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We are thankful to Prof. Pranab Deb who has given us this opportunity to undertake this project

and conduct the research study. We are also thankful to him for guiding us throughout during
this project.

We are also thankful to all our friends for providing us with necessary feedback while preparing
this questionnaire as they were the first among sample population to see the design of the

Last but not the least we are thankful to all the persons who gave their precious time in
answering the questionnaires and solving our queries regarding the project.

Lakshyata Sharma (08BS0001532)

Megha Tayal (08BS0001723)
Nishi Pandey (08BS0002039)
Rishabh Narang (08BS0002693)
Tanmay Khuntia (08BS0003571)
Ekta Singh Nathawat AF


This study is all about to understand the consumers’ perception towards the multiplexes and to
forecast the future of multiplexes. The study reveals that the future of the multiplexes is very
bright and since there is sudden increase in the per capita income which led to the increase in
standard of living of the natives. Now the metropolitan culture has started intruding in the city
and people are in the condition to spend more. The spurt in the nationwide standard of living of
the people has led to some very drastic changes in the current scenario.
This study is carried out with the help of questionnaire which discloses the extravagant
responses of the respondents towards the multiplexes. As per the data collected we found that all
respondents welcome the culture of multiplexes in the city. The people are very happy to have
the pleasant experience of watching the movies in multiplexes which they so far used to get only
in metropolitans but now in their homeland. The fact is quite apparent with the kind of data we
have gathered through this study which is mentioned later.
In our research project our point of focus is on determining the movie viewing habits for the age
group of 20-30 years of age. It includes the medium preferred by the people for watching
movies, how frequently they watch movies and what is their monthly expenditure on it.
Some key issues like strikes in multiplex, their effect on the revenue generation for multiplex
and the competition between multiplex and Cineplex

Serial No Particulars Page no





For any research work there has to be some objective which can highlight the purpose of doing
the research work. The main objectives are:
• To determine the effect of emergence of multiplex on single screens and societal
influence (Strike Issue) on their growth.
• To find out whether Multiplexes are considered better option for watching a movie as
compared to Single screen and the reasons behind their preference.

This research was conducted in two phases. In the first phase the study was based on the results
of a wide survey, that is, personal interview with the aid of printed questionnaires. The second
phase of study was conducted by Secondary Research using Google and other Databases. The
internet basically serves the purpose for the same

1. This study is purely based on the responses received from the respondents.

2. Since we are not the authorized researchers so this study is made keeping in view utmost
cost effectiveness.

This study is done in a limited time span

H0 = Single Screens are going to die soon
H1 = Single screen are not going to die soon
H0 = Multiplexes incur heavy losses due to strike

H1 =Multiplexes did not incur heavy losses due to strike

H0 = Multiplex/Cineplex business is effected by piracy

H1= Multiplex/Cineplex business is not affected by piracy

Research Methodology

• Desk Research: In this stage we focused on secondary data analysis and

looked for the film exhibition industry as in whole.

• Questionnaire Survey: We prepared a questionnaire and got it filled by
online survey and our respondents constitutes age group of 20-30 years.

The Sampling Technique

Stratified Random Sampling: we have divided the entire population into
subpopulations or strata and used simple random on each strata.

The Contact Method

• Questionnaire from different respondents

Sample size: 50

Secondary data
Different published and unpublished (only online) materials basically articles from the internet
have been focused on.
We have studied and gathered information from a number of authentic sources like:

• Books
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Internet

Primary Data
For our research we have used only the questionnaire survey method to conduct our analysis.
Questionnaires are of three categories such as structured, un-structured, disguised and un-
disguised. But we have used structured questionnaire for our survey. Structured question is the
one which has specified number of responses. Such questions restricted the interviewee from
giving his own answers and required them to choose from among the alternatives given. This
saves a considerable amount of time as the respondents is quick enough to choose from among
the options given to him.
Age Group
We have focused mainly on the age group of 20 to 30Yrs. of age group which includes mainly
youth i.e. college going students and earning group as well.
The following graphs and table are basically a representation of the respondents in the form of
questionnaire being filled by them.
The number and percentage wise distribution is shown below and also separate analysis of the
graphs has been shown therewith.
Finally a detailed conclusion of all the graphs has been told focusing on key points as well.

1) What is your monthly expenditure in watching movies?

Percent Respon
age ses
0-500 36.0 18

500-1000 26.0 13

1000-2000 24.0 12
Above 2000 14.0 7
Total responses: 50

2) How frequently you watch movies?

Percen Respo
tage nses
Once a week 50.0 25

Once in a month 32.0 16

Fortnightly 10.0 5

Quarterly 8.0 4
Total responses: 50

3) Which medium do you prefer to watch a movie?

Percent Respon
age ses
Multiplex 38.2 39

Single Screens 10.8 11

Television 14.7 15

DVD's 27.5 28

Other 8.8 9

4) Do you think Multiplexes are better options than Single Screen (Cineplex) for watching a
movie? If yes, then

Percent Respon
age ses
72.0% 36
No 28.0% 14
Total responses: 50

5) What makes Multiplex a better source of entertainment than Single Screen (Cineplex)?

Percent Respon
age ses
Ambience 35.5 39

Food Court 18.2 20

Shopping Malls 13.6 15

Crowd 30.9 34

Other 1.8 2

6) Did you find ticket price of Multiplexes as per the service and quality provided?

Perc R
enta espo
ge nses
Yes 38
No 12

Total responses: 50

7) What are the areas of improvement you find for Single Screen (Cineplex)?

Percent Respon
age ses
Structure 29.8 28

Service 24.5 23

Security 9.6 9

Quality 35.1 33

Other 1.1 1

8) Do you think Piracy has eaten into Multiplex and Single Screen (Cineplex) Business?

Perc Resp
entag onse
e s
Yes 35
No 15
Total responses: 50

9) Do you think the strike by Multiplexes over profit sharing issue was justified?

11 Perce Respo
Yes 54.0% 27

No 46.0% 23
Total responses: 50

10) Will the recurring strikes will influence you or direct you to watch movies in Single
Screen (Cineplex)?

Perce Resp
ntage onses
Yes 40.0% 20

No 60.0% 30
Total responses: 50


Single Screens are going to die soon

As per the data collected we can conclude that the ‘Single Screens’ are passé, it no more attracts
the consumers these days. After the primary research we have arrived at the conclusion that
almost 38.2% of respondents prefer multiplex over single screens, television and DVD. As per
72% respondents multiplex is the better option than the single screen for watching movies.
Respondents prefer multiplexes due to factors like ambience, crowd and presence of shopping
malls. Hence as per the survey the above hypothesis is justified.

Multiplexes incur heavy losses due to strike

After the primary research we have come to the conclusion that almost 54% of respondents feel
that the strike over profit sharing issue is justified and the rest 46% think otherwise. Movie
viewers irrespective of strike would prefer to go to multiplex rather than cineplexes. The above
hypothesis has been accepted after the analyzing the results and the factors involved in it.

Multiplex/Cineplex business is affected by piracy
As per the 70% of respondents, they agree to the fact that piracy has eaten into Multiplex &
Single Screen business. This shows the extreme impact upon the movie viewing business. Piracy
has seeped into every sphere of the Film Industry, which has led to deep losses borne by the
filmmakers, distributers and other intermediaries. The primary data helps us to prove our
hypothesis that multiplex business is affected by piracy.


India's craze for films has not been fully exploited by the "Film Exhibition"
industry due to the lack of screen density in the country coupled with the poor
quality of screens. "Multiplex Cinemas" offer an alternative to tap this potential by
providing a quality experience to the viewer as well as economies to the multiplex

"Films" has been one of the integral components of the Indian entertainment
industry contributing nearly 27% of the total revenues of the entertainment
industry. Besides, films also contribute to other components of the entertainment
industry like music, television and live entertainment. The Indian film industry is
one of the most complex and fragmented national film industries in the world
comprising of a number of regional film industries like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu,
Kannada and others. The Hindi film industry is the most popular among them.
Though India produces the largest number of films in the world (Approximately
1000 per year), it accounts for only 1% of the global film industry revenues. In
spite of being over 90 years old, the Indian film industry was accorded the status
of industry only in 2000. Over the years, the Indian film industry has been highly
unorganized as film financing was dependant on private and individual financing
at extremely high interest rates. Only recently, the industry has got access to
organized finance. With vertical integration taking place between producers,
distributors, exhibitors, broadcasters and music company’s corporatization is now
taking shape in the Indian film industry. We believe, that corporatization, will
bring about transparency, accountability and consolidation which will help to
improve the overall profitability of the Indian film industry as well as reduce
piracy and leakages which presently account for 14% of the Indian film
industry's revenues.



Film exhibition forms the most important component of the Indian film industry.
According to the - KPMG report domestic theatrical revenues contributes 57% of
the total Rs59bn film industry revenues and are expected to grow at 17%. Overall,
the Indian film industry is expected to grow at 16% CAGR it is expected to reach
Rs143bn in 2010. The main pockets for film exhibition in India are Delhi, Mumbai
and South India. Due to various regional language film industries in the South, it
has become an important film exhibition pocket. Hyderabad and Bangalore are 2
southern cities where occupancies are exceptionally high at around 70%-80%.


India currently has 11500 existing screens, 95% are standalone, single screens.
These single screen cinemas are poorly maintained as the owners find it difficult to
upgrade and renovate their facilities, due to unavailability of organized finance.
The deteriorating quality of these cinemas dissuaded viewers and they started
using alternative viewing options.

Over the last few years, multiplexes have emerged as a trend in urban India.
"Multiplexes" are essentially cinemas with 3 or more screens. They provide a
quality viewing experience and are generally located around shopping malls to
increase footfalls in these malls. Each screen in a multiplex has small seating
capacities in the range of 150-300 seats as compared to single screen cinemas
which have capacities in the range of 800-1,200 seats.
With around 11500 active screens, India is under screened. China, which produces
far lesser films than India has 65,000 screens while the US has 36,000. India’s
screen density stands low at 12 screens per million populations. There is a need of
at least 20,000 screens as against the current 11500. This gives multiplex operators
enough room to grow as the traditional single-screen theatres do not have the
financial wherewithal nor do they enjoy tax incentives.



• Strong operational performance

• Aggressive expansion plans
• Foray into co-production
• Leading Multiplex operator
• Entertainment tax burden to decline



Consistent performer

Impressive capacity ramp-up over the last 4 yrs:
• Top 25 cites - compelling growth stories
• E-Tax exemptions

• Integrated Play on the Media & Entertainment Sector

• Exhibition Segment - The largest player
• Expansion through acquisitions
• Future Plans
• Film Processing - Leader controlling 70% of market
• Film Production & Distribution


• Cinemax India (Cinemax) is one of the smallest

multiplex exhibitors within the listed space with
56screens across 19 properties, a majority of
them concentrated in the Mumbai territory. The
company has a predominant presence in the
Western region and is the largest exhibitor in
the Mumbai territory with a 35% share of the
multiplex screens in Mumbai. Cinemax is now
focused on expanding its presence across the
rest of India and is seeking to aggressively add capacity across other regions
• Aggressive capacity addition plans

• Tapping ancillary revenue streams

Why are Multiplexes preferred

over single screens for movie

On the basis of our analysis, 72% of the people think that Multiplexes are better options than
Single Screen (Cineplex) whereas, only 28% negate the fact. The reason behind this can simply
be answered by pointing out the difference between single screen and multiplexes.
Multiplexes Single Screens
The multiplexes enjoys rebates and exemptions Single Screen doesn’t enjoy such exemptions
from the government.(Entertainment Tax) on part of government
They just don’t offer movie but also offer so Cineplex on the other hand offer only movies
called add-on facilities and no extra facilities.
They offer customer with choice in different Single screens don’t offer such facilities with
movies no options to the customers
Talking of the ambience, multiplex offer better Single screens on the other hand don’t offer
sitting , Dolby digital sounds and good such facilities to viewers.
graphics for viewers
Multiplexes, by offering food courts, ATM Single Screen on the other hand doesn’t offer
Facility, shopping facilities can offer Add value add value to money to the customer’s income.
to money to customers.

The mushrooming of multiplexes has thrown up huge competition amongst multiplexes and is
giving the stand-alone theatres a run for their money. However, multiplex owners are still upbeat
about their business. “In India, we had 3,100 million admissions last year and only 12 screens
per million. So there is a huge potential for growth. The road ahead for theatre owners is both
exciting and challenging. “The service industry is ever changing and you have to change

Demand Side - Strong pull
Demand side environment has never been better for the whole media & entertainment industry
in general and multiplex sector in particular. A lot of demographic changes coupled with sector
fundamentals are expected to fuel demand side of the story for the sector.

Prosperity to drive discretionary spend

India is a highly favorable country for

consumer industries with all the key
indicators pointing towards higher
consumer spends in the coming years.
It has seen its per capita income
doubling in the last 6 years, it has more
than 60% of its people under the age of
60, urbanization and exposure to
western lifestyle is rising, all leading
towards increasing consumerism in the
coming decade.

In the buoyant times; people tend to

spend more on the leisure based
consumption. For the multiplex sector,
the target group is in the age group of
15-60 years of age, which visits the
theaters more often than others.

People willing to pay for quality

With the entry of multiplexes, which provide better quality movie watching experience at a
higher price compared to single screen theaters, more and more middle income group people are
coming back to the theatres thus unlocking a latent demand. This is a classic case of leisure
consumption winning over value proposition in India. As content supply booms, more and more
people will turn to multiplexes because of the rising willingness of people to pay for such

Production of Hindi movies

The Indian film industry, with over 3 billion admissions per annum, is the largest in the world, in
terms of number of films produced per year. This industry, which was worth US$ 2.12 billion in
2006, is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16 per cent to US$ 4.42 billion by 2011. The opening

of the film industry to foreign investment coupled with the granting of industry status to this
segment has had a favorable impact, leading to many global production units entering the
country. For example, Walt Disney has partnered with Yash Raj Films to make animated movies,
the Warner Group is funding the Sippys' film projects.


What was This Multiplex Strike All About

With the emergence of phenomenon like liberalization and globalization, society and culture of
every country has taken a leap. We can see transmission of ideas, trends, culture and behavior
across the global. One of the trends that have caught the momentum in the past decade is the
‘ERA OF MULTIPLEX’. The reasons for the same can be attributed the fact that over the past
couple of years, the dynamics of movie making has changed dramatically. Not only has the craft
of story telling changed, the audiences have as well. Case in point a film like Chak De or even
Dev D. Till a couple of years back you wouldn't have imagined these films gaining acceptance,
forget becoming hits. This has largely been possible due to a growing section of audiences
collectively and colloquially defined as the "multiplex audiences". These are the upwardly
mobile section of the audience which don't mind paying for a story well told, no matter how
unconventional it is. This in turn has given rise to the multiplexes – swish, clean, popcorn-
smelling environments which woo you with combo meals and a great film. Producers were
quick to spot this trend and starting creating cinema which was largely aimed at the "multiplex
audience". What they didn't realise was that in the bargain they were creating a goliath that
would in turn start dictating terms to them and that's where the seeds of this conflict were sown.
Multiplexes and distributors / producers starting conflicting on revenue share. With each movie
would start a new bout of conflict over who gets how much, with each party expecting more.
Multiplexes wanted a larger share in the pie as according to them, they get the audiences to see
the movies. However, distributors / producers would argue that content generation is more
critical hence they should get an equal share if not more. A couple of other issues like the

multiplexes inability to clear huge amount of out standings towards the distributors, not sharing
the benefit of certain incentives given to them by the government with the distributor, led to the
eventual deadlock.

On ground of revenue sharing between the producers and the the actors, what has
been finalized
Bollywood producers incurred losses running into hundred of crores due to the strike over
revenue-sharing between producers, distributors and multiplex owners. This ended when the
multiplexes have agreed on sharing revenue of all movie ticket sales for the :
For First Week 50-50 basis
For Second Week 47-53 basis
For Third Week 40-60 basis
For Following Week 38-62 basis

On account of negotiations between the actors and the producers they have come up to this
percentage distribution as per film. This is classic example of how any business or industry gets
affected by the important development in it. The strike has also affected auxiliary industries like
hoardings, public relations and advertising, as their work has come to a complete halt.
Apparently, this industry has suffered an estimated Rs 100 crore loss. This shows how the
multiple dynamics act as very important factor in determining the industry growth and

The nation's multiplex industry is all set for an unprecedented boom buoyed by positive
regulatory changes and booming consumerism. Multiplexes /megaplexes have been instrumental
in contributing 28 percent of the total theatrical sales for the film industry according to a report
by Systematix Institutional Research. Industry experts estimate that top six multiplex chains
have plans of 300-500 screens each by FY-10.
• DLF, a leading real estate player in the country, plans to invest US$ 298.12 million for
the expansion of its multiplex business. The company has planned to add at least 500
screens in the next four to five years across the country.
• Entertainment conglomerate Adlabs Cinemas has drawn up a plan to build 12
megaplexes in India where you can not only see movies but also cricket and soccer
matches on screen.

• Multiplex chain PVR Cinemas, which currently has 92 screens, is also planning to add
over 150 screens across India, staggered over a period of three years from 2008-2010,
with a total investment outlay of around US$ 71.55 million.
• Cinemax India, the multiplex chain which currently has 55 screens over 17 properties
across the country is planning to scale up its presence to 299 screens across about 100
properties by fiscal 2010


✔ Slowdown in content supply

As multiplexes are the consumers of content, they have no control over the supply
quality and quantity. Multiplexes thrive on rising footfalls which in turn depend on the
better supply of films from producers. Hence, any disruption on the supply side will
definitely have a negative impact on the multiplex players' growth.

✔ Alternative entertainment avenues

Movies compete for customer attention with other forms of entertainment viz. DVDs,
TV, cricket, festivals etc. An increased acceptability of these avenues will divert footfalls
away from multiplexes.

✔ Mall development delays

Supply of quality real estate has been a problem in the past for multiplex players. Mall
delays due to various reasons will hurt expansion plans of the companies. We are
building in a 50% delay in mall handovers to the multiplexes in our analysis. Any delay
more than this will hurt future growth of multiplexes.

✔ Uncertainty over entertainment tax

Entertainment tax in India is among the highest in the world leading to a much higher
occupancy levels required for break even of multiplexes. Even though state governments
have announced tax free windows for these players, uncertainty looms over the viability
of multiplexes after the window expires. We believe that the levels entertainment tax will
come down in the future, otherwise any increase will be passed on to the consumer to a
large extent like it is done at present.
✔ Worsening economic environment

The whole footfall growth story depends on rising prosperity in the country leading to
higher discretionary consumer spends. If the economic environment starts worsening for
a prolonged period, it will affect patronage levels negatively pulling down topline
growths. We are assuming very low CAGRs at the topline levels for all of the players and
are quite optimistic that multiplexes will grow as expected.

Are the single screen theatres

in India going to die soon?

With the boom in the multiplexes and the trend of multiplexes which can be seen in India, a
question has been raised that, are single screens going to die soon.
The perfect answer to this will be a big “NO”. Our analysis shows that more than 70% of people
prefer going to multiplexes as compared to Single Screen, but “The bigger the mob the greater
the thrill” is an old saying. In a country like India where people still say that a movie should
have to a PAISA VASOOL, it shows that the expenditure on movie or price of movie tickets has
always been a question. Multiplexes offering tickets at around 150 bucks cannot call for large
chunk of audience on account of high prices. On the other hand, if a common middle class
family-- comprising a man, his wife and two thinks of venturing out into a multiplex on a
Saturday evening, the idea doesn’t seem too pleasing, if you count the costs!

The Indian film industry is the world’s largest, churning out more than 1,000 films each year.
There are an estimated 11500 cinemas in India. Of those, nearly 600 are multiplexes and around
10900 single screens.
No doubt the road ahead for single screens is very challenging and exciting. Single theatres
would do well in smaller towns where multiplexes don’t go. They can price themselves on par or
maybe slightly above the numerous video parlors that are thriving in the rural areas. They
themselves have to look and explore their potential to serve better in the rural or their expected

Analysis on the basis of
information collected from
We discussed with staffs and managing body of some multiplex and cinema theaters. As a
discussion with them we perceived the following ideas. Pune perhaps is one city where the
transformation is starkest. Traditionally, price-conscious Puneits now don’t seem to mind paying
as much as it takes to enhance their movie experience. As industries are booming in Pune like
anything, the puneits are from diversified industries from different part of the country. So they
are quite affluent to spend money in multiplexes. Crowd is better in multiplexes. Within a few
time gaps some positive moves are expected to come and will make it a better place to hang out.
Multiplexes generally cater to high and middle income groups, with an increase in the number of
households within this earning group, will result to higher consumption and spending patterns.
Similarly migration of households from lower income to middle income levels will further drive
the consumption patterns.
Urban consumers have increased their expenditure on leisure and entertainment. Simultaneously
spends on eating out, movies and theatre, and books and music will increase. A younger
population tends to have higher aspirations and will spend more as it enters the earning phase.
On the other hand people still moving to cinema halls as the price of ticket is lower. The
segment that is attracted towards theater is different. They say that their business is also running
fine. People are rushing for the local movies like anything. They also find their house full. They
are trying to get good movies to attract more customers. If the movies are good, they used to
generate better revenues. At the time of strike as there was no release of new movies there was a
fall in sales of tickets. It affected both the multiplexes and cinema theaters. Generally in Sundays
multiplexes remain houseful if there is a release of new movie. In working days there is a sell of
20-30 percent of the tickets. Multiplexes give offers like gift vouchers, group tickets, and
discount coupons etc. At the time of strike the issue was different. Very few new movies were
released at that time. So the business in multiplexes was affected a lot. The ticket sold was
dropped down to lower than 50%. But cinema theaters managed to some extent because of
regional movies.

On the basis of Primary data analysis:
We have 50 respondents as in total and on the basis of the questionnaires being filled by them
we can say that –
➢ Around 50% of the respondents watch movies on a weekly basis
➢ Amongst the media which they mostly prefer to watch movies, Multiplex and DVD’s
have a major say. Multiplex constitutes around 38% of total respondents and DVD’s with
➢ For a view of personal liking to watch movies either in Multiplexes or in Cineplex’s,
around 72% responses came in favor of multiplexes.
➢ In a question regarding justification of prices charged by multiplexes in accordance to
the services provided, 76% agrees to it.
➢ Around 70% feel that piracy is going to affect the business of multiplex and Cineplex’s.
➢ For improvements on part of single screens, around 33% feel that structure and quality of
service is really important along with security and quality.
➢ Due to the ongoing strikes between the producers, distributers and multiplex owners we
have come to a question that whether strikes are going to influence viewers to watch
movies in Cineplex’s and we got a shocking response 60% feel that strikes will not
influence viewers.

Thus, on the basis of these following answers we can conclude that piracy has a major say for
the businesses of multiples and cineplexes. Something has to be done to get rid of it very soon.
Moser bare has come up with original CD’s at low prices to demotivate sellers of pirated
movies. Some other innovative moves in this regard can also solve the purpose. People still like
watching movies in multiplexes in spite of the high ticket prices so it can be said that quality is
still the top priority and they want their value for money which can be seen by our analysis.


This questionnaire is meant for determining the Effect of Emergence of Multiplex on Single
Screens (Cineplex) and societal influence on their growth. Kindly answer the following question
to the best of your knowledge.


Q1. Which medium do you prefer to watch a movie?

Multiplex Single Screen (Cineplex)
DVD’ Others
Q2. How frequently you watch movies?
Once a week Once in a month
Fortnightly Quarterly
Q3. What is your monthly expenditure in watching movies?
0-500 1000-2000
500-1000 Above 2000

Q4. Do you think Multiplexes are better options than Single Screen (Cineplex) for watching a
movie ? If yes, than go to Ques.5
Yes No

Q5. What makes Multiplex a better source of entertainment than Single Screen (Cineplex)?
Ambience Shopping Malls
Food Court Crowd
Others, Please specify__________________________________
Q6. Did you find ticket price of Multiplexes as per the service and quality provided?
Yes NO
Q7. What are the areas of improvement you find for Single Screen (Cineplex)?
Structure Service
Security Quality
Q8. Do you think the strike by Multiplexes over profit sharing issue was justified?
Yes NO
Q9. Do you think such strikes effects your interest in watching movies in Multiplex?
Definitely Probably
Definitely Not Unsure

Q10.The controversies generated out of movies affect the revenues earned by Multiplexes?
Positively Negatively
Does not effect

Q11. The recurring strikes will influence you or direct you to watch movies in Single Screen
Yes NO

Q12. Do you think Piracy has eaten into Multiplex and Single Screen (Cineplex) Business?
Yes NO


Important Links

• Business Research Methods, ICMR


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