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1) Conflict between the two communities on the basis of religion,language,caste etc.

2) Communalism is defined as A theory or system of government in which virtually autonomous local communities are loosely in in federation.


Islamic Organisation of India. 1)Jamaat-e-Islami. 2)Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh. 3)Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.


Nationalism (hindu): Kar Sevaks. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Vishva Hindu Parishad. Hindu Writers Forum. Shiv Sena.

Dalit self-respect movement.

1)Dalit Voice.


Incidents Of Communal Violence.

SOME EXAMPLES OF COMMUNAL VIOLENCE:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 1809-1811 Hindu-Muslim LAT BHAIRO riots. 1819 HEP HEP riots. 1921 MOPLAH REBELLION. 1931 CAWNPRONE riots. 1984 ANTI-SIKH riots in mumbai. 2002 GODHRA TRAIN BURNING. 2006 kherlanji massacre. 2008 INDORE RIOTS 2007-2009 RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE IN ORISSA Christians Targetted.


1) LEAD BY:- RAJ THACKERAY 2) He is known as King of Marathi Hearts 3) MNS was formed on 9th March,2006. 4) MNS waged Lingual war against non-marathi people especially against people of uttar pradesh & bihar. 5) 10th Feb 2008- MNS activist attacked north indian candidates appearing for all-India Railway Recruitment Exam.

6) He was arrested for more than three times.

7) MLA .ABU AZMI was slapped by MLA.RAM KADAM-MLA of MNS when he rejected to take oath in MARATHI.

LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealem). -- Formed in 1974-initially known as Tamil Tigers. -- In 1975 it was renamed as LTTE which was lead by Villu Pillai Prabhakaran. LTTE demanded a separate state Tamil Nadu in Srilanka. Various people were killed after rejection of demand. Rajiv Gandhi was killed in1991 in election rally in state of tamil nadu as revenge of indian interference. Prabhakaran was killed in 2009 and then other members surrended their own.

Some States Seeking Statehood:

GORKHALAND:Separate state demanded by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha since102 years. In 1987 demand turned into violence -1200 people were killed.

HARIT PRADESH:Demanded By Rashtriya Lok Dal to be carved out from uttar pradesh. never turned into violence.

Vidarbha:Raised in nearby 1956.It contains 11 doesnt have any Political support except RASHTRAVADI CONGRESS PARTY.


Traditional&biggest rivalry world has witnessed. In 1947while independence country was divided in to two parts INDIA for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims. Thousands of people were killed during migration. Three wars were waged- In the year of 1965,1971 & 1999(Kargil) Babri Masjid demolition-6th ,Dec,1992. Impact of this incident can be seen even today. 12th March 1993- Serial Bomb blast in Mumbai revenge of Babri demolition. Attack on Indian Parliament (Sansad Bhavan)in 2002. Godhra Attack On Mumbai in year of 2002. Terrorist Attack On Mumbai on,26/11/2008.

Suggestions for Minimising Communal Tensions.

Communal organisation should be PUNISHED. Both Major and Minor communities should be given equal opportunities so there will be balanced development in society. Adequate facilities should be given to muslims to improve their economic status. Both Hindu & Muslims religion should be kept away from politics. The Law & Order must function in unbaised manner. Areas where communal riots occur frequently should be given special attention. While such Riots media should be strictly warned not to show any such coverages by which violence shall increase. People in society should taught to respect every religion. Educational institution should preach communal peace&harmony. The Government should make law which are applicable equal to all communities.

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