Multiple Disability

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Multiple Disability

The simultaneous presence of two or more disabilities such that none can be identified as primary, the most common is the combination of intellectual and physical disabilities.
Tips for Teachers 1. Know the needs, play to


Chromosomal abnormalities Premature birth Difficulties after birth Poor development of the brain or spinal cord Infections Genetic disorders Injuries from accidents Lack of oxygen at birth Unknown

the strengths 2. Know your students IEP Plan 3. Encourage participation and make modifications 4. Practice and reinforce Support transition planning

Characteristics Intellectual functioning, Adaptive skills, Motor skills, Sensory functioning S

Instruction should include: Expression of choice; communication; functional skill development; and ageappropriate social skills training.

Different disabilities will also have a combined impact. Thats why its also important to ask: How does the combination of these disabilities affect the childs learning, balance, use of the senses, thinking, and so on? The answer will help parents and involved professionals decide what types of supports and services the child needs now and in the future.

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