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Our Nursery (Foundation 1) and Reception (Foundation 2) classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and work closely together to plan and achieve continuity and progress within the Foundation Unit. The new EYFS curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We provide learning opportunities for each of these areas through structured play-based activities and childrens independent and selfinitiated activities, using both the indoor and the outdoor learning environment. How Children Spend Their Time in Foundation 80% of a typical day is spent on child-initiated activities in which the staff support children in their self chosen learning through observation, questioning and modelling. This allows us to build up a picture of what the child can do independently and forms a learning journey of your child which is recorded by collecting photos, post-it notes and other evidence. This then forms a Learning Journey book which is added to on a weekly basis. Parents are also encouraged to bring in any evidence from home to add to the Learning Journey book. 20% of the time in Foundation stage is used for adult led activities such as whole class learning inputs and smaller guided group work. These sessions cover learning throughout the seven areas of the curriculum. As the terms progress through the year so does the amount of time spent on focussed adult led activities as well as plenty of opportunities for playing and exploring. How can I help my child? Parents often ask how they can best support their childs learning at home. If you would like to help your child, the most valuable activities are practical ones that relate closely to everyday life. Sharing stories together will help your child develop a love of all types of books and as they begin to learn letters and sounds they will start to recognise words in the books they are reading with you.

St Peters Reception Class

Information Guide

Welcome to Reception
Dear Parents and Carers, We would like to welcome you and your family to St Peters School. Our Reception classes are staffed by a qualified Early Years teacher and an experienced Teaching Assistant. We have a maximum class size of 30 children. We work as a Foundation Unit, which gives our Reception children access to all the resources available in our Nursery and Reception base classroom and outside areas. An events letter will be given to you in September to let you know what fun and exciting things are planned for the Autumn term. Morning Routines Children should be brought into Reception class via the playground Nursery door and for those in the Reception/Year 1 class via the side entrance to the main building or from the playground entrance to R/1 classroom. Children are to be collected from the playground outside their classroom at the end of the day. From 8.50am you may come in and encourage your child to put their things away independently and settle your child at an activity in their classroom. At 8.55am all children will pack away and say goodbye to their grown-ups and will then be registered. Please let us know if someone other than the regular carer is going to collect your child. This is for your childs safety. Snack Time We aim to follow the school policy on promoting healthy eating, so children will be provided with a free drink of milk or water and a piece of fruit each day. If there are any foods or drinks that your child may not eat or touch, for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. Children can have snack in morning or afternoon choosing time in our snack shop. Lunchtime Children self-register in the morning, placing their name next to a big packed lunch or a school dinner. All children eat in the school hall. The Reception children have a designated lunchtime supervisor to help them. The children are encouraged to eat their lunch and have plenty to drink at lunchtime. A mealtime assistant supports children who are having school dinner, encouraging them to eat their meal and supporting them to cut their food. Outside play As we go outside to play every day, please ensure your child brings a warm/waterproof coat and hat. During the summer months they will need a

sun hat (we do have hats with the St Peters logo). Also during the summer months please remember to apply a sunscreen to your child every day before their session. Children need to be able to run and play safely so please make sure their shoes are appropriate for this. Uniform Information about school uniform can be found in the school prospectus. School Uniform and P.E. Kit can be ordered by filling out an order form, which can be downloaded from our website. Please hand forms in to Mrs Trapnell in our school office. PE Kit We follow the Leap for Life programme, which is a physical literacy programme specifically for Reception children. We have 4 sessions of P.E each week. This includes one longer session when we change into our P.E kits. Kit list: Green t-shirt, black shorts, black daps or trainers. P.E. kit can be left on the childs coat peg in the cloakroom in a clearly labelled P.E. bag and taken home at the end of each half term. P.E. kit and bags can be purchased via our website. Illness Please do not send your child to Foundation when they are unwell. If they are sick our policy is that you keep them at home for 48 hours, as tummy-upsets are easily passed on amongst young children. Book bags and Reading Book bags need to be brought to school every day. Each child will have a yellow reading log. This is also a good place to write any messages for the teacher as these are checked on a regular basis. Keywords are also sent out in the reading log. These are a list of 5 or 6 words for your child to learn. When they have learnt them from sight, they will progress to the next set. Books are changed several times a week and keywords are checked weekly. If your child has read a book and you would like it changed (other than the designated book changing days) please come in and we will show you where you can help your child to change their book. The children will visit the school library once a week and can choose a library book to share with you at home.

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