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Humerus: Ulna and Radius: ossa Carpi (wrist bones) 8, ossa metacarpi 5, ossa digitorum Manus 14= Phalanx

proximalis, medialis and distalis

Lower Structure

Pelvis: whole structure; bony pelvis; hip bone (individual bone) (Pelvic/Hip Girdle) Circulatory= 2 hip bones+ sacrum Hip Bone: Ilium, Ischium, pubic bone

Cruz-Leg: Tibia and Fibula Femur: Thigh Ankle: Tarsus- 7 bones Metatarsus- foot- 5 metatarsal bones Toes: ossa Digitorum Pedis- 14 Phalanges

Patella= Knee Cap

Movements of the Joint

Flexion= bending forward Extension= bending backwards Adduction= movement towards the body Medial Rotation= rotation towards the body Lateral Rotation= rotation away from the body Lateral Flexion (only the trunk)= bending sideways

Joints needed for motion

Shoulder and Hip Joints= 2 movable joints that can perform six movements Upper head joint= up and down Lower Head Joint= sideways, rotation of the head Sternal-clavicular joint Shoulder Joint= Scapula and Humerus Elbow joints (3)= flexion and extension= 2; pronate and supinate= 3 wrist joints (2)MP &PIP & DIP= both fingers and toes Hip joint= hip bone and femur Knee joint= femur and tibia Ankle joints = Upper and Lower Ankle joint

Ligament Cartilage Standing straight= 2 ligaments loose Bending= tight

1 muscle is responsible for one movement

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