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Minutes of Parish Meeting th Tuesday 4 June, 2013 Present: David Clarke (Chair), Alan Froggatt (Clerk), Mo Tyler, David French, L Broughton, J Broughton, Judith Duffield, Florence Baldwin, Ann Candish, Edgar Candish, Phil Clements, Ian Dales, Anne Turner, Jean Ashley, Roy Turner, Sue Rowlands, Adrian Lawton, Anita Clements, Alan Molineaux, Sue Rowlands, Linda Molineaux, Kate Murrell & Ollie Martlew. Apologies: Peter Rowlands, Jane Clarke, Judy Muirhead, David Duffield & Roy Wood. Minutes of Last Meeting: th Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May, 2013 having been previously circulated and copies presented at the meeting were approved and accepted. Proposer F Baldwin, Seconder E Candish Matters Arising From Previous Meeting: Mr. Alan Froggatt announced that he had tendered his resignation as Parish Clerk and that the Chairman had accepted it. Consequently the post of Parish Clerk is now vacant and a new Clerk will be sought. Mr. Roy Turner requested that the contents of the resignation letter be read out to the meeting. The Chairman stated that if the Clerk wished the letter to be read than it would be, however it was felt that as this was a personal matter that the Clerk should decide. Following a short discussion the Clerk informed the meeting that should anyone wish to receive a copy of the letter that if they e-mail him he will, by return, provide them with a copy Action A Froggatt Minutes: Following the debate at the last meeting regarding the rental of the Parish Plots the Chairman advised the meeting that a new rental figure of 417 had been agreed with the tenant Chennels Farms Ltd. Following the earlier announcement of the Clerks resignation the Chairman sought nominations for a replacement. He had received one nomination for Adrian Lawton to take up the post and requested any further nominations. None were forthcoming and Adrian Lawton was elected Clerk to the Parish Meeting. Adrian Lawton took over the Clerks position at this point. Proposer Sue Rowlands, Seconder Linda Molineaux Any Other Business Cemetery Gates Alan Froggatt felt that the entrance gates to the cemetery posed a health and safety hazard as they no longer shut due to the support pillar being pushed out of plumb by undermining tree routes. Following discussion and it being pointed out that in reality they had never shut properly since being erected, it was proposed that a structural survey be undertaken to establish the extent of any work required before bringing it back to the meeting with recommendations. Action Adrian Lawton Millennium Walk Mo Tyler advised the meeting that the walk created off plot lane to mark the Millennium had become very overgrown and was almost impassable. She asked if there would be any objections to her undertaking some clearance work to improve the walk. The meeting thanked her for her gracious offer and subsequently a small working party was formed to undertake the works in due course. Action Mo Tyler There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.19pm with a vote of thanks being extended to Alan Froggatt for his work as Clerk to the Parish Meeting over the previous two years.

Chairman _______________________

Clerk __________________________

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