Impact On Performance: Steve Potiphar Executive Coach

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1 October 2013

Steve Potiphar Executive Coach Facilitating performance, learning & development The place for coaching in employee induction
Selection and recruitment processes are often very rigorous, time consuming and come at a price. Curiously however employee induction processes can be very variable and somewhat hit and miss. Often new staff may have a very limited induction programme and can be largely left to their own devices to gure out the new organisations values and culture. The recruiting organisation is likely to have high expectations in terms of a new employees performance and without an effective induction period, performance may fall short of those expectations. Even with an induction programme in place, line managers will have competing priorities and the very best intentions can come under pressure. One potential solution is to make use of an external induction coach, whose role can be to facilitate the connection between the new recruit and the organisations business plan. Coaching can begin commence when the new employee is appointed and can continue over the initial 3 to 4 months, focusing on integration into the business, values and culture, performance expectations and attitudes. The place of the coach is to support line managers, not replace them in this process and also to provide the new recruit with a safe environment to express concerns as they integrate into the new organisation. A coaching contract should be in place between the organisation, new employee and line manager and result in action plans and objectives specic to the employee induction. Induction coaching, making use of a qualied executive coach, would be suited to induction for senior and middle management as well as staff typically working in remote roles such as eld sales personnel. The likely investment would be within 5% of annual employment costs (a reasonable investment considering recruitment costs) and as part of effective induction can represent savings through reducing risk of staff departing within the rst 12 months and through more immediate contribution to performance. Induction coaching would also introduce a coaching principle to or dovetail with other coaching initiatives in an organisation.

Tel: 07590 893012

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