ging to have to te teamwork effort—acommanity projet. Twas alo concerned that tho Jobbe done ight..ot over” This ‘meant finding ont what the community ‘ranted ta be done tots Community Fall. Not an onuy task ost tuned ot Tegan to talk to the eal about the Hallands fee, Azeeted by my wife {& partner Diane, {quickly discovered that there i broad range of eas and pnions throughout the community ome of which are totally opposing. The feneral ensensus is however, thatthe Fal really des need afrali-thatt {rather “loom” even inthe summer, ‘nd ancomforeably col in winter ‘Almost everyone we sled ea Ut they would be more neined to make tac of the Hall iit were more “user Iendly™ We have alo run into the (quote) leave it kei” & leave it ron-toe frend” side of things Well. Another thing that eame up is Tht people are more interested i hat ‘the Hall would lak ike and what it woul be ed fr than n what ha Ineo to salvage it The conflicting ‘tere which we dinovored eegarate ‘that we could nt even begin the iia planning stage ofthe Praeet without sting more feedback fom the comma: tity. Tesecmed that f the Hall isto ferve tho whole communitys needs now inthe Faro, then more voces ‘eeded to be heat and common ‘ston broight nt ee. published a newsletter (Grantham UpBeat) to inform the esl community ofthe Projet and ta contact {howe who might want to partiipate in some way. T delivered scopy to most fuses in Granthame and talked with a few amore fk about the Project the process, Copies ofthis newletter were Inde svoilabe ontside the Post Offer, tnd yotare announcing wach were put Sp around the coramunity. Inthe UpBoat we invited anyone whe was interested in planning, fondratsng oF ttorkng to write o give sa cll Except fra few rondom enquires, there was no response, was back tothe drawing board hold point out that grant monies which are aallable fortis kind ‘tpreject ar limited and the require. ‘ments for eligibility are domanding. Tho BC 21 Community Projets grants the ‘only soure we are aware ofthat il provide ands for epital cots. They Trl poy 19 ofthe costa predet sind Til allow 19 of the cot to nce Abnated construction matril at fi ‘market value), yolunter labour ($10 for unstlled labour and $20 he for shied Inbour, qualified trades, & profeesonals) and heavy equipment ase (50M. ‘The grants paid in hres installments, the last ope beng pad at the completion ofthe Poet, when profof the donation i provided. Ts a Simple formula but i more than Simply a matter filing out afew forme and getting some money. You ‘uct furnish a detailod projet budget, it onstrution work sched, recent financial statements, ndbeation of oes) noodttrs of support, etimated umber of annual sera and w state tment of whe will se the fait, who till contrat and suthorine ite nse, nd ow imuch ie wil cost to nse seemed that if this grant was going to be applied for thon a great deal more “homework” woud have to done fist. Appiyng for a grant for this past fmmer was ont of the question, which ‘means that next springummer ie kal the eariet that any major work «an bin isch a grant were tobe thtained ‘he next deadline fr the BC 21 grant January 1st "There ar other grants for which we would be eligible the Project hha something todo with enhancing the ‘vironment (a park, nature tall, bridge, playground, ete). ‘These grants provide money for wages (sp. youth & SSnemplyed) and for base materia nd tol Having discovered that the lot belde the Hall used tobe a badmin- ton court ands playground of sors we began toil a few ideas about using {he lat beside Ube Hall for some kind af playprond ar neighbourhood park project. We got the same kindof onting responses as we did whon wo fia introduced the des of restoring! ‘eovatng the Hal. Some peopl hiked the idea spocaly those with kids) and thers wold rater see i roma ae Tn the UpBct [announced a community pluck supper on saly 02h fn put up posters inviting the comm rly fo the event. Asa second attampt to get a dislogue happening with the community we presented a small strvey ing fr eback about eas for bth the Hall andthe empty lt, plus 2 form for volunaers to signup to ane or more ff the Proj thre eam planning, fondecitng,& work party. The re "ponte was mild although enough to recognize the same "Hatfield & “MeCays" pation of totally opposite Pinta of view. We Inter presented the ame voluntcrfedback forme at dance at th all put on hy some aad ‘mnians, This resulted in donation ‘of about 15 gallons of paint forthe Hall, from one Unethe dance’ organizers (thanks Jenifer), abit mare fedback, find afew mere volunteer. "The ext mave wos to aild two sfocback” exes whic Tinetaled ‘utade the Bist Office and beside the sta hase t Fisher & Elphinstone "These dpi) the volunteer forms tnd «roles survey, pen and a sat fer competed forms. Over the summer the responses treed in and we now Ihave 22 volunteers, mot fo the work party and some who joined more than fone eam, We aleo have staal of 18 ‘mpleted fedback surveys, the detile ‘whieh are wailble upon reqs. ‘The majority af responses indicate that ‘major change ae notin the ears for the Hall ore let and that the minor ‘anges dsied ave in the areas of or ‘xampleeanliness, comfort and “Srightonang up" the pace. The term “cer fen” seems a sum I up. el hat we have done what swe can within ou present meane to Initiate tha Resorection Proc” and {attempt toinvolve intrested mem: ber ofthe community. There sno omnis” abot the Hall's fare {et but | liste to engage the olinteer offers of thse who have ined the Pree’ thee teams. We Tope to soon have sme Kind of public tccting to provide an opportnty fo (lea resents to or ter nara reeds desines and concerns: Next on the agenda isa potack dinner for volunteors&guests, Stay tuned for further detail and development aoe GRANTHAMS HALL RESURRECTION PROJECT Proposed Budget) Fouxpariox * Concrete footings. $400 EuscrmicaL ‘+ Electrical contractor $ 600 © 200 amp service...eean $500 * Wiring/rewiring.. $500 * Baseboard heaters. $300 INSULATION ‘ Insulate attic/eeling (R28)... $750 floor (R12). $350 subfloor perimeter walls (R12) $200 Repairs/ConsrueTion * Back stairs, front railing & wheelchair ramp... anon & REFINISHING + Pressure washer rental (exterior paint prep). + Exterior paint (1 coat = 8 ga Interior paint 2 coats = 15 gal) + Sandpaperffillor/ollorsithinners/ceanerslate. + Floor sander rental & sandpaper E + Urethane for hall floor 3 ga. Subtotal (Option 1) “+ Asphalt shingles $650 * Incandescent lighting fixtures. * Ceiling circulation fans... Subtotal (Option #2) * Upgrading kitchen, bathrooms, furniture, ete......$1000 ‘Total (Option #3). $7000 ‘The “Option® lista above represent three fundraising goale and what can be achieved with each. For the BC 21 Community Projets grant application itis our responsibility to raise at least half of an ofthese amounts before the application deadline (April Is) Although unconfirmed at the time of publica tion, indications are that Optin #1 has been achieved Pledges can be made by phoning 886-3717 and donations ean be brought ta the Potluck Supper on March 26 in the form of eash or cheque (made payable tothe Granthams Landing Property Owners Associaton) Al help willbe greatly appreciated Wines UeBEAs 1995 Granthasiw Salt Hall Ready for Face Lift BC21 Grant Application Deadline April Ist ‘The recent wet and gloomy weather has not dampened the ‘community spirit o? more than a dozen enthusiastic volunteers who have met several times this past month to formulate a plan to contribution and the “in kind?” ‘$20/hnr (skilled), materials at fair ‘market price, and heavy equipment use at up to $50/hr. BC 21's cash grant is calculated by ‘adding the community's eash bring Granthams Hall “back to life" Because our resources are limited we've really had to contributions together and dividing by two. Sound ‘confusing? Wel, it’s actually a sharpen our pencils to arrive at simple formula designed to that which most Canadians are encourage a grassroots, building tired of hearing about— a budget. bee kind of involvement in local Our‘proposed budget” (on the projects —a means for community ‘back page) has beea ereated folks to contribute in ways other ‘especially for an application to than digging into tired pockets, obtain a BC 21 Community ‘Another way of helping this Projects grant. project (suggested in the grant ‘As explained in issue #2 of the application) is through letters of UpBeat, BC 21 will match the support. Inside this issue you dollars raised by a community will ind a form letter which we group if the local community _encourage you to fll out and matches this amount with an bring to the Open House/Potluck ‘equal dollar value of “in kind” Supper on March 26th (see inside ‘contributions. Volunteer labour for details) or phone 886-3717 by is valued at $10/hr(unskilled) or the 29th and we'll pick it up. OK? contribute, n. [L. con-, with, + tribuo, to grant] To give or grant in common with others; to pay as a share; to give to a common fund ‘or for a common purpose.

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