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Nakoma Ehrhart Timeline and Evidence Below is the anticipated timeline for my project.

I have outlined the activities I will be completing each week along with the time these activities will take me and the evidence I will provide. I will begin on October 14 and will end when the final product is due on January 14. My project will last ten weeks. I will be skipping holiday weeks. Week Dates 1 October 14-18 Activity Evidence Recruit 3-4 Blank dancer dancers to contract participate in my Signed experiment dancer Draft a dancer contract(s) contract detailing the parameters of the experiment Have all dancers sign the contract Create a Dancer Completed Dietary Dancer Information sheet, Dietary where dancers will Information list any food sheets allergies or dietary preferences. Give to each dancer to fill out. Using the dietary List of foods information sheets, & nutrition research foods that facts will work with each dancer in the categories of protein, fat, and carbs. Make a list of these foods including the nutrition facts. Estimated Hours 20 minutes (lunch period) 30 minutes 20 minutes (lunch period)

October 21-25

1 hour to create, 20 minutes to fill out

October 28November 1

2-3 hours

Nakoma Ehrhart 4 November 4-8 Make any necessary food purchases for the dancers lunches. Plan which weeks will be devoted to which food groups, and the lunches that will correspond. Create a PostDance Survey sheet for dancers to complete after YPAS dance class and Ensemble rehearsal on our meeting days. Journal due 11/16 First week of experiment: fat focus. Experiment will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday. Grocery receipt Lunch plan 1 hour 1-2 hours

November 11-15

Blank PostDance Survey sheet

1-2 hours

November 18-22

Journal entry Completed Post-Dance Surveys

7 8

November 25-29 December 2-6

Journal due 11/30 Second week of experiment: protein focus. Experiment will take place on Monday and Wednesday.

Journal entry Completed Post-Dance Surveys

1 hour Two 20minute lunches, 30 minutes to prepare lunches for each day, surveys will be collected at the end of the day. 1 hour Two 20minute lunches, two 30minute meal preps

Nakoma Ehrhart 9 December 9-13 Third and final week of experiment: carbohydrate focus. Experiment will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. Journal due 12/14 Using the PostDance Surveys, write a conclusion detailing which nutrient pulled above the rest for the dancers energy. Describe what the composition of a pre-dance meal should be. Completed Post-Dance Surveys Journal entry Two 20minute lunches, two 30minute meal preps 1 hour



January 610

2-3 hours

Total: at least 16 hours

Nakoma Ehrhart Human Resources The following chart lists all persons involved in my project and their intended roles. Future contact with these persons is outlined, as well as backup plans should these people fail to fulfill their roles in my project.

Person(s) Dancers 1, 2, and 3

Dancer 4 (and possibly 5)

Role These are the primary dancers during my experiment who currently eat with me on Red days and will eventually eat the lunches I provide. They will also be completing the PostDance Surveys. This dancer will also eat with me on Red days. He/she will sign the contract and eat the meals I provide; however, he/she will not need to complete the Post-Dance Surveys unless one of dancers 1-3 is absent.

Communication I have already mentioned my project to these dancers and several of them seemed interested. Now, I just have to get three of them to commit to the project through a signed contract. See above.

Plan B Should none of the dancers I eat with on Red days commit, I will consult the dancers I eat with on White days. Should I have dancers commit who are absent one day, I will use my fourth dancer. If I cannot find a fourth dancer, I will refrain from participating fully myself and will become the Plan B dancer.

Facilities, Equipment, and Budget Below is a chart detailing the materials, space, and money I will need for my project. Included is an explanation of how these materials will be obtained and paid for.

Nakoma Ehrhart Material(s) Meeting area where my dancers will eat lunch with me. Obtainment Cost None Payment Method N/A

Since my project is taking place at school, this is already provided: my dancers and I will eat in one of the YPAS canteens (which will be decided upon when the weather cools). Lunch boxes or To reduce costs, I will use plastic bags to pack my grocery bags that I have available at dancers my house. lunches Food for my For the most part, the foods I give my dancers and dancers will come from my familys myself regular weekly groceries (i.e. my family will share the weekly groceries with these dancers. They have already agreed to do so). I will attend the weekly grocery trip with my mother to collect the foods for my dancers. A dance class Thankfully, dance classes at YPAS immediately begin right after lunch, so this is following lunch already provided.



I expect a few special food purchases to be made, totaling no more than $30.

I will be paying for these special foods myself.



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