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Force and Motion II We continue our investigation of the motion of objects which are subjected to various forces.

We again use F=ma to investigate the motion of objects subjected to various forces. In the following discussion, we will consider two important special applications of Newton's laws. The first application is the study of frictional forces and there influence on the motion of objects. The second is a discussion of the centripetal force which acts on an object undergoing uniform circular motion.

Friction We begin with an observation. We place an object with a mass M on a horizontal surface. Since the object doesn't move, the sum of the forces in the x and y directions must be zero. There are no forces on the object in the horizontal direction. In the y-direction we have N-Mg =0, that is the normal force is equal and opposite to the weight of the object. We now start to tip the surface at a small angle . We keep our x-direction in the direction of the planar surface. Again, we write down the forces in the x and y directions
N y N Mg Mgsin x Mgcos Mg

y x

Fy = N - Mgcos = 0 Fx = Mg sin 0

SIU Board of Trustees, 1999

Static Friction The equation for Fx says that the force is nonzero so we should immediately observe the object to accelerate down the plane, no matter how small the angle . This is almost never observed. What we observe is that the object remains stationary on the plane. Therefore, there must be a force in the x-direction that we have not considered. This force is the force of friction. Our force equation in the x direction becomes Fx = Mgsin-Ff, where Ff is the force of friction.

Now, what happens as we make the angle steeper? By increasing the angle, we increase the force in the x-direction. (Remember, the force in the x-direction is Mgsin which gets larger as we increase the angle). However, the block remains stationary until we reach a critical angle c. For angles greater than c, the block will accelerate down the plane. What does this say about the force of friction for angles less than c? This means that the force of friction must also increase as the angle increases in order to balance the component of the force in the positive x-direction. If the object is stationary, the frictional force adjusts to balance the other horizontal forces acting on the object. This frictional force is usually called the static friction.

= 10o


Mgsin(10o ) = 20o


Mgsin(20 o) = 30o


Mgsin(30o )

SIU Board of Trustees, 1999

Kinetic Friction We noted above that as we increase the inclination angle, there will be some point where the component of the force in the direction of motion becomes larger than the force of friction. This means that there must be some maximum value for the magnitude of static friction between two given objects. Once this maximum value is exceeded, the object begins to move down the plane. You would think that at the critical angle, the force of friction would be balanced by the force acting down the plane. In this case, the object would move down the plane at a constant velocity. However, this is not what is usually observed. What is observed is that the object accelerates down the plane. This is because the force of friction actually decreases somewhat, once the object begins to move over the surface. We call the force of friction on a moving object its kinetic friction.

Relationship between the Kinetic Frictional Force and the Normal Force The force of friction depends on the contact forces between the object and the surface that it moves upon. We call this force of contact the normal force. The normal force is always perpendicular to the surface of motion. While the force of kinetic friction can be quite complicated, it has been found that in most cases, the magnitude of the Kinetic Frictional Force is simply proportional to the magnitude of the Normal Force. Therefore, we can write Ff = kN (Magnitudes only), where k is the coefficient of kinetic friction. The coefficient of kinetic friction is simply a number, (i.e. it is dimensionless), that depends on the nature of the surface and object. The Force of Kinetic Friction is always in the opposite direction of the motion.

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Relationship between the Static Frictional Force and the Normal Force The force of static friction also depends on the Normal force. Since the static force can change depending on the applied force, it is difficult to write an equation that applies in all cases. However, there is a relationship between the normal force and the maximum force of static friction. This relationship is Fs(max) = sN, where Fs(max) means the maximum static frictional force and s is the coefficient of static friction. Since this is the maximum force of static friction, we always know that Fs sN.

The Coefficient of Kinetic and Static Friction The coefficients of friction are numbers which are determined from experiment. They are material parameters, which means that the number we get depends on what the material we consider. We can't say that the coefficient of friction for steel is 0.53 or the coefficient for glass is 0.27. This is because k depends on both the object and the planar surface. The coefficient of steel sliding on a piece of glass is not the same as for steel on wood. The coefficient of friction also depends on the surface textures of the object and plane. The coefficient of static friction also depends on the materials and surface textures of the objects in contact. Since we know that the force of friction decreases somewhat when the object is in motion, we know that k < s .

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An Example of Static Friction A mass M 1 is suspended from 2 cords as in the figure on the right. The cord from the ceiling is at an angle of 35o to the vertical. Mass M2 has a mass of 20 kg and the static coefficient of friction between M2 and the surface is 0.65. What is the largest hanging mass that can be supported by this system? T1 M2 T2 M1

Step 1. The hanging mass can be supported as long as M2 stays fixed. We start with a free body diagram for M2. As long as the tension T2 in the string is less than Fs(max), M2 will remain fixed. Therefore,

N Ff = N T2 M2g

T 2(max) = N = Mg = (.65)(20)(9.8) = 127.4 N Step 2: We draw a free body diagram for the hanging mass M1. We know that in the x direction T1 cos T 2(max) = T1(max)sin 35o = T1(0.57) or T 1(max) = 1.75 T2(max) For the y components M1(max)g = T1(max) cos 35o = Substituting in our values, we can solve for M1(max) M1(max) = 1.75(127.4N)(0.82)/(9.8 m/s2) = 18.6 kg. T2

T1 T1 sin

M1 g

SIU Board of Trustees, 1999

An Example of Kinetic Friction. An object of mass 10 kg at the base of an inclined plane is projected up the plane with an initial velocity of 10 m/s. The angle of inclination is 15o and the coefficient of friction k is 0.35. How far does the object travel up the plane? Step 1: Draw a diagram of the problem and find all the forces.
Ff y x N

If the object is moving in the positive x direction, the frictional force is in the direction down the plane. Step 2: Break up the gravitational force into its components along the x and y direction. Then write down Newton's Laws for the forces.


y x N Ff Mg Mgcos

Fy = N - Mgcos = 0

(No acceleration in y-direction) N = Mgcos.


Fx = -Mgsin - N (Both forces acting in the -x direction) Fx = -Mgsin - Mgcos = -Mg(sin + cos )
But F x = Ma x, so Ma = -Mg(sin + cos ) or a = -g(sin + cos ) = -9.8(sin 15o + 0.35cos 15 o) = -9.8(.60) = 5.85 m/s2

SIU Board of Trustees, 1999

Now we know the acceleration. At the top, the velocity will be zero. So we can use vf2 = vo2 + 2a(x-xo) Let's make the substitutions vf=0, vo=10 m/s, xo=0, and a =-5.85 m/s2 0 = 100 - 2(5.85)x or, x = (100 m2/s2)/(11.7 m/s2) = 8.55m

Drag Forces: Another Type of Frictional Force The equation for the frictional force F = N does not work in all cases. This form of the frictional force works well for solid surfaces in contact. It does not describe the frictional or drag forces of objects moving through a fluid. Air is a special fluid, and the drag force caused by the atmosphere is sometimes called air resistance. The drag force for objects moving at relatively high velocities has been determined by experiment to be D = 1/2 C Av2 where C is the drag coefficient, is the density of the air, A is the cross-sectional area of the object and v is the object's velocity. The drag force is an example of a velocity dependent force. If an object is dropped, it begins to accelerate under the gravitational force. Since the initial velocity is small, the drag force doesn't have a large effect on the motion. As the speed of the object increases, so does the drag force. At some point, the drag force will become as large as the gravitational force. At this point, the net force is zero and the object continues its descent at a constant velocity. This velocity where the drag force is equal to the gravitational force is called the terminal velocity.

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From Newtons second law, we can determine the terminal velocity, vt, for an object falling in a fluid. Since the acceleration is zero, we know that mg = D or mg = 1/2 C Avt2 We can solve for vt2 vt2 = (2mg)/(CA) or vt = {(2mg)/(CA)}1/2

Centripetal Force: Another Look at Uniform Circular Motion We recall that from Newton's First law, an object moving at a constant velocity will continue to travel in a straight line unless a force acts on it. If we are driving down an interstate at 65 mph and the road begins to curve, we must turn the wheels toward the center of the circle. That means, there must be a force toward the center to make the car start moving in a circular path. This force is called the centripetal force. v

Fc r

The centripetal force can be due to any of the forces we have considered so far. In the caseof a car rounding a curve, the centripetal force is caused by the frictional forces of the tires on the road surface. (Can you "hold the curve" if the road is icy?) If an object is twirled at the end of a string, the centripetal force is provided by the tension in the string. In the case of the moon travelling in a circle about the earth, the centripetal force is caused by the gravitational attraction of the earth and moon.

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We have already found that the centripetal acceleration of on object in uniform circular motion is given by
2 a= v r (Centripetal Acceleration: Uniform Circular Motion)

Using Newton's Second Law F=ma gives us an expression for the centripetal force on an object undergoing uniform circular motion.
2 Fc = ma = mv r (Centripetal Force: Uniform Circular Motion)

Centripetal Force: A Conical Pendulum A conical pendulum consists of a 200g mass suspended by a string with a length L of 1m. The mass moves in a circular path making 3 revolutions in 2 seconds. Find the tension in the string and the angle that the string makes with the vertical. Step 1: Draw a free body diagram and write down F=ma for each component.

Fc r Mg

In the vertical direction, there is no acceleration so we have Mg = Tcos The direction toward the center isn't really the "x-direction." Usually, we refer to the direction as the "centripetal or radial direction." We can still use Newton's Laws. We have Mac = Fc = Tsin

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Step 2 Find the Centripetal Acceleration, ac. Remember that f is the number of revolutions per second. In this case f = 1.5 s-1. The angular velocity = 2f = 3 s-1. The velocity of the particle is r, where r is the distance from the center of the circle to the particle. From the diagram, r is given by r = Lsin , so that v = Lsin..

Fc r Mg

Now we can find the centripetal acceleration. We have a = v2/r = 2r2/r = 2r = 2Lsin Step 3. Substitute the value for the acceleration into the force equations. From the force equation, ma = T sin, so m2Lsin = Tsin or T = m2L = 0.2kg(9.42 s-1)2(1m) = 17.7N We can find the angle from the force equation in the vertical direction. mg = Tcos cos = (0.2 kg)(9.8m/s2)/17.7N =
= 84o

SIU Board of Trustees, 1999

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