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Section A 01. Introduction and Orientation 02. Linux History and Redhat Certification 03. Linux Installation 1 - Graphical Installation from CD/DVD 04. Introduction to vi/vim Editor 05. Getting Started with Bash: Basic Linux Command Section B 01. Change Network Information (IP,Subnet,DNS,Hostname ) 02. GNOME Graphical Desktop 03. Linux File System Hiaerarchy 04. Absolute and Relative Pathnames Day Section C 01. Nautilus 02. NTP: Network Time Protocol 03. Printer, Print jobs and queues Section D 01. MBR, Primary Partition, Extended Partition 02. Manage Physical Storage 03. Manage Logical Volume Day Section Section E 01. Monitor System Resources 02. Manage System Software 03. Administer User and Group 04. Manage Files from Command Line Section F 01. Secure Linux File Access 02. Remote GNOME Desktop Access 03. Remote SHell Access 04. Using SSH Keys 05. How to Service Enable Disable Restart


Trainer: Shree Paudel (A+, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, MCT, RHCE) 9851127445


Section G 01. Manage Physical Storage 02. Linux Swap Space 03. Control the Boot Process 04. Deploy FTP Service 05. Deploy Web Service Section H Review Class Section I Exam and Solution


Trainer: Shree Paudel (A+, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, MCT, RHCE) 9851127445

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