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They threw three thousand free thistles Thursday. The sixths Sheiks sheep is surely sick.

Is there a pleasant peasant present?

A lump of red leather. A red leather lump.

Sixty-six thick things and sixty-six thin things.

Please, Paul, pause for applause.

Cross crossings cautiously. The horses hard hoof hit the hard high road.

Freedy thrush flies through the thick fog.

A yellow yo-yo young Hubert used to use.

Nine nimbling noblemen nibbling nuts. Six slim slender saplings. The Leith police dismisseth us.

The witch switched the switch which the Ipswich witch had switched. Sister Susies sewing shirts for sixty-three six seamen. How much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? She sells seashells on the sea shore full of shiny seashells. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.

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