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Infertility in women

This is a condition of women unable

to become pregnant after living
together with a healthy husband with
no reproductive abnormalities for
more than two years and without
using contraception.

Applications of hand therapy:

Massage therapy:

Location: Kidney, reproductive,
reproductive gland areas, and wrist
reflective joint.

Method of manipulation: Both hands are rubbed to produce a hot sensation.
Digit-pressing maneuver applied at kidney area, reproductive area, and reproductive
gland area; rubbing wrist joint; pushing and kneading maneuvers at thenar and
hypothenar regions; and pinching and twisting the little fingers.

Acupuncture therapy:

At reflective points:

Location: Spleen point, kidney point, and liver point.

Method of manipulation: The needles are inserted for 1.3 cm and retained for five
minutes after medium needling stimulation.

At reflective areas:

Location: Lower abdomen area in palmar reflective areas and radial or ulnar reverse
palmar reflective areas.

Method of manipulation: The needles are shallowly inserted and not retained.

At special acupoints beside the second metacarpal bone:

Location: Liver acupoint, kidney acupoint and lower abdomen acupoint.

I nf erti l i ty i n women
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Method of manipulation: The needles are inserted for 2.6 cm and retained for 30

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I nf erti l i ty i n women
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