Action Research For Language Teacher Michael J Wallace

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Series Editors: Marion Williams and Tony Wright

This series is designed for all those involved in language teacher training
and development: teachers in training, trainers, directors of studies,
advisers, teachers of in-service courses and seminars. Its aim is to provide a
comprehensive, organised and authoritative resource for language teacher
training and development.
Teach English - A training course for teachers
by Adrian Doff
Trainer's Handbook
Teacher's Workbook
Models and Metaphors in Language Teacher Training
Loop input and other strategies*
by Tessa Woodward
Training Foreigra Language Teachers - A reflective approach
by Michael,. Wallace
Literature and Language Teaching - A guide for teachers
and trainers
by Gillian Lazar
Classroom Observation Tasks - A resource book for language
teachers and trainers
by Ruth Wa;nryb
Tasks for Language Teachers - A resource book for training and
by Martin Parrott
English for the Teacher - A language development course
by Mary Spratt
Teaching Children English - A training course for teachers of,
English to children
by David Vale with Anne Feunteun
A Course in Language Teaching' - Practice and theory
by Penny Ur
Looking at Language Classrooms
A teacher development video package
About Language - Tasks for teachers of English
by Scott Thornbury
Action Research for Language Teachers
by Michael J. Wallace
* Original Series Editors: Ruth Gairns and Marion Williams
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Action Research for Language
Michael]. Wallace
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia
Cambridge University Press 1998
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
aDd to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreemenrs,
no reproduction of any parr may take place withom
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
Reprinted 1999
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
Typeset in Sabon 10V12 pt [eEl
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data
Wallace. Michael J.
Action research for language teachers I Michael J. Wallace.
p. em. - (Cambridge teacher training and development)
Indudes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0 521 554950 (hb). - ISBN 0521 55535 3 (pb)
1. English language Study and teaching Foreign speakers
Research. 2. Language and languages - Study and teaching - Research.
1. Title Il. Series.
PEl128.A2\V228 1997
428' 007'2 - DC21 97-33569
ISBN 0 521 554950 hardback
ISBN 0 521 55535 3 paperback
For Eileen
1 Why action research?
2 Selecting and developing a topic
3 Collecting the data
4' Field-notes, logs? i,?uplals, diari,es and personal accounts
5 Verbal reports ,
6 Observation tech,niques: recording and analysing classroom
7 Questionnaires and interviews
8 The case study approach
9 Evaluation an'd trialling: teaching materials
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Concluding remarks
Glossary of research terms
Suggestions for further reading
Subject index
Author index
124 "
The author and publishers are grateful to the authors, publishers and
others who have given permission for the use of copyright material
identified in the text. While every endeavour has been made, it has not
been possible to identify the sources of all the material used and in such
cases the publishers would welcome information from copyright
City Polytechnic of Hong Kong for the extract on p. 63 from
'Journaling together: collaborative diary-keeping and teacher develop
ment' by M. N. Brock, B. Yu and M. Wong (1992), in J. Flowerdew,
M. Brock and S. Hsia (Eds) Perspectives on Second Language Teacher
Education; Oxford University Press for the following: the article on
pp. 68-75 'An experiment in role-reversaf: teachers as language lear
ners' by T. Lowe, ELT Journal 41 (2), 1987; the article on
pp. 92-103 'Six writers in searchof texts: A protocol-based study of Ll
and L2 writing' by V. Arndt, ELT Journal 41 (4); 1987; the extracts
on pp. 139-141 and pp. 143-145 from 'Language development pro-
vision in teacher training curricula' by C. Murdoch, ELT Journal 48
(3), 1994; the article on pp. 153-159 'Learner strategies and learner
interviews' by E. Pearson, ELT]ournal42 (3), 1988; the article on
pp. 172-180 'Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy' by
S. Cotterall, ELT Journal 49 (3), 1995; the article on pp. 195-206
'Survey review: two series of Business English materials' by B. Reed and
S. Nolan, ELT Journal 48 (1), 1994, all by permission of Oxford
University Press; Cambridge University Press for the extract on
pp. 121-123 from Teaching Talk: Strategies for Production and Assess
ment by G. Brown, A. Anderson, R. Shilkock and G. Yule (1984) and
the extract on pp. 2 2 0 ~ 2 2 1 from Language Teaching; The international
abstracting journal for language teachers ana applied linguists, 28 (4)',
1995; British Education Index for extract (a) and ERIC Document
Reproduction Service for extract (b) on p. 219; Multilingual Matters
Ltd. for the extracts on pp. 224-225 from Introspection in Second
Language Research edited by C. Faerch and G. Kasper (1987); the
artide on pp. 243-250 'Research Update on Teaching L2 Listening' by
R. L Oxford, System 21 (2), 1993, is reprinted by permission of
Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford; Phoenix ELT for the article on
pp. 251-252 'Forging links: an idea for reviewing superlatives ... and
a bit more!' by D. Buckeridge, Modern English Teacher 3 (3), 1994.
We have been unable to trace the copyright owners of the figure on
p. 60 and would be grateful for any information which will enable us to
do so.
I would like to begin by thanking all the EFL/ESL teachers (both
practising teachers and would-be teachers) who have worked through
the materials in this book, and, through their feedback, helped to shape
it into its present form. I only hope that the content of this book has
been at least as helpful to them, as reading their action research projects
has been rewarding for me.
I am grateful in the first place to my colleagues in Moray House for
providing such a stimulating and facilitative professional and academic
environment in which to work. In this respect I'd particularly like to
mention: Gordon Kirk, Pamela Munn, Jim Morrison, Gordon Liddell
and lain MacWilliam.
As always, I'm very grateful to the library staff of Moray House for
all their unstinting help. Special thanks to: Denny Colledge, Steve Scott,
David Fairgrieve, Sally Wilson and Hazel Robertson.
I'd like to record here my appreciation of the sterling efforts of the
series editors, Marion Williams and Tony Wright. Their comments and
suggestions, from the detailed to the organisational, were always
thoughtful, considerate and helpfuL Thanks also to my editors at
Cambridge University Press, Alison Sharpe and Jane Clifford, for their
unfailing courtesy and helpfulness. Thanks to Liz Driscoll, copy editor,
for saving me from many egregious errors.
In its long gestation and succeeding versions, this manuscript has
tested the secretarial skills of several people, all of whom have managed
to cope both cheerfully and efficiently. I'd particularly like to thank
Edith Young for all her help; and also Carole Jackson and Janine Fox.
Thanks also to Barbara Thomas for her assistance.
Thanks, as ever, to my wife Eileen for her unfailing support.
This book is written out of the conviction that one of the most effective
ways of solving professional problems, and of continuing to improve
and develop as teacher, teacher-trainer, or manager in ELT (English
Language Teaching) is through reflection on our professional practice.
Reflection on practice can be managed in many different ways. The
approach that will be explored in this book is the one that is sometimes
called action research, by which I mean the systematic collection and
analysis of data relating to the improvement of some aspect of pro
fessional practice.
This approach is not for everyone. For one thing, it makes demands
on our time, and also requires the ability to look at evidence of our own
practice in a more detached and objective way than we normally do.
Nevertheless, if we can find the time and energy to do it, and we find it
congenial, there is ample evidence that this approach can provide all
sorts of interesting and helpful professional insights.
It is becoming quite common for ELT professionals to improve their
qualifications through further studies, which very often require the
completion of some kind of extended study, professional project, etc.
Most people would prefer these studies, projects, or whatever, to relate
as closely as possible to their normal professional action. For them, this
book should be particularly useful. It should also be useful for pre
service trainee teachers facing similar requirements, providing they have
had a reasonable' amount of teaching experience, perhaps gained
through a period of extended teaching practice.
If you are a practising teacher with a keen interest in professional
development you might like to consider the action research approach
presented here. If you do, hopefully, you will find certain of the
techniques described to be of some practical use.
Special features of this book
As well: as providing an approach to action research which is
intended to be reasonably 'user-friendly' for interested practising ELT
teachers, the book has certain other features which you may find
Examplar articles and extracts
These examplars are intended to achieve a number of aims. They show
how the research techniques being described can work out when
implemented in a specific context. They demonstrate how research
findings can be reported. They give examples of the kinds of interesting
results which an action research approach can yield. And I hope, also,
that you will find them worth reading in their own right.
iPersonal review' sections
The 'Personal review' sections are intended to give you a chance to
think about the ideas being discussed and to relate them to your own
situation. In many cases this will be done by involving you in various
aspects of the process of action research - in other words a kind of
'learning by doing'.
Most 'Personal review' sections are followed by 'commentaries' which
usually discuss possible responses to the questions raised in the 'Per
sonal review' sections, and x p a n ~ or elaborate on the issues involved.
Each chapter concludes with a summary which briefly reviews the main
topics dealt with in the chapter.
Glossary of research terms
In the text, a number of technical terms related to research are used.
These will all be explained as they occur, but they wilt also be listed in a;
glossary at the end of the book for easy reference.
Suggestions for further reading
The present book is very much an introduction to a limited range of
research methods. If you wish to explore further, this section will
provide some suggested titles, with brief comments.
1 Why action research?
1.1 Aim of this book
As professional people, most teachers would accept that our expertise
should progressively develop as we continue in our chosen occupation.
My aim in this book is to demonstrate a particular strategy for
accelerating and enhancing that kind of development, with special
reference to language
This strategy is basically a way of reflecting on your teaching (or
teacher-training, or management of an English department, or whatever
it is you do in ELT). It is done by systematically collecting data on your
everyday practice and analysing it in order to come to some decisions
about what your future practice should be. This process is essentially
\\7hat I mean by the term actiqn research. In this first chapter, I am going
to try to locate action research within the context of professional
1.2 Professional development
The value that is placed on 'experience' in most job-descriptions shows
that the expectation of improvement after a period of practice is true,
not just of professions, but indeed of a wide range of other employment.
However, in some jobs, the expectation may be that the process of
professional development levels off after an adequate level or com
petence is reached. This may be after a shorter or longer time,
depending on the complexity of the tasks involved in doing the job, the
aptitude of the person engaged in those tasks, and other factors. People
working in a profession like teaching, on the other hand, may have
more demanding expectations or themselves and their colleagues,
because they regard the process of professional development as con
tinuous and on-going.
One of the qualities that we should therefore expect in the strategies
that we consider for professional development is that these strategies
should help us to turn the problems we race in our professionaF careers'
1 Why action research?
into positive rather than negative experiences. In other words, how is it
possible for us to turn our felt need for self-improvement into a
challenging rather than a threatening process?
In fact, most of us tend to use a wide variety of strategies for our
professional development, some formal, some informal. One informal
but very effective strategy is discussions with our colleagues on
classroom experiences or problems relating to specific students. This
kind of 'talking shop' can have a whole range of useful functions:
accessing useful background information, articulating possible solu
tions to everyday classroom problems, improving self-esteem, relieving
tension, and so on. A very different kind of activity (much less
common!) is reading professional journals for ideas and suggestions.
Perhaps at this point you might wish to reflect on the 'strategies for
professional development' that you currently use, or have used in the
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.1: Strategies for Professional
What are the strategies, formal or informal, that you either as a
matter of policy or perhaps almost unconsciously use for your
professional development? (I am thinking of things like
attending conferences, reading professional joumals, etc.) How
useful/helpful do you find these 'strategies'? (Use a scale of
1-5, where 1 =not really and 5 =extremely
useful/helpful.) How congenial do you find these strategies? In
other words, do they come easily to you, or does it take a real
effort of will to emb'ark on some of these strategies? (Use the
same 1-5 scale, where 1 =leasVworst and 5 =mosVbest.) /
Strategy Useful? Congenial?
1 Why action research?
1.3 Commentary
How many different strategies did you come up with? Were the six
spaces sufficient, or did you want to list more? There are many
possibilities, of course. You may have listed the membership of a
professional association as one of your strategies; This has many of
the advantages of informal discussions with colleagues, and in addition
a wider scope for social interaction. Men;:tbership of an association
mayor may not go along with attendance at conferences. If you listed
this, you may have found it difficult to grade, since conferences can
vary so much in their impact upon one. Departmental meetings and
membership of working parties can also be very positive or very
frustrating experiences, partly depending on one's relationships with
the colleagues involved! EveninglUJeek-endltwilight (i.e. after school)
classes can also vary widely on their effectiveness and congeniality.
Taking up new challenges, for example by career moves from one post
to another, is another way in which many people expand their
professional expertise. There is also, of course, private reflection:
sometimes we do our best professional thinking while silently driving
to or from our place of work, of while reading a book on some aspect
of language teaching.
There is dearly a wide range of possibilities, and as I have already
noted, the aim of the present book is to extend that range of possibilities
still further.
1.4 Areas for development
Some teachers tend to be very self-critical- sometimes too much so. But
this is better than being totany complacent, since.self-develqpment will
never take place without the perceived need for tt. Self-awareness of
potential areas of improvement is therefore helpful provided it goes
along with a reasonably good self-image. The leap into the unknown is
unlikely to take place unless it can be done from a secure and stable
platform of self-esteem. In this spirit, let us attempt two further
'Personal review' sections.
Just because something is a tstrength' does not mean, of course, that
it need not be developed further - particularly if it is an important or
'kei strength in your professionat repertoire. This point should be
remembered when we turn to our next topic.
1 Why action research?
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.2: Strengths
Pick six areas of your professional competence which you feel
are strengths of yours. The figure 'six' is quite arbitrary, of
course, but go on - stretchlJJf you have more than six - write
them all down. Don't be moCiestl)
If you are working in a group and you feel this task is a little too
'personal' then set yourselves this task: What are the teaching
strengths that you would say are most common among the
teachers that you know?
Can you rank them in importahce? (Or, alternatively, put an
asterisk beside the key strengths.)
Professional strengths Rank/importance
1.5 Increased effectiveness
The next 'Personal review' section should be easier because it is
concerned with areas of our expertise that we feel could be improved. In
my experience, teachers and colleagues in the education field generally,
are much more conscious of such areas than they are aware of their
strengths. I would like you to imagine that you wish to become a more
effective teacher, inspector, adviser, administrator, project organiser,
head of department, teacher-trainer - or whatever. The 'Personal
review' section will also ask you to think of the possible application of
action research to these areas of concern.
1 Why action research?
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.3: Areas for Improvement
Use the chart below to make a list of, again say, six areas in
which you think you could be more effective in your work. The
areas can be very general: (e.g. keeping discipline) or very
specific (e.g. finding interesting topics for compOSition tasks).
As before, if you are working in a group, this task may be a little
too private. In that case ask yourselves this question: In your
experience, what are the areas in which most teachers could
be more effective than they are now?
When you have done that, go back over the areas you have
listed, and ask yourself if there is any serious possibility that
'research' (whatever you understand by that term) is likely to be
of significant help to you in addressing some of those
concerns. If you think it is, put a tick (-t) in the final column of
the chart.
I (most teachers) could be more
effective if:
Would research
help? (./)
1'.8 Commentary
Since I don't know what you put, let me give an example of a statement
that many teachers have made in doing such an exercise: 'I could be
more effective if l had more time to prepare my teaching.' This is
probably a s e n t i m ~ n t that many of us would share!:
Putting to one side, for the time being, the issue of 'research', let us
just look at this statement in terms of some questions it might raise:
1 Why action research?
- How much time do I currently spend on school work out of class?
- Is that a rough estimate? If so, how could'I make it more accurate?
- How much of that time is spent on preparation (as distinct, from, say,
correction) ?
- Have I any idea of how these figures compare with my colleagues?
- Are there any ways in which class time could have been used for
preparation without reducing the effectiveness of my teaching?
- Have I discussed this with my colleagues at all- have they any ideas?
- How about my use of time generally? Would I say it was efficient?
- What do I know about time management? Have I read any books on
time management. If so, what do I think of them?
Please note two things about these questions which make them useful
questions to ask. Firstly, they relate to your personal practice - so the
answers ought to be relevant. Secondly, they are answerable, even if
occasionally the answer is a matter of judgement rather than fact.
These questions might be of much greater interest to you if they
applied to one of your own areas of concern. The next 'Persona}
review' section gives you an opportunity to do this. Just in case you
haven't been able to think of a 'suitable' topic, the 'Personal review'
section includes suggested areas of concern which you can use if you
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.4: Generating Questions
Take one of the areas that you have specified in PERSONAL
REVIEW 1 .3 and see whether you can generate some
questions on the topic. Alternatively, you can try one of these
areas, which have been suggested by other teachers:
I could be a more effective teacher if: /"
1 . I could keep better discipline
2. I knew a wider range of teaching techniques
3. I didn't have to follow such a tightly-specified syllabus
4. I had more teaching resources
5. I wasn't so disorganised
Note: if you have trouble generating questions, try relating the
topic to the question-words WholWhom?, What?, Why?,
Where?, When?, How? Remember to ask questions that are
personal and answerable.
1 Why action research?
1.7 Commentary
You were asked to make up questions to this 'Personal review' section
which were (i.e.;'specific to your own professional practice).
However, just as a check that you are on the right track, I would like to
show how questions c'ould be generated from one of the given topics.
Let us take the first one (I could be a more effective teacher if I could
keep better discipline). This topic could generate questions like these:
- When have I experienced indiscipline this session?
- What form did the indisdpline take?
- How did I react?
- Did I react appropriately, or not?
- How should I have reacted? '
- Who was responsible?
Why did the indiscipline take place? What were the immediate
causes? What were the underlying causes?
- What is the appropriate strategy for me to take? In the short term? In
the long term?
- What sources of help or guidance are available to me?
These are only some of the possible questions: others may have occurred
to you. Asking the questions does not of course solve the problem. But
even the act bf writing the questions and perhaps writing out the
answers may help to 'objectify' the situation and enable you to think
your way through to a proactive plan of action (instead of merely
reacting to problems as they arise). At the very least your questions
should give you a range of options.
1.8 Inquiry
Let us 9riefly review where we have got to so far. It has been suggested
that Vontinuous process of professional development is a rational and
intrinsic part. of the life. The motivati.BJl for this
development IS often an tnterest tn, Of perhaps even an anXIety about,
some aspect of our professional performance. We have seen that there is
a wide range of possible activities that we can get involved in to develop
our professional expertise.
One possibility which we have just been exploring is to isol'ate an
area and ask oursetves some questions about it. This is not very far {romt
what Cohen and Manion (,1994) have called inquiry. Inquiry in its most
basic sense simply means the act or process of seeking the answer to a
question. So academic inquiry means seeking to answer academic
questions. Some examples within ELT might be:
1 Why action research?
- What makes a good ESP syllabus?
- How do you design good materials to develop listening skills?
- 'How should I teach the present perfect tense?
- What are the relative advantages of teacher-centredness and student
- Is English as a foreign language a form of linguistic
- What are the processes by which someone learns a foreign language?
- How effective is task-based learning?
- What happens when people try to learn a language without the help
of a teacher?
Notice that I have made these questions of very different
types in order to show the range of questions that 'inquiry' can convey.
Some of them (e.g. What makes a good ESP syllabus?) could be
answered without collecting any data (facts) at all, but could be argued
from certain principles (e.g. principles concerning the nature and
function of ESP).
Other questions (like the last one: What happens when people try to
learn a language without the help of a teacher?) are purely descriptive
and any worthwhile discussion would have to be supported at some
point by data recording the successes or failures of people trying to
learn languages on their own.
Depending on. the job we do within ELT, the answJrs to such
questions might be quite important or completely irrelevant. But for
someone, somewhere, anyone of them may be a question worth
answering, or at least attempting to answer, with reference to his or her
particular practice.
Knowing wif questions to ask, and how to ask them, is by no means
as straightforward as it might appear, and this is an issue that we will
have to return to later. In the meantime, let us have another look at
questions that were raised about the 'not enough time for preparation'
1.9' Research
Looking at these questions, you will notice that many of them relate to
established facts (e.g. How much time do I spend on school work out of
class? How much of that time is spent on preparation? How do these
times compare with my colleagues?). Some have to do with collecting
views and opinions of colleagues - what are their suggestions about
preparation time?
Both these sets of facts and these opinions can form the raw data,
1 Why action research?
which, after a period of reflection or analysis, we can use as a basis for
our decisions on what, if anything, we are going to do about the
problem we have identified.
This process of data collection, the setting up of a database, and the
subsequent analysis of the data we have collected forms the core of
what .research . There are many other aspects of research, and
othyr' 'procedures may also be involved, but this process forms its
essence. We sge that, according to this definition, research is a special
kind of inqhfry, since not all inquiry is based on data collection and
analysis. Some inquiry, for example, takes the form of pure reasoning
from first principles and is especially common in disciplines like mathe
matics or philosophy. This form of inquiry, or something approximating
to it, is also quite common in ELT. Many of the influential writings on
methodology of teaching languages have been based, not on data about
classrooms 0tlanguage learners, but on deductions from principles of
what constitutes good language teaching, or what is the appropriate
philosophy for a teaching programme. So, we find that some national
language teaching syllabuses specify that the syllabus should incorpo
rate moral teaching in a systematic way. Other foreign language
programmes contain elements designed to create mutual understanding
between cultures, because this is felt to be a desirable pedagogic aim.
And so on.
We have already used in the previous paragraph the expression
'deductions from this kind of inquiry or investigation be
characterised as deductive. TltJs is often contrasted with the inductive
kind of inquiry which is derived from data collection and analysis (Le.
in our terms). It will hopefully be clear from what has just
been said that research is here being viewed as being included in the
term inquiry, just as, for example, rose is included in the term flower. I
am labouring this point about the distinction I am making between
research and inquiry, since research can be used with a wide variety of
meanings, some of them very close to what I have here called inquiry.
1.10 Research, inquiry and professional
By this time, you may feel that we have wandered quite a way from our
starting point of professional development. Let me, therefore, try, to
pull these issues together at this point.
I have elsewhere (Wallace, 1991) proposed a model for teacher
education at the core of which is a process of reflection on professionat
action. I suggested that it was this process (called the 'reflective cycle')'
which provided the momentum for increased professional competence.
1 Why action research?
In the present context, the process involved could be summarised by the
representation in Figure 1.1.
The whole of the present book is essentially an exploration of certain
ways in which the 'reflective cycle' can be managed. Putting it another
way, it is concerned with providing 'tools for reflection'.
Figure 1.1 . The reflective cycle and professional development
1.11 Research, inquiry and the reflective cycle
If you now look at Figure 1.2, you will see that I am suggesting that
there is more than one way into the reflective cycle. This has to be the
case, since the process of professional development varies from one
person to another. We all have our own different kinds of professional
experience, knowledge, background and expertise. Strengths and needs
may vary from one individual to another. What may be of great
importance to me may be totally irrelevant to you.
You will therefore note in Figure 1.2 that after 'Strategies for PD'
there is a fork in the diagram. On the right-hand side are listed a few of
the strategies which many of us have used (e.g. attending conferences,
informal discussion with coJleagues, etc.). Such activities very often give
us information or ideas which cause us to reflect on our practice, and
perhaps change it. Hence the arrow leading into the REFLECTIVE
CYCLE hox (which refers back to Figure 1.1).
1.12 .'nformal reflection'
It has to be recognised, however, that not all these strategies are equally
effective. Certain types ofJnformal reflection can be more therapeutic
than productive. Contemplating problems does not necessarily lead to
1 Why action research?
Strategies for PD
attending conferences
informal discussion

first priclples
belief systems
Figure 1.2: Professional development strategies (excluding 'conventional research')
solving them. Indeed, sometimes such a process is not even therapeutic:
mentally rehearsing certain experiences can lead to an intensification of
unpleasant emotions without..suggesting any way forward.
1.13 Structured reflection
There is therefore a case for also having available as a source for our
reflection certain systematic approaches and techniques which will help
us to make sense or our experiences, and perhaps through such
structured reflection come to a solution. It would be extremely naive, of
course, to imply that aU our professional problems are capable ot
'solution'. Some can only be investigated; some we might have to walk
1 Why action research?
away from; others we might have to live with. However, it is the
received wisdom of those worJ>ing in professions that most
problems benefit from being aired and discussed in some controlled or
structured way; and this should also be true of professional problems. It
is suggested here that action research is a form of structured reflection.
Since action research is the main concern of this book, it has been
separated and positioned on the left hand side of Figure 1.2. To simplify
the diagram I have excluded 'conventional' research from the diagram
(see discussion below in Section 1.18).
1.14 Action research is problem-focused'
Some of our professional is open-ended and relatively
unfocused. We sometimes skim through professional journals just to see
if there is anything interesting. We occasionally even enrol on training
programmes without a very dear idea of what the criteria will be in
terms of our professional development.
Action research is different from this in that it nearly always arises
from some specific problem or issue arising out of our professional
practice. (We looked at some possible problems of this kind in PER
SONAL REVIEW 1.3.) It is therefore very problem-focused in its
approach and very practical in its intended outcomes.
1.15 Action research and inquiry
As we saw. in PERSONAL REVIEW 1.4 and the discussion leading up
to it, problems/issues give rise to questions. Generating questions gives
us the lead into various possible areas of investigation. As we have
already noted, action research is therefore a sub-area of inquiry, which
simply means the process of answering questions by using various kinds
of evidence in some kind of reasoned way.
If you look again at Figure 1.2 you wi1J see that two kinds of inquiry
are featured:
1. non-databased inquiry
2. research
1.16 Research and non-databased inquiry
We saw earlier in this chapter that questions can be answered by a
process of data collection and analysis (action research), or by other
means (e.g. by arguing from general principles or by coming to certain
1 Why action research?
conclusions according to certain things we believe - 'belief systems').
Some questions can be answered by either of these processes, or by
combining them, but other questions can be answered only by using one
method or the other.
Any conclusions or ideas we derive from data based inquiry can also
feed back into the reflective cycle. To take a very simple example, when
faced with a particular problem, I may go to a more experienced teacher
and ask his or her advice. I may reflect on the advice, and then decide to
follow it implicitly, modify it, or do something else.
However since we are mainly interested in action research, we will
not pursue this any further, and go back to the side of the
diagram. But before that, let us just explore a bit further this business of
how we can go about answering professional questions, by doing
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.5: Answering Professional
Look back at the ELT questions that were listed in Section 1.8.
Pick anyone of these questions. How would you go about
answering the question you have chosen?
More specifically:
1 . What sort of evidence would you look for?
2. What procedures would you use to collect the evidence?
3. Would the evidence involve the collection 'Of data or not?
To give an example: the answer to 'How should I teach the present
perfect tense?' could be found to be appealing to an authority (e.g.
checking up in a teacher's book on methodology, asking a more
experienced teacher), or by observing various teaching methods (a form
of data collection), or by trying out various approaches and seeing how
they work. Or you may be guided by certain principles/belief systems
(e.g. 'I don't believe in the formal teaching of grammar, so this question
really doesn't make much sense to me').
1.17 Acti'on research and the reflective cyel'e,
Action research involves the collection and analysis of data related to
some aspect of our professional practice. This is done so tnat we can
reflect on what we have discovered and apply it to our professional
1 Why action research?
action. This is where it differs from other more traditional kinds of
research, which are much more with what is true,
or at least generalisable to other contexts',
This..js a loop process, in the sense that the can be repeated
(reframing the problem, collecting fresh data, rethinking our analysis,
etc.) until we have found a solution that satisfies us.
1.18 The status of action research
To some readers, it may seem that we have come a long way round to a
statement of the obvious. I suspect that for many people, however, the
role of action research as an activity for practising teachers is by no
means obvious. It is that the attitude of the majority of teachers
varies between indifferoence and downright hostility. So it has to be
made clear precisely what is being argued for here.
It has been assumed here that it is natural, and appropriate, for
teachers (like other professionals) to develop their expertise I
on their practice. It is not being argued, however, that every teacher can
be, or should be, a 'researcher' in any traditional sense of that word.
o This seems to the present writer to be an unreasonable requirement, As
Wright (1992: 203) has noted: ' , .. teachers may sense that they are
being asked to take on yet more duties in addition to those which
already burden them ...' As we have previously established, there are
many avenues of professional development which different profes
sionals will find more or less useful and/or congenial. It seems ut(duly
constrictive to isolate one of them as a route that must be taken.
Action research has been proposed as an 'empowering' procedure. 0
But, as Widdowson (1993: 267) has pointed out, if it becomes another
top-down requirement, it turns into the reverse: not only is it an
additional burden upon teachers, but it also creates a new kind of
dependency on (non-teaching) 'experts'. Various conditions have been
laid down from time to time as to what constitutes proper action
research. Some writers recommend that action research should be
or Others suggest publication or at least
sharing of the process and results of the investigation in some way. It
has also been suggested that the same stringent requirements of validity,
reliability and verification for conventional research should also apply
to action research. (These terms will be discussed in Chapter 3, which
deals with issues relating to the collection of data.)
If reflection is to be of any real value it must be valid (Le. the data
analysis must be relevant and appropriate), However, since the position
being taken in the present book is that action research is primarily an
approach relating to individual or small group professional develop
1 Why action research?
ment, the generalisability of the findings to other contexts will not in
most cases be of primary importance. The important thing is that tbe
processes involved are helpfu,l to the practising teacher's refleqion,
irrespective of whether they can be verified by someone else.
Action research, in this definition therefore, ovYrlaps the areas of
professional development and conventional research, and for some
practising teachers may well form' a bridge between the two. The aim,
however, is not to turn the teacher. into a researcher, but to help him or
her to continue to develop llsing action research as a tool in
this process. . . .
If you have identified some problems and you are not clear about the
kind of data available or the method of collection, don't worry: this
book is intended to help you with these problems!
1.19: Summary
It is assumed that most language teachers wish to develop themselves
professionally on a continuing basis. They have access to a wide variety
of methods of doing this. One method is by reflecting on interesting
and/or problematic areas in a structured way. In this book, we shall be
looking at various ways of structuring this process of reflection through
the systematic collection and analysis of data. This is what I have called
'action research'. Action research is different from other more conven
tional or traditional types of research in that it is very focused on
individual or small-group professiqnal practice and not so concerned
with making general statements. It is therefore more 'user-friendly' in
that (for example) it may make little or no ,use of statistical techniques.
The main function of action research is to the 'reflective cycle',
and in this way provide an method for improving professional
t Why action research?'
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.6: Professional Problems and
Available Data
At the end of this chapter, it might be appropriate to see if you
can think of any problem areas in your professional life that
might be tackled through collecting or analysing data in a
systematic way.
'Problem areas' could cover a wide range of possibilities, for
1. vproblems of classroom management
2." problems ' 'p'ropriate fTlaterials , --'"
\,,c (.vi.- c:" P J1, 1. l /," 'VI.",. 17
3. prol)le,!p.s related 'particular teaching areas (e.g. reading, t{ I"'-t. (. ( j' (,',":L' e
oral sKills)
4. problems relating to student behaviour, achievement or
5. problems relating to personal management issues (e.g,
time management, relationships with colleagues/higher
These are only examples, and the topics given are probably too
broad. Try to be specific.
As before, if you are doing this as a member of a group, and
do not want this exercise to be too personal, ask yourselves
this question: What are the problems which an average teacher
in our context might encdtfnter or be concerned with? What
kind of data might be available to him or her?
Problem Kind of data that might be available
and how it might be collected
2 Selecting and developing a topic'
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will be discussing how you might go about selecting
and developing a topic on which you want to do some action research.
You should therefore not look upon everything in this chapter as a
prescription of what must be done. Rather it is an indication of what
might be done depending on the scope of project you are undertaking.
Clearly, if you are going to spend only about ten hours in total on your
piece of action research, then five hours spent onplanning would be out
of proportion. But if you estimate that you will probably spend one
hundred hours in total, then five hours spent on selecting and devel
oping the topic might be fairly minimal.
PERSONAL REVIEW 2. t: Time Allocation
1. What is the total amount of time, in hours, that you think
you can afford to spend on your action research project?
2. Let us assume that selecting and developing the topic will
take up to 10% of that time. How much time does that give
2.2 Overview
The decisions you make about selecting and devefoping a topic can be
absolutely crucial, in two ways. Firstly, if you are a teacher who is
thinking about how action research can help you reflect on YOUl!
teaching, it is essential to embark on an appropriate topic in an
appropriate way, because your experience with it will obviously colouli
your attitude to the whole business of doing action research. Secondly,
if .you intend to devote a substantial amount of time to an action
2. Selecting and developing a topic
research topic, for whatever reason, or failure may be predeter
mined by how you select and develop thetopic. (Some would-be action
researchers start off by asking themselves questions which are essen
tially unanswerable!)
Selecting and developing the topic will . be dealt with under the
following headings:
1. Purpose Why are you engaging in this action research? i
2..Topic Whatarea are you going to investigate?
3. 'Focus What is the precise question you are going to ask yourself
within that area?
4. Product What is the likely outcome of the research, as you intend
5. Mode How are you going to conduct the research?
6. Timing How long have you got to do the research? Is there a
deadline for its completion?
7. Resources What are the resources,. both human and material, that
you can call upon to help you complete the research?
8. Refocusing/fine-tuning As you proceed with your research, do
you suppose you will have to rethink your original question?
2.3 Purpose
Try to be very clear about why you are doing this research. As we have
said, your investigation is much less likely to be involving or productive
if you are doing it because you have to, for example, as part of a course.
lf you are in this situation, think very hard about how far you can relate
the task to your real personaUprofessional interests. This is a very
important consideration and you should devote some time to lithe
topic you have chosen does not relate in some direct way to your
professional needs, then it is by definition not action research.
2.4 Topic
If you have worked your way through the 'Personal review' sections of
Chapter 1, particularly PERSONAL REVIEW 1.6, you may very well
already have some ideas about the topic area in which you wish to do
your action research. You .may decide that you to tackle several
related topics, devoting only a short time to each, just to see what you
come up with. Or you may decide that you cannot afford to do that but
must choose one area: but which one? The answer, to this may depend
on the answers to the other questions that have been listed in Section
2 Selecting and developing a topic
2.2, and will be dealt with in more in the of this chapter:
practical considerations, including feasibllity, are crucially important.
However, before we can go on to discuss your choice of topic, there is
another issue which we must look at, which is how far it is within your
power to change the way that you teach.
2.5 Boundaries of decision-making
Sometimes teachers reject action research as a possible mode of
professional development because they say, in essente, 'There is nothing
we can change. Everything is decided by the Ministry or the Inspecto
rate.' If this is truly case, then of course these teachers are right.
Action research presupposes that there are certain. areas of professional
action where teachers can choose to do one thing rather than another,
and to evaluate the results. The response of these teachers does not, it
should be clear, undermine the rationale of this book. It has already
been established in Chapter 1 that action research is only one among
many forms of professional development, and the position taken here is
that it is not an activity every teacher will want to undertake.
Having said that, it is hard to believe that teachers in certain contexts
have no personal decision-making powers. If this were the case, one
would expect the quality of teaching in such contexts C9 be almost
identical in every class (which is perhaps what some bureaucrats
to!). Experience shows that in such contexts, as in other more uncon
strained contexts, there is in fact a wide range of teaching quality. It is
possible that these differences are attributabfe to personality traits or
the degree to which the teacher flouts the 'rules'. But it seems equally
possible that the differences (or some of them) are due to decisions
taken by individual teachers in terms of, for example, classroom
management, interaction with the class, motivation, pacing of lessons,
task-prioritisation, feedback, disciplinary routines, and so on. Now try
When you have filled in the table for PERSONAL REV1EW 2.2, look
again at the areas NOT within your decision-making domain.
Note that there may be different aspects of such areas: for example,
you might not be abte to change the syllabus but you may be able to
modify it or interpret it in different ways. Similarly, selecting your
colleagues might not be, within your decision-making domain, but
choosing how to relate to them might wen be.
Within the topic areas that are open to you for change of professional
action, the most important factor in selecting a topic [OF your own
action research is your sense 0[ personal involvement with the topic.
How important is it to you? If it is important enough, then you will be
2 Selecting and developing a topic
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.2: Decision-Making Areas
Before we go on any further, therefore, it may be useful and, for
some, perhaps even liberating, to think about some of the
areas in which we do or don't have decision-making powers.
For some teachers, for example, 'the syllabus' may be
something given or imposed, whereas for others the syllabus
might be entirely within their own decisionimj)king domain.
Another example would relate to how rigidlY the course book
has to be followed. Two further examples are given below. Use
the rest of the chart for your own answers.
Some professional areas
within my decision-making
which tasks I give for
Some professional areas NOT
within my decision-making
what topics are to be covered
in the syllabus
2 Selecting and developing a topic
much more likely to overcome the various practical difficulties you may
Important is an ambiguous word, in a way. For example, you may
say: 'This is important to me because I need to do some action research
for a Master's Degree.' This kind of extrinsic (externally driven)
motivation may be sufficient encouragement for you to persevere, but it
would be preferable if you had intrinsic (personal) motivation as well.
All this means is that you should, if possible, choose a topic which
matters to YOll in terms of ~ r own professional development.
Although it is sometimes inevitable, it is usually unwise to follow
someone else's agenda.
The final 'Personal review' section in Chapter 1 asked you to list ~ a n y
problem areas in your professional life that might be tackled through
collecting or analysing data in a systematic way'. The next 'Personal
review' section asks you to consider a slightly different but related
2.6 Focus
Your prioritisation of importance/interest should have given you the
grounds for an overall prioritisation of the areas for investigation. If
you are lucky, one topic will have ranked 1 for both importance and
interest. If you have to choose between importance and interest - you
should probably go for interest! We now have to turn the topic into a
research focus. In other words, what particular aspect of the topic/area
do we wish to investigate? If we are doing action research for a
dissertation, this focus will have to be expressed in the form of a
working title. (We will use the term 'working title; because, as you will
have previously noted, you will probably have to modify the title as you
get further into your research.)
2.7 E:xample: group work
Let us say, for example, that you are interested in researching group
work. We now have to start answering many other questions, such as:
What aspect of group work is it that is bothering you, or intriguing
- Is it the business of setting up groups?
- Is it the composition of groups?
- Is it the personality dashes within groups?
- Is it the llse of the mother tongue in groups?
2 Selecting and developing a topic
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.3:Prioritising Areas of
Look back at the answers that you wrote to the Personal
review' sections in Chapter 1, particularlyPERSONAL
REVIEW 1.3 and PERSONAL REVIEW 1.6. Having done
1. make a list of up to six 'areas for investigation';
2. say why you have chosen these areas;
3. prioritise them in rank order to how
important and interesting you feel them to be.
When you are listing the areas for investigation. do so in the
form of a statement/phrase (e.g. ,implementation of group work;
use of visual aids, etc.). An example is given below. You can
use the rest of the chart for your own answers.
Areas of investigation Reasons for choice PriQri1y
Importance Interest
interaction in group
some students are
very passive in group
work-are they
learning anything?
3 1
2 Selecting and developing a topic
- Is it the dynamic of groups how the individuals within a group
work together?
- Is it the issue of group leadership?
- Is it the effectiveness of group work?
- Is it the selection of the best materials for group work?
- Is it the effect of different tasks on group work?
This list of questions could be much longer. Perhaps you are interested
in not one simple aspect but a combination of aspects. Perhaps you are
interested in group work related to something else - the school ethos, or
the curriculum, or whatever. Now do PERSONAL REVIEW 2.3.
This, therefore, is one important element in achieving focus: that is,
specifying the topic as precisely as you can. Another element relates to
the population that you are researching. 'Population' simply means the
group that you are interested -in investigating. Sometimes it is not
possible to investigate the iwhole population directly, so you have to
take a sample. Are you interested only in learners at a certain level
beginners, say, or intermediate? Are you perhaps thinking of a par
ticular class, or of a particular. group,. or of a particular individual
within a group? .
You may read somewhere of the advantages of group work, but
wonder if it works well in your school, in this class, with this particular
group, for parti911lar individual. HoW' closely focused you want to
be is entirely up to you. Here is an example of how we might specify
our focus:
1. An investigation of group work
2. An investigation of the use of the mother tongue in group work
3. An investigation of the use of the mother tongue In task-based
group work
4. An investigation of the use of the mother tongue In task-based
group work in a French school
5. An investigation of the use of the mother tongue in task-based
group work among intermediate-level learners in a French school
6. 'Monique': a case study of the use of the mother tongue in task
based group work among intermediate-level learners in a French
School (and so on)
The first three examples are probably not sufficiently focused. In the last
example, 'Monique' is presumably the name given to an
fearner to protect her true identity, as frequently happens in case
The examples we have been looking at are the kind of informative
titles required for dissertations. For an article or a talk, you might need!
something more informaL
2 Selecting and developing a topic
2.8 Narrowing the focus
There is therefore much to be gained from trying to make the focus of
your topic as specific as you can. Look at these examples, still in the
area of group work:
General topic
group interaction
group interaction
More focused topic
I'd like to look in detail at how two of my
groups interact during an infonnation-gap
activity. I am especially interested in the
amount of participation: does everyone
participate? If not. why not? Are there
differences in the pattems of interaction,
and, jf so, can I think of reasons for these
I'd like to take one sample group and
monitor the level of language that is used.
What kinds of mistakes are being made?
What action, if any, should I take about
these mistakes?
It will be s.een that the same general topic can end up with quite a
different narrow focus.
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.4: Narrowing the Focus
Look back again at PERSONAL REVIEW 2.3. Pick one of
the areas/topics that you are interested in and see if you can be
more specific about exactly which aspect of the area/topics it is
that you wish to investigate, along the lines of the example that
has just been given. If you have access to a group, share your
ideas with others in your group. Each person should take it in
tum to explain what he or she intends to do.
2.9 Product
What is the intended outcome of your research? Here are some possible
1. I have no idea. I intend just to do it and then see what I come up
2 Selecting and developing a topic
2. I hope to be able to apply the results of the investigation to my own
3. Like (2), but if I come up with anything interesting, I'll share it with
colleagues in my department.
4. If the results look interesting, I intend to give a talk to our local
branch of the English Language Teachers' Association.
S. If the results look interesting, I might publish it:
- in-house
- in an Association ne'wsletter
- a journal '
- a refereed journal (i.e. a journal where the articles have to be
approved by experts before they are published)
6. This is going to be the subject of:
- a module assignment
- a Master's dissertation
- a PhD thesis.
Clearly, your answer to this question will affect how you go about
doing your research. If your answeris (6), a number of decisions (e.g.
about length, format, etc.) will already have been made for you. If o U l ~
answer is (1), (2) or (3), it might still be worthwhile to keep all your
data and findings in some accessible form: they might turn out to be
useful to you at some later stage of your career.
2.10 Research modes
How are you going to conduct the research? One of the purposes of this
book is to widen your range of choices. There may come a time when
you have to commit yourself to a particular research methodology (or a
selection of methodologies), but in the meantime, keep an open mind.
Stay on the lookout for new ways of collecting and analysing data, in
the same way that, as a teacher, you are always on the lookout for new
teaching ideas. Most people beginning research have very fixed ideas
about what constitutes research (e.g. experiments, questionnaires), but
one of the advantages of action research is that the choice is very wide.
2.1: 1! Timing,
We started off this chapter by looking at the issue of time allocation.
The availability of time in which to do the research is a major issue, and
it will influence the scope of what you can, do. A further issue is whether
or not you will be working to a deadline.
2 Selecting and developing a topic
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.5: Brainstorming Different
Research Techniques
See how many different techniques for conducting research
you can think of. Make a list. Now glance through this book
and see if there are any techniques you can add to the list
(even if you are not sure exactly what they mean). Keep the list
somewhere and add to it whenever you come across a
technique that is new to you. You can start the list with the
techniques we have just mentioned:
1 . experiments
2. questionnaires
There are two possible approaches to this issue of time:
1. If the action research is purely for your own professional develop
ment, then you will not have the disadvantage (or perhaps it is an
advantage?) of working to a deadline. It also means that you can
scale down the scope of the research until it fits into the time you
have available, even if that is only a matter of some hours.
2. If the action research is for a formal qualification, then the chances
are that you are working to a deadline, and the write-up will have
to meet certain criteria such as length, etc. In this case, you will
somehow have to 'scale up' the time available until it matches the
requirements of the project.
For both approaches, a little extra time spent in planning may save a lot
of time in implementation. There is not enough space to fully discuss
time-management (see 'Suggestions for further reading'), but three
points can be made briefly:
1. If you need to save time, and you have a choice of research topics,
then choose one which requires activities that you would do
anyway (e.g. it shou1d take up less extra time to experiment with
different kinds of feedback on written work, since this is an activity
you would be required to do anyway).
2. Is it possible to involve students in some of the data collection in an
ethical (moral) and productive way? One has to think carefully
before involving students, since issues of professional ethics may be
involved (see next chapter). It may be however, that, for example,
getting students to monitor their own group behaviour might be
beneficial for them, as well as providing useful data for an action
research programme.
2 Selecting and developing a topic
3. We all have a human tendency just to get on with the next thing
that is to hand, and there are arguments for sustaining motivation
by doing what is congenial to you. Nevertheless, if you are working
to a deadline, it really is worthwhile to make a timetable of what
you intend to do. Always put cut-off dates for the different stages of
the research, as you should be aware of slippage as quickly as
possible. If there is slippage, consider ways in which you can save
time without undermining your project (e.g. by being more selective
in data collection).
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.6: Allocating Time
If you have a project in mind, ask yourself:
1. How many hours is it going to take?
2. How are you going to make this time available? You might
find it useful to take a sheet of paper and divide it into two
columns: Sacrifices and Gains, for example:
Sacrifices Gains
reading newspaper on train 3a minutes reading per day =2.5 hours
per. week
3. Is there any way you can economise on time (e.g. through
the co-operation of colleagues, students, management)?
Make a provisional timetable for the project. (Two of the
possible formats are provided, which you can modjfy to suit
your needs. Examples have been given in the first format
comments can either be things to remember, or a note how the
task was completed.)
If you are working in a group, without having any particular
project in mind, see if you can brainstorm as many ways as you
can in which action researchers could save time while doing
their research. You could also, as a group, brainstorm a list of:
ways in which you could work together to use your time more.
2 Selecting and developing a topic
Project: _____________________
Completion deadline: ___________________
Cut-off date Comment Task
interview three students 30 June only two interviews completed
(15 mins each)
PROJECT: ~ ~ ~ ~ ________ COMPLETION DEADLINE: ~ ~ ___ <if
WEEK NO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
~ e a d i n g
Data collection

Note: in this format, you can put mQre detaifed informat.ion. For example, for, Week (1), you might put: 'Brainstorming
initJalideas' .
2 Selecting and developing a topic
2.12 Resources
Apart from your own energy, interest and time, you may also need other
resources to help you to do the research you want to do. It is probably a
good idea to think about resource requirements earlier rather than later.
Y<?u can think of these other resources under two headings:
1. material
2. people
By 'material resources', I mean things like a video-recorder, video tape
or audio tape, playback facilities, etc. You will probably also heed help
from certain people (e.g. camera operators, secretarial help).
Even if you. don't think you actually need extra resources, it is
perhaps worthwhile reviewing what is available to you: this may give
you some ideas for other activities.
PERSONAL REVIEW 2.7: Listing Resources
1. Make a list of the tasks you intend to perform as part of
your research project and match them with resources
required. Put an asterisk (*) beside any resource
requirements that look problematic.
2. Make a list of any other resources readily available to you.
Are there any possibilities here that could enrich your
3. Look back at the resources you have asterisked. Is there
any other way in which you can acquire:
- the same data?
- equivalent data?
2.13 Refocusing/fine-tuning
As we have already said, there is, or should be, a dynamic relationship
between the problem you set yourself at the beginning of your research,
and your conceptualisation of that problem as the research proceeds.
From time to time you should go back to your initial statements. Did
you ask yourself the right questions? Should the problem be reframed?
On a major project such changes should not be undertaken lightly, but
the questions have to be asked. It has to be said that, realisticalty
2 Selecting and developing a topic
speaking, it is almost inevitable that your initial conceptualisation of
what you are researching will be changed at least to some extent.
2.14 Summary
In this chapter, we have been looking at some of the necessary planning
issues involved in selecting and developing a research topic. We began
by considering the topic and looking at how it could be more focused in
terms of the research questions. We then considered a number of
practical issues, particularly the use of time and other resources. Finalfy
we noted that in most research projects the initial topic will almost
inevitably have to be refocused and fine-tuned.
3 Collecting, the data:
3.1 Overview
In the last chapter, I suggested that one of the key issues in developing
an action research topic had to do with choosing the mode of research.
In other words, when we choose an action research topic, we have to
ask ourselves: Which particular research methods are going to be
applied to this topic? It is one of the main functions of this book to
widen and deepen the range of your choice of action research methods.
Howe.ver, before going into a more detailed discussion of the various
methods of action research, I win present in this chapter a brief survey
of the range of possibilities that will be discussed. . . - .
The second aim of this chapter is to look at some ways of broadly
categorising the various research approaches. Thinking about these
categories may help you to decide which action research methods are
the most appropriate for you.
The chapter will conclude with a discussion of some key issues
related to ethics and protocol in implementing action research. It is
appropriate to discuss these issues before you start collecting data as
breaches of ethics or protocol can undermine action research and make
it counter-productive.
3.2 Ways of categorising research
In this section we are going to look at some:ways of categorising action
research. These different categories are summarised in Figure 3.1, where
they are related to some of the action research methods that I am going
to describe in this book. You win notice that, by and large, the
categories are not exdusively applied to the methods - words like
usuaUy and either are frequently used. This is because most action
research techniques can be implemented in various ways.
However, before we get on to the categories listed in Figure 3.1, there
are two terms often applied to any kind of research which I would like
to discuss briefly at this point: the terms are reliability and validity.
3' Col/ecting the data
3.3 Reliability
You are probably already familiar with the concept of reliability from
your professional studies in language testing. In testing, the issue or
fairness to all candidates is very important, so we have to ask ourselves
questions like: Is the marking scheme for this test such that any
competent marker (Marker A) would give Candidate X's paper the
same grade as any other competent marker (Marker B)?
The same kind of questions can be applied to research results: If the
research procedures used by Researcher A are exactly followed by
Researcher B, will the findings (results) be the same each time? Another
way of putting this question is this: is the research exactly replicable
(repeatable) ?
It has to be said that sometimes action research data are not very
reliable in this technical sense. Sometimes, achieving a high degree of
reliability means controlling Iiearly:all the aspects of the situation that
can change or vary (i.e. the variables). In many action research
situations this is impossible or undesirable. If you are doing action
research for yourself, you may be happy to trust your own judgement as
to how 'reliable' your findings are. If you wish to convince others, for
example, through publication, you may make your findings more'
,credible by being very explicit about"the nature of your original data
(e.g. by putting complete transcripts of interviews 'in an appendix, etc.).
You may also remember from your knowledge of testing procedures
that one way of making subjetive assessments (e.g. grading essays)
more reliable is to have more than one marker. In the same way, another
way of increasing the reliability of research findings is to have more
than one source of data. For example, if you interview a teacher about a
lesson he or she has taught, it might be useful to have carried out
observation of the lesson yourself, to have a video and/or to interview
some of the learners who have taken part in the lesson. (This procedure
of getting more than one perspective on the topic being researched is
sometimes called triangulation.)
3.4 Validity
This is another concept that you wiH probably be familiar with from
what you know about testing. Validity means testing what you are
supposed to test, and not something else. For example, tet us imagine
that I want to test someone's reading comprehension ability, and) I
decide to do this by asking him or her to write a summary of a certain
text. Is this a valid test? Am I actually testing reading, comprehension, or
something else - writing skilts, perhaps?
Qu.antita tive/ Introspective/ Individual! Intrusive! Illuminative +
qualitative empirical collaboration complementary heuristic!
Techniques conclusive
verbal reports usu,ally qualit.ative introspective individual usually complementary usually illumjnativelheuristic
(think -aloud>
observation either either usually collaborative usually intrusive usually illuminative/heuristic
- . ~ -
intervi.ews usualJy qualitative introspective e.ither either usually illuminat.ivelb.euristic
questionnaires either introspective either either usually iIluminativelbeuristic
c . a s ~ e studies usuaJly qualitative. either usually individual either usually illuminativelheuristic
eva.luation usually qu.antitative usuallyempiricaJ either either either
trialUng usually quantitative usually empirical either either either
FigTJre 3.1 Some cornman research techniques related to categories
3 Col/ecting the data
Similarly, let us suppose that I want to know if my students like my
method of teaching them. I decide to do this in an interview with each
student individually. Will the results be valid? Or will my students
conceal their real feelings, either out or or because they
don't want to offend me? Perhaps I will get more valid results if I give
the students an questionnaire to fill in.
Whether you are researching purely fOf your own personal develop
ment, or because you want to share your findings with others, validity is
clearly an extremely important issue: there is no' point in on
data that are misleading or irrelevant. .
3.5 and qualitative approaches
Probably the most common way of classifying research studies is by
categorising them as using either quantitative or qualitative approaches.
.4escribe what can be. counted_.-OL
measured and can therefQre b.e considered 'objective'.
used to describe data whjch are not amenable to being counted or
mc:a.:slg_e..4 ill an.9bjective way, and are in
researching a'fanguage lesson, it is quite easy for us to measure (with a
stop-watch, for example) the amount or 'teacher talk' as against 'pupil
talk', or the amount of use of the target language as opposed to the
mother tongue. Such data are amenable toa q\l(intitative approach.
Alternatively, you could interview the teacher (andlor the students)
involved in the lesson and ask what comments they had on the lesson.
Ask the teacher, did everything go according to plan? Was he or she
pleased or disappointed with the lesson as a whole? Would he or she
teach it the same way next time? Ask one of the students, how
interesting was the lesson for him or her? Was it easy to
The responses to individual interviews cannot easily be measured
quantitatively, but the data (i.e. the replies) might actually be more
interesting to practising teachers than statistics about the quantity of
teacher talk.
The truth is, of course, that there need be no reat opposition or
contradiction between the two approaches. Quantitative data can
throw light on qualitative insights and vice-versa. The dangers arise
when larger claims than can be sustained by the data are made for
either kind of investigation. For example, with reference to the quanti
tative approach, there is a temptation to isolate a category of behaviour
(e.g. pupil talk rather than teacher talk) as intrinsicalfy a positive aspect,
to quantify its presence or absence, and then use these 'objective' data
to evaluate a teacher's performance. The fallacy of such evaluation is
3 Collecting the data
obvious (What if the pupil talk is a 'sharing of ignorance'? What if the
teacher talk is charismatic and motivating?). With reference to the
qualitative approach, the dangers .of bias are obvious, and all such
evidence has to be weighed car_efuHy, otherwise there is the danger of
simply confirming existing rather than achieving new in
Where does this leave the action researcher? An early step in many
investigations will be that of collecting facts or hard data (i.e. objective,
quantitative data that can be measured in some way). (See PERSONAL
REVIEW 3.1.) The researcher has to interpret the significance of these
facts for his or her own professional development as a matter of
analysis, interpretation and evaluation. So at some stage a qualitative
element is almost inevitable
3.6 Introspective and empirical data
Research techniques can also be categorised according to whether the
data is generated by, as it were, 'looking inward' (introspective data), or
by 'looking outward '(empiricaldata).
Classic empirical research is done by 'looking outward'; in other
words, by closely observing certain aspects of the world around us. It is
concerned with examining objective, material things. These observa
tions can usually be checked by other peopfe.
It is also possible to. 'look inward' through examining our own
thoughts and feelings and giving an account of them: this yields what is
sometimes called introspective or mentalistic data. Such ways of
collecting data fell into disrepute because there is usually no way of
checking on their reliability, or even their validity. If I say I am thinking
something, I could be lying (for some reason) or I could be confused or
mistaken. On the other hand, there may be no other way of even getting
a hint of how people think. Also, what people think or feel may be just
as important as any other kind of data: this explains, for example, the
amount of attention that is paid to public opinion polls.
3.7 Individual and collaborative approaches
Individual approaches to action research are those which do not directly
involve anyone else except the professional concerned; obvious
examples are writing personal field-notes and keeping a diary. The
advantages of such approaches are that they tend to be more flexible,
less professionally risky and more easily implemented than others.
3 Collecting the data
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.1: Using Hard Data
1. Think of your existing classroom practice. What sort of
'hard data' do you find useful in exercising professional
judgement? (For example: How far in assessing written
work are you guided by hard data, such as the number of
times certain types of errors occur? Are the errors
categorised and weighted for seriousness?)"
2. Are there any areas of your professional aCtfon (teaching,
management, etc.) where you would like to get some more
hard data but because of lack of time or" any other reason,
such data are not available to you? How would you go
about getting this information if you had the time!
resources? (You might find it helpful to check back to
PERSONAL REVIEW 1.6 When doing. this.)
An example is given below. You can set out your information
like this:
Professional area Source of data
student motivation questionnaires to students
3. Are there any areas of your professional life where you are
conscious of having: to rely heavily on your intuition,
judgement and/or previ'ous experience? Can you think of
any ways in which such Judgements, etc. could be made
more reliable?
3 Col/ecting the data
Collaborative approaches involve others, usually other colleagues in the
same institution. An example of collaboration would be sitting in on a
colleague's lesson to observe it, or tape-recording discussions about
various aspects of teaching.
With the right kind of co-operation, collaboration can do much to
sustain motivation, save time by the allocation of different tasks as
appropriate, and generate richer input from the combined talents and
insights of those involved. Possible difficulties are: the emergence of
different, incompatible positions between action researchers, varying
amounts of commitment, different work-schedules so that committed
time cannot be synchronised, and different levels of status within the
team (e.g. between full-time resea'rchers and classroom teachers).
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.2: Collaborative Research
1. What are your own views about the advantages and
disadvantages of individual and collaborative research
respectively? Complete a chart like this:
Advantages Disadvantages
2. What sort of Institution are you working in? Are there
structures or support mechanisms either inside or outside
your institution which might support collaborative research?
Are there any such structures/mechanisms which it would
be feasible to introduce? (Some possible examples are:
dedicated times for staff development, official recognition
of action research as an appropriate activity, etc.)
3 Col/ecting the data
3.8 Complementary and intrusive approaches
Perhaps the most interesting categorisation of action research method
ology for busy professionals is between those approaches which are
complementary to their normal routines and those which are intrusive
or disruptive. Clearly, the most convenient approaches for professionals
to put into effect are extensions or elaborations of what they would
normally be doing anyway. The table below shows how complementary,
or minimally intrusive, activities could be developed from normal
teaching activities:
1. trying out new materials comparative data between old and new
materials, (e.g. former textbook and
present textbook)
2. error correction logging and categorising errors
3. monitoring quality of target language audiQ recording ot a group to monitor
use in group work target language use
4. promoting group interaction use of an interaction chart to log group
5. encouraging student response delaying teacher response time and
monitoring effect of this
6. motivating learners (1) case studies of motivated and unmoti
vated students, perhaps by using inter
7. motivating learners (2) questionnaires on preferences, likes/dis
(Adapted from Wallace, 1993)
Figure 3.2 Normal teaching and structured reflection
3 Collecting the data
Intrusive technique's, on the other hand, either disrupt one's own
normal professional action (therefore intruding on the normal learning
processes of one's students, for example), or disrupt the professional (or
private!) lives of others. Questi9nIlaires, interviews, experiments and
observation are potentially intrusive techniques. Very often the degree
of intrusion can, however, be mitigated by sensitive handling: inter
views, for example, can be kept short in duration, and questionnaires
can be part of a normal evaluation process.
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.3: Devising Complementary Data
Look again at Figure 3.2. Can you add to that list? Are there
any other normal professional activities that you or your
colleagues are engaged in which are amenable to extension or
elaboration in the way that is described? Use the same format
to list 'normal teaching activities' and 'complementary
activities'. You may be able to use (or adapt) some of the
suggestions you put forward to PERSONAL REVIEW 3.1.
3.9 Illuminative/heuristic
approaches' '.
Another aspect of the qualitative/quantitative distinction that we dis
cussed earlier relates to this issue: do we want to conclusively prove that
something is the case, or do we simply want to throw some new light on
a topic or problem (illuminative research) or discover something about
that topic/problem that we were not aware of before (heuristic
Most scientific research relates to the first {'conclusive'} approach.
Most traditional research scientists would see it as their task to prove
that some facts or laws relating to natural science are true. This kind of
research is very important to language teachers. It is highly relevant for
us to know how people learn languages, whether their mother-tongue
or a foreign language. It is extremdy useful for us to know about how
the languages we teach are structured. If we use group work a lot, then
it would be helpful to know what has been discovered about the various
ways in which groups interact. We could obviously go on in this vein for
a rong time.
It is widely agreed, of course, that an scientific theories are provi
sional: such theories are only valid until some better explanation
3, Collecting the data
comes along. But this does not mean that these theories are not useful:
Newtonian physics was an amazingly fruitful scientific theory, even
though the theory of relativity later revealed that it was flawed in
certain key areas. In the area of language study, Noam Chomsky's
theories (e.g. on the nature of language competence) are the subject of
much controversy. But there is no doubt that, whether true or not,
they have vastly increased our awareness of the complexities of
language. ,
During their professional training, language teachers should therefore
be given the opportunity to learn about the scientific findings that are
relevant to what they do, and also given the opportunity to update this
knowledge regularly. It must be said, however, very few practising
teachers will be in a position to add to the store of scientific knowledge
of their profession through their own research, unless they have
funding, institutional support or an unusual amount of free time.
Illuminative or heuristic research is much more feasible for practising
professionals: gaining insights into one's own teaching or discovering
something about oneself as a professional that one didn't know before is
the very essence of action research. It is again clear that these
approaches are not in opposition to one another, but rather complemen
Illuminative/heuristic research can be llsed to discover whether the
findings of conclusive research actually apply to one's own particular
context. The issue here is that, in fact, only a minority of research
findings in the social sciences aspire to the 'law-like' status of many of
those in the natural sciences such as physics. Quantitative findings in the
social sciences are often averages or central tendencies covering a range
of behaviours. tl1:e
\tiJ"#Jtestlon for the professional is: does this finding
relate to my particular case? This is an especially valid question in an
international discipline like ELT. To take an obvious example: it might
be possible to prove statistically that a certain group-work task has had
specified positive results. But will it have the same results in another
country with different cultural norms? Or even in the same country, in
another context with different institutional norms? In this sense, many,
perhaps most, findings in an area of social sciences like education are
indicative rather than truly conclusive, as far as professionals in the field
are concerned.
Working the other way, illuminative/heuristic research can often
provide ideas or hypotheses which can be more widely generalised using
appropriate empirical procedures.
3 Col/ecting the data
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.4: Applying Research Findings to
Personal Experience
In an article in The Modern Language Journal (1991), Batia
Laufer addresses the issue of the vocabulary development of
advanced language learners. Will the vocabulary level of such
learners continue to develop simply by exposure to the target
language, or is it advisable to incorporate specific vocabulary
development exercises into their programme? The subjects of
the study were 47 first year University students in a Department
of English Language and Literature. The"students' development
in language was measured by their progress in the 'lexical
richness' of the language used in their free compositions. The
finding of the research was that, without specific vocabulary
development, the students tended to reach a certain 'threshold'
level, and to remain at that level. The conclusion was that
exposure to the target language was not enough: in order to
develop a richer active vocabulary, vocabulary has to be
'consistentlyand systematically practised and tested'.
I would like you now to think about how the findings of this
piece of research correspond to your own experience: do these
findings correspond with your own experience of language
learning either as a teacher or as a learner? Do you think this is
true for your own students? What are the implications of
Laufer's findings for classroom practice? What kinds of
activities would be involved?
3'.10: Research techniques: a brief survey,
From Chapter 4 onwards, we shall be concerned with looking at
various techniques of research, discussing them and reHecting on them
in some detaiL Some examples of reports of investigations using the
different techniques will also be given.
It seems. useful at this point, however, to briefly describe the main
techniques. As previously noted, this is being done for two reasons:
/' [':. - T, I C., f,' )J' 'It T1\: f{ It'
. J-.. _ Ito! .[ l..J il '" . .I.&. "'-...... ' .J
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3 Col/ecting the data
1. First, it might save your time if you have already embarked upon or
are just about to embark upon an action research project by
directing you to the techniques that might be of immediate rele
vance to you;
2. Secondly, it will relate the different techniques to the various ways
of thinking about research that we have just been looking at.
3.11 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries, personal;
accounts and verbal reports (think-aloud)
This group of techniques ranges from the making of field-notes while
one is teaching to keeping diaries, journals and personal accounts. It
also includes 'think-aloud' techniques which involve verbalising one?s
thought processes while engaged, for example, in professional action or
in a learning situation. These procedures are by their nature private
rather than collaborative, although they can be made collaborative. The
contents of diaries, for example, can be shared in various ways. The
procedures also tend to be qualitative Of illuminative/heuristic because
they reveal people's attitudes and private thoughts.
3.12 Observation techniques
These techniques involve some form of observation of professional
action or of learning processes. This may involve the use or video OF
audio techniques, or of checklists/observation schedules. Observation of
professional action is most easily done on a collaborative basis,
although individual observation of learning processes is quite feasible.
In the same way, while observation of professional action is usually
quite intrusive, in the sense that it requires the presence of someone else
in your classroom, observation of learning need not be, since you can
do it on your own as you teach. Observation studies can be either
quantitative or qualitative, depending on the data-collection procedures
used. Similarly, the findings may be either illuminative/heuristic or
3.13 Evaluation and: triallingi
Evaluation and triailing is something that comes naturally to teachers'.
We very frequently evaluate our students' work, our synabuses, tne
textbooks we use, our own methods, a particular technique, OUF
managers, the way the school is administered, and even OUf colleagues!
3 Collecting the data
This 'evaluation' is very often done in an informal, unstructured way.
Similarly with trialling: having evaluated!' something and found it
deficient, we try something else to see if it works better: a different
textbook, a new technique, a variation in the syllabus, or whatever.
Action research may therefore be simply a matter of handling in a more
structured wayan evaluative process that we would be engaged in
3.14 Interviews and questionnaires
These two techniques are usually bracketed together since they both
involve eliciting something from informants: usually factual infor
mation about themselves and their teaching situation, or attitudes!
opinions on some issue. Some interviews are simply questionnaires in
oral form. For the action researcher, the interview, especially in its less
structured form, would seem to have more potential: at its most
unstructured, the interview is very like a professional conversation
('talking shop'), and therefore quite complementary to normal pro
fessional behaviour. Generally, however, interviews and questionnaires
require a lot of thought and organisation, and involve intruding on
other people's time. Interviews tend to be more qualitative, and
heuristic, whereas questionnaires tend to be quantitative and more
easily generate conclusive findings. Both techniques involve the colla
boration of subjects to be interviewed or surveyed by questionnaire,
but the interviewing/surveying can be done by one researcher or by
3.15 Case studies
By 'case study' we mean the systematic investigation of an individual
'case', whether that refers to one teacher, one learner, one group, one
class, or whatever. The nature of case studies means that they can be
complementary rather than intrusive (especially, for example, if you are
investigating a pupil or a group in your own class), but this depends
obviously on the nature of the 'case'. Because one is investigating, in
effect, a sample of one, the results tend to be qualitative and illumi11a
tive rather than conclusive. It is, of course, possible to investigate a
number of related case studies, but the results are stilI not usually
claimed to be conclusive, in any statistical sense. Again, the potentially
smaller scafe of a case study means that it might be more possible fOF
action research on it to be done on an individual rather than collabora
tive basis.
3 Col/ecting the data
.3.18 Experiments
The term 'experiment' in everyday usage can cover a huge range of
activities from what Huberman (1992) calls 'tinkering', on the one
hand, to full-scale classical empirical experiments, on the other. The
'tinkering' end of the spectrum (i.e. trying things out to see if they work)'
may be characterised as individuaJ, heuristi, complementary and
possibly qualitative. Classical experiments, however, probably involving
experimental and control groups, careful sampling, etc. are clearly
quantitative, intrusive and are usually intended to be conclusive; they
may be conducted on either an individual or a collaborative basis.
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.5: Assessment of Techniques
Below is a list of the techniques that have been briefly
described in this chapter. On a scale of 1-5, indicate how
attractive or otherwise the techniques seem to you as possible
modes of action research. Why do you find the techniques
Research technique Attractive ~
diaries 5 4 3 2 1
'talk-aloud' 5. 4 3 2 1
obseNation: taped 5 4 3 2 1
(audio or video)
obseNation: checklists 5 4 3 2 1
evaluation/trialling 5 4 3 2 1
inteNiew8 5 4 3 2 1
questionnaires 5 4 3 2 1
case studies 5 4 3 2 1
'tinkering' 5 4 3 2 1
experiments 5 4 3 2 1
3.17 'Cutting corners."
Time is the enemy of nearfy aU action researchers, but most of all'
perhaps for those who have to combine a fult-time job with involvement
in' research activity. In choosing your mode of research it is therefore
probably worth spending a little of the same precious commodity
3 Collecting the data
(time!) on thinking about ways in which you can pursue your research
more efficiently without, hopefully, any loss of effectiveness.
One obvious procedure in action research is collaboration, which as
we have already noted, can share around the burdens of data collection
and also help sustain motivation.
Another method is to look for ways in which data collection can be
made more complementary and less intrusive. Is it possible, for
example, to involve learners in data-collection activities which will help
them with their learning, while at the same time providing you with the
data you need? For example, a group observation procedure sometimes
used is the 'fishbowl' technique whereby a group of students sit around
observing an inner group and noting group behaviour.

0 0

0 0

o = interactive group
= observers
Figure 3.3 Fishbowl technique
The data generated by the observer group cO,uld obviously be used by a
teacher investigating group behaviour. They could simply hand him or
her the checklists, etc. that they had been using. Alternatively, an
observer-reporter in each of your class-groups can observe and report
back on the group's interaction. Now try PERSONAL REVIEW 3.6.
One must be careful, of course, that such learner co-operation does
not turn into exploitation on the part of the teacher, and it is to this
issue that we turn next.
3.18 Ethics and Protocol'
The examples that have just been given remind us of the ethical
dimension (researcher ethics) involved in all research, including action
research. The issue that we have already raised is abuse of authority. It
is not ethical to use up our students' time and effort on activities which
do not contribute in any way to success in their studies. The same
considerations apply at a'higher level to managers with respect to those
3 Col/ecting the data
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.6: Involving Learners in Data
In this 'Personal review' section, you have to see if you can
think of ways in which learners can collect 'data' in a way
which might also benefit themselves as learners ('payoff'). I
have given a few examples.
Topic Area . Learner Involvement (Payoff)
learning process . learners keep logs of their study
time and how they use it (may
enable them to use their time
more effectively)
learners interview one another
about their attitudes to learning
English and write up the results
(may help to develop motivation)
attitudes to learning
3 Col/ecting the data
over whom they have authority. It is not fair to force others to work on
research which does not benefit them.
Another key ethical issue is that of confidentiality. This issue arises
when we wish to publish or share the results of our research with
others. Colleagues or students may have co-operated with us without
knowing at the time (or perhaps at a later time) that it was our intention
to publish the findings. If we invite the co-operation of others, it is only
right that they should know what we intend to do with the data we
collect. Even if we have the subjects' permission to use the data, they
may not wish to be personally identified in any resulting talk or article.
A learner may be self-conscious enough about making errors, without
his or her lack of proficiency being immortalised in, say, a published
I article! One should be even more careful with video material since that
is much more potentially hurtful (and much more difficult, perhaps
impossible, to make appropriately 'anonymous').
Another obvious ethical point is the avoidance of plagiarism. All
quotations from, and, summaries of others' work must be carefully
documented so that one's readers or listeners know what the original
source is, and exactly how to refer back to it. As well as being fair to the
author one is quoting or summarising, this is also a courtesy to one's
audience: When speakers give talks about their research, alI too often
references are given in a way which makes it virtually impossible for the
listeryer to get back to the original sources.
Sometimes, the issue is not so much ethics as protocol, or even just
plain good manners and consideration of others with whom you work.
Whether you are working in your own institution or in another
institution, it is important to think of all those who might be affected by
your research, or who might feel that by doing the research you are
somehow operating within their area of responsibility. This means
going through the correct channels, obtaining clearance from heads of
department, headteachers, perhaps even local education officials.
Clearly, this is a matter of common sense and judgement: who is likely
to feel offended if they discover that I have started doing this research
without clearing it with them first?
Some further important areas of action research protocol and good
manners are:
- to make arrangements (e.g. for an interview) in good: time, and not at
the fast minute;
- to give adequate advance information of what is involved;
- to keep conscientiously to the arrangements that have been made (e.g.
if the interview was scheduled to last ten minutes, it should not go
beyond that);
- in some cases, it may be advisable to allow interviewees, for example,
3 Col/ecting the data
PERSONAL REVIEW 3.7: Ethical and Protocol Issues
If you are already involved, or about to be involved, in some
action research, take a sheet of paper and divide it into two
columns. On one side put the heading Ethics/protocol issues
and on the other Necessary action. List any issues that you are
aware of, and what you propose to do about them.
Keep this list for reference, and check it from time to time to
make sure that the necessary action has been taken. You may
have to add issues that were overlooked or not foreseen at the
time of making up the list. Check the list through again before
publishing any findings.
Some examples are given beloW. Use the rest of the chart for
your own answers.
Topic: Management of an English Department
Ethics/protocol issues
Head$ of Department
(HoDs) must be aware
that I am going to
interview staff members.
Replies have to be
kept confidential.
Necessary action
1. Give full details to HoDs.
2. Request permission to
1. No department to be
2. Identity of all respondents to
be concealed.
3. All respondents to get
opportunity to read final draft
of report.
3 Col/ecting the data
to check that your interpretation of what they said corresponds with
their own understanding;
_ to formally thank everyone who has helped you;
- and, where appropriate, to send copies of your findings to anyone
who has been of substantial help to you.
The smaller the scale of your action research, the less you are involved
in these issues. It is one of the advantages of purely individual,
complementary action research that such involvement may be minimal;
but no matter how small-scale the action research, it is always worth
giving at least a few minutes' thought to possible problems of ethics and
protocol. See PERSONAL REVIEW 3.7.
3.19 Summary
In this chapter, four topic areas were discussed:
1. validity and reliability
2. ways of categorising research modes
3. a brief survey of the main research modes
4. the ethics and protocol of implementing research
Research techniques were categorised in terms of: quantitative and
qualitative; introspective and empirical; individual and collaborative;
complementary and intrusive; illuminative/heuristic and conclusive.
The following research techniques were briefly discussed: introspec
tive techniques; observation techniques; evaluation and trialling; inter
views and questionnaires; case studies; experiments.
The main issues covered under ethics and protocol were: abuse of
authority; confidentiality; plagiarism; and various basic issues of pro
tocol involving, essentially, good manners, efficiency and consideration
for the feelings of others involved in the action research process.
In the chapters which follow we will be looking at the various
techniques which have been briefly discussed here.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries
and personal accounts
4.1: Overview
In the first chapter, we noted that one of the common means of
professional development is by private reflection-on-action (i.e. the
e!.9ill.s... on may only
happen occasionally. Such reflection may take place when we are
driving home from our place Ofwork, and the process may arbitrarily
finish when we reach home. Similarly, in driving to our place of work, it
may be our custom to mentally preview what has to be done that day.
In what ways can these everyday happenings be made more sys
tematic? How can these very subjective data be made more 'solid', so
that they can be studied and analysed? In this chapter we are going to
look at some ways in which private reflection can be made available for
systematic analysis.
A way into this chapter would be for you to think of your current
practice in private reflection, using PERSONAL REVIEW 4.1 whicb
follows. (If you are one of a group, you can fill this in individually, and
then compare notes.)
4.2 Teachers, learners and teachers-as-Iearners
Before we go on to examine reflective techniques in detail, we must ask
ourselves who is reflecting. There are at least three possibilities:
1. Teachers Most of the professional literature in this area deats witt
the reflection processes of teachers on their teaching. This alsc
extends, however, to trainee-teachers: in some courses (see, fOI
example, Bailey, 1993), the keeping of a journaf may be one of the
elements in the training course (an optional; element in the courst
that Bailey writes about),
2. Learners Students may also be asked to keep some records of theil
thoughts on their courses, which are shared in certain ways wid
their teachers and possi bly also each other.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
PERSONAL REVIEW 4.1: Reflection Processes
In this Personal Review' section, I want you to think. about the
way that you normally reflect on your teaching (what is
sometimes called reflection-on-action). Tick or fill in your
response as appropriate.
1 . Do you ever reflect on your teaching?
a) Yes ---,.__
b) No ___
2. When do you actually do this:
a) immediately after the lesson? ___
b) when you go home? ___
c) at some other time? When? ______
3.. Is this:
a) a private activity? ___
b) do you share your thoughts/feelings with anyone
else? ___
Who? _________
4. How long does this process last. roughfy? ______
5. Do you have any systematic way of reviewing your lessons
(e.g. a checklist)? ___
If yes, describe it.
6. Would you say that the time you s p e ~ d in this way is:
a) productive? ___
b) unproductive? ___
1 Teachers-as-Iearners Sometimes language teachers find it a useful:
self-development exercise to tearn another language and record
their thoughts and emotions as they undergo experiences which
may parallel those being experienced by their own. students. (We
shall be looking in some detail at an example of this later.}:
4.3 Modes of recording data
There are two commonly used methods of recording d a t a ~
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
1. Written data The person doing the reflecting makes written notes.
2. Audio data The person doing the reflecting dictates his or her
thoughts onto a tape recorder.
One advantage of writing one's thoughts down is that, in a classroom
setting, it is a less conspicuous and more confidential procedure. Once
the writing has'been done, if it is filed away properly, it should be easily
accessible. The main advantage of using audio tape is that it is much
quicker to dictate than to write. On the other hand, once the dictation
has been done, it is much less accessible.
Written data can be quickly scanned, but this is usually more difficult
with taped data. If we decide to make a transcription of the audio-taped
data this can be an extremely time-consuming process, unless it is done
4.4 Time frame
Another variable that will emerge as we discuss different techniques is
that of the time frame. So, professional action may be reviewed within
the frame of, for example:
- one particular incident
- a lesson
- a working day
- a working week (or longer period)'
- a number of incidents over a long period of time (e.g. disciplinary
incidents over a term)
- a lifetime's work.
The shifting time frames yield very different kinds of data, affording
different perspectives, each valuable in their way, on teaching and
4.5 Private or shared?
We have noted how in informal reflection our thoughts can be quite
private, or we can share them with others in informaf discussion. The
same possibilities apply to the techniques that wiH be discussed here;
It may be that we will ha,.ve no choice: there is no one that we feel we
can or would want to involve in our reflection-on-action. Or we may
feel that it is sensible to start collecting data on our own and, when we
have become more confident, or when we fed thatt we are on to
something interesting, then to involve others.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
If we can find sympathetic and like-minded collaborators (not always
easy!), it will probably be the case that the whole data collection and
analysis process can be made much more motivating and productive.
Sharing our action research is also a way of at least partially overcoming
the inevitable subjectivity of the introspective approach. Sometimes we
, cannot see things properly because we are too close to them.
PERSONAL REVIEW 4.2: Collaboration
Can you think of any colleagues or acquaintances who are
potential research collaborators?
If you can, what will be the potential pluses and minuses of
collaboration with each one? (You might find it useful to take a
sheet of paper and make a list of suchpluses and minuses.)
Are there any dangers involved in (e.g. within
your department, will. you be seen as the ringleader of a clique,
perhaps)? Are there any ways of averting such dangers (e.g. by
raising the issue first 'officially' at a departmental meeting)?
Remember the general issues concerning ethics and protocol
that we have previously discussed in Chapter 4. Before
embarking on research, or broaching it with colleagues, would
it be necessary/helpful/polite to discuss the issue with your line
manager (e.g. Head of Department), or someone else who can
give you official support?
If you are working in a group, you might prefer to discuss these
issues in more general terms. What are your experiences of
collaborating with other teachers on joint projects? What
potential advantages would there be in such collaboration in an
action research project? What would the dangers/problems
, Having looked at some general issues, let us now turn to the first of the
, introspective techniques that we are going to discuss in this chapter .
.4.6 Field-notes
In many professions, it is a matter of good practice to make 'field-notes'
while actually engaged in professional action. Doctors in General
Practice, for example, usually have to make notes as they interview their
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
patients, so that details of symptoms and prescribed medicines, etc. are
recorded on the patient's file. Some doctors dictate notes onto audio
tape, from which they are typed up later by a secretary.
Making field-notes is not customary among teachers for obvious
reasons. Teaching is not usually performed in aone-to-one situation
(except sometimes in higher education tutorials, or in certain persona
lised language courses). The necessity of maintaining discipline and the
sheer complexity of interaction with twenty or thirty or more learners
leaves little time for taking notes. Yet, if such time can be found, or
created by arranging short periods when students are engaged in
reading, writing or group activities, etc., the potential benefits ate
obvious. The complete involvement required by teaching means that
many fleeting observations and insights will be lost, and fatigue will
play its part in impairing recall. Even simply as an aide-memoire to later
recall (e.g. in planning the next lesson), the making of field-notes could
be a useful practice.
The open notebook or page-a-day diary, etc. is not perhaps as much
a feature of teachers' desks as it could be. What sort of information
would it contain? At their most basic, field-nate's can be in the form
of a 'Record of Work', recording such basic information as Date &
Time, Class, Number present, Absentees, Work done, Punishments
issued, Homework given. This kind of record-keeping may promote
efficiency, but does not necessarily form the raw material of reflection
The kinds of information that could be useful for later reflection are,
for example:
1. general instant self-evaluation of a lesson (minimally this could take
the form of an A-E grade: thinking about why we awarded
ourselves the grade could take place later; more elaborately, a few
quick points under + and - symbols)
2. focus on a particular aspect of teaching and learning, for example:
- the functioning of group work
- the performance of an individual student
- interesting or common errors made by students
- problematic issues/ditemmas
- ideas, inspirations, things that worked wen
- amusing incidents, remarks
Apart from increasing efficiency, making field-notes can prevent OUF
hard-won experience ebbing away and being lost in the tide of the
pressures caused by 'getting on with the next thing'.
4 Field-notes, journals, diaries and personal accounts
4.7 Teaching logs )1
__a- following a par
ticular format. We can call such records 'logs' to distinguish them from
the more fluid and ad hoc field-notes which have just been described.
Hancock and Settle (1990) provide an interesting format of this kind
(see Figure 4.1). They call it a 'Single lesson time-line record sheet'. You
will see that it consists of some administrative details (class, date)',
followed by some notes made before the lesson on objectives, outcomes
and notes/points for attention. This is followed by a time-line (the scale
is on the horizontal line in the middle). The vertical axis indicates 'five
levels of effectiveness', namely:
A = excellent effective work, objectives and intended outcomes are being
B = good effective work, most objectives and intended outcomes are being
C = reasonable work, some objectives and intended outcomes are being
D = not effective enough, few objectives and intended outcomes are being
E = ineffective work, none of the objectives and intended outcomes is being
(Hancock and Settle, 1990: 103)
Unless there is a video record of the lesson, the time-line would
obviously have to be done during or immediately after the lesson. The
value of this kind of log would come in reflective analysis on why the
time-line took the particular changes in direction that it did and what
might have been done to keep it in the upper sections of the grid. (This
:::an be also used as an observation technique, and we shall be coming
back to that in Chapter 6.)
4.S Analysis
)nce field-notes have been accumulated over a period of time, they can
)e analysed in two ways:
L They can be scanned as a source of ideas or issues for further
investigation. Are there any recurrent concerns? Are there any
common features or events? Are there any ideas that could be
followed through? Are there persistent problems or themes that
warrant more detailed observation and analysis?
The data may already be selective and focused on a particular issue
(e.g. questioning techniques, student interaction). Have you got
enough data to think your way to a solution?
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
dote __
cfoss/teaching --
ObjecTives: :bhtT.ibcJ:e. ClJA..& ;n. cNduJy
mo.."M\u. 1e.svv-,be.. Jtt l:a..du Qlld fUU)US'
" J I
wovl it\.. w1i.tb:1t taJXs. Lortbd. PUfiPs
A iM4Ji b
Planned outcomes : Ff'J. tdtlt c.oMpfLrd
ikas.)ianM.eulS Lv.. . dna aMk7-)UL.d.
_ \J .' r
rUfu; WJ k cJJu. to *{a ba.6!i (lUX abM
fixp Aa.u..d ..b tb U'>u. pW::. e.. ttvvl1 e t ttl vw .
Particular notes/Points for otfention:
ill Pwe. 1u.1.c1 lb iJ:. .. Cr..t . j
U I I 0 b oJ .
tJtuL to tMI A0M.d
: E '
Figure 4.1
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
Do you need more data, and if so of what kind? Perhaps the field-notes
are not sufficient and you need to complement them with some other
kind of investigation.
PERSONAL REVIEW 4.3: Experimenting with Field-Notesl
1 . Decide on one aspect of your teaching that you woUld like
to investigate.
2. Choose a class where you think you might be able to take
field-notes on one of the aspects you have decided on.
This may well affect your lesson-planning, as you may have
to engineer time for taking the notes while the lesson
3. Decide on the format of your field-notes; Is it just going to
be a blank page? (Note: there is nothing wrong with that!)
If you know what you are looking for, is there a page layout
which will facilitate the data collection while the lesson is
actually proceeding? (For example, in error collection, this may
simply mean a page divided into two columns. On the left-hand
side, there could be space for recording the error; on the right
hand side, there could be space for a later comment, or
categorisation of the erroL) Is there a standard format (log) that
you would wish to use for all your lessons?
4. After the lesson, think first of all about using field-notes/logs
as a technique. How easy/difficult did you find it? Do you
think this technique is feasible or not on a regular basis?
5. Look at the data you have collected. Do they seem useful?
What if you had more data from bther classes?
4.9 Diaries and Journals
One of the functions of field-notes might be to act as a prompt or aide
memoire for our next technique, which is the keeping of diaries or
journals. Professional diaries/journals c'\ln take many forms and we shaH
look at some aspects of diary-keeping now.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
//4.10 Diaries
Diaries are essentially private documents, and there are essentially no
'rules' about how to keep a diary. Since the. diary is private, diary
writers can confide to it whatever thoughts or feelings occur to them. It
is therefore especially suitable for exploring affective data. Diaries are
often kept on a daily basis, and entries can vary from one day to the
J next, and be either short or long. They can be written immediately after
a teaching event, when the details are fresh in the mind, or at the end of
the day, when there may be more free time. The main attraction of the
diary, as opposed to other ways of articulating reflection, is that the
writer can be totally honest and forthright in his or her comments.
We shall be looking at the other advantages of diaries later, but for
the moment, let us think about one of their major disadvantages, which
is that, by their very nature, they cannot be directly shared or made
public. Thus the sharing and joint-analysis of data is impossible. There
are several ways of getting round this problem, for example:
1. A teacher may allow a trusted colleague or fellow researcher access
to the diary, under the usual rules of confidentiality. Thus, the
teacher and his or her collaborator may discuss issues arising from
the diary data. Perhaps the 'agenda' for this discussion may be
decided by the diary-keeper, or by the collaborator, or both
2. There may be a private (original) version of the diary and a public
(derived) version. So the diarist may allow others to look at, or
listen to, excerpts from the diary, which can then be discussed. This
sometimes happens where several colleagues are keeping diaries
together, and sharing excerpts from them on a regular basis. Or
there may be a one-off meeting where the participants share insights
from their diaries. Or the diaries may be written as 'journals', and it
is to this technique that we turn next.
Vi 4.11 J'ournals
Journals have many of the attributes of diaries, but the main difference
is that they have been written to be read as public documents - albeit,
possibly, by a restricted readership of coHaborator-researchers.Journals,
therefore, have to be, as it were, edited in the process of composition,
like any other document that one knows will be read by others. Journals
therefore may lose some of the 'truthfulness' of the diary, but what they
possibly lose in authenticity they may gain in accessibility.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
4.12 Journals: Advantages
What are the advantages of diaries and journals from the point of view
of professional development? In their paper on collaborative diary
keeping (for which they have coined the term 'journaling': a pun on the
journey of self-discovery that the collaborators make), Brock, Yu and
Wong (1992) draw on a number of sources and their own experience to
provide the following useful list of the advantages of diary studies. After
noting that 'One of the most important of these (benefits) is that this
approach can provide access to the hidden affective variables that
greatly influence the way teachers teach and students learn', Brock, Yu
and Wong then go on as follows:
1. They provide an effective means of identifying variables that are i m p o r ~
tant to individual teachers and learners.
2. They serve as a means of generating questions and hypotheses about
teaching and learning processes.
3. They enhance awareness about the way a teacher teaches and a student
4. They are an excellent tool for reflection.
S. They are simple to conduct.
6. They provide a first-hand account of teaching and learning experiences.
7. They are the most natural form of classroom research in that no formal
correlations are tested and no olltside observer enters the classroom
8. They provide an on-going record of classroom events and teacher and
learner reflections.
9. They enable the researcher to relate classroom events and examine trends
emerging from the diaries.
10 They promote the development of reflective teaching.
(Brock, Yu and Wong, 1992: 295)
4.13 Analysis
Many of the above-mentioned advantages will only be potential advan
tages untit the data generated by the diary or journal is subjected to
analysis. Kathleen BaiIey (1992: 224), who has written extensively on
the use of diaries in action research and teacher development, makes
this point:
'... I would argue that simply writing diary entries does not yield the maximum
potential benefit of the process. In order to really learn from the record, the diarist
ihould reread the journal entries and try to find the patterns therein.'
Bai ley illustrates her point with a significant piece of anecdotal evidence
:ibid: 225):
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
'When John Schumann (then my professor) first read my French class diary, he
asked if I was a competitive learner. I assured him (naively, but quite honestly) that
[ was a very co-operative group-oriented language learner. John's only comment
was, "Look again, Kathi." A subsequent anafysis of the diary entries revealed
numerous manifestations of competitiveness ... which I had not noticed in my
original review of the entries.'
Apart from exemplifying her point about the importance of careful
analysis of the data, this anecdote also illustrates the importance of an
outsider's view on the data. Hence, the importance of some form of
collaboration to get the most out of diary/journal-keeping. This may
be, as we have already noted, a one-way process whereby the diary/
journal-keeper shares the data with a sympathetic listener. Amore
promising approach, if it c:an be arranged, would seem to be the kind
of collaborative diary/journal-keeping with a colleague or group of
4.14 Problems of diary/journal-keeping "'/
Keeping a diary or journal is for most people not an easy option. First,
there is the time factor. During a training programme, time can be set
aside for this process. Doing it as a full-time teacher may be another
matter. Although they were doing their journal-keeping as part of a
training process, Brock, Yu and Wong (1992) still round the process
burdensome and fatiguing. Apart from the time ractor, there is also the
psychological ractor. Having survived the traumas of the teaching
battlefield, the last thing many of us would wish to do immediately
afterwards or even at the end of the teaching day is mentally revisit it.
These problems are to some extent inherent in the technique and have
to be accepted as such, or not, as the case might be. However, there are
ways of mitigating them. As we have noted, the support of a colleague
or of a group of colleagues can help motivation. Brock, Yu and Wong
suggest working within a tighter focus: 'We suggest that future teachers
undertaking collaborative diary-keeping consider narrowing their focus
to a few salient teaching issues during their investigation. Such an
approach would allow participants the opportunity to investigate in
depth two or three issues of common interest rather than attempting to
explore many issues at one time.' (ibid: 306)'
4.15' Critical' i'ncidents
Another way of reducing the burden of diary/journal-keeping and also'
achieving focus is to concentrate onry on critical incidents. These are
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
key incidents which you feel have a particular significance for you. They
may derive from field-notes or simply from recall, and may be done
quite infrequently - perhaps once a week. Writing down the answer to
'What was the most significant event that happened to me this week?'
may build up over time a body of data which with analysis could reveal
trends and significant concerns in one's professional development. The
point is, of course, not simply listing the,1ncidents but also exploring
why they were significant to you, how you reacted and why, and what
other ways of reacting were open to you, and what the outcomes of
those reactions would have been.
PERSONAL REVIEW 4.4: Keeping a Diary/Journal
1. Do you find the idea of keeping a professional diary/journal
intriguing or attractive?
2. What for you are the positive/negative aspects of diary/
3. If you were ever to keep a teaching diary/journal, how do
you think you would organise it? If it was to have a focus,
what would it be?
4. What are the factors that would inhibit you from diary/
journal-keeping? Any ideas about how they might be
4.16 Personal accounts
All the techniques we have been discussing so far assume a commitment
to some kind of regular record-keeping, even if it is only for a few weeks
or months, or during the course of a training programme. It will readily
be admitted, however, that even without such formal record-keeping,
many 'teachers build up a rich store of personal experience which has
become part of the mind-sets or 'schemata' which underpin their
teaching practice. This experience is sometimes used anecdotally during
professional get-togethers, but is seldom investigated systematicaHy and
recorded for a wider audience. This seems regrettable since the articula
tion of highlights of professional experience gained over a period of
years, or perhaps even a lifetime, may be not only interesting and
valuable for the listener/reader, but also useful to the narrator, in
helping him or her to make sense of the exper.ience.
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
Personal accounts could be done in a purely private way, but it is
more usual for them to be 'enhanced by the participation of a discussant
who lends an interested, informed and sympathetic ear, and who offers
help and cues to memory, suggests interpretations, provides like and
contrasting experiences . . . and who provides the written account'
(Woods, 1987: 131-132). Woods uses the term life histories for these
accounts; other related terms include: story, narrative, biography and
autobiography. In this form, the technique has much in common with
the interview approach (see Chapter 8). It is also possible for accounts
to be grouped together by a common focus (e.g. the traumas of first
teaching experiences). (Woods, pp. 129-130, notes several accounts
that are concerned with this area and the related area of the socialisa
tion of new teachers.) Since we are very much concerned with action
research and professional development, it is worth noting that many
writers have stressed the importance of the 'teacher's voice' in pro
fessional development. (See, for example, Ivor F Goodson's (1992)
article on 'Sponsoring the Teacher's Voice: Teachers' lives and teacher
development' .J
PERSONAL REVIEW 4.5: Personal Accounts
Get together with a. small group of experienced teachers and
tape record any anecdotes they may have about their first
teaching experiences. Are there any themes that emerge, and
any lessons to be learned?
Alternatively, you can 'structure' the anecdotes in some way:
for example, the funniest episode, an incident that changed
your attitude to teaching, your most rewarding lesson. (Can you
think of any more topics?)
4.17 Summary
In this chapter we have been looking at some of the ways in which
teachers, by making a record of their professional action andlor of theif
reflection on that action, can provide tnemsefves with the data fOf
action research.
Many different terms are used to describe the various approaches to
this basic process, and an attempt has been made here to distinguish
some of those terms. Field-notes and logs are terms used to describe
what has happened during a fesson, and may be written up during the
4 Field-notes, logs, journals, diaries and personal accounts
lesson or shortly after. Logs are described here as being more highly
structured than field-notes. Diaries are personal records, usually written
up daily. Diaries are private and confidential, but may be shared with
others in some edited or controlled fashion. Journals are similar to
diaries, but are not written as confidential documents. Personal
accounts are much more selective and may cover an extended period of - perhaps even a whole career. They are usually recorded with the
help of a 'discussant' (collaborator),
In the next chapter, we will look at another way of reporting on
introspective data, namely by using verbal reports.
4.18 Exemplar article
The exemplar article which we are going to look at is concerned with
diaries. These art: subsequently edited and made public in a seminar
setting. As the title of the article indicates, the diaries are kept by
The article is:
TIM LOWE (1987). An experiment in role reversal: teachers as
language learners. ELT Journal 4112, April 1987 (89-96).
Read the article with the following questions in mind:
1. What was the purpose of the 'experiment'?
2. How was the confidentiality aspect of diary-keeping reconciled
with the desire to share the insights derived from keeping diaries?
3. What, for you, are the most valuable insights into the process of
learning foreign languages that can be derived from this study?
4. What do you think was the main benefit for the teachers-as-Iearners
of participation in this exercise?
5. a) Can you think of any possible application of an exercise of this
or a similar type to your own situatidn?
b) If the answer to (a) is 'yes', how would you modify or adapt the
procedures adopted here to suit your own professional situa
An experiment in role reversal:
teachers as language learners
Tim Lowe'
This article describes an experiment in which, with the aid of individually kept,
confidential diaries, a group of teachers consciously reversed role: they became
learners of a foreign language. The article describes the nature of the experiment,
and presents an edited compilation of some of its findings, as expressed in a public
seminar. Though this was a one-off experiment designed to give individual teachers
an opportunity to develop their personal awareness, two important issues emerged.
First, many of the issues raised seem to have general relevance to language
teachers. Second, the format itself of the experiment seems to provide an accessible
model for similar experiments that could be set up by teachers anywhere, as part ofa
programme of action research.
From October 1984 to February 1985 a twelve-week part-time course in Mandarin
Chinese (totalling thirty hours) was run by the Teachers' Centre at International
House, London. The course was for experienced and inexperienced native-speaker
language teachers of English from the London area. The overall objective was to
give teachers a chance to renew their connection with language learning, and thereby
to become more sensitive to the problems and processes confronting their learners.
The choice of Chinese as an 'exotic' and 'difficult' language was deliberate.
Though informal, the experiment was facilitated by the 'diary-study' technique. This
provided both the structure and the motivation for continual self-reflection during
the course. The keeping of a diary by all participants (course teacher, course
students, and researcher/observer) enabled them to talk about their experiences in a
follow-up public seminar. The extracts in this article are quotations from this
seminar: the diaries themselves, as is always the case in such studies, are confidentiaL
The extracts are taken from contributions by the following:
Felicity Henderson (FH): Seminar Chairperson
Martin Parrott (MP): 'TeacheIi'
Livy Thorne (LT): 'Student.'
Benita Cruickshank (BC): 'Student'
Lesley Lofstrand (LL): 'Student'
Lynette Murphy-O'Dwyer (LOD): Researcher/observer
The role of the diary study
The diary study is one of a number of methods designed to encourage self-reflection.
(Others include structured interviews, questionnaires, 'self-reports', and personal
ELTJollmal Volume 41/2 April 1987 ~ O.\ford Ullh'ersity Press 1987 68
construct grids elicited by researchers.) In this case, diaries were kept by all the
participants: teacher, students, and researcher/observer. Periodically, the diaries
were given to the observer, who as an 'objective' witness was in a better position to
detect the salient features of each diarist's experience-thus, in principle, helping
each one to make sense of the whole experience, and to draw conclusions from it. To
give the diaries spontaneity and immediacy, and to prevent the intervention of
memory and recall, experiences were recorded immediately, and in any form
favoured by the diarists. As one participant said: 'I probably wouldn't have been
able to remember any of these things, or even been able to believe them, if I hadn't
kept a diary.'
The observer's role enabled the study to form a 'triangulated' picture of what was
going on. She was thus able to compare her own 'outsider' viewpoint with the
subjective viewpoints of the teacher and students. But since confidentiality is one of
the conditions of triangulated studies, at no point in the experiment did the teacher
or students see each other's diaries.
Participants' reflections
At a public seminar held about two months after the course had finished, three of
the twelve students, the teacher, and the observer presented accounts that provoked
a debate from which emerged a number of themes. Notwithstanding the temptation
to make generalizations from such a limited experiment, and despite the high
motivation and relatively sophisticated and self-conscious perspective of those
taking part, some of these themes are probably of interest and relevance to a great
number ofteachers. What follows is a short, much reduced compilation of comments
at the seminar, under headings that I have felt important and useful.
4ffective, social, and attitudinal factors
0\ considerable degree of anxiety had been felt by all participants. In particular, this
:elated to a fear of oral production early in the course, and the distorting effect this
lad on different individuals' personalities and behaviour. As L T said:
I think what surprised me most was how much I needed to be passive in the class,
because I've always considered myself very outgoing, bossy, and domineering,
and to suddenly find that I wanted to sit quiet and not be noticed at all was a
great surprise.
I really did have a horror of speaking, particularly when I was asked a question.
PerDaps Martin would ask somebody else, and I'd think, 'Oh yes, the answer's so
and-so" and then when he asked me, I was dumbstruck., I blushed scarlet, and 1
covered my face. And I was surprised by that, because I don't think of myself as
timid or easily embarrassed, and yet I was. And it made me aware of the problems
of the Vietnamese refugees whom I used to teach on an ESL programme: they
were completely dominated. culturally, by being here in the UK, and having to do
pairwork. must have been very threatening for them.
\nd. LL endorsed this:
til experiment in role reversal
Right from the first moment, I was terrified that Marlin might call on me to
speak. For the first two or three lessons, my diary's full of references to the sheer
terror of being put in a position where I might have to say something when I
wasn't terribly slIre of my ground. It was terribly powerful, far more so than I
would have dreamt it could have been. However, after a little bit I did bite the
bullet and try to say something, and the result was that I got a terrific response
from Martin.
Various factors were identified as improving individuals' motivation, many of them
stemming from the need to feel confident. There was general agreement that this
confidence derived mostly from some sort of approval or encouragement by the
teacher. LL commented:
He was very encouraging, and seemed a benevolent figure, and immediately my
nervousness started to slip away and I got obsessed with a 'teacher-approval'
thing. [laughter] Really for the first few classes, I haven't got a lot to say about
learning Chinese, I was just going through this tremendous experience of see
sawing between real terror on the one hand and tremendous gratitude and
excitement if I did manage to say something right and Martin said 'Well done'.
This theme was explored in more depth among the audience, and extended to
questions such as: Does encouragement always have positive results? What kind of
encouragement works best? MP (the 'teacher' in this experiment) observed:
I wonder how much people from certain other parts of the world would feel the
same; or whether they might find it, say, patronizing, for the teacher to show
approval. I have watched teachers from certain countries, some of whom taught
in what seemed to me, a Westerner, a very abrupt, ungiving way. And maybe, in
their culture, the expectations of the students are quite different. And if these
students then found a teacher saying 'Good' and smiling and so on, they might
find that was a negative experience.
There's even a whole approach to teaching which calls itself humanistic, which
seems a bit of a contradiction, which says that the teacher shouldn't show any
kind of approval at all-the Silent Way. And the idea is that you build up the
learners' confidence to rely on their own judgement of whether it was good or not.
One of the other students added:
I think we would all agree that there is a basic need to be approved of ... But how
do you show approval? ... When I taught the Chinese in China, I used to get
ticked off by my students for saying, 'Oh, that's wonderful' ... and they'd say,
'Shut up. h's not wonderful.' They liked a certain amount, but they didn't like the
amount 1 was giving them.
The personal experiences of members of the audience further enhanced the discussion:
Outside the classroom as a foreigner, in a particular country, you're always
getting complimentary Every time you speak the language, the
speaker who hears you, however bad you are, is always telling you how good you
70 Tim Lowe
are. They say to you, 'Oreat, don't you speak good French', for instance, as you're
cobbling three words together. And I think that encouragement is part of it'; if
you don't get that, you probably can't progress.
A different view of encouragement and its effect on motivation was offered by
another member of the audience-the encouragement gained from communicative
I did a brief Italian course with the BBC-a very basic travellers' course of five
lessons. I went to Italy for a holiday, and I was amazed at how I was able to get
around with basic numbers and asking for things in cafes, and I was so pleased
with my progress that I actually did a full course. The fact that I went to the
station and asked the time of the train in Italian and that the person answered me
and I could understand the reply-I think that was encouragement, though it
wasn't somebody saying, 'Yes, you speak very good Italian.'
FH summed this up effectively: 'Yes, it's reinforcement in the true behaviourist
PosWon in the classroom
The. idea that a learner's posItion in the classroom has some importance to that
individual is not likely to occur to many teachers who are used to the fluid seating
arrangements of modern EFL classrooms. However, LL was very clear about it:
My position in the classroom became quite important to me. I settled in a
particular position in the in the first lesson. and I always gravitated
back to it ... I also noticed what a difference it made who I sat next to. For
instance, one week I sat next to somebody just once who wanted totalk in English
much more than I did, and when we were doing pairwork, they'd say the sentence
in Chinese and then say 'Did that sound right?', or something. And that
interference from English when we were trying to practise in pair work was very
disturbing.... Whereas about three times I sat next to somebody who was terribly
good and terribly enthusiastic; she was enjoying doing it and very good at it. and
she really lifted me. I mean, I did much better in that class than I would have done
if! hadn't been sitting next to her.
In drawing conclusions from participants' contributions about affective factors, it
was salutary to hear MP, a sensitive and experienced teacher, admit that:
I've been leaching for ten years, making assumptions about how my students felt,
which ones were nervous and which ones weren't, and it's really rather frightening
fOf me to realize how much was going on, important things that were happening
to people in the class, that I really didn't know about.
Cognitive factors
The need for diversity
L T expressed her feelings thus:
The most surprising thing to me was how contradictory I was as a learner ... that
at the end of (he day I couldn't say, 'WeH, I know that I want a particular
An experiment ill role reversal
approach or methodology'. I was constantly wanting different things at different
moments, which must have made me a very difficult person to teach.
The implication here is that not only do different learners have different general
learning styles, but also that individual learners have within them a range of learning
needs at different stages. This underlines even more emphatically the need for
diversity of teaching approach in anyone classroom.
Responses to specific classroom activities
Various classroom techniques were identified as being significant for the students.
LT cited, for instance, listening to her fellow learners' mistakes:
I realized how valuable it is to listen, and to listen to other people making
mistakes, because that allows your own monitoring system to operate, and you
can say, 'Ah yes, that's not quite right. I can't remember exactly what he said, but
I know it wasn't quite like that.'
She then commented on her delight at grammar-based activities:
I really loved it when we did anything that was grammatical, and I had a dreadful
sort of 'Teach Yourself Chinese' book, where I used to read all those sentences
like 'It's a book. Is it a book? Yes, ies a book. No, it isn't a book', and I used to
read this with great pleasure. And it was quite separate from the wanting to
communicate. It was feeling 'This is what it's all about. This is the structure. I
really need this.' And when we learnt some sort of classroom expression like 'Can
you say that again?', I really did get a pleasure from being able to make
connections between what I knew grammatically and these classroom expressions,
and to be able to extract out the structure, and think about it, and then put it
back into the phrase, and feel: Yes, I had something that was communicative, but
at the same time I had something that fitted into a structure that I could build on.
MP was then asked about practice activities that were repeated the following week,
and whether this affected the amount of new language he was able to introduce in
the time available. An answer came, in fact, from L T:
I certainly felt that we went as fast as we reasonably could have done. I don't
know about anybody else, but I felt that even though we were doing a lot of
revision, we were getting an enormous input.
And this view was supported by a member of the aUdience, who said:
When I was learning Arabic in Egypt, I remember that in my class we were mainly
teachers, and we all went out of the lesson saying, 'What an enormous workload',
and then we compared it with the very things we were teaching ourown students, who
weren't in the target-language environment, and we were giving them Mice as much.
On the issue ofcommunicative approaches, some doubt was expressed by L T:
In our first lesson, what we did was supposedly very useful. It was saying to
people, 'Hello. What's your name? What's your job?', etc. But I had an instinctive
reaction against this, because it's the last thing I ever do when I meet people in
social gatherings. In a sense it wasn't meeting my communicative needs.
72 Tim Lowe
However, things improved when we did likes and dislikes, because I really
wanted to know about Graham's love of American films and Sheila's preference
for Italian food. What's more, by this stage I had enough vocabulary not just to
repeat the model sentence, but to create my own questions. So I could be really
A final point on the theme of responses to method was proffered by LL, who was
surprised by the need she felt for pauses in class activity:
1 used to think, when there was a pause in my teaching, 'Oh Lord, they're not
getting their money's worth. They're getting bored.' But I noticed in the Chinese
class that when we did have a pause, when, say, Martin was handing out things
for a game, I was very relieved to have a little break, and didn't feel that time was
being wasted. If I hadn't noticed that, I would have carried on worrying about
pauses in my own teaching.
In summary, MP identified once again the teacher's dilemma:
Different people liked different things. Yet there seemed to be no rationale. The
student I thought would like X didn't like it, and the student I thought would hate
it actually liked it.
The tole of hard work
Several people mentioned homework and the significance of personal effort by the
learner. MP went so far as to state:
I think that maybe ninety per cent of what people learn is outside the classroom. I
think the most important thing in language 'learning is hard work. And I think it's
a myth that gifted language learners go into the classroom and walk out with the
language ... they're the ones who very quietly sit down and try and memorize
everything that's gone on in the classroom.
Developing personal learning strategies
This was a particularly enlightening aspect of the discussion in terms of the specific
strategies identified. Be spoke almost entirely about how she had spent the course
trying to 'make sense' of what this (to her) very difficult language was like-to
organize her learning and 'get hold or the language:
First of all, I needed to know what something meant. Half the time I didn't know
what things meant, and I couldn't guess. Secondly, I needed to know what its
'sound-shape' was. But I couldn't say, 'Oh, that word sounds like an English or
Frencn word'. So I needed to hear the word many more times, and tnen I needed
to say it just as many times. Thirdly, I could not manage to learn it if! hadn't seen
it written in 'pinyin' [a romanized form of phonetically-based script used as an
alternative to Chinese characters]_ Fourthly, I needed to know that it went in this
or that place in a sentence, not technically what part of speech it was necessarily.
but where it went. What threw me a lot of the time was that an identical word
could go in different parts of the sentence. So I spent the whole twelve weeks
An experiment in role r e ~ ' e r s a l
cognitively trying to 'organize' the language internally before I could start to get
hold of it to lise it.
LL hit upon a strategy that was for her very successrul:
One night I was trying to get myself going on some homework and I started to
write vocabulary on index cards. And I thought I'll write the English on one side
and the Chinese on the other. From then on I had this little stack of flashcards
which I kept in my pocket with my carwkeys and my tube-pass, and every time I
had a spare moment, I pulled them out and flipped through them. And 1 played
games with them, on the tube for instance. I would say, 'Right, before we get to
Piccadilly Circus, I'm going to know these two cards.' It made a tremendous
difference to my confidence and how much I was learning.
This and other points led the teacher to observe what a radical transformation he
had noticed in LL's approach and presence in the class.
L T then recounted an interesting discovery she had made:
I found that I wasn't doing my set homework, but what 1 ,was doing was writing
stories. I actually tried to write in Chinese, after about five lessons, the dialogue
between Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. 1 looked up nearly every word in
the dictionary, and I'm not sure how much I learnt from this exercise, but it
became terribly important to be able to do it. I knew it wasn't a 'good' learning
strategy. There I was with my Peng'llin dictionary, looking up all the wrong
words, and I realized that as a teacher if I saw somebody trying to do the same,
my reaction would be to say, 'No dear, :don't do that. Go and do something more
useful.' But for me as a learner I would have been furious if that had been
Martin's attitude. In fact he was very encouraging and marked all my efforts.
To summarize the comments here, what is clearly impor.tant is not that these
strategies, however original they may be, should be adopted by other: learners, but
that all learners should be encouraged to discover: and develop the strategies that
they, as individuals, find effective.
Evaluation of the experiment
LOD was asked to sum up her' reactions, as the outside observer, to the success of
the 'diary' technique. She said:
Perhaps the most interesting general point is that people suddenly realize they're
learners again, and whether they are experienced or new teachers, the diary makes
them realize how essential it is to remember what it was like to learn. At least once
in every diary somebody said something like, 'I had quite forgotten it was so
difficult to do so-and-so', or 'My poor students. I must try and remember that I
hate this, and yet 1 force people to do it all the time.' '
She added that, by demonstrating the variety of experience among the contributors,
the diaries helped us to remember the variety of response among our students to our
teaching approaches. Furthermore, some course students had not written diaries, she,
said, and this highlighted an important aspect of learners as real people, namely
'that there were other things that took priority in their lives', '
74 Tim Lowe
She concluded by saying:
I think the diary acts as a self-awareness instrument: if you know what's going on
in your own learning, it makes you aware of what's possibly going on in the
learners in your classroom.
Summary and conclusions
I do not claim that the 'findings' as expressed here are particularly surprising. But,
like the participants in the experiment, I do think that in their roles as students, the
teachers were able to look again at some of their professional preconceptions. In
particular, they were able to reconsider the roles of praise, grammar, repetition,
revision, and communicative teaching, at least as they understand and practise them.
I think too that the process of developing self-awareness and through the technique
of a carefully structured diary-related setting is a useful and telling one, and one that
other teachers might wish to try. It would be interesting to hear their reactions to
this, and to their own experiments of a similar kind.
Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues Felicity Henderson for her part in
setting up the experiment, Martin Parrott for being the teacher, and the three
'students', Livy Thorne, Benita Cruickshank, and Lesley Lofstrand, for pennission
to include short extracts from their contributions to the seminar. I am gratefld too to
Lynette Murphy-O'Dwyer, of the Royal Society of Arts, for carrying out the diary
study itself. 0
Received July 1986
Bibliography ,
Bailey, K. M. 1979. 'An introspective anaJysis of an individual's language learning
experience' in S. Krashen and R. Scarcella (eds.): Research in Second Language
Acquisition: Selected Papers of the Los Angeles Second Language Research Forum.
Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Murphy-O'Dwyer, L. 1983. 'Teachers in Training: a Diary Study during an In
Service Course.' University of Lancaster: MA thesis.
Rivers, W. M. 1983. 'Learning a sixth language: an adult learner's diary' in
Communicating Naturally in a Second Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer
sity Press.
Schumann, F. M. and J. H. Schumann. 1977. 'Diary of a language learner: an
introspective study of second language learning' in Brown el al. (cds.): 0" TESOL
'77. Washington DC: TESOL.
The author
Tim Lowe has taught EFL since 1975. and worked in The Sudan, Poland, and
England. He is currently the International' House visiting fellow in the ESOL
Department at the Institute of Education at the University of London. In 1981 he
established at International House in London the Distance Training Programme fof.
the Royal Society of Arts Diploma in the Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language to Adults. for which in 1986 he was awarded first prize in the English
Speaking Union's English Language Competition (unpublished material category).
An experiment in role rel'ersal
5 Verbal reports
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will be looking at ..
techniques which can sometimes yield rather different kinds of data
journals and so on, that we discussed in Chapter 4. This
range of sometimes given the generic title of verbal reports,
which includes the techniques of self-observation and think
aloud. The written data resulting from verbal reports are sometimes
called protocols, and so these techniques are sometimes descri,ged as
protocol analysis. The main focus of these techniques is usuaUyto afford
insights into the processes of learning and teaching.
5.2 What do we mean, by 'verbal reports'?
The assumption underlying this approach is that at least 9f an
individual's thou,ght processes are either immediately
"conscious self-examination and self-analysis, o'r can readily b(! -ffiide
available by telling or writing about them. (Not everyone would be
willing to go along with this line of thought, of course: we will be
looking at some objections to this approach later in the section entitled
'Problematic aspects of verbal reports'.)
Let us take a question that is of interest to most language teachers:
how do our students handle new vocabulary when they come across it
in, let us say, a text for reading comprehension? We could observe the
students' behaviour, but this would not necessarity tell us much. One
student may occasionally frown or scratch his or her head, while
another reads on impassively; but what does this tell us about their
thought processes? Admittedly, there do exist some sophisticated ma
chines which can track eye movements across a text, but such equip
ment is not usuany a feature of l'anguage classrooms! As an afternative
to observation, we can give the students a comprehension test on the
passage or a vocabulary test. Such learner product data may yield
5 Verbal reports
valuable insights. But it is still data on product rather than process,
which has to be inferred.
Another method that we can use is one which we will be discussing in
the next chapter: the audio taping of group discussion. This would
involve turning the process of silent reading into some kind of group
task. Perhaps we could ask the group, as a group, to identify the words
they don't understand and then to see if they can discover, through
group discussion, the meanings of the unknown words. Variants of this
technique have been used very successfully by language researchers to
come up with all sorts of interesting findings, as indeed you will see
when you come to read the exemplar extract at the end of the next
chapter. It is also clear that, as a research technique, this comes very
close to the 'verbal report', since it involves individuals sharing their
thoughts with the rest of the group, and thereby revealing them to
outside scrutiny.
However, in the case of handling new vocabulary, there may be
reasons why we could be less than satisfied with the resulting data. For
one thing, the data will undoubtedly be affected by the composition
and dynamics of the particular group. There may be individuals who
have vocabulary problems which they are too shy or intimidated to
reveal. One individual with a very good command of vocabulary may
short-circuit, as it were, a lot of interesting discussion. As before, much
of the data may be in the form of product rather than process, since
members of the group may share their guesses at the meanings of
words, but not necessarily the thought processes that led them to
making those guesses.
In these circumstances, you might decide that you would like to
acquire data, or complement data from other sources, by getting the
learners to introspect on their own individual thought processes, and
making a verbal report on them. By doing this, we may be able to get
learners or teachers (or ourselves) to reveal aspects of their teaching or
learning that would otherwise be 'hidden'. To explore this, do PER
5.3 Commentary
You might have found PERSONAL REVIEW 5.1 difficult to do, but I
hope you may now have a dearer idea of what is at issue here.
First of all, there are certain processes which are 'open' in the sense
that everyone can observe them (e.g. learners' language practice,
learners' language production, the teacher's teaching methods, how the
teacher uses the textbook, etc.). There may be some things open to the
learner but hidden from the teacher (e.g. their feelings about the teacher
5 Verbal reports
PERSONAL REVIEW 5.1: 'Hidden Areas' of Teaching and
We have been discussing how the actual proces,s whereby a
learner infers the meaning of an unknown word is very difficult
to ascertain from external evidence: it is, in fact, a type of
'hidden area'. This 'Personal review' section i n v i ~ e s you to
explore this topic by thinking of areas of teaching and learning
which are 'hidden' in this way, and to contrast them with others
which are more 'open' to outside scrutiny in the sense that they
can be observed. Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it the
same way as the table on the opposite page is divided. (This
table is ultimately derived from the 'Johari Window', Luft, 1969;
see also Sergeovanni and Starratt, 1983.)
You will see that the table is arranged in four sections: Learner,
Teacher, Open and Hidden.
1. First of all, think of your learners. Which aspects of their
learning processes are 'open' to you, and Which aspects
are 'hidden'? Put down, say, four examples of each. Just
to make this Clear, an 'open' aspect would be answering
questions in class, or performance in a group talk. 'Hidden'
aspects might include doing an individual cloze test, or
silent reading. Then think of yourself as a teacher. Which
aspects of your teaching'processes would be 'open' to
observation by an outside observer, inspector, or whatever,
and which would be 'hidden'?
2. When you have done that, see if you can think of ways in
which your students' hidden processes could be made
open. Then do the same for your own hidden teaching
processes. For example, after the students had completed
a cloze test, you could ask them how they went about
identifying the missing words.
3. Finally, but very importantly, ask yourself these questions:
- Are there any aspects of the learners f own learning:
processes that might well be hidden even from the
learners themselves?
- Similarly, are there any aspects of your own teaching;
processes that might well be hidden, or at least obscurH,
to yourself?
- If there are any such aspects, what if anything could be
done to open them up to scrutiny by oneself or by
5 Verbal reports
Open Hidden
to teacher: from teacher:
to self: from self:
to outsider: from outsider:
to self: from self:
or the subject). Some things may even be hidden from the learners (e.g.
their own reading processes).
Similarly with the teacher. There may be some things which are open
to the teacher but closed to an outsider (e.g. teaching objectives [these
cannot always be inferred from observation!]). Again, there may be
certain processes of which the teacher is not consciously aware (e.g. his
or her decision-making procedures when preparing a Jesson).
5.4 Varieties of verbal report
In doing PERSONAL REVIEW 5.1 you probably came up with a
number of different suggestions for ways of making hidden processes
more open to scrutiny. Some of them might have been techniques which
are described elsewhere in this book, such as interviewing, keeping a
diary 'or journal, and so on. What I would like to suggest here is that,
through using verbal reports, we have another way of tapping into
introspective processes, which may wen be in certain cases more direct
and immediate in theiF application. Indeed you may well have antici
pated some of the approaches to be described here, when you did the
'Personal review' section.
5 Verbal reports
There are various ways of categorising what we have called here
'verbal reports'. (For a useful survey and discussion of verbal reports of
introspection, you could read Kazuko Matsumoto's 1993 state-of-the
art article. Especially relevant in the present context is the note on page
52, where Matsumoto summarises the different terms that have been
used by various writers on this topic.) In the rest of this chapter, we
shall mainly be using the terms that are suggested in Cohen (1987). The
terms that will be used here are: self-report; self-observation; think
aloud. Let us now look briefly at each of these in more detail.
5.5 Self-report
A self-report is the process by which we report to others, usually
through an interview, how we go about teaching or learning. Let us take
the example we have been using, of learning vocabulary. If someone
were to be asked how he or she went about learning vocabulary in a
foreign language, the response might be: 'Well, I start by making a list
of the new words that I have still to learn, with the new words in one
column and the translation in another column. Then I simply memorise
them by repeating them over and over again. From time to time, I cover
up the translation to see how much I've learned.' Self-reports are
obviously highly conscious, considered responses. They may also be
well-removed in time from the events they are reporting on. For
example, we can ask informants how they learned languages when they
were at school. Clearly, though, the greater the time-lapse, the greater
risk there is of the data not being reliable: the learner in question may
have been using this method of studying new vocabulary over a period
of many years.
5.6 Self-observation
Whereas .the is a generalised aspect of
or teachmg behavlOur drawn from many Instances, self-observatIon
relates to one particular instance or occasion. Also, we have seen that a
self-report may be qUlteremoved in time from some of the incidents
being reported on; it is usual for a self-observation, on the other hand,
to be much doser in time to the particular episode being discussed, and
indeed it is possible that self-observation can take place during the event
itself. As before, let us try to make this process more concrete by
looking at an example: this time, in the area of reading. How could I get
my students to make a self-observation on reading? There are many
possible stratagems, but one procedure could work like this:
5 Verbal reports
1. You give the class a short text and allow them, say, five minutes to
read it silently.
2. At the end of the five minutes, you get the class to make self
observations on their reading processes by asking questions, such
- Did you read the passage straight through from beginning to
end? Or did you pause from time to time and go back to read
things again? If that happened, how many times did it happen?
- What happened when you came to a word you didn't know? Did
a) skip it?
b) use a dictionary?
c) try to figure out its meaning for yourself?
- How many times did these things happen, as far as you can
- How many of you found five minutes plenty of time? How many
found it just about right? How many were not able to finish
reading the passage?
- There is a that goes with the text. Did you pay any
attention to the picture at all? If you did, when did that happen:
before/while/after reading?
- Did the picture add anything to your understanding of the
Questions could be answered orally, or by writing down the answers.
No doubt you could think of other questions that you would like to ask
your own learners. They could also be asked to volunteer their own
You may have noticed in one of the questions that the phrase 'as far
as you can remember' was used. Since self-observation relates to a
particular learning or teaching event, it is important tl:!et the reflection
rocess takes place as close as possible in time to the event being
yse . . , ere IS a rea poss"} I tty t at t e se -0 servation
data may become 'contaminated' as it were by self-report data. In other
words, there is a natural human tendency to remember our actions on a
given occasion in the past in terms of what we would generally do in
those circumstances, or what we think we generally do. Obviously, the
further we are removed from the actual event, the more likely this is to
happen. As I have said before, we might even decide to interrupt the
learning event in order to access self-observation data while it is still
fresh in the memory.
5 Verbal reports
PERSONAL REVIEW 5.2: Questions to Generate S e ~ f
Observation Data
Take any aspect of teaching or learning that interests you and
imagine it taking place in a specific typical context. Then see if
you can generate a series of questions, along the lines of the
example we have been looking at for readingo.
Some examples would be:
- writing a composition
- writing a summary
- doing a group task
- trying to infer vocabulary learning
- doing a test
The questions could be asked either immediately or very shortly
after the learning/teaching event, or at some point during the
event, or perhaps a combination of the two.
Once you have got a list of questions, you might think of trying
them out.
5.7 Think-aloud
This is the most immediate of the three verbal report techniques that we
will be looking at, and therefore potentially the one that is closest to
revealing the processes involved in a particular teaching/learning situa
tion. It may also be, however, the one that is most problematic to
manage. What we are asking the teacher or learner to do in this case is
to think aloud while he or she is performing a given teaching or learning
task. Sometimes this thinking aloud occurs spontaneously when we are
working on a task alone. We may mutter to ourselves, 'How on earth
am I going to do this? ...Oh, I've. got it. I'll try ...' The think-aloud
technique is the result of a conscious decision to behave like this during
the whole period of the investigative task.
Let us take an example of this, this time from teaching. Let us say the
question you are investigating is this: what are the processes that go
through a teacher's mind when he or she is preparing, say, a reading
comprehension lesson? You could easily generate data on your own
practice using think-aloud. (You could arso do so by using self-report or
self-observation. Self-report would not be very informative, since you
would only be reporting to yourself what you know already! Self-report
usually only becomes interesting when the reporting is being done by
5 Verbal reports
someone else. Self-observation might be more interesting, especially if it
were done on a regular basis [e.g. whenever you prepare a lesson, to
note how you actually went about the process of preparation]. But the
most informative of all is likely to be think-aloud.)
You would have to have some method of being able to gain access to
the data generated by your thinking aloud. The simplest method of
doing this would be by audio recording, using a small cassette recorder.
The technique would then be to simply speak aloud. the thoughts that
go through your mind as you prepare the lesson. Perhaps you might like
to consider the possible uses or benefits of such data.
As we have noted, the think-aloud technique can equally well be used
to investigate learning processes. For . example, much think-aloud
research has been done in the area of reading. Various possibilities here
- actually intervening in the reading process from time to time to elicit
data; ,
- marking pause marks in the text, where the reader has to stop and,
perhaps,share his or her understanding of the text so far, or to make
a prediction as to what he or she thinks is coming next;
- doing likewise at the end of each paragraph;
- starting to think aloud whenever he or she is conscious of a pause in
his or her reading (pauses are usually related to problems in reading).
You could now try PERSONAL REVIEW 5.3.
5.8 Verbal reports: The seven questions
Now that you have a clearer idea of what is meant by this term 'verbal
reports', also what the main kinds of verbal reports are, the next issue is
how you could go about getting data in this way. In fact, some of this
ground has also been covered through the examples that we have been
One way of approaching this issue is by using seven key question
words. The first of these is: What? What is it that we want to
investigate? The work you have done in previous 'Personal review'
sections in this chapter, may have helped you to consider some of the
possibilities in this area.
As far as self-report and self-observation are concerned, the possi
bilities are almost limitfess: any aspect of teaching or learning is open to
self-report Of self-observation. The uses of think-aloud are dearly more
limited, since not every context allows us to think aloud, either as
teachers or learners: it is clearly impossible for teachers to think aloud
while they are engaged in talking to their students! But there are
5 Verbal reports
PERSONAL REVIEW 5.3: An Experiment with Think
This experiment' can be done either as a teacher or as a
Teacher Think of a professional task that you do which will
not take longer than 5-15 minutes. Examples might be:
preparing an exercise for yo'ur students, or even part of a
lesson; correcting a composition or other written work; reading
and reacting to a shortiarticle written in a journal; and so on.
Learner Think of a short learning task that you can do which
will take you around 5
15 minutes. This could be, for example:
memorising new vocabulary; doing a cloze test; reading a short
passage tor comprehension; and so on.
In either case, what you have to do is think aloud during the
selected task from beginning to end, and audio record your
thoughts as you express them. Then play backthe recording
and make notes on what the recording reveals about how you
went about this particular task. Probably you will find equally
interesting data if you can persuade a colleague/fellow learner
to go through the same process performing a similar task. You
could then compare the data.
As far as learners are concerned, this process could be part of
a learner-training or learner-awareness programme.
contexts in which it is possible, and some of them may already have
occurred to you as you have been working your way through the
present chapter.
The next question follows on naturally: Why? This question is
important because our purpose in collecting data will determine the
kind of data we collect, and that in turn will determine the kind of
technique or techniques that we will' use. For example, we may have'
decided that the issue under investigation is our students' vocabulary
learning. This gives rise to other questions. Have we chosen this because
we want to raise OUf students' self-awareness of their vocabulary
learning? In that: case, we might decide to proceed by concentrating on
self-observation or self-report, using perhaps questionnaires, interviews
or class discussion. However, instead of this (or in addition to this), we
may wish to investigate the vocabulary learning process itself. In this
case, we wiH have to think up ways in which our students will have to
5 Verbal reports
learn new vocabulary in conditions where they will have to think aloud.
Our students may help us to think this through. We could do this, for
example, by giving a few students texts in which unknown words
. (perhaps even nonsense words, or words from a language not known to
the students) have been inserted, and ask them to think aloud into a
tape recorder as they try to puzzle out the meaning of the target words.
The next question is Who? Who is going to collect the data? Teachers
can collect data on themselves, simply by recording themselves. Or they
can enlist the help of colleagues who observe them and make notes.
Learners can also record themselves, or they can be observed andior
recorded by their teachers or by fellow learners.
Another question is Whom? Whose thinking processes are going to be
investigated? As we have just seen, the research can be conducted on
either teachers or learners. Also, the humber of people being investi
gated can vary from one upwards. One teacher can collect data on
aspects of his or her own teaching, or he or she may decide to take a
student as a kind of case study, in terms of some selected aspect of his or
her learning. Or, indeed, the teacher might decide to collect data from
the class asa whole, perhaps by giving them a questionnaire to fill in, or
simply by having a discussion in class where students reflect on their
habitual learning techniques, perhaps as part of a learner-training
We also have to know When? The data can be generated when, say,
reading or writing is actually in process, using the think-aloud tech
nique. Or the process may be interrupted, by asking questions. Or it
may take place after the event. But not too long after, if you need
reliable self-observation. Of course, if you are interested in self-report
(i.e. people telling you what they usually do when learning or teaching),
then the timing is not so crucial.
Now we come to Where? If you want to elicit data from your class,
then the most convenient place will probably be the classroom. If you
are investigating your own thinking processes, then the most convenient
place will probably be your own private work-space. Some researchers
have obtained data from a number of .students thinking aloud simul
taneously by using alanguage laboratory, which has obvious advan
tages, although is not available to everyone. One of the main
advantages of using the language laboratory is that several 'think
alouds' can be done at the same time. Audio or video recordings may
need special venues, or could be done quite informally, perhaps using a
A vital question is How? We have already touched upon many of the
techniques that can be used. We can elicit data from others by
questionnaires and interviews - techniques that we shaH be discussing in
more detail in a later chapter. We can have class or group discussions
5 Verbal reports
where people share information on their learning or teaching processes:
and these mayor may not be recorded. 'vie can ask people to think
aloud, or we can do the thinking aloud ourselves, and during thiE
process there may be an observer taking notes, or it may be recorded, or
Very often, we will fed that it is difficult or perhaps impossibl'e tc
analyse the data we have recorded on audio or video tape unless we
actually write it down (i.e. transcribe it). Transcriptions of verba;
repofts, often (as I have already mentioned) called protocols, can revea:
patterns of learning or teaching behaviour. These patterns can be namec
or categorised, thus giving us new ways of talking or reflecting or
teaching or learning processes. The article that will be presented at th
end of this chapter will give you an idea of how this can work out if
Before going on to that, fet us take a little time to give more though1
to the seven questions we have just been considering. See PERSONAL
5.9 Problematic aspects of verbal reports
If you are considering using verbal reports, it might be useful at
point to consider some problematic, or even controversial aspects 0]
this approach to investigating teaching or learning processes.
At one time, particularly in the last century and the earlier part of thii
century, techniques similar to those we have been discussing wen
widely used by psychologists. Then they fell out of favour. Why did
We discussed this issue in Chapter 3, when we were
reliability and validity.
1. Reliability Since the processes being described were 'hidden', ho\\
could the data be checked? If self-reports by different informant:
were contradictory, how could they be evaluated? This led man)
psychologists to concentrate on recording observable behaviour
Such behaviour could. be observed by more than one observer ane
could even be recorded for checking by anyone who wished to do so
2. Validity Other psychologists had problems \vith the actual validit}
of the data. Were peopl'e reporting on the targeted though!
processes or were they actualYy reporting on something else? Fo]
example, if I ask students to think aloud while they are attemptint
to write an English essay, is it not possible that the very process 0
thinking aloud wilf change the nature of the thought processe1
5 Verbal reports
PERSONAL REVIEW 5.4: The Seven Questions
Using the kind of layout given in the table below, try to develop
some ideas for research into teaching and/or leaming
processes using verbal report techniques. Try to make your
suggestions as varied as possible. You can, of course, further
develop some of the ideas that you have already considered in
earlier 'Personal review' sections in this chapter.The first has
been done for you as an example.
Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3
to discover inferencing
processes currently
being used by
teacher (myself)
students (and also
myself, for
during event
language lab
5 Verbal reports
Since the whole point of the scientific credibility of research methods, at
least in the empirical tradition, is that they should be both reliable and
valid, these are serious criticisms. (Remember that we have already
noted that, for action research, it is local reference that is important, so
generalisability to other contextsmay not be such a major issue.)
5.10 Reasons for using verbal reports
If there are sound reasons to be suspicious of the reliability and validity
of verbal reports, why have they Once again become quite widely used?
One reason often put forward is that, if verbal reports are not used,
significant areas of interest will be closed to investigation. Some of the
things that interest us most are not available to straightforward
observation. The choice for most teachers or unfunded researchers is
either to give up on whole areas of professional interest, or else to glean
what they can, while remaining aware of the limitations of whatever
techniques they use.
As we saw in Chapter 3, when discussing the issue of reliability it is
sometimes also the case that the findings of introspective research can
be cross-checked against other sources of data. For example, if we are
interested in the decision-making processes of teachers while they are
marking assignments, we can have access not only to the process
through think-aloud, but also to the product in terms of the marked
scripts. These data could be further complemented by interviews with
the teachers, perhaps, using a marked script as the basis for discussion.
When we accept or reject evidence of any kind, even in a court of raw,
it is almost always a matter of judgement. If we ask someone to self
report on how he or she learns vocabulary, for example, it seems
reasonable to accept his or her evidence, unless we have good reason for
not doing so. Many of the findings using verbal reports are convincing,
both in terms of their own merits, and also because they correspond
with one's own intuitions as a teacher. Two examples can be given from
Cohen and Hosenfeld's (1981) paper on 'Some uses of mentalistic data
in second language research':
1. The fi.rst example is in the area of error analysis. Error analysis is
often done by working backwards from the product. In other words
a mistake is noted, and the researcher (teacher) uses his or he17
knowledge of the II and 1.2 to work out a plausible hYPDthesis as
to how the error occurred. The writers give instances to show how
such pfausible hypotheses can be shown to be sometimes incorrect
by getting feedback from the learners very shortly after the errOl7
has been made (i.e. through self-observation). Sometimes the
5 Verbal reports
learner's reasoning was quite idiosyncratic, and it seems safe to
assume that someone using observation alone would never have
worked out the true source of the incorrect form.
2. The second example relates to language exercises. Cohen and
Hosenfeld show that learners sometimes work out fairly elaborate
ways of avoiding the intended task and finding short-cuts to the
correct or desired response. This finding will not come as a surprise
to most experienced teachers, but it is still a factor easily over
looked in devising or selecting learning tasks. As the authors point
out (p. 293): 'Students' strategies are often quite different from (the)
strategies teachers assume they are using.'
There is perhaps another reason for the renewed interest in introspective
methods generally, and it has to do with the enhanced status of the
experiential knowledge of the teacher (Wallace, 1991), and indeed of
the learner too (Ellis and Sinclair, 1989). At one time it seemed to be
assume,d that the only knowledge worth bothering about resided with
the 'experts' who were often academics spending most or all of their
time engaged in funded research projects located in universities. In more
recent times it has come to be recognised that this kind of
knowledge' is only part of the story. The beliefs, attitudes and experi
knowledge of both teachers and learners are also important
factors in the learning/teaching equation. Verbal reports, and other
ntrospective techniques, are ways in which these factors can be
lrticulated and given their due weight.
5.11 Learner training and professional
apart from arguments relating to research considerations, in a
Larrow sense, there are other reasons why we might wish to use verbal
eports, and these relate to the very important issues of learner training
nd professional development .
. earner training:
1 EFt/ESt methodology over recent years, there has been an increasing
::msciousness of the role of learner training in promoting efficient and
ffective language learning. Very often, the first step in developing more
ffective learning strategies is to bring about situations through which
:udents can become more aware of their present learning strategies,
erhaps also comparing them with those used by their fellow learners.
5 Verbal reports
The techniques we have been discussing (namely, self-report, self
observation and think-aloud) could well have a part to play in this
process, as well as other introspective techniques, such as journals and
diaries, as we saw in the previous chapter.
Professional development
The role of action research in professional development has been a key
theme throughout this book, and in that context verbal report com
mends itself as potentially one of the most 'user-friendly' techniques
available to teachers. The vast majority of teachers are well aware of
the significant proportion of their time that is devoted to professional
duties outside the confines of the classroom, notably in relation to
preparation and correction. For teachers interested in developing self
awareness in such areas, self-observation and think-aloud might well
yield informative and productive data.
5.12 Summary
In this chapter we have been looking at ways of generating verbal
reports (often transcribed into protocols), which can hopefully be
analysed to give insights into certain 'internal' or private processes of
teaching andlor learning. ,
The three techniques that have been featured are:
- self-report
- self-observation
- think-aloud
\Ve have noted that there are some problematic aspects to these
techniques, but that there is still much to commend them, particularly
from the perspectives of learner training and professional development.
We will now conclude with a report of the approach in action, in the
area of second I'anguage written work.
5.13: Exemplar article
The exemplar article is a study of writing processes using introspective
The artide is:
Valerie Arndt. Six writers in search of texts: ;] protOcol based study of L 1 and L2
writing. itT Journal 4114, October 1987, 257-267.
5 Verbal reports
Read the ar.ticle with the following questions in mind:
1. What would you say is the main research question that Arndt is
focusing on in this paper?
2. Make up a 'seven question' chart for the research reported in this
article, as you did foryour own ideas in PERSONAL REVIEW 5.4.
3. What are the reasons Arndt gives for deciding to use the think
aloud technique?
4. Explain how her coding system for the analysis of protocols
worked. Why did she decide to use this system?
S. Has the researcher triangulated data (i.e. corroborated it with other
data) in any way?
6. What, in your view, are the most important findings of this study?
7. Is L2 composition an area that you are interested in? Is there a
particular aspect of it that you would like to investigate? How
would you go about conducting your investigation?
Note: if you would like to find out a bit more about coding protocols,
there is a very helpful appendix in the article cited below. But remember
that you don't always have to code transcriptions, or even transcribe
recorded data at all, in order to be able to use it to further your
development as a teacher or learner.
Ann Raimes. What unskilled ESL students do as they write: a classroom study of
composing. TESOL Quarterly, 19/2, June 1985,229-258.
Six writers in search of texts:
A protocol-based study of L 1 and L2
Valerie Arndt
Following the change of focus in much recent writing research from composition to
composing, a number of studies have attempted to probe the second-language
writing processes of EFLIESL students. However, few comparative investigations of
writing processes in the first and second languages have been published to date.
This article reports one such exploratory study of the composing activities of six
Chinese postgraduate EFL students as they produced academic written texts in
both their first (Chinese) and foreign (English) languages.
Two findings are discussed. First, while the composing activities of each individual
writer were found to remain consistent across languages, there was considerable
variation among the writers in their approach to the task of producing written text.
Second, a limited awareness of the nature of the task was a common source of
difficulty in both languages: there was neither adequate awareness of the nature of
written language and the demands its production makes upon the writer, nor was
there sufficient exploitation of the creative nature of the activity of writing itself.
Finally, some implications of these findings for the teaching of writing at this level are
Writing: text and activity
When we talk about the teaching of 'writing', what do we refer to: the composition,
or the composing? The text, or the activity? Or both? And what is our answer if we
ask ourselves which aspect we should be concentrating on? Indeed, the very fact that
the term 'writing' can refer both to finished products and to the processes underlying
their production mirrors rather neatly the choice of focus available to those who are
involved with the teaching of this highly specialized type of communicative
Over the last decade or so, the change of emphasis in writing research from
product to process has centred attention on the composing activities through which
initial ideas and meaning evolve into written texts. Yet it may be ill-advised, and
perhaps even impossible, to divorce the processes and products from each othef,
either in teaching or research. For at the heart of effective writing lie the techniques
for successful fusion of thought and language to fit the rhetorical context-rhetori
cal, that is, in the fundamental sense of gearing message to audience. Such techniques
are responsible for matching content with form, and for ensuring that the writing is
under the control of a purpose whereby an intended meaning is successfully
conveyed to an intended reader. The tantalizing question, however, is whether these
matching techniques are actually accessible to consciousness, and hence to observa-
ELT Journal Volume 41/4 Octoher 1987 (0 Oxford University Press 1987
tion, and hence, perhaps, to being taught. For writing-as-activity is one form of
language production, and as Martlew remarks: 'examining the process of language
production is notoriously difficult' (Martlew, 1983:313). Though it may be possible
to probe certain superficial aspects of the activities which result in a finished text, the
underlying processes of what has been called 'the dialectical interpenetration of
language and thought' (Britton et al., 1975:47) remain elusive and inaccessible.
Nevertheless, many researchers have still felt it worthwhile to investigate those
aspects of writing processes which are available to observation, in the hope that this
will illuminate some of the complexities involved in creating written texts-the task
which is for many people the surprisingly difficult one of 'putting together form and
, content of language to achieve extended sequences of text that are coherent'
(Bracewell 1981:4 J2).
Background'to the study
Interestin probing the activities of writers while they are in the process of producing
written text in a second language (L2) has been stimulated by the growing body of
first-language (Ll) process-centred research. Although many fewer studies of L2
writing processes have been made than of Ll writing, those patterns which are
emerging seem to suggest that L2 composing is, despite the additional linguistic
burdens involved, very similar to Ll composing. It is the constraints of the
composing activity, or of discourse type, which create problems for students writing
in L2, not simply difficulties with the mechanics of the foreign language. Whereas
problems of poor L2 writers have been found to stem from inefficient writing
strategies, successes of proficient L2 writers result from effective strategies of
evaluation and text generation, although, naturally, language proficiency is a factor
in the efficacy of the total process.
However, though studies have been made of EFL/ESL students composing in L2
)acobs 1982; Jones 1982; Lay 1982; Raimes 1985; Zamel 1982, 1983), there seems to
)e a dearth of comparative studies. Edelsky's (1982) comparison of the Ll and L2
yriting of bilingual children is one of the few published ones, supporting the notion
hat the knowledge writers already have about writing processes in their mother
ongue 'is applied to rather than interferes with writing in another language'
Edelsky 1982:214), The study reported here, of the L1 and L2 writing of EFL
tudents at postgraduate level, suggests that the language of composition and the
triter's proficiency in it seem to be less significant as factors governing how the
'riting comes into being than is the individual cognitive capacity brought to bear
pon the task by the writer.
One overall conclusion to be drawn from research to date in L2 composing is that
Ie composing skills of proficient L2 writers are very similar to those of proficient L 1
riters. The present study suggests as a corollary of this that. in the case of
dividual writers, where composing skills are efficient and effective-or otherwise
their L1 writing, they are likely to be so too in their L2 writing,
3sign and procedure
line with procedures used in much recent writing research, I decided upon a case
ldy approach, and used the technique of 'protocol analysis' as the major source of
t writers in search of texts
data, despite the many reservations which have been expressed about its validity ant
reliability as a means of investigating composing processes. 'Protocols' are produce(
by asking writers to compose aloud into tape recorders, verbalizing as much a
possible of their thoughts as they write. The tapes are later transcribed, so tha
different kinds of composing activities can be categorized and coded; these code(
'protocols' are then analysed in conjunction with the written texts produced durin!
the writing sessions.
Although there can be no doubt that the task of composing aloud into a tap'
recorder is not at all the same as that of composing silently, and quite conceivabl:
interferes with normal composing processes (Faigley and Witte 1981), protoco
analysis has still been felt by many investigators to be 'too good a tool not to b(
used' (Raimes 1985:234), despite its limitations, and despite the necessarily infer
entiaI nature of some of the judgements made in the analysis. Moreover, though tht
accounts they yield nwy be incomplete, think-aloud procedures are none the les:
acknowledged to be a useful means of tracing cognitive processes, especially if tht
verbalization involves 'direct articulation of information stored in a languag(
(verbal) code' (Ericsson and Simon 1980:227), as is of course the case with writing.
The six writers who took part in the study (three male, three female) were al
Chinese-native-speaking students at Nankai University in the large industrial city 0
Tianjin in north-east China. As post-graduate EFt students in their final year 0]
study, they found that not only were they doing much of their writing, bott
academic and non-academic, in their second language, but that their written L;
performance was frequently used as a basis for judging their academic competence
Obviously, therefore, an ability to write competently in L2 was of great importanc
to them.
There were two writing sessions of approximately one hour each, separated by a
short break. I They took place in the individual booths of the language laboratory,
the LI text and protocol being produced first. In both tasks, the students were told
that they could verbalize their thoughts in whichever language they preferred-Chi
nese or English-but that the text in the first task should be written in Chinese, and
that in the second task in English. To enable comparisons to be made, the texts were
intended to be similar with regard to discourse type, purpose, and audience.
Accordingly, the Chinese task was to write an article for a Nankai University
magazine on the place of tradition in modern Chinese life; in the English task, the
writers were asked to write about an aspect of life in modern China (which they had
not already covered in the first task) for an article in an English university magazine.
In addition, open-ended interviews were conducted with the students in order to
develop a 'writing profile' (Perl 1979) of each writer, including feelings and
perceptions about writing, to be used together with the data from the protocols and
The composing activities recorded on the tapes were coded according to a
modified version of the coding scheme developed by Perl (1979, 1981). Twenty-one
major categories were adopted, such as pfwming (finding a focus, deciding what to
write about); global planning (deciding how to organize the text as a whole};
rehearsing (trying Ollt ideas and the language in which to express them); repeating (of
key words and activity which often seemed to provide impetus to
continue composing); re-readillg (of what had already been written down); ques
tiolling (as a means of classifying ideas, or evaluating what had been written); revising
94 Valerie Arndt
(making changes to the written text in order to clarify meaning); editing (making
changes to the written text in order to correct the syntax or spelling, and so on). In
order to provide as detailed an analysis as possible, a further thirty-three 'subscript'
categories were used to qualify the major ones. Thus, for example, it would be clear
whether a 'rehearsing' activity was concerned with developing a new idea, or
elaborating upon a previous one; or whether a 'revising' activity involved a change
of lexis, or a re-ordering of words.
These coded activities were then entered upon a 'composing-style' sheet, one for
each protocol. In this way, the activities could be seen in relation both to the
amounts of time spent upon them and where they occurred in the course of the
composing, and to the written text which resulted from them. Let us imagine that a
text is being written in a writer's L2, and look at two minutes' worth of hypothetical
coded composing activity as it might appear on a composing-style sheet (each
segment of broken line in Figure 1 represents one minute's worth of composing time;
the horizontal brackets above the time-line indicate that a certain sentence or
segment of text is being written down; and the horizpntal brackets beneath the time
line indicate verbalization in a language different' from that being used for the
written text):
5 6
SW [RHctl ~ SW IS I R s ~ SW -------
Figure J
Thus, we can see that the fifth sentence of this hypothetical L2 text takes just less
than one minute to compose and transcribe, the words being spoken as they are
written; it is interrupted by one instance of rehearsal, in which a previous idea is
elaborated, and which leads directly to the completion of the sentence. The writer
switches to L I to verbalize this rehearsal. Then follows a brief period of silence, after
which the writer reads over what has just been written. This re-reading leads directly
to the simultaneous composing and writing down of the next sentence in Jess than
one minute.
Reducing the information on the tapes to charts in this way provides a basis for
generalizing about the patterns and styles of each writer's composing process; it
enables parts of the process to be seen in relation to the whole; it shows the
frequency and sequencing of various types of composing operations; and it facilitates
comparisons, both between writers, and between an individual writer's approaches
to different tasks.
The individuality of the writers
In many previous studies of writing processes, writers have been classified according
to the degree of their writing proficiency, so that conclusions may be drawn about
what constitutes skill in writing, and how methods of more proficient writers differ
from those of the less skilful. Perhaps the most striking finding of the present study,
Six writers in search of lexts
however, was the lack of similarity in writing behaviour among members of a group
assumed to be relatively homogeneous with regard to academic achievement and
language proficiency.2 Bearing in mind the findings of previous studies of L2 writing,
it was expected that there would be considerable similarity between the Ll and L2
writing processes of the writers. And indeed there was-but only as far as the
individual writers were concerned. What emerged unexpectedly forcefully across the
group were the differences among the writers in their approach to the same tasks. A
brief look at their composing styles will make these differences clear.
Bao was the planner'. His overwhelming need was to impose a complex super
structural framework on his texts from the very beginning and throughout the two
tasks, frameworks complete with outline, introduction, main points in order,
examples to support each point, and conclusion. But, as he wrote, it emerged that
these preconceived frameworks did not fit the text he was generating, nor did they
help him to perceive how his ideas related to each other.
C/UIII, on the other hand, felt no need at all for any outline or plan. He was the
'thinker', in that his great need was to get to the logical heart of the idea being
expressed. His approach was rational and careful, with constant monitoring of
whether his writing was evolving in such a way that his ideas made logical sense.
Dai was also a very careful writer, but for her the process of writing seemed to be
particularly painful. The 'struggler', she was constantly wrestling witl1 words and
meaning, questioning and requestioning herself to find out if she was making sense,
not in Chun's logical way, but rather tO,make sure to herself that what she was writing
was what she really had in mind to say.
Lin, by contrast with Dai, seemed to find the writing process enviably painless.
Spontaneously, and seemingly without effort, she produced fluent and coherent text
in considerable quantities in both languages. What distinguished her from the group,
and hence earned her the title 'reviser', were her strategies for revision. Not only did
she revise the most often, but her revisions were made most frequently as a result of
reading over what she had already written, and not, as was the case with most of the
others, only as she was composing individual sentences. She showed the most
concern wit,h the evolution of the total text, scanning back over the whole of what
she had written so far, and revising if she felt it necessary.
Zhou's writing offered a most interesting contrast with that of Lin, as it was
superficially similar in terms of quantity produced and spontaneous manner of text
generation; but fundamentally it was very different. For Zhou, the 'lister', the
activity of writing seemed to be nothing more than a process of listing thoughts and
ideas as they occurred, an activity which resulted in rambling, incoherent texts.
What his protocols revealed, however, was that much of the coherence missing from
the texts was there in this thoughts-logical connections between propositions and
paragraphs, textual cohesive tics, explanations and elaborations of ideas and
concepts. Interestingly, he was the writer who revised least often.
Finally, Liao, the 'outliner', seemed torn between her natural instinct to let the
activity of writing itself generate her text, and her consciousry learned procedures of
outlining, listing main points, and producing 'topic sentences', Her preoccupation
with what she thought she ought to be doing prevented her from getting to grips with
many of the interesting ideas she had, so much so, that in one task (t 1) the entire
session was taken up with producing a succession of outlines, but no text proper.
96 Valerie Arndt
Task awareness
Besides revealing the very different cognitive styles ~ r d capacities of the individual
writers, the study also suggested that certain problems faced by all of them,
regardless of whether they were writing in L 1 or L2, related neither to inefficient
composing strategies, nor to lack of language. resources, but rather to an inadequate
awareness of the properties of what Ludwig terms 'language in writing' (Ludwig
1983:35) and of the demands its production makes upon the writer, particularly in its
function of academic exposition. Let us look first at some of the characteristics of
this type of written language and how they affect the writer, and then consider what
the protocols revealed about our six writers' awareness of the task of producing it.
Writing-as-text and the writer
A written text, as completed product, is irreversible (although the activities of
production are, as Nystrand (1982) puts it, 'thoroughly reversible'). It is also
potentially permanent, and this possibility that the language will be preserved ought
to entail activities of critical appraisal and judgement on the part of the writer, not
only because by translating private thought into public text writers lay themselves,
open to the evaluation of their texts by readers, but also because the act of writing is
by its very nature one of commitment. Writers must constantly assess how success
fully the language they have chosen to commit their ideas to paper conveys their
intended meaning. The protocols suggested that such a capacity for critical self
evaluation was insufficiently developed, or at least under-exploited by the writers in
this study.
Another feature of written language is its abstract nature. A written text uses
language in a most decontextualized form, produced in isolation from its intended
audience and without recourse to shared context. One of the most essential activities
of writers, therefore, is to provide a context for what they write, so that the preserved
language will be understood when it is eventually read. Again, the protocols revealed
that none of our writers dealt with the problems of gearing message to intended
audience with sufficient thoroughness or effectiveness-if indeed they considered
them at all. They did not, in general, get to grips with the difficulties of ore-viewing'
the emerging text with the eyes of potential readers; neither did they use their
audience as a force for generating their texts.
This brings us to what is conceivabJy the most challenging characteristic of
written language: what Olson (1977) terms the 'intrinsic' relation of meaning to
language, whereby the whole oj the meaning intended by the writer must reside in the
text itself. The construction of such explicit, coherent meaning is perhaps the most
jifficult part of the writing task, and yet the most essential part of the written text. It
requires consCious and deliberate intellectual' efTort sustained over a considerable
::>eriod of time; and it demands not only knowledge of the resources of the written
anguage, but also consciolls manipulation of them. Those glimpses of the writers'
lctivities afforded by the protocols suggest that their strategies in this respect were
lot adequate. In general, there was too little evaluation of the developing text in
:erms of whether the meaning underpinning its superficial structure had been made
;ufficiently explicit and coherenL
Six writers in search of texts
Exploiting the creative nature of writing-as-activity
Turning now to the nature of the activity of writing, as opposed to the characteristics
of written texts, we find that an interesting paradox highlighted by the study was
how over-zealous planning and over-strict adherence to precise 'rules' for writing
was often more of a hindrance than a help in the actual generation of text (a finding
paralleled in a previous study by Rose (1980. The students had been exposed in
their L2 writing programmes to what we might term the traditional- 'Freshman
Composition' upproach to lcaching academic writing, based on a linear, pre-writing/
writing/re-writing model of the writing process, with its precepts of outlining, pre
planning, and constructing paragraphs around previously created 'topic sentences'.
But, it seems, we may be better 01'1' helping students with post-plWlIlillg rather than
pre-planning, for the protocols of our writers confirmed time and again not only the
recursive, /lOll-linear nature of the writing process, but also the enormous generative
power of the actual activity of writing itself. Writers cannot plan for what they do
not yet know they are going to write.
That writers frequently discover their meaning only' in the actual process of
writing is a commonplace enough observation. But what is not so often noted, and
what the protocols made abundantly plain, is how much of what is generated by the
activity often fails to be incorporated into the text. For example, here is Dai, in the
L2 task, finding the true focus of her meaning. Her original topic was 'Pop Songs in
Modern China', but as she wrote, she found she was writing about something else
(italicized words in this and all following quotations from the protocols are those
which were written down as they were verbalized):
... on young people's life young people ... then my title should be changed, it's
not in China, but among Chinese young people, tet me see, pop songs in China,
pop songs and young people, would that be better? with, ya, with young people,
Pop Songs and, with, Chinese, Chinese Young People, and Young Chinese ...
And Liao discovered the key to the organization of her L2 text when she found that
her writing was revolving itself around the differences between graduate and
undergraduate life (her chosen topic was 'Campus Life in China'). In her L2 task,
she found a new aspect of her theme as she was writing:
... the story my roommate told me-a man who has 110 feeling for his wife but
does/l't want to have a divorce because he was a/raid oj public opinion, .. oh ya,
public opinion would be a good, a very good opinion, public opinion would be a
very good example of how traditional ideas influence people's thoughts ...
Chun discovered a thesis for his Ll text when he elaborated the criterion which he
thought should he used to evaluate tradition; Lin's writing generated a whole section
in the Ll task on cultural traditions, which she had not previously thought of; Dai's
writing clarified for her the conceptual relationship between two ideas-'zhongxiao'
(filial piety) and 'fucong' (absolute obedience}; and, most dramatic of alt, Bao
discovered a good example-marriage advertisements-to illustrate his theme of
traditional aUitudes, an example which eventually took over his text and became its
All these realizations It'ere subsequently included by the writers in their texts. But
a disconcerting proportion were not. Connections, 'for example, between ideas OF
98 Valerie Arndt
paragraphs, which would have made for more cohesive texture, were verbalized, but
not written-and this applied even to the more coherent of the texts. Lin's LI text,
for instance, began in a very abrupt manner-simply a heading 'Political Life'; but
in her protocol she introduced it more satisfactorily with the following question (in
rough translation):
Where can the effects of traditional outlooks be seen most clearly in modern life?
In the political sphere, yes, political life, Political Life . ..
Elaborations and clarifications which would have illuminated the written text were
frequently verbalized, but not included. Here is a sentence from Zhou's LI text (in
translation), where the coherence of meaning is lost:
(as far as) the open-door policy, and being open to the influence of the new
technological revolution (is concerned), we need large numbers of reformers with
the pioneering spirit, who have the daring and the ability to adjust their own
production according to whatever the market changes may be, * this is mainly
because of the bondage of tradition.
In the protocol. his intended meaning was clear: after writing about the need for
people with pioneering spirit and adaptability, he said, at the point marked by the
asterisk (in rough translation): .
but we really have few of such kinds of people in modern China. If we speak of
the present situation, of course we can't say there aren't ANY, but ... why should
this be so? Most important is because of the 'Doctrine of the Mean" the
traditional outlook, this is mainly because of the bondage of tradition . ..
but all this clarification was omitted from the written text, which contains only the
latter conclusion of this train of thought. Moreover, in the text, since the referent of
'this' is unclear, a wrong interpretation of his intended meaning arises: that the need
for large numbers of people with pioneering spirit results from the bondage of
tradition, and not, as he intended, that the' bondage of tradition is the reason why
there are so few.
Perhaps most disconcerting of all, however, was the omission from the texts of
verbalized judgements and opinions which might have helped to bring them to life.
Dai, for instance, thinks about the power of pop scings over young people, but she
writes merely about their themes and types. Liao, in contrasting city life with rural
life, focuses her underlying meaning on the judgement that urban existence is 'more
enlightened' than rural existence, but, although her protocol makes it clear that she
thinks about 'the higher degree of enlightenment', she writes about 'the low degree of
influence of tradition' in the city. Zhou thinks about the 'great significance' of
current reform in the countryside for China's development, but merely writes a flat
description of some of its manifestations.
In a limited study such as this, it is impossible to predict how subsequent revision
and re-drafting might have altered the writers' present focus on the struggle for
expression of immediate meaning, and led them to give priority to 'finding the form
or shape of their argument', which Sommers (1980) found to be the primary revision
objective of experienced writers. The protocols do suggest, though, that potential
cues for finding this form are there, even as a first draft is evolving, if only they could
somehow be 'captured'. This might also partially explain the perplexing phenomenon
Six writers in search of texts
noted by Galbraith (1981) as a major source of writing difficulties: that written
thought so often appears 'impoverished' in comparison with the reflective thought
which created it. Here, perhaps, is one area where protocol analysis could make a
significant contribution to writing pedagogy.
Implications for teaching
The belief that certain aspects of the creative process of writing can be examined and
taught to help students produce effective written language is what has led to the
current emphasis on process in the literature on LI and L2 writing. But just as 'it
would be wrong to suppose that there is one best way to understand how people
write' (Wason 1981a:340), so it seems unreasonable to propose that there should be
one best way to teach writing in view of the greatly different needs of individual
writers, even in such a smaU and supposedly homogeneous group as in the study
reported here. Whilst those L2 writers' with inadequate composing skills would
certainly benefit from the incorporation of a 'process-centred' approach into EFL
writing pedagogy, one implication of the study's findings is that all L2 writers,
proficient or otherwise in terms of writing-as-activity, need more help with the
demands of writing-as-text.
This means, then, that the teaching of L2 writing must always have a two-fold aim:
not only must it help inefficient writers become more efficient in regard to their
writing strategies; at the same time, it must help all writers produce more effective L2
texts by enriching knowledge of linguistic resources in the foreign language and
fostering awareness of how they can be effectively utilized for the specific demands of
language-in-writing-including those relating to formality and coherence at the
discourse level. Such expansion of an adequate basic knowledge of the language is of
vital importance for students such as those in the study, whose chances for acquisition
of the language through a variety of media-films, radio, television, contact with
native speakers-are very limited, according to their interview reports, and whose
reading activities in English are restricted, by and large, to the narrow confines of
academic textbooks. They all felt, for example, that their ability to discriminate
between varying levels of formality, and their capacity to exploit such differences in
their own writing in English, was far from adequate. Also, where breadth of lexical
knowledge was concerned, they revised for word-choice more in the L2 task than in
the L 1 task, but rehearsed for word-choice more in L I than L2. This suggests that
they felt less able to tryout alternatives and less happy with their decisions in L2 than
in L1, not only because they had more limited resources to draw on, but also because
they felt less secure about whether they had chosen appropriately.
A second implication relates to seeing writing as a sophisticated kind of problem
solving activity. Flower 'IIH.l Hayes (1980a) include among the characteristics of
good writers the ability to 'sofve problems they represent to themselves'. But the
study suggests that one problem might b.e to create the right problem to solve, and
this is perhaps where teaching could help. Students could be encouraged to enlarge
the scope of the problems they set themselves; they could be pushed beyond their
concern with the immediate problems of translating thought into words and helped
to distance themselves from their creations, so as to appreciate the evolving meaning
structure. For this, writers need that creative self-criticism which would also help
100 Valerie Arndt
them to deal with the explicitness required of written language. The writers in the
study, for instance, often failed to translate meanings conveyed prosodically in the
protocols into conventions of written language; they failed to provide adequate
connections between, or clarifications of, their ideas; they failed to anticipate that
their readers might not share their own 'knowledge of the world'.
Most of the writers in the study expressed open hostility to the artificiality of the
'school-set assignment', yet stressed that if they really had something to say through
their writing, then the task became less burdensome, and even, on occasion,
enjoyable. This suggests two further important implications for teaching, the first of
which concerns evaluation, and the second, involvement. Writers inevitably lay
themselves open to criticism and judgement when they write. If the writing teacher's
task is to convince students that this risk is worth taking, and not just an ordeal to
be endured for the sake of a grade, then assignments set must be worthwhile, and
they must be responded to as communications of meaning, not merely assessed as
exercises in correct verbal behaviour.
As for involvement, I have stressed that writing is, by nature, an act of public
commitment. But effective writing is a matter of personal commitment. On the
evidence of the texts in the study, produced as they were in the artificial rhetorical
context of 'essay-making' (Nystrand ) 982:5), little serious effort was made by the
writers to struggle towards what Galbraith (1981) calls a 'private conception' of
what they were writing about. Yet, on the evidence, of the protocols, the opinions
and judgements necessary for this were often voiced. This suggests that an important
teaching task may be to convince students of the vital importance of personal
involvement in effective writing. For even in academic writing-that ostensibly most
sober of genres-the commitment to "a particular attitude to what you want to say',
and ability to say it in your own voice, is an important measure of quality (Wason
One final implication concerns protocol analysis as a teaching tool. If conscious
consideration of a process can enhance it (Squire 1983), and if the ability to monitor
the process of one's writing is indeed a major component of writing skill, as Flower
and Hayes (1980b) contend, then protocol analysis could be a valuable aid for
writers to diagnose their own deficiencies and develop the evaluative capacities
necessary to oversee the evolution of a successful text. Furthermore, since it is so far
the only method of looking into the process of composing as it is happening which is
relatively easily replicable in all kinds of settings, it could be invaluable as
a means of demonstrating to writers the truth about the composing activity,
dispelling the notion of linearity, and revealing the essentially generative nature of
the act of writing. 0
Received January 1987
1 It would have been preferable had the tasks been performed with a much longer
time interval between them, but unfortunately, restrictions on time and laboratory
facilities precluded this.
2 Objective measures were unavailable, but the writers were assumed to have
considerable academic and linguistic proficiency by virtue of having been accepted
for postgraduate study at one of China's 'key' universities.
Six writers ill search of texts
3 One possible explanation for this is that, consciously or unconsciously, they
perceived the 'real' audience of their texts to be myself.
Bracewell, R. J. 1981. 'Writing as a cognitive activity.' Visible Langu(lge XIVj4:400
Britton, J. L., T. Burgess, N. Martin, A. Mcleod and H. Rosen. 1975. The De}!elop
mellt of Writing Abilities (11-18), London: Macmillan Education.
Edelsky, C. 1982. 'Writing in a bilingual program: the relation of LI and L2 texts.'
TESOL Quarlerly J6/2:211 2 8 .
Ericsson, K. A. and H. A. Simon. 1980. 'Verbal reports as data.' PsycllOlogical
Faigley, L. and S. Witte. 1981. 'Analysing revision.' College Composition and
Cormmmicaciofl 32/4:400-15.
Flower, L. S. and J. R. Hayes. 1980a. 'The cognition of discovery: defining a
rhetorical problem.' College Composition and Communication 31/1 :21-32.
Flower, L. S. and J. R. Hayes. 1980b. 'The dynamics of composing: making plans
and juggling constraints' in L. W. Gregg and E. R. Steinberg (eds.): Cognitive
Processes in Writing. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Galbraith, D. 1981. 'The effect of conflicting goals on writing: a case study.' Visible
Language XIV/4:364-75.
Jacobs, S. E. 1982. 'Composing and coherence: the writing of eleven pre-medical
students.' Linguistics and Literacy Series. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied
Jones, C. S. 1982. 'Composing in a Second Language: A Process Study.' Paper
presented at the 16th Annual TESOL Convention, Honolulu, May 1982.
Lay, N. D. S. 1982. 'Composing processes of adult ESL learners: a case study,'
(Research note), TESOL Quarterly 16/3:406.
Ludwig, O. 1983. 'Writing systems and written language' in F. Coulmas and K.
Ehlich (eds.): Writing in Focus, Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 24.
Berlin: Mouton.
Martlew, M. 1983. 'Problems and difficulties: cognitive and communicative aspects
of writing' in M. Martlew (ed.). The Psychology of Written Language: Develop
mental and Educational Perspectives. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
Nystrand, M. (ed.). 1982. What Writers Know: the Language, Process and Structure
of Written Discourse. New York: Academic Press.
Olson, D. R. 1977. 'From utterance to text: the bias of language in speech and
writing.' Harvard Educational Review 47/3:257-81.
Perl, S. 1979. 'The composing processes of unskilled college writers.' Research ill rile
Teaching of English 13/4:317-36.
Perl, S. 1981'. 'Coding the Composing Process: a Guide for Teachers and Re
searchers.' MS written for the National institute of Education, Washington, D.e.
Raimes, A. 1985. 'What unskilled ESt students do as they write: a classroom study
of composing.' TESOL Quarterly) 9/2:229-58.
Rose, M. 1980. 'Rigid rules, inflexible plans, and the stifling of language: a cognitivist
analysis of writer's block.' College Composition and Communication 31/4:389-401.
102 Valerie Arndt
Sommers, N. 1980. 'Revision strategies of student writers and experienced adult
writers.' Col/ege Composition and Communication 31/4:378-88.
Squire, J. R. 1983. 'Composing and comprehending: two sides of the same basic
process.' Language Arts 60/5:581-9.
Wason, P. C. 1981 a. Introduction to Visible Language XIV/4 (Special Issue:
'Dynamics of Writing').
Wason, P. C. 1981b. 'Conformity and commitment in writing.' Visible Language
Zamel, V. 1982. 'Writing: the process of discovering meaning.' TESOL Quarterly 16/
Zamel, V. 1983. The composing process of advanced ESL students: six case studies.'
TESOL Quarterly 17/2: 165-87.
The author
Valerie Arndt has taught in a wide variety of EFL/ESL situations over the last
twenty years, both in England and overseas. Much of her experience abroad has
been in East Asia, and most recently she has been teaching for four years in China,
where she has been specifically involved with the teaching of writing. She has
recently returned to England and completed her MA in TEFL at the University of
Si:x lI.,.iters in search of texts
6 Observation techniques: recording,
and analysing classroom skills
6.1 Overview
In Chapters 4 and 5 we were concentrating on techniques which 'look
inward': diaries, journals, thinking aloud, and so on. Now, we will
'look outward' on the classroom by considering some techniques for
observing classroom life.
I will begin by discussing the possible aims of observation techniques,
and then go on to consider what the research focus of the observation
might be. I will review various methods of recording data, with theif
advantages and disadvantages. Finally, there will be some examples of
teaching/learning areas that might be usefully investigated using these
6.2 Aims of observation:
Most teachers have first come across classroom observation in the
context of the assessment of our teaching practice during teacher
training. We therefore tend to equate being observed with being
assessed. This may be one of the reasons why as teachers we are
resistant to the presence of others in our classrooms. This is linked, of
course, to the nagging sense of anxiety that most of us have about our
performance as teachers. Even experienced and competent teachers may
feel that they are not teaching to their potential. Yet another reason
might be that, unlike some other professions (e.g. medicine, taw), we
are not used to performing our craft in the presence of our peers, or
even (if we teach in a school) other adults. Being observed is an u n u s u a ~
event, and makes teaching under observation an even more stressful
experience than usuaL
So it must be made clear that when we speak of observation here,
we are making no immediate reference to the observation associated
with supervision, inspection or teacher-training (although action
research could, of course, be a part of all these activities). There is also
another use to which observation is put, namely to establish objective
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
data concerning what goes on in most classrooms, or in a range of
classrooms. I am thinking here of, for example, the research done by
Arno Bellack and his colleagues (Bellack et aI, 1966). This research
was done using very rigorous procedures across a range of teachers (15
high school teachers) teaching one particular subject (international
trade). From this investigation the researchers came to certain conclu
sions about the various kinds of 'moves' (e.g. structuring classroom
activity, soliciting responses, etc.) which teachers used in their teaching,
and the way in which these moves were combined into what they
called teaching 'cycles'. Using these data, Bellack and his colleagues,
therefore, felt able to make generalisations about the nature of
teaching behaviour which have been very influential on subsequent
work in this area. (See, for example, Sinclair and Coulthard, 1975;
Fanselow, 1987.)
This sort of activity is clearly much closer to what concerns us here,
although the emphasis is still too general for the needs of action
research. What does concern us here is, of course, our own professional
development and the improvement of teaching and learning in our own
classrooms. From an action research perspective, our aim is not
concerned with assessment, nor (in the first place) with generalisable
findings, but with exploring through observation aspects of what goes
on in our classrooms for the benefit of our own development. The rest
of this chapter will therefore be concerned with ways in which this aim
might be achieved, and in the next sections, I will discuss how .
systematic observation can be implemented.
6.3 Who and what is to be observed?
There are several possible answers to this question:
1. The focus of the observation can be ourselves as teachers: the
techniques we use, our physical p r e s e ~ c e , voice projection and
quality, use of gesture, management procedures, and so on.
2. The focus can be on our students: the way they work, the way they
interact, the way they respond to our teaching, their on-task and
off-task behaviour, and so on.
3. The focus can be on the context in which we teach: the classroom
layout, the teaching aids available and how they are used, and the
use of posters and visual aids [if any] in the classroom, and so on.
Observation of the context may occasionally extend outwards to
include the institutional context. These contexts can obviously be
linked to self-observation and/or observation of our students.
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
6.4 Who does the observing?
Again, there are several possibilities:
1. The observation can be done by the teacher concerned. This is
easiest to handle if the focus of the observation is aUf students Of
some aspect of the context that we teach in. It is less easy to
organise if the focus is ourselves as teachers, although it is still
possible, for example by using audio tape or setting up a video
camera to record ourse! ves. '
2. We may work with other colleagues to observe one another's
teachillg {reciprocal observation or peer observation}. In this case,
we are benefiting from other colleagues' perceptions and they from
ours. Such co-operation greatly extends the scope of what can be
observed, of course.
3. Alternatively, we may wish to be observed by someone on a non
reciprocal basis (i.e. they observe us but we don't observe them).
Observers who are used to working in this way are often academic
researchers, working on their own research projects, but it could
be, perhaps, one or the management team in our own school. It
should be noted that this is still very different from the supervision!
appraisal situation, since it is the teacher who is initiating the
process, and ultimately the evaluation that matters is the teacher's
personal self-evaluation.
4. Finally, it is possible to use our students as observers. For example,
a few students may be given checklists to either categorise our
teaching behaviour, or to analyse the interaction of their fellow
6.5 Methods of recording
The following methods of gathering observed data will be discussed
here: real-time observation; audio taping; video taping and transcrip
1. Real time observation This means that the observation is observed
and analysed as the teaching/learning actually happens without
using any electronic means of recalling the data!. This can be done
by marking checktists or simply taking notes.
2. Audio taping It is worth remembering that much interaction can
be recorded using a small portable cassette recorder. Sometimes
cheap recording machines are more appropriate than more sensitive
advanced machines, as several can be used at a time, and also more
sophisticated machines are sometimes more difficult to operate.
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
Using a small cas'sette recorder is, of course, most effective in one
to-one teaching situations, or with small group work.
This approach is more intrusive than real-time observation, but it
is often the case that after ten or fifteen minutes learners forget the
presence of the tape recorder, and interact normally and unself
consciously. In certain lessons, the taped interaction may be
exploited for teaching purposes (e.g. by playing it back and asking
the group to spot any errors that they have made).
3. Video taping This is the most intrusive technique, but with the
development of 'palmcorders' and similar hand-held video recorders,
it has become much less so. The justification of the extra expense and
inconvenience of video recording is that it can make a permanent
record of contextual and paralinguistic data, such as chalkboard
work, the layout of the classroom, movement, gestures, facial
expressions, and so on. Whether such data are relevant will depend
on the nature of the action research being done, and what aspects
of the teaching/learning process you are interested in. Remember,
also, that all video taping is selective: you can't capture everything.
4. Transcription The problem with both audio-recorded and video
recorded data is that, although they provide rich data on a
permanent-recall basis, specific items of da.ta may not be very
accessible. For example, if you are interested in how you corrected
errors, you will probably find it much quicker to locate examples in
a transcript, than by going backwards and forwards on a tape. Also
data only on tape are not amenable to certain kinds of analysis (e.g.
detailed discourse analysis), It is very often the cas.e, therefore, that
material which has been recorded then has to be transcribed. This is
a very time-consuming business. Before committing yourself to' a
research design that involves a lot of transcription, it would be wise
to do a short piece of recording, say ten minutes, and then see just
how long it takes you to transcribe that amount. This should give
you a useful rule-of-thumb for the ratio of recording time to
transcription time for your project. You may decide that you only
want to transcribe on a selective basis, not the whole thing. Go to
6.6 Commentary (Personal Review &.i)i
There are many possibilities. I'll just discuss a few of them here:
1. Self as teacher If you wanted to self-observe your use of expres
sion and gesture, then audio taping is clearly out: you would either
have to set up a video camera at the back (which might or might
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills .
PERSONAL REVIEW 6.1: Observation Topics
Using the table below, you are invited to think of a topic that
interests you within each of the three main areas of focus
(yourself as a teacher, your students, or your class/institutional
context). Decide who would be responsible for the observation
and which method of recording you would like to use.
Focus Topic Observer(s) Method
Self as
not be operated by a colleague}, or to get a colleague to observe you
using some kind of checklist.
2. Students Observing students engaged in a communicative task
could be done by using an audio recorder: you probably
need help from anyone else.
3. Context As far as context is concerned, you might be interested in
looking at the appearance and layout of your classroom. You could
do this in a chart with two columns: at present and possibilities,
like this:
. desks/chairs circular arrangement
in groups
open U-shaped arrangement of
groups to allow easy transition to
plenary mode
. walls . five posters . poster section + area for displays of
student work

teacher:' s desk
books, exercise books:
small working space
relocate books/exercise books
use open ring binder for field-notes
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
8.7 Methods of analysis
How are observed data to be analysed? There are basically two
approaches. Let us call the first method unstructured. This is essentially
an impressionistic approach whereby we note whatever seems of most
importance and relevance, given our purpose for observing. It is in
some ways the most straightforward. but also the most subjective
approach. It is important to remember that when we analyse some
thing impressionistically, we do so in the light of our existing personal
constructs: our ideas and beliefs related to what we are observing. If
you ask a group of teachers to say what struck them as important
while watching a lesson, they will usually come up with a lot of
different ideas amongst them. There is also the degree of knowledge
that we bring to the observation: an experienced teacher may view the
classroom in a much more informed way than someone who has not
been in a school since their school days. Similarly someone who is a
specialist in the subject being taught may have different insights from
someone who is not.
The great advantage of the unstructured approach is its flexibility.
Given a certain focus of interest, student motivation, let us say, we can
note anything that bears on this from the general appearance of the
classroom to the teacher's feedback on student answers. So, even though
the topic is an elusive one, by being flexible and observant we may
manage to pick up some useful data.
How can one minimise the subjective element? It may be helpful to
have more than one observer: sometimes on in-service courses it is
possible to have feedback from several colleagues on one's teaching. If
they are unanimous on one point, it probably says something for the
reliability .of the feedback. An impressionistic comment may also be
considered along with other kir!ds of analysis of a more objective kind
such as we shall be discussing shortly. Other investigative techniques
may be used (e.g. questionnaires) which will yield a different kind of
data which mayor may not confirm observational findings. This is
another example of the so called triangulation technique that we
discussed in Chapter 3.
As far as possible, the observer should observe and not assess or
evaluate. Avoid questions like: 'How good is this lesson in terms of
motivation?' Concentrate on the evidence. Go to PERSONAL REVIEW
6.8 Commentary (Personal Review 6.2)
The sort of questions you have come up with might look like this:
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
PERSONAL REVIEW 6.2: Unstructured Observation
Let us take the admittedly difficult issue of observing motivation.
What sort of questions might you be looking for an answer to?
You might find it helpful to think in terms of:
- factors arising from the learner (personality, attitudes, etc.)
- factors arising from the teacher (as above)
- factors arising from the lesson
- factors arising from the context/situation
- What are the factors in the physical appearance of this classroom
which promote/impair motivation?
- When during the lesson did the class seem most motivated? When
least? What were the symptoms of interaction/non-motivation? What
are the likely reasons for these states?
Such fact-seeking questions may develop understanding, as opposed to
examination of issues of praise or blame, which probably will not.
It should be noted, of course, that the more detailed the list of
questions prepared beforehand, the less 'unstructured' the observation
is. So the difference between structured and unstructured observation is
a matter of degree, not a clear-cut distinction.
6.9 Structured approaches: system-based
In structured approaches, the observer's analysis is guided by some kind
of observation schedule which allows him or her to collect data, often
of a more objective kind, in a systematic way. Structured approaches
may be of two kinds: system-based or ad hoc.
In system-based observation the observational data are analysed in
terms of an existing system of pre-specified categories. Such systems
are usually global in nature (i.e. they are intended to give genera]
coverage of the most salient aspects of the classroom process, as,
defined by the system being used), The systems consist of a finite array
of categories.
The FIAC system (Flanders, 1970)" for example, consists of only ten
categories. Seven of these categories are used to categorise various
aspects of 'teacher talk' and three are llsed to categorise 'pupil' talk'. The
last category is used when there is 'silence' or 'confusion' in the class
(i.e. when there is no interaction to record, or when there are so many
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
things going on that the observer is not sure what to record). The ten
categories are:
Teacher talk
1. accepting feelings or attitudes expressed by the student;
2. praising or encouraging a student;
3. accepting or using students' ideas;
4. asking questions;
5. lecturing (explaining, informing);
6. giving directions or commands;
7. criticising students, justifying authority (e.g. when disciplining a
Pupil talk
8. pupil-talk response (e.g. answering a question);
9. pupil-talk initiation (e.g. volunteering information, asking a ques.,
tion of the teacher);
10. silence/confusion.
(Flanders, 1970: 34)
The classroom interaction is recorded using a pencil and paper tech
nique. The observer (who has to have had some. practice in using the
technique) watches the class and categorises the interaction being
observed at a certain fixed interval - usually once every three seconds.
The categorisation is' done on a tally sheet (for an example of a tally
sheet, see Figure 6.1 in Section 6.12 below). At the end of the lesson, the
tallies can be counted and it is then a simple matter of arithmetic to
work out which of the categories have been most frequently used. This
can yield data on, for example, the amount of 'teacher talk' as opposed
to 'pupil talk', and whether the lesson is more student-centred (cate
gories 1-4 and 8, 9) or teacher-dominated (categories 5-7).
What is the potential significance of such systems for the action
researcher? Let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of using a
technique like FIAC.
One big advantage is that since the system is 'ready-made' you don't
have to work out a different one for yourself. Another advantage is that
a system like FIAC is well-known: it doesn't have to be trialled or
validated. Also much research has been done using this approach which
can be cross-referred to. It can be implemented in real time or using a
recording, so it is quite flexible in that sense.
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills .
But FIAC also has several disadvantages for the action researcher. One
is that it cannot be used in real time by the teacher himself or herself.
An observer is required, and one who is skilled in using the technique at
that. It can, of course, be used by the teacher concerned if the target
lesson has been previously ta ped.
Another important disadvantage is that the specified categories may
not be of any relevance or interest to what you are researching. As it
stands, for example, FIAC has only two categories for pupil talk, which
might very well be the main focus of your investigation. Since all the
categories refer to interaction, other issues that might be of interest (e.g.
seating arrangements, chalkboard work) are excluded from observation.
If you are contemplating using observation for professional develop
ment, you might find it useful to familiarise yourself with some of the
systems that are currently available, of which FIAC is only one
example. You will find useful surveys in Malamah-Thomas (1987),
Allwright (1988) and Wajnryb (1992).
Experience shows, however, that you are unlikely to find a system
which will be exactly what you want. More likely you will want to
either take an existing model and 'customise' it to your own needs, or to
design a new system of your own. It is to this 'ad hoc' approach that we
now turn.
Look back at the FIAC categories and think of your own
teaching situation. Are there any general categories that seem
important to you but which have not been listed by Flanders?
Examples might be: use of the mother tongue/target language;
use of group work/pair work. See if you can make up a new
checklist which will be more relevant to your concerns.
6.10 Commentary
There have, in fact, been many adaptations of FIAC which have changed
it to suit the particular needs of the trainer/researcher. Moskowitz
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
(1971), for example, has categories for whether the teacher uses jokes"
and whether there is laughter or not, since one of the things in which
she is interested is the affective dim,ension in foreign language class
rooms. In a communicative classroom you might want to have cate
gories which cover learner-to-Iearner interaction. So, before using the
Flanders system you would really have to look at it to decide whether
there is coverage of all the areas of classroom activity that you are
interested in.
6.11 Structured approaches: ad hoc
The term ad hoc is used to describe something that has been devised for
a particular purpose, with no claims to generality. What we have called
the system-based approaches start with a set of general categories which
are applied to specific situations. The ad hoc approach is also a
structured approach, but the categories derive from a particular
problem or research topic. We shall be going into the implementation of
this approach in some detail shortly, but at this point let us look briefly
at how categories are established. Let us say we are observing a class to
discover the involvement and application of the students in the work of
the class. In terms of observable behaviour, t;'vVO categories will immedi
ately suggest themselves: on-task behaviour and off-task behaviour. Fer
the purpese of our investigatien, it might be impertant to, knew the
forms that eff-task behavieur may take. We ceuld ceme up with the
follewing list (taken frem Hepkins 1993: 105):
Off-task behaviour
1. talking net related to, task assigned
2. doodling
3. daydreaming
4. wandering around
5. werking at ether tasks
6. physically bethering ether pupils
7. attempting to, draw attentien
8. pencil sharpener, fountain, washroom
9. ether
Where de these categories ceme from? They could come from three
sources. First, a list of eff-task behavieurs that we have received frem
eur reading er similar source (just as this list has been taken from
Hopkins' beok). Secendly, frem eur ewn teachingllearning experience,
perhaps augmented by brainsterming with ether teachers/learners.
Thirdly, the list might be the result of a period ef unstructured
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
observation, during which we have made a note of off-task behaviours
as they have occurred. Or it could be a combination of these.
Which of these three sources we use wilt probably depend on the
nature of the topic we are investigating. Not all areas are as accessible
to experience as off-task behaviours, which we are all familiar with
from our own student days. Others, such as categories of the linguistic
behaviour of native speakers or of learners in various interactive
situations may only emerge after long and careful observation, or else
by utilising or adapting the categories of other investigators who have
done work in this area.
Ir must be remembered that observations are not always a matter of
recording naturally occurring behaviour, as it were. It is possible fOJ;
investigators to intervene in the teaching/learning process in various
ways in order to elicit various types of behaviour which can then be
analysed and perhaps compared. You could, for example, give two
different kinds of tasks to two groups, and compare the results. Or you
could experiment with giving more thinking time to learners before they
have to respond, and observe, perhaps even measure the results. The
data from either of these investigations might give you reason to think
again about your teaching style. .
6.12 Approaches to observati'on: example studies
In this section, we shall look at some examples of approaches to
observation in various areas. We shall take a few examples which
mainly focus on the teacher and a few which mainly focus on the
There are many aspects of teacher behaviour that we could look at.
Areas that spring to mind are:
Aspects of teaching behaviour
- opening procedures (first five minutes or so of lesson)
- closing procedures (last five or so minutes)
- handling of critical incidents (e.g. discipline)
- use of chalkboard
use of other teaching aids and resources
- patterns of movement from one group to another
- stance and posture
- use of voice (high and fow pitch, volume, tone, audibility}.
- eye contact
- psychologicar projection (e.g. of confidence, uncertainty, anger, good
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
- management routines (for structuring class activities)
- interaction with students
Let us discuss the last area, interaction of students, in a bit more detail.
We might be interested in the level of questions that we use. We can
devise a simple tally sheet recording the use of whatever categories we
wish to use in this respect. An example is given of questions related to a
reading comprehension exercise.
Level of question Tallies Total
Literal (simple retrieval of
information from the text)
l-I-+i l-I-+i ~ l-I-+i
Inferential 'reading between
the lines' II 2
Reorganisational combining
information from different areas
of the text (e.g. summary)
II 2
Evaluative/reactive expressing a
. judgement or personal reaction
I 1
Figure 6.1 Question tally sheet
This simple analysis shows a preponderance of 'low-level' literal ques
tions, which mayor may not be what you intended when planning the
lesson. We could make this analysis more refined by distinguishing
between (say) 'wh- questions' and 'yes/no questions'. Instead of using
simple tallies we could use a code like W (for 'wh- questions') and Y
(for 'yes/no'). How many of these questions are actually the same
question redirected to another student? Now we have a new category: R
for Redirect. Obviously we have to be careful how far we go down this
road: we could end up making the coding procedure too complex to
implement, at least in real time. (One of the advantages of recorded
material is that it is amenable to complex analysis.);
Another focus of our research input might be concerned with how the
questions are distributed among the class. Are some students 'favoured'
(if that is the correct word) with the teacher's attention more than
others? One way of recording this is by using another simple tally sheet,
this time using the students' names in the vertical column thus:
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills.
Name Tally Total
Patricia I 1
John 1111 4
James I'
Dorothy I 1
Figure 6.2 Simple tLllly sheet
Again, it is possible to make the data collection richer by coding the
questions instead of using simple tallies.
Another possibility is to use a spatial observation schedule, like this:
Figure 6.3 Spatial observLltioll schedule
It. would seem from this example that the students at the front are
getting more than their fair share of attention!
6.13 Group-work observation'
The examples we have just been expl'oring are focused on the teacher.
Many teachers, however, will be at least equally interested in learner
behaviour, and various ways of observing learner behaviour have been
For example, many teachers are interested in what actually goes on
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
i) Recording frequency/distribution of participation
(30 second sweep) 8
ii) Recording nature of participation
D ..
Figure 6.4 Group work: sample observatio11 schedules
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
during group work. There are many different aspects YOll might wish to
investigate, such as:
- What is the proportion of mother tongue and target language use? In
a lesson, or a specified part of the lesson?
- What is the quality of the target language used? (This covers issues
like: how accurate? how complex? how advanced?)
- What are the patterns of group interaction? Are there dominant
group-members? Are there some who undermine the work of the
group? \Vho are the active and passive members of the group? Are
there different patterns of interaction for different tasks?
- More generally, what is the group process in performing a given task?
Are there different group processes for different groups? For different
If your teaching style involves the use of a lot of group and/or pair work,
the answers to such questions may be quite important. You may already
have a pretty shrewd idea of what the answers to these questions are as
they affect your own students, simply from informal observation as you
have 'done the rounds' of the groups in your class. It may be the case,
though, that your very presence may alter the group's 'normal' be
haviour: for example, there may be a tendency for a group to give you
feedback on progress so far, or to ask questions (both of which are, of
course, very appropriate activities). Also, it is usually not possible for a
teacher to spend an extended period of time with anyone group.
You may therefore decide that you want to find out more about the
group processes that are going on in your classroom. The investigative
technique you use will obviously depend on what aspect of the group
process you are interested in.
How is the data to be recorded? One widely-used method is to tape
record one of the groups. This has the disadvantage that the tape
recording will probably have to be listened to in the teacher's own time,
which could be quite time-consuming. Transcription of the tape would
also clearly be extremely time-consuming, although it is occasionally
desirable. (In some cases, of course, transcription may be a valid and
'meaningful' activity for learners. This is yet another example of how
action research can be used to benefit tearners.) If we are focusing on
the use of the target language, tape recording is almost inevitable.
A second widely-used method is by real-time observation. The
simplest method is by regular (say 3D-second) 'sweeps' of a group to
record who has participated in that time. Figure 6.4 i) courd be used to
record the frequency/distribution of participation in a group-work
activity. This method tells us something about the quantity but little
about the nature of the interaction. We may wish to analyse this in
terms of various categories, sllch as:
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
1 =initiation
2 =response - simple agreement
3 =response - agreement and development
4 =response - simple disagreement
5 =response - disagreement with reasons
6 =structuring move (e.g. Why don't we discuss ... ?)
We could then record the nature of participation in the group work.
Figure 6.4 ii) (not an actual example) shows that Student A has assumed
a dominant role in the discussion (initiating and structuring) while C is
the only m'ember of the group fully engaged with A (in terms of
developed responses),
As a result of this analysis, you might decide to allocate roles (such as
chairperson, secretary) to different members of the group to see how far,
and in what ways, this kind of structuring actually changes the nature
of the group interaction. (This can be done more elaborately by using
roleplay scenarios, where the members of that group have to assume
given identities.)
We have already noted that this type of observation need not
necessarily be done by the teacher himself or herself. Depending on the
nature and maturity of the class, it might be possible for a member of
the group itself to act as an observer and also, perhaps, report back to
the group on his or her observations. This heightening of metacognitive
awareness might actually be helpful to the group process.
PERSONAL REVIEW 6.3: Implementing Observation
1 . Make a list of aspects of your own teaching behaviour or
your students' behaviour that it might be useful for you to
2. Pick one activity that you want to observe and decide how
you are going to implement the observation. What do you
hope to discover? What are the likely practical applications,
of what you hope to discover?
3. If you can, make a trial attempt at implementing your plan.
How interesting/useful were the data you discovered? Is
there any way in which the observation could have been
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
6.14 Summary
In this chapter we have discussed methods of recording observed data,
and different ways in which data can be analysed, from unstructured to
highly-structured approaches. We have looked at some examples of
how observation might be applied to teacher behaviour (with special
references to questioning techniques) and student behaviour (with
special reference to group work).
In the next chapter, we will look at how data can be obtained through
asking questions of respondents through interviews and questionnaires.
6.15 Exemplar Article
The exemplar for this chapter is not, in fact, an article, but a short
excerpt from a book:
G. Brown, A. Anderson, R. Shillcock and G. Yule (1984). Teaching Talk:
Strategies for Production and Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
As the title indicates, this book is mainly concerned with ways of
encouraging oral skills and also assessing them. The students in the
research programme were native speakers, but the 'information gap'
activity which is the focus of this excerpt will be familiar to most EFLI
ESL teachers.
Read the article with the following questions in mind:
1. What are the special conventions used in the transcription here (i.e.
how is the transcription different from 'normal punctuation')?
2. How easy or difficult did you find the transcription to read? What
do you think was intended to be conveyed by the sign (+)? How
usefullrelevant did you find the transcription conventions used
3. What do the researchers tell us about their findings concerning 'co
operative tasks' or 'information-gap activities' in this excerpt?
4. Do you think these findings could have been discovered by a
teacher without going through the procedure of audio taping and
transcribing, as these authors have done?
S. The researchers have taken a common task and obviously audio
taped a number of groups attempting the task, and then compared
the interaction process. Would there be any other aspects of the
group process that would be interesting to investigate in a similar
way? How would you go about it? What practical problems can
you foresee? Could they be overcome? How?
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
Co-operative tasks
So far we have been largely concerned with conditions where one speaker is
the authoritative speaker, supposed to transfer information to another pupil
who plays a fairly passive role. It is this type of task which we have most
experience of, which we are able to grade with some confidence, and which
we provide assessment procedures for.
There are clearly other types of task which make rather different
demands on speakers, but which may have other drawbacks like being
much harder to grade or to assess.
One such task, which is very popular with pupils, is where the
information required to complete a task is distributed between two pupils
and they have to co-operate to complete the task. Thus speaker A may have
in front of him a map of an island containing a number of dangerous
features with a safe route marked across it. Speaker B may have a map of
the same island but one said to be 'made by an earlier explorer' which
contains some of the features on A's map, but not aU, and contains, in
addition, three features which are not marked on A's map. A is asked to
describe to B the safe route across the island so that B can draw it in on his
The reason a task like this is difficult to grade or to assess is because the
behaviour of :one member of the pair depends so much on the behaviour of
the other member. Coping with incompatible information is difficult for any
of us - we all need to construct a coherent representation. Speakers taking
the A role, the authoritative role (i.e. knowing the route) can be more or less
helpful in response to the announcement by another speaker that his
information is different. Consider the behaviour of the speakers taking the
A role in the following examples (14) and (15):
(14) A: draw a line from the start and do it round the beach + tree + +
Palm Beach and do it round the swamp and round the waterfall
B: there is no swamp
A: well there is one on mine + well just draw a line round the
(l5) A: go a bit further upwards and you'll come to a bridge
B: I haven't got a bridge
A: oh well + where it says 'Big River' + go along a bit and draw a
bridge in
In the first of these extracts, the speaker makes no attempt to accommodate
B's information - merely reiterates her own. In the second, the speaker
takes on B's incompatible information and instructs him to draw in the
bridge which he hasn't got. This suggests one way of grading co-operative
beha viouf, which is to value highly an attempt to help the other speaker out
When he has incompatible information, and to value less highly a mere
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
reiteration of the speaker's own information. We could then suggest valuing
least highly of all behaviour when the speaker simply ignores B's problem as
in (16):
(16) A: go past the pine trees + past the swamp + and past the waterfall
B: where's the swamp?
A: then past the mountain and a bridge
Where B responds in an appropriate manner, then we can usefully talk
about A's.behaviour. However B does not always respond in un appropriate
(17) A: go over the Big River + over a bridge
B: done it
In (17) B responds 'done it' in spite of the fact that she has no bridge on her
map. Where B speakers take a passive role, A speakers have no opportunity
to demonstrate whether or not they are capable of taking account of the
other speaker's state of knowledge and framing a helpful reply.
It's perfectly possible to create a series of more or less difficult tasks using
this format. The task will be simpler if (a) there are fewer rather than more
incompatible features and (b) if the incompatibility lies in one speaker
having a feature that the other lacks (e.g. B doesn't have the bridge over the
river which A has) rather than two conflicting features in the same location
(e.g. B has crocodiles where A has a swamp).
In spite of the difficulty of grading or assessing the task as it is actually
performed, it still seems worthwhile including tasks of this sort in the
teaching programme, precisely in order to give pupils practice in coping in a
sympathetic and helpful way when the other speaker has incompatible
information. Conversely, it also gives the pupil' who takes the role of
speaker B practice in taking on incompatible information and assimilating
it to his view of the map. Consider the behaviour of B speakers in the
following extracts:
(18) A: go to your left + just about come to the s\vamp
B: where's the swamp + how far along?
(19) A: go over to quite a bit below the bottom of the swamp
B: what swamp?
A: swamp swamp
B: how far is it away from Palm Beach?
(20) A: and across the bridge at Big River
B: what bridge at Big River? + + + w a i ~ a minute + where's your
In each case the B speaker does not have the mentioned feature on his/her
map. However, in each case they accommodate themselves to this neW
information and ask for the location or the feature. This is obvioLlsly going
6 Observation techniques: recording and analysing classroom skills
to be a more useful strategy than that employed by some pupils who simply
state 'I've not got a swamp/bridge', leaving A to do all the work of telling
them to draw it in.
This type of co-operative task does not, typically, give practice in long
turns. What it does give practice in is transferring information in what the
speaker may well have planned as a long turn, but what turns out to be a
turn in which, in most cases, he keeps on getting interrupted because the
listener needs to ask a question or check that he's understood. The ability to
maintain a plan, and simultaneously cope with problems that the listener
has, demands a considerable level of sophistication. Some of our population
;howed themselves to be sensitive and considerate speakers for at teast some
Jf the time. For others, the ability to perform under such circumstances
Jbviously created considerable difficulty.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
7 .1 Overview
In this chapter I am going to discuss two research techniques which
both involve asking questions of other people, namely questionnaires
and interviews. These techniques are usually classified as 'introspective',
since they involve respondents reporting on themselves, their views,
their beliefs, their interactions, and so on. They can also be used to elicit
factual data (e.g. we can ask people what qualifications they have,
which classes they teach). Also, if we have a big enough sample,
responses can be statistically analysed. However, we have to remember
that the only data we have is what the respondents choose to tell us.
I will be looking at some of the advantages and disadvantages of
questionnaires and interviews as well as characteristics they have in
common, and how they differ from one another. Finally, I will examine
in turn their design and implementation. '
7.2 Uses of questionnaires and interviews
\Y/e use questionnaires and interviews when we want to tap into the
knowledge, opinions, ideas and experiences of our learners, fellow
teachers, parents or whatever. We do this by asking questions. The
answers are usually recorded in some way so that they become available
for slibseq lIent reflection and ana lysis. In questionnaires, the questions
are usually set out in a very systematic way, and very often the,
questionnaire is answered by reading the questions, and then ticking
responses, or writing in short answers. Interviews are by definition oral, '
more like conversations. Very often, though, in surveys (especially large- !
scale surveys) the questions asked orally are read aloud by the inter- t.
viewer from a questionnaire. Interviews that are not of the survey type, 1
on the other hand, can be quite free-wheeling and open-ended so the i
term 'interview' can cover quite a wide range of interaction from \'
something like a spoken questionnaire at one end of the scale to'
something very like a conversation between professionals at the other.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
7.3 Subject-maHer of questionnaires and
As I have just indicated, not only can questionnaires and interviews take
a wide variety of forms, they can also be used to elicit many different
kinds of data. For example, you can ask your colleagues or students
questions on these topics:
Facts/personal perceptions
- How many hours a week do your students spend on homework?
- How long does it take them to do the tasks you set them compared
with the tasks set by other teachers?
- If a student chose, let us say, English as a foreign language rather than
another subject, what led him or her to make that choice?
- What are the main reference books (e.g. dictionaries, reference
grammars) your colleagues use?
- How do colleagues teach or exploit a given chapter in the course book
that is used in your institute? Do they all teach it in the same way or do
they do it differently? Have they any favourite exercises or routines?
Experiences/ anecdotes
- What was a colleague's most successful teaching experience? Worst
experience? Funniest experience?
- What was a student's best/worst learning experience?
- What lessons has a colleague learnt about good classroom teaching
practice after (x) years of experience?
- What is your students' opinion/evaluation of their language course?
- What is your colleagues' opinion of the langpage teaching syllabus?
- What do people think are the qualities of a good language teacher/
learner? Who was your favourite teacher and why?
- What ideas do your colleagues/students have for making the language
course more stimulating/effective?
- What suggestions do colleagues have for successful 'Friday afternoon'
activities when students are tired and motivation is low?
- What ideas do students have about activities they would like to do in
the language class?
rhese questions are not necessarily in the form that you would actually
lse - we will be looking at the possible formats of questions later. They
Lfe intended to show that questionnaires and interviews are capable of
:enerating a wide range of data, and your choice of format really
tepends on what you are interested in finding out.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
It is normal for us as teachers to try to be aware of our students'
feelings, and to try to tap into colleagues' expertise. The point at issue
here is whether there is some aspect of our professional interest which is
sufficiently important or troublesome to make us want to investigate it
in a more structured way through action research, using questionnaires
and interviews'.
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.1: Topics for Questionnaires and
In the previous section you have been given some examples of
questions which you might want to ask colleagues or your
students. See if you can think of similar questions. You don't
necessarily have to confine yourself to colleagues and/or
students: you may want to extend your choice of informants to,
'for example, people with a management function, parents, or
even ordinary people with no particular role in the language
learning process. Try to characterise the response you want to
elicit as either: fact/personal perception/experience/anecdote/
opinion/preference/idea. Use this layout.
Responde'nt (i.e. colleague/student, etc.)
Question................................................................................. .
Category (Le. fact/idea, etc.} ................................................... ..
See if you can generate five topics in the form of questionnaire/
interview questions. Don't worry about the format of the
question at this stage: just decide on what you would like to
7.4 Problematic aspects of using questionnaires
and interviews
Before we go on to consider how to implement questionnaires and
interviews, it might be useful to consider some of the potential draw
backs or limitations of these techniques.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
1. Subjectivity When we ask someone a question, we have very often
no way of ascertaining the truth of the reply. For example, if I ask a
student through a written question how long it took him or her to
do a particular piece of homework, and the reply is 'three hours',
that is the answer I have to record. But does the student have a
motivation for perhaps (consciously or unconsciously) exaggerating
the amount of time spent on his or her homework? There is
sometimes no way of checking on such feedback, even if we have
the time to do so.
Again, if I ask colleagues to evaluate a textbook, and they rate it
'very poor' this does not necessarily tell me anything about the true
quality of the book. What it tells me is those teachers' opinion of
the book, which is a different matter. This is not, of course, to
devalue the importance of the teachers' opinion. If all the teachers
using a textbook have a low opinion of it, then such a book is
unlikely to contribute much to an effective teaching programme. In
that case, we might want to know why they don't like it.
The important issue here is to be sensible and realistic about
evaluating data presented through questionnaires and interviews.
Do our respondents have vested interests that will incline them to
answer one way rather than another? What status can we give any
opinions that are expressed? With regard to a particular issue, does
the opinion of a newly-qualified teacher have the same status as
someone who has twenty years experience? If the answer to the last
question is 'no', should we disentangle the responses of less
experienced and more experienced teachers? Depending on the
information we are looking for, it may be worthwhile to do so.
The fact that we are getting information from, say, a question
naire does not make irrelevant the common-sense considerations
that we normally employ when we get information, advice or
opinion from others: considerations stlch as the quality of the
source, possible hidden motivations, and so on. In such small-scale
action research, of course, you will be getting responses from
people you know well, which should make it easier to valuate the
resulting data, as we shall see shortly.
2. Nature of the sample Sometimes we may ask ourselves how
repre"sentative our respondents are of the larger groups of which
they are a part. For example, how representative is our class of
language learners of that age? Or of language learners as a whole?
In such cases, we are thinking of our respondents as a sample of a
larger group. Sampling can be quite a complex issue and I will be
coming back to it later when I discuss the implementation of
questionnaires and interviews.
The fact is that for a lot of action research, sample size is not a
7 Questionnaires and interviews
major issue. For if we want to find out how popular a
certain language exercise is with one of our classes, it is quite easy
to get a 1000/0 'sample'. You simply ask the whole class! (In other
words, you are not getting data from a sample as such, but from the
entire population that you are investigating.) This does not neces
sarily tell you anything about other classes, or other learners in the
school: but this need not concern you because perhaps it is only the
reactions of your own class that matter to you.
Or again you may tape an interview with your colleague, Ms
Smith. How representative are Ms Smith's views of these or other
teachers in her department? This may not be a question that.
bothers you. You may say to yourself: 'Ms Smith is a teacher that I
like and admire. She is, in my estimation, a very competent teacher.
I am, therefore, interested in exploring her views and ideas, and I'm
not at all interested in whether they are representative of what
other people think or believe.'
This is fine as long as you are honest and open to yourself and
others about the limitations of your sample. The important thing is
not to generalise from your data unless you have a sound basis for
doing so. For most action research you probably wouldn't want to,
3. Intrusiveness. The third problem about interviews and question
naires is that they can be quite intrusive techniques, in that they can
eat into other people's time. Most of us do not enjoy filling in
research questionnaires. It is true that occasionally in newspapers
and magazines we see questionnaires with titles like How ambitious
are you? or Are you a good parent?, and we fill them in. But there
are two points about such questionnaires. First, we think that the
results might be relevant to ourselves, to help us to know more
about ourselves. Second, the feedback is immediate: we can usually
check up on our score immediately, and we are given a rating on
how ambitious we are, or whatever, and also perhaps we might be
given some advice.
Research questionnaires are different usually. They may not be
seen as benefiting ourselves, but only the researcher, and analysis of
our responses is only made known to us much later, if at alL (Of
course, if the researcher invites us to become collaborators in the
project, then we may be more inclined to invest our time.}
Interviews may be even less welcome in that they can be
threatening in all kinds of ways. If the respondents are busy people,
how much of their time is going to be taken up with the interview?
Are any awkward or personal questions going to be asked? And
may the respondents have anxieties about how the results will be
, .
7 Questionnaires and interviews
The particular point being made here is that once you move away
from your own immediate circle of people you know well, you
should be very sensitive to such issues. Do you have to take up
other people's time in this way, or can you investigate the issue you
are interested in by some other means?
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.2: Alternatives to the
Look back at the five questions you generated for PERSONAL
REVIEW 7.1. Take each one in turn and see whether you can
think of another way in which you could either:
a) get similar information; or
b) get information that would be complementary to (go along
with) the information from your questions.
To give you a few examples, let us look again at some of the
suggestions for questions which were given near the beginning.
of this chapter. Examples:
1.. How many hours a week do your students spend on
Alternative/complementary strategy: you could get the
students to do some homework tasks in class and
measure how long it took them to complete the tasks. (Of
course, this would not simulate 'home' conditions, but it
might be informative, just the same.)
2. How do colleagues handle a given unit in the textbook?
Alternative/complementary strategy: observation of a lesson
when the unit was being taught.
3. What was a student's worst learning experience?
Alternative/complementary strategy: give a student a list of
bad teaching practices and ask him or her to select the five
worst. (OK, this is cheating a bit, since it is an example of
another questionnaire-type question, but it might give you
useful complementary information.)
7 Questionnaires and interviews
7.5 Comparing questionnaires and interviews as
investigative techniques
Which is better to use, a questionnaire or an interview? The first answer
to such a question is that this is not necessarily an either/or situation.
We have repeatedly noted that the reliability ,of data can often be
increased by checking it against data generated by some complementary
technique. Indeed, PERSONAL REVIEW 7.2 which you have just done
has probably given you some examples of that in relation to the
questions you generated for pERSONAL REVIEW 7; 1.
Questionnaires and interviews are thus often used in complementary
fashion. If the questionnaires are filled in anonymously, then a certain
number of respondents may be followed up at random for deeper
investigation. If the questionnaires are not anonymous, then some of the
respondents (perhaps those who give fuller or more intriguing re
sponses) may be followed up for in-depth interviews, so that ideas may
be explored more thoroughly.
7.6 Questionnaires
Questionnaires often take longer to prepare than interviews. This is
partly because they tend on average to be more highly structured than
interviews. Questionnaires usually also have to be very carefuIty written
because of problems of ambiguity, since a lack of clarity in the questions
cannot be immediately cleared up as they often can be in face-to-face
interviews. On the other hand questionnaires can also save time. The
greater the number of informants, the more economical of time it is to
use a questionnaire. To interview 60 people for only ten minutes will
take at least ten hours, and probably much more once travelling, etc. is
taken into consideration. With such numbers, a questionnaire may be
the only sensible choice.
The great advantage of the interview is its flexibility. If the respondent
has problems with the questions, they can be explained. If the respon
dent says something intriguing, follow-up questions can be asked. If the
structure of the interview is sufficiently foose, sometimes unexpected
avenues of investigation can be explored.
In the sections which follow, other differences between the two
techniques in terms of implementation will hopefully become dear.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.3: Questionnaire or Interview?
Go back again to the five questions you generated for
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.1. Which do you think would be more
appropriate for investigating these areas, a questionnaire or an
interview? Perhaps either would do equally well? Perhaps you
would need both?
As an example, here are some possible responses based on
the questions that have already been suggested.
1. How many hours a week do your students spend on
This looks as if it should be the subject of a question (or a
series of questions) in a class questionnaire. There might
be a case for follow-up interviews with students who spend
very little, an average amount or a very large amount of
time on homework. You might very well want to interview
one or two students in each category.
2. What was a colleague's most successful teaching
This looks like a possible interview question: it would
probably be tedious to write down a description of the
whole incident; follow-up questions might be necessary for
the informant or at least desirable.
7.7 Sampling
I have briefly touched upon this issue, and I would like to say a little bit
more about it here, as it concerns the implementation of both ques
tionnaires and interviews.'
Researchers often refer to the total group being researched as a
population. As has been previously noted, action research is often on
such a small scale that the entire population (e.g. a learning group) can
be investigated. So, if a teacher wants to find out about the attitudes of
his or her class to something, or of the members of his or her
department to the same thing, it may be quite feasible and convenient to
give questionnaires to, or maybe even to interview, everyone in the
target population.
You may wish to get data from a population that is too large for you
to cover totally (e.g. you may wish to get the views not iust of the
7 Questionnaires and interviews
teachers in your department but perhaps all the teachers in the school).
You may decide that you want to ask only a sample of these to complete
your questionnaire or to be interviewed. There are various ways you
can do this:
- For example, you could interview colleagues that it is convenient for
you to speak to. But this might mean that your sample might not be
representative of the population as a whole: for example, most of
them might be from your own department or be of the same age
group as yourself. Do these issues matter? Only you can decide.
Or you might decide to take a random sample. You could do this by,
for example, choosing every tenth name on the staff list. Because it is
random, this distribution may give unexpected results: it may be, for
instance, that your sample may consist mostly of male students with
only a few females: does this matter? Again, only you can decide. If
you were investigating the kinds of books that students read for
pleasure, you might want both sexes to be equally represented, just in
case it turned out that the books selected by boys and girls were very
- You might decide that you want to be more in control of the sample
by ensuring that different categories of people are represented (e.g. an
equal number of men and women, so many people from each
department, a certain number of promoted and unpromoted staff).
This procedure is called stratified sampling.
If you want your sample to be statisticaHy significant, you will be
concerned with various technical issues which cannot be dealt with
here. It may be useful to note that Cohen and Manion (1994: 89, 90)
point out that, for statistical analysis, a minimum sample size of 30 is
usually thought to be desirable: for further advice you are referred to
their book (Chapter 4).
It is worth repeating that these issues need not worry you as long as
you realise the limitations of your population or your sample, and don't
attempt to generalise from your own case to others without very c a r e f u ~
considera tion.
7.8 Piloting;
Another issue that affects both interviews and questionnaires, but
particularly questionnaires, is that they should be piloted to see whether
they work as planned. Even if you are going to distribute only a small
number of questionnaires, it might be worth your while trying them out
on one or two people beforehand. (1 you were giving out a large
7 Questionnaires and interviews
number of questionnaires, you would want to pilot a correspondingly
larger number.} Although conventional wisdom says that piloting
should always be done, it has to be admitted that in practice this is
sometimes very difficult. It may be that you simply want to get some
feedback from a group that you haven't seen before and won't be seeing
again. In such circumstances, piloting is difficult and probably wouldn't
be attempted: you have to get it right first time!
In the piloting stage, you will want to ask questions such as:
1. Were the instructions clear and easy to follow?
2. Were the questions clear?
3. Were you able to answer all the questions?
4. Did you find any of the questions:
- embarrassing?
- irrelevant?
- patronising?
- irritating?
5. (Questionnaire) - How long did the questionnaire take to complete?
(Note: in an interview you, as the interviewer, would similarly want
to check the length of the interview.)
Don't forget to ask your respondents for any other comments and
suggestions that help to make your questionnaire or interview more
7.9 Questionnaire preparation
The first thing to be very clear about is your purpose. Why are you
setting up the questionnaire? What do you hope to find out? Try to
imagine the range of responses. Will they tell you what you need to
Handling the data
Again, it is important to imagine the completed responses. Will they be
in a form that is simple and convenient to analyse? This might mean
organising the questionnaire form so that it is easy for you to record the
7 Questionnaires and interviews
Practical details
How many copies of the questionnaire will you need? Will you need
spares? How are you going to ensure maximum return of the completed
Are the questionnaires going to be anonymous? If they are, people may
be more honest and informative in their responses. If they are not
anonymous, you may be able to have follow-up interviews on selected
questionnaires. You may also be able to send reminders to those who
have not responded.
7.1 0 Questionnaire design,
It should be clear to the informants why they are filling in the
questionnaire: what it is intended to achieve. It should be dear whether
or not the questionnaire is supposed to be anonymous.
The instructions should be very clear and explicit. Have answers to
be ticked, crossed, circled or written out? Where? It may be a good idea
to provide one or two examples.
Is the questionnaire laid out in a straightforward manner? Does the
layout help respondents to find their way through it?
Closed and open questions
In a questionnaire the respondent may be asked to choose from a
limited range of possible answers. Questions of this type are sometimes
called closed questions. Here is an example of a closed question:
7 Questionnaires and interviews
Example 1
(Please tick (-') the appropriate box.)
How many years have you been studying English?
0-3 0 4-6 0 7-10 0 more than 10 0
In contrast, we have open questions, where the response is open-ended.
Example 2
Why did you decide to learn English rather than some other
foreign language? (If you have several reasons, pick the most
The advantage of closed questions is that they usually make. the
questionnaire easier and quicker to fill in. They also make for quicker
and more reliable scoring of the responses.
The disadvantages of closed questions is that they usually take longer
to devise than open questions. Instructions on how to answer them have
to be very clear. It also means that the questionnaire designer has to
anticipate' all or most of the possible answers, so there may be little
unexpected information in the responses.
One corresponding advantage of open questions is that they are
comparatively easy to design, but you may have some headaches in
trying to score and/or analyse the responses. Open questions are good
for exploratory research where you have difficulty in anticipating the
range of responses. They are also more likely to yield more unexpected
(and therefore, perhaps, more interesting). data.
It is also possible to combine closed and open efements within the
same question, or to have a question OF one type with a follow-up
question of another type. Here are examples of each of these:
7 Questionnaires and interviews
Example 3
What is your main reason for studying English? (Please tick
ONE of (i) - (iii), or write in an answer to (iv).'
(i) For business 0
(ii) For further study 0
(e.g. university course)
(iii) For social reasons 0
(iv) Other (please specify) ........................................................ .
Example 4
1. Did you enjoy your EFL evening class? YESfNO
(Please circle appropriate answer.)
2. (a) If your answer to (1) was YES, what did you enjoy
most about it?
(b) If your answer to (1) was NO, why did you not enjoy
As you will already have noted, there is a wide range of different ways
in which dosed questions can be planned. The simplest one is probably
the YESfNO format in Example 4. We can also have a range of choices
(Example 3), or a scale (Example 1). If you are using a scafe, make sure
the categories don't overlap (i.e. in Examph: 1, don't use categories like
0-4, 4-6, 6-10, where respondents who have been learning English for
four years or six years will be confused about which box to tick).
Instead of using figures, you can, sometimes use verbal categories:
7 Questionnaires and interviews
Example 5
How helpful did you find the textbook we used this term?
(Please tick.)'
Very interesting ........... OK............ Not interesting ........... .
You can also use a scale for this of, say, 1-5, or 1-7. (See Question 1 of
the Example Questionnaire in PERSONAL REVIEW 7.4 which comes
later in this chapter.)
If you are using verbal categories, please make sure that they are
Example 6 (negative example)
How much homework do you do in a typical week? (Please
A lot.......... Average .......... Not much .......... None ........ ..
You can see that the only really Jnformative category here is 'none' .
How much is 'a loe? What is 'a lot' for a lazy student may be 'not
much' for a hard-working one! '
How would an individual student know what was 'average'? And so
A better example might be:
How many hours homework do you do in a week? (Please
0-1 0 2-3 0 4-5 0 more than 5 0;
7.11 Relevance
Probably the most frequent mistake made in designing q,uestionnaires is
asking unnecessary and/or irrelevant questions: for example, wanting to
know whether the respondent is male or female, or his or her age, when
this information has nothing whatever to do with the purpose of the
7 Questionnaires and interviews
7.12 User-friendliness
A lot of what we have been saying can be summarised by making the
point that, since no-one enjoys answering questionnaires, they should
be made as 'user-friendly' as possible. This means they should not be
too long, they should not be intrusive (e.g. by asking questions that may
embarrass the respondents), and they should not be confusing OF
perplexing. It also means being sensitive to the respondents in other
ways. As teachers, we may very often want to get feedback from our
students. If they are beginner learners, or very young, questions should
be kept short and simple, and may have to be framed in the mother
tongue to make sure that you are getting valid data. Alternatively, you
may decide to use graphics such as 'happy/unhappy faces'.
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.4: Question Formats
Although most of us have filled in questionnaires at some time,
it would probably be helpful at this point to look at an actual
example of a questionnaire that someone has used. I have
chosen the questionnaire used by George Murdoch in his
investigation into 'Language development provision in teacher
training curricula' (EL T Journal, 48/3, 1994: 253-265). Although
it is quite a long questionnaire, it has the advantage ot
displaying a range of possible formats for questions (and ot
course it also asks some interesting and very pertinent
Have a look through the questionnaire, and then think about
this question:
Murdoch uses five different formats for his questions. They are:
a numerical scale I 1-5
- ranking,
- a verbal scale
- yes/no response
- open-ended response
Can you find examples of each format?
(fry to answer the question before reading on.}'
Appendix 1
Survey questionnaire of the views of student teachers in Sri Lankan teacher training
institutions on curriculum provision for language development.
To what extent would the following activities in methodology classes on teaching
reading aid the growth of your language skills? Rate each one using the five point scale
(1 = most effective, 5 = least effective).
a. Listening to a lecture about teaching reading skills. 234 5
b. Ranking different materials according to their interest 234 5
value for pupils ..
c. Creating teaching materials/activities for classroom teach 234 5
d. Brainstorming pre-reading stimuli for a course book 2 3 4 5
reading text.
e. Comparing different lesson plans for teaching the same 234 5
material from the textbook.
f. Summarizing orally and then in writing the main points the 2 345
lecturer has made about the key reading strategies.
g. Categorizing texts in terms of different functional/rheto 2 3 4 5
rical categories, e.g. narrative, argumentative, etc.
h. Student presentations on a topic or set reading. 2 345
i. Discussions after viewing a film or observing a class being 2 345
j. Copying down a lecturer's note. 2 345
2 Rank these groupings for activities in methodology sessions according to their value
for language development (I = most valuable). Write the appropriate number in the
box provided.
o working individually
o working in pairs
o working in groups
o whole class with teacher directing
In questions 3-9 tick the column with the heading that best summarizes your reaction to
each statement.
Strongly Agree Not Disagree Strongly
Q agree sure disagree
3 Teaching skills and techniques
should be developed by
methods that maximize
opportunities for students to
develop/practise their language
4 Student teachers cannot improve
their English enough simply via
studying methodology and
preparing for teaching practice.
Learner strategies and learner interviews
Strongly Agree Not Disagree Strongly
agree sure disagree
5 The way in which language is
taught in teacher training
institutions has a very strong
influence on the procedures
student teachers adopt for
teaching English in schools.
6 The teaching of spoken English
during formal training should be
based largely on the interactions
which take place in the school
7 If student teachers are taught
classroom language, this will
have a very beneficial effect on
their later classroom
S A teacher's confidence is most
dependent on his/her own
degree of language proficiency.
9 I would like to find out about
how best to learn English and
study effectively during my
language development course.
10 Rank the four skills according to their degree of importance. for an English teacher in
Sri Lanka (1 most important)
o Speaking
o Listening
o Writing
11 Which of the following activities do you find useful for improving your English?
Circle the appropriate answer.
singing Yes No
role plays Yes No
drama activities Yes No
pronunciation practice Yes. No
problem-solving activities Yes No
dictation Yes No
learning and practising grammar Yes No
writing about personal experience
reading widely
activities to practise particular reading/writing skills Yes No
simulations Yes No
140 George Murdoch
12 Are there any other language learning activities you feel are valuable but are not
mentioned in II?
13 Which of the following subjects would best provide sources of stimulating input for
language development activities? Tick (J) the appropriate boxes (you can choose as
many as you want).
o modern literary texts
o classroom situations, experiences, and issues
o other subjects in the training course curriculum
o current affairs
o students' own writings
o other societies and cultures
14 What other topics/subjects, not mentioned in 10, could be dealt with on a teacher
education language course?
15 What percentage of your time would you like to spend simply developing your
language skills on your training programme? Tick the appropriate box.
less than 5%
more than 50%
16 Consider the value of these components of a training programme for English teachers.
Rank them in order ofpersonai importance from 1 to 10 (l most important).
educational psychology
principles of education
language improvement
teaching practice
ELT methodology and techniques
linguistics/sentence structure
o study of literary set texts
o classroom observation/microteaching
Learner strategies and learner interviews
7 Questionnaires and interviews
7.13 Commentary
Some examples are: numerical (Q1), ranking (Q2, Q15), verbal (Qs
3-9), yeslno (Q11), open-ended (Qs 12, 14).
In Q15, notice that Murdoch's categories overlap (e.g. 5-10% over
laps with 10-20%). In this case, the overlap has no significance, since
Murdoch is not looking for real-life data (as he would if he were asking
a question like: 'How many hours a week do you teach?' or 'How many
students are in your class?'). Here, he is interested only in rough
hypothetical percentages, so the responses are still valid.
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.5: Analysing Questionnaire Data
Now look at the data from Murdoch's questionnaire. What do
they show? How have they been organised? Does the way in
which they have been organised help understanding? What
conclusions do you derive from studying these data? (e.g.
generally speaking what sort of activities do teachers find
beneficial for improving their language skills?)
Appendix 2
Survey results
To what extent would the following activities in methodology classes on teaching
reading aid the growth of your language skills?
Results (in rank order, I = most effective):
1 Creating teaching materials/activities for classroom teaching.
2 Discussions after viewing a film or observing a class being taught.
3 Brainstorming stimuli for a coursebook reading text.
4 Student presentations on a topic or set reading.
5 Ranking different materials according to their interest value for pupils,
6 Summarizing orally, and then in writing, the main points the lecturer has made
about the key reading strategies.
7 Categorizing texts in terms of different functional/rhetorical categories, e.g. narra
tive, argumentative, etc.
8 Comparing different lesson plans for teaching the same material from the textbook.
9 Listening to a lecture about teaching reading skills.
10 Copying down a lecturer's notes.
2 Rank these groupings for activities in methodology sessions according to their value
for language development.
Results (in rank order: I valuable):
1 working in groups
2 working in pairs
3 whole class with teacher directing
4 working individually.
3-9 Results are given in percentiles.
Tick the column with the heading that best summarizes your reaction to each statement:
Strongly Agree Not Disagree Strongly
Q agree sure disagree
3 Teaching skills and techniques 52 43 2
should be developed by
methods that maximize
opportunities for students to
develop/practise their language
4 Student teachers cannot improve 21 41 9 23 5
lheir English enough simply via
studying methodology and
preparing for teaching practice.
5 The way in which language is 23 36 18 15 2
taught in teacher training
institutions has a very strong
influence on the procedures
student teachers adopt for
teaching English in schools.
Learner strategies and learner interviews
Strongly Agree Not Disagree Strongly
agree sure disagree
6 The teaching of spoken English 20 35 21 12 5
during fonnal training should be
based largely on the interactions
which take place in the school
7 If student teachers are taught 39 46 7 4
classroom language, this witI
have a very beneficial effect on
their later classroom
8 A teacher's confidence is most 49 40 5 3 2
dependent on his/her own
degree of language proficiency.
9 I would like to find out about 34 50 9 4
how best to learn English and
study effectively during my
language development course.
10 Rank the four skills according to their degree of importance for an English teacher in
Sri Lanka.
Results (in rank order; 1 = most important):
1 Speaking
2 Listening
3 Writing
4 Reading
11 Which of the following activities do you find useful for improving your English?
Results (percentage of students that selected each activity):
Rote plays 95%; Debates/discussions'95%; Learning and practising grammar 94%;
Activities to practise particular reading/writing skills 91 %; Pronunciation practice
89%; Drama activities 84%; Reading widely 84%; Dictation 73%; Simulations 72%;
Singing 65%.
12 Are there any other language learning activities you feel are valuable but are not
mentioned in I I?
Results (most mentioned activities):
language games; creative writing tash; solving problems; quizzes.
13 Which of the following subjects would best provide sources of stimulating input fOf
language development activities?
Results (in rank order):
1 modern literary texts; 2 classroom situations, experiences, and issues; 3 current
affairs; 4 students' own writings; 5 other subjects in the training course curriculum;
6 other societies and cultures.
14 What other topics/subjects, not mentioned in 13, could be dealt with on a teacher
education language course?
144 George Murdoch
tesults (subjects most mentioned):
esthetic subjects; social studies; religion; personal experience.
Vhat percentage of your time would you like to spend simply developing your
mguage skills on your training programme?
.esults (number of students selecting each option):
lore than 50%: 115; 40-50%: 45; 30-40%: 30; 20-30%: 8; 10-20%: 2; 5-10%: 2; less
lan.5%: 1.
onsider the value of these components of a training programme for English teachers.
ank them in order of personal importance from 1 to 10 (l = most important).
esults (overall ranking):
6 principles of education
language improvement
: EL T methodology and techniques
7 phonology
j educational psychology
8 study of literary set texts
. linguistics/sentence structure 9 c1assroo,m observation/microteaching
teaching practice 10 testing
,. strategies and learner interviews
7 Questionnaires and interviews
It is worth noting at this point that Murdo<;h has provided in these
appendices both the format of his questionnaire and the data resulting
from it. This is usually considered good practice, as it allows the reader:
- to check the actual questions asked;
- to directly examine the data;
- to come to his or her own conclusions (in addition to reading the
author's conclusions).
We will come back to this issue in the last chapter when we discuss how
you go about sharing the findings of your research.
One final question on this article: why do you think it was more
appropriate for Murdoch to use a questionnaire for this type of data
collection than an interview format?
7.14 Interviews
Like questionnaires, interviews come in many different forms, but
perhaps it is most helpful to think of interviews as falling into three
broad categories, namely structured, unstructured and semi"-structured.
I will briefly discuss each of these in turn.
7.15 Structured interviews
By structured interviews I mean interviews that have a very tight
structure, and in which the questions will probably be read from a
carefully prepared interview schedule, similar to a questionnaire but
used orally. Structured interviews have therefore most of the advantages
(and disadvantages) of questionnaires. The main disadvantages are,
first, that it obviously takes much longer to implement questionnaires
orally than in writing, and, secondly, there is less possibility of anonym
ity (unless the interviewer and interviewee (respondent) are complete
strangers to one another, as sometimes happens in surveys). The main
advantage is that misunderstandings, or a lack of understanding, can be
immediately sorted out during the exchange.
7.16 Unstructured interviews
The word 'unstructured' is perhaps not completely accurate, in that, by
definition, an interview must have some kind of structure otherwise it
would simply be a conversation. One necessary element of structure
even in an unstructured' interview is that the interviewer must have a
7 Questionnaires and interviews
!arch purpose in mind when initiating the interview. Another neces
I element of structure is that the interviewee must know that he or
is taking part in an interview, and should preferably also know what
purpose of the interview is. To engage people unknowingly in
rviews which they think are private conversations would, of course,
:}uite unethical. Apart from this, an unstructured interview can be
:e free-wheeling, without losing sight of the research purpose. This
n-ended approach may engender a relaxed atmosphere where per
:ti data can be revealed which might otherwise be withheld in a more
aal setting.
7 Semi-structured interviews
its name indicates, the semi-structured interview is a kind of
promise between the two extremes. There wi!! almost certainly be a
.ared interview schedule, but most of the questions will probably be
1 questions. The schedule may also contain prompts (i.e. comments,
nples or follow-up questions intended to encourage the interviewee
;ive fuller, more detailed responses). Semi-structured interviews
:fore combine a certain degree of control with a certain amount of
lorn to develop the interview. This is why it is probably the most
lIar format for interviews. Attend carefully the next time you watch
a-depth interview of, say, a politician on TV: you will probably
)Ver that it has a semi-structured format. You will be aware that the
viewer has his or her own agenda; and you may well see him or her
king a prepared list of questions.
8 The time factor
: is an important aspect of interviewing, for several different
ms. If you have piloted your interview (as I recommended earlier),
should have a rough idea how long it will take. The proposed
tion of the interview should be made known to the interviewees,
1 you are inviting them to take part. Having agreed on that time,
nust stick to it, and not over-run.
member also that the more people you decide to interview, the
work you are going to have to do in preparation, making
1gements, possibly travelling to the interview venue, and the
'sing and perhaps also transcribing of data. Powney and Watts
7: 118) suggest that for each hour of interviewing, a further three
!d be allowed for preparation and summary - and this does not
de transcription. They analyse the total time taken in an actual
7 Questionnaires and interviews
research project relating to 90-minute interviews (p.126) : each inter
view in fact took up 15 hours of the researcher's time, including travel
time and transcription.
Earlier, you were asked why George Murdoch used a questionnaire
rather than interviews for his research: the answer is clear when you
look at the number of students involved in his questionnaire - 208!
For someone contemplating doing action research through using
interviewing, the moral is obviously to be very realistic about how
much interviewing you are going to do, who are the key people to be
interviewed, and how you are going to handle all the other things that
go with the interview process. You may wish to consider: fewer inter
views; shorter interviews (how much do you really need to know?);
group interviews instead of individual interviews; simpler forms of
analysis (e.g. no transcription); simpler administration (e.g. very little
travel), and so on.
lf you have access to the Internet, this of course raises interesting
possibilities of who you can interview and when. In the present context
it also affords the possibility of being abie to download interviews and
having hard copy without going through the time-consuming drudgery
of transcription.
7.19 Recording interview data
There are three ways in which interview data can be recorded. The
easiest, but in many ways least satisfactory, is by simple recall (i.e.
depending on your memory). Obviously, this is not a very reliable
method as most of our forgetting occurs shortly after the event. If you
have to use this approach, your recollection should be written down or
audio recorded as soon as possible after the interview is over. Much
more reliable is note taking during the interview. In structured inter
views, the note taking may take the form of filling in a questionnaire. In
less structured interviews, note taking may be more difficult, as there is
an obvious conflict between being an attentive and reactive listener on
the one hand and taking extensive notes on the other.
The third method is by taping the interview either through audio or
video, and this usually is the richest method, in terms of the amount of
data availabte for analysis. It is also not without its problems, of course.
The recording machines must be carefully checked to make sure they
are functioning. If you are using batteries, make sure that they are fully
charged. Some potential interviewees may either object to being taped,
or may be very ill-at-ease. The tapes will have to be listened to or
watched again, and also may have to be transcribed, either in whole or
in part.
7 Questionnaires and interviews
,.20 Individual and group interviews
10st interviews are one-to-one, but it is als'o possible to have an
nterview' with a group, which could take the form of a kind of
:ructured discussion. It might be that the discussion could proceed with
~ r y little intervention for the interviewer. For example, the topic we
lentioned earlier of 'Good ideas for Friday afternoon' might be best
llldled by a group interview using a brainstorming approach.
. 21 Prior notification of questions
terviewees may be more relaxed if they know what questions they are
ling to be asked. This may also help them to provide fuller, more
formative, answers. It is also important to check in advance whether
e interviewee is happy about being recorded, if this is what you wish
do. If the' interview is a sensitive one, the interviewee may wish to
eck your transcript, to agree that what you have written down is
1at he or she actually said.
22 Conduct of the interview
:erviews should begin and finish on time. The atmosphere should be
endly and relaxed. If you are using a recording machine, check that it
working properly, and that the sound level is OK. You can start off
th easy 'lead-in' questions that the interviewee will have no problem
answering: this can help break the ice, and build up the interviewee's
f-confidence and confidence in you.
23 Interviews: ,variety of focus
n using the term interview focus here in the same sense that it is used
Powney and Watts (1987: 28), that is, any stimulus (e.g. a video
e, text, task) which is used to elicit responses from the interviewee.
this sense, the interview schedule is itself one kind of focus. Some
er exampfes, using different kinds of focus:
Teacher interviewing student The teacher plays back a video
recording of his or her lesson, stops it from time to time, and asks
the student for his or her reactions at that point.
Teacher interviewing teacher The interviewer asks the interviewee
7 Questionnaires and interviews
to read a short contr,oversial article from a professional journal,
and asks him or her to, react to it.
3. Teacher interviewing s,tudent Teacher gives the student a task to
do. Teacher asks before, during and after the task.
7.24 Example interview schedule
You will see here an example of a short interview schedule. Note the
'basic data' recorded at the top of the schedule.
Interview Schedule
Interviewee:. . . . . . . . .. Intended duration: ........ mins
Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Interview began: ............ .
Location: ............ Interview finished: ........... .
Actual duration: .......... mins
Topic: Student Motivation (EFL)
1. How long hp,ve you been studying English?
2. Why did you choose to study English?
(Prompts: Businesslfurther studies/social/hobby ... )
3. How would you describe your motivation (i.e. desire to
study English) at this time: HIGH/AVERAGE/LOW?
4. Would you say that your motivation has changed at all
during your period of study?
(Prompts: Constant/up and down? More/less now than
at beginning?)
5. What would you say are the things that have affected
your motivation over your period of study?
(Prompts: Teachersltext boo ks/ fellow stu den ts/ somethi ng
in you? How did these affect you?)
6. Can you suggest anything that could happen or could be
done at this time to improve your motivation?
(Prompts: Career development/more leisure? Better
sylla bus/teacher/textbook?)
7 Questionnaires and interviews
PERSONAL REVIEW 7.6: Devising a Semi-Structured
Choose any topic that you are interested in. (You might want to
go back again to PERSONAL REVIEW 7.1 to pick up some of
your initial ideas.) Devise a semi-structured interview on that
topic. You' can use the format given for the example Interview
Schedule above" or you can devise your own. If you have the
opportunity, actually use the interview with someone relevant to
the topic who's willing to be interviewed. If possible, record the
interview, and play it back to yourself later to evaluate how it
went. Think of the criteria that you are going to use for your
evaluation (e.g. Did I get the information I wanted? Was it
interesting? Did communication break down at any point?) After
listening to the tape J decide whether there is anything you
would now do differently.
7.25 Summary
In this chapter, we have discussed two techniques, interviewing and
questionnaires, both of which involve gathering data by asking people
questions. We often use questionnaires when we are going for breadth,
(i.e. wanting to get responses from a comparatively large number of
people). We often use interviews, on the other hand, when we want to
investigate people's views, attitudes, experiences etc., in depth.
It is sometimes the case, however, that the best way forward is to
combine these two techniques, so that the strengths of both procedures
can be exploited (e.g. by using questionnaires;to elicit basic factual data,
and interviews to follow up on attitudes and experiences).
Since we have just spent some time looking at a questionnaire, we are
going to round off this chapter by looking at an article which relies on
the interview technique.
7.26 Exemplar article
The examplar article illustrates the use of interviews to find out about
learner strategies.
The article is:
7 Questionnaires and interviews
Eloise Pearson (1988). Learner strategies and learner interviews. ELT Journal 421
3, July 1988, 173-178.
Read the article with the following questions in mind:
1. The writer did not set out in the first place to focus narrowly on
learner strategies, but to find out about other things. What were
2. How many people were interviewed? Where were they inter
3. There were two follow-up interviews. Where were they held? What
was the purpose of these interviews, do YOll think?
4. Notice how in her conclusions Pearson relates her findings to 'the
literature' (pp. 157-1S9). Pick out three or four of the findings from
other writers and researchers referred to by Pearson, and consider
whether or not t h e ~ e findings correspond with what Pearson
discovered from her interviews.
5. How convinced are you by the findings of Pearson's research?
6. Pearson tells us that her interviews were 'basically unstructured'
(p. 153). Supposing she had decided to use a semi-structured
approach: what are the questions she might have asked?
7. Do you know anyone who strikes you as being a very good
language learner? If so, why not interview them to find out the
secret of their success!
Learner strategies and learner
Eloise Pearson
This article describes a series of intelViews between the author and a
number of Japanese speakers of English as a second language. The
intelViewees were men on long-term job aSSignments in South East Asia. All
but two of the intelViews took place on site. The initial aims of the intelViews
were to determine the uses to which the interviewees put English; to identify
the conditions under which they used English; and to characterize in
general terms their life styles while living and working outside Japan.
However, the results were a/so found to be interesting in relation to the
intelViewees' second-language learning strategies in general, and in relation
to certain implications of those strategies for classroom content and
In her work on the good language learner, Rubin defines 'learning' as 'the
process by which storage and retrieval of information is achieved'
(1981:118). Elsewhere, learning strategies have been referred to as 'opera
tions or steps used by a learner that will assist in the acquisition, storage, or
retrieval of new information' (Chamot and O'Mal1ey 1986:9). The purpose
of this article is to discuss the relevance 'of these views in relation to a small
selection of learners.
Five interviews were conducted on site in South East Asia with a total of
twelve employees of a major Japaness company and some of its subsidiaries.
The interviews were basically unstructured. The first two interviews were
with Mr J. and Mr S., two businessmen in different offices in Singapore who
had both lived and worked in Singapore for three years. The third interview
involved a group of three engineers supervising the construction of a large
steel-structure building in Singapore. The fourth interview was with a group
of five supervising engineers on a large construction site on the west coast of
Malaysia, and the last interview was with two supervising engineers on a
large construction project near Kuala Lumpur. With the exception of Mr J.
and Mr S., all of the men had been abroad only six months or less. The
businessmen were interviewed in their offices, and the engineers were
interviewed on their respective job sites. In a]J cases, the visits included tours
)f the working areas.
::LT Journal Volume 42/3 July 1988 Oxford Universitv Prp.,(." IORR ll\'l
Interview one
Mr J. never used English in his office, as all his associates were Japanese OF
Japanese speakers. In his free time, he usually associated with them or other
members of the Japanese-speaking community. He spoke Japanese at home
with his family. His uses of English were limited to business conversations
with local clients and to very rare golf games with them. His other uses of
English were restricted to conversations wi th restaurant employees, parking
attendants, ticket clerks, and so on. All his information about business and
current affairs was obtained through Japanese, He did not have local
friends, nor did he associate with the local people or culture. He had not
studied English since university. Nevertheless he claimed that, to his
surprise, his level of English had not improved in the three years he had.
been in Singapore. He mentioned that his job was stressful due to his lack of
English, and he was looking forward to returning to Japan.
Interview two
By contrast, the second businessmen, Mr S., worked in an office with all
Singaporeans. He spoke only English in all his working contacts. Both he
and his Japanese wife had Singaporean friends and associated mostly with
them, speaking English with them. Mr and Mrs S. both made exclusive use
of English-language sources of information and entertainment and were
trying to learn and improve their English through their own efforts. Mr S.
reported that his English had improved 'somewhat' in his three years. He
enjoyed living and working abroad, and said he had no language-related
problems with his work.
Interview three
The third interview, with three supervisor-engineers on a large construction
site in Singapore, revealed that they associated only with themselves and
with some Japanese-speaking members of a local trading company that was
in charge of their part of the project. Despite some proficiency in English,
they reported that they had never attempted to communicate with any of
the workers on the job site or in the community in the three months they
had been in Singapore. At the end of the working day they went to their
rooms, where they ate only Japanese food prepared by a cook provided by
the trading company. They mentioned that they only communicated with
her through the trading company, although they thought she probably
knew some English. During their time off they stayed in their rooms reading
Japanese papers and books and sleeping. They reported they had no need or
desire to have any dealings with anyone else, as the trading company did
everything for them. They mentioned that their life was boring, that they
were lonely and depressed, and that they \vanted to go home as soon as
154 Eloise Pearson
possible. They had all been abroad before on projects and had lived and
worked in a similar manner. They said they found working abroad to be
troublesome because of their lack of language, but that they had no time to
study. They mentioned that their English had not improved since gradua
tion from university.
Interview four
The fourth interview, with five engineers on a coastal project in west
Malaysia, revealed a quite different response to their situation. The oldest
among t h e m ~ Mr T., mentioned that he had been in Indonesia on two
previous long-term projects and spoke' fiuentIndonesian, his second lan
guage. His English, however, was very limited. He reported that the first
thing he always did upon arrival at an overseas project site was to buy a
small motor bike which allowed him to get into the nearby community
every night for dinner and entertainment (usual1y drinking). He said he had
picked up the Indonesian language that way, and by taking every oppor
tunity to talk and make friends with local people botn on and off the job
site. Although his company provided an almost completely Japanese 'home
from home' life style, Mr T., preferred to experience Malaysian life style as
much as possible.
The four younger engineers had mostly followed his lead and were all
'picking up Malaysian', their second language, through their associations
with native speakers. They were better speakers of English than Mr T., but
they preferred to try Malaysian whenever possible. On most evenings they
went into town for dinner and greatly enjoyed Malaysian food and life style.
After six months, none of them reported any symptoms of 'culture shock'.
All of them seemed well adjusted and claimed to be 'really enjoying' their
time abroad, even though the work was hard. They said that their English
had not improved at all, but that they could handle most of their
communication needs in M.alaysian. They reported that they experienced no
language-related problems with their jobs,
Interview five
The fifth interview was conducted with two engineers on a large construc
tion site near Kuala Lumpur. Both men appeared to be introverts. English
was their only second language, and their command of it was very POOf
indeed. In fact, tne interview was conducted in Japanese as their command
of English was not sufficient to communicate, and they obviously did not
want to struggle with it. They reported nothing but problems with their
work and daily life because of language difficulties, and although their
housing, meals, and daily necessities were all provided for, as with the other
interviewees, there was no one around who could speak Japanese. They felt
totally isolated. They said that they never went anywhere or did anything
Learner strategies and learner il1telTieU'5
besides work, were afraid all the time, had never eaten Malaysian food in
the four months they had been there, and had not tFied to make any friends
or communicate with anyone. They both said they were trying to endure
their terrible loneliness and difficulties at work and were anxiously looking
forward to their return home. They explained that they felt overwhelmed by
everything and were very depressed and unhappy. Overseas work and any
dealings with non-Japanese speakers were very stressful for them.
Two follow-up interviews
Later, in Tokyo, I undertook two follow-up interviews, one with Mr J., the
first businessman who had been in Singapore for three and a half years, and
the other with Mr T., the oldest of the engineers on the coastal site in
Malaysia who had previously reported his success in acquiring Indonesian
as a second language. Again, the interviews were basically unstructured,
although they were focused more directly on discovering what, if any,
second-language learner strategies they had employed while abroad.
When asked what he did to try to improve his English, Mr 1. said that he
had not tried very hard. He said that he had not spoken English unless it
was unavoidable. He reported constant frustration because he did not
understand everything. He did not try to guess, or work out meanings. He
tried to cover up when he did not understand. He did not really try to figure
out any general rules or to use any new words or expressions unless he was
entirely sure they would be' correct. He mentioned that he was always afraid
of making a mistake, even though he felt he was not often misunderstood
because of linguistic errors. In addition he always felt frustrated because he
could not express himself on anything other than business topics, and so he
avoided such topics or non-professional situations. He said he rarely
planned or practised what he wanted to say in English. He had not seriously
considered actively trying on his own to learn English because, he claimed,
he had not had the time. He explained that for about a year he and his
family had hated Singapore, but that things had improved after that. He
reported that he often used gestures and had 'picked up' local expressions
for beginning and ending a co;nversation, and other common situations.
Mr T., from the coastal Malaysian site, was quite different. He explained
that he had never encountered Indonesian before going to Indonesia the
first time, and that in the beginning, when he was eating and drinking with
native speakers he would point to different objects to elicit vocabulary, and
he would repeat each word several times to memorize it. He would listen to
conversation and then try to put together sentences with new words and
expressions and would always receive immediate feedback, sometimes in the
form of laughter. It was all fun and like a challenging game to him. He
mentioned attempting to find general rules and then trying them out Above
all he was always listening and trying to work out meaning, often by
156 Eloise Pearson
~ ..
guessing, which was immediately followed by checking for verification or
clarification. He often gestured, used paraphrasing, simplification, and
synonyms, but he always tried to find out the correct or. better way t6 say
what he wanted to say. He claimed never to have experienced anything like
culture shock, and he thought this might be due to his desire to learn the
language and to his enjoyment of his own increasing fluency. He never
planned his learning, and his only monitoring was in recognizing his own
production errors, which he then tried to correct. He explained that in
Tokyo he tried to keep up his Indonesian by practising with Indonesian
speaking office co)]eagues and by reading Indonesian newspapers. The
in terview concluded by his saying that all four of the other younger
engineers who were with him on the site had 'mastered' Malaysian in the ten
months they were there, and that they had not experienced any of the
symptoms of 'culture shock' as I have described it (see footnote I).
It is clear from the interviews that the three engineers in Singapore and
the two engineers near Kuala Lumpur did not employ successful second
language learning strategies and that their command of their second
language, English, had not been improved by their experiences abroad. It is
probably equally clear that they were suffering from some aspects of
'culture shock' and that there were perhaps personality factors that pre
vented their using good learning strategies. They were noticeably unhappy
abroad, and because of their linguistic handicaps, they had also had
problems with their work.
On the other hand, it is quite evident that the autonomous learners, Mr
S., the second businessman in Singapore, and the entire group of engineers
in coastal Malaysia, were making extensive use of many of the strategies
referred to in the literature (for example, Wenden (1985), Stern (1983),
Brown (1980) and Rubin (1982. The second-language ability of these
individuals had reportedly improved, and they had adjusted to their new
environments well.
However, Mr J. in Singapore employed few learning strategies and
reported little progress in his second-language ability. He had suffered from
culture shock and again there may have been personality factors inhibiting
his use of learning strategies. He was not very happy abroad and he found
work difficult.
Some conclusions
Although these interviews yield only a small amount of data-and subjec
tively reported data at that-they do confirm the findings of researchers (for
example, Wenden 1985, ChamN and O'Malley 1986) that successful'
language learners do apply specific strategies to the task of learning.
But these interviews also suggest other important factors in the language
learning process which are less explicitly dealt with in the research with
Learner strategies and learner interviews
which I am familiar. The interviews suggest that there are complex but
describable relationships between personality factors and approaches to
language learning; that the phenomenon generally known here as 'culture
shock' may inhibit language learning; and that successful language learning
in these contexts is clearly associated with a life style which is from the
personal point of view comfortable and which is from the professional point
of view effective. Research findings which touch on these issues point to the
importance of global strategies, in which learners create practice opportu
nities with native speakers (Wenden 1985); social learning strategies, with
their emphasis on the striving for independence, and affective strategies,
with their emphasis on coping with the emotional stress of being in a
second-language situation (Stern 1983). Brown in his work distinguishes
between learning strategies on the one hand, and personality factors and
socio-cultural variables on the other. But he cautions that researchers need
to determine if personality factors 'are something that one can "learn" in
the adult years especially cross-culturally' (1980: 109).
In her advice to second-language learners, Rubin (1982) includes both
cognitive factors and personality factors as being equally relevant and
important to successful second-language acquisition (for example, person
ality factors: make opportunities to use the language, don't be afraid to
make mistakes, tolerate ambiguity, and so on). .'
Two factors implicit in the literature are that learners must be consciously
prepared to invest a great deal of their own time and energy in second
language learning, and that learners must desire learner autonomy for their
own learning. In fact, Larsen and Smalley (1972:27) explicitly advise the
learner: 'There is no way to learn a second language without devoting time
to it, not just a good block of time each day, but rather a significant
segment out of the learner's life'. However, it is practically impossible to
expect learners in the throws of adjusting to life in another culture to be
able to invest as much time and energy as might be required for successful
language learning. Indeed, the effects of the time spent in a foreign culture
may not benefit second-language learning at all-in fact it may create
additional inhibiting factors by creating negative attitudes towards other
cultures and encouraging ethnocentric and prejudiced thinking.
Sonia Eagle (1986) strongly recommends that second-language learners
who are going abroad should clearly understand concepts like ethnocentrism,
cultural relativism, culture shock, prejudice, stereotyping, and so on. She
suggests that teachers should include such information as part of their
classroom training. Thus, if the poor learners (Mr J., the three engineers in
Singapore, and the two engineers near Kuala Lumpur) had received training
in learning strategies and had been advised of personality factors and certain
socio-cultural concepts that inhibit or enhance learning potential, they might
have been able to make more effective use of their time abroad, and they
might have been happier both personally and professionally.
158 Eloise Pearson
The second factor which is implicit in the literature is that learners must
want to become responsible for their own learning,-in other words" to
become autonomous. Both Rubin (1982) and Wenden (1985:7) discuss two
attitudinal obstacles to learner autonomy: previous secondlanguage
learning experience which leads learners to expect that learning is dependent
on a teacher, textbook, and a formal course; and a belief on the part of
learners that they cannot learn on their own. Certainly, these interviews
suggested to me that the learners who were autonomous and who were
actively participating in their own learning experience were the most
successful learners.
As Wenden puts it: "Learners must learn how to do for themselves what
teachers typically do for them in the classroom. Our endeavours to help
them improve their language skills must be complemented by an equally
systematic approach to helping them develop and refine their learning skills.
Learning training should be integrated 'with language training' (1985:7).
Conducting the interviews described in this article has helped me to
appreciate the need for such integration. 0
Received April 1987
1 I am using 'culture shock' to describe what Brown calls 'feelings in the learner of
estrangement, anger, hostility, indecision, unhappiness, sadness, loneliness,
homesickness, and even physical illness. The person undergoing culture shock views his
[sic] new world out of resentment, and alternates between being angry at others for not
understanding him and being filled with (1980: 131).
Brown, D. H. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Chamot, A. U. and J. M. O'MaUey. 1986. 'Language learning strategies for children.'
The Language Teacher 10/1 :9-12.
Eagle, Sonia J. 1986. JALT Seminar on Anthropology for Language Teachers
Larsen, D. N. and W. A. Smalley. 1972. Becomin!( Bilingual: A Guide 10 Lan!(liage
Learning. William Larey Library.
Rubin, Joan. 1981. 'A study of cognitive processes in second language learning.'
Applied Linguistics 2/2: 117-31.
Rubin, Joan. 1982. How To Be A More Successful Language Leamer. Boston: Heinle
& Heinle.
Stern, H. H. 1985. Fwu/af1/('n/a/ Concepts of LallglWf(e Teachillg. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Wenden, Anita L. 1985. 'Learner strategies: TESOL Quarterly 19/5: 1-7.
The author
Eloise Pearson teaches at Sophia University, Tokyo.
Learner strategies and learner interviews
8 The case study approach
8.1 Overview
In this chapter I will discuss something which is not so much a specific
technique (like questionnaires or diary studies), but more of a general
approach to research, namely the case study approach. This approach
will be explained in contrast with traditional empirical research a p ~
. proaches. We will be looking at some limitations of the case study
approach, and suggesting why, nevertheless, it might be a useful
approach for action researchers to consider. There win be a brief
discussion of examples of case studies, and the chapter will conclude by
looking at two related case studies in more depth.
8.2 Traditional empirical research
The case study approach is perhaps best understood by contrasting it
with the traditional forms of empirical investigation. Traditional
empirical research is typically concerned with establishing general
scientific laws which apply to the whole class (population) of people or
phenomena being investigated. This is usually done by esta blishing
two matching groups which are representative of the total population.
(Matching means that the groups are as identical as possible in any
way that is important for the investigation.) One group is called the
control group and the other the experimental group. The two groups
are tested using identical tests in order to establish their relative
performance level. Then some treatment (e.g. a lesson, a syllabus, new
materials, etc.) that is given to the experimental group is not given to
the control group. The groups are then tested again to establish relative
improvement. If the 'treatment' has been effective, the experimental
group should perform significantly better. If the groups have been
properly selected, then we can predict that the successful treatment
will have a certain statistical likelihood or probability or working well
for the population as a whole.
8 The case study approach
8.3 The case study approach
Case studies work on quite a different principle. Case studies concen
trate on what is unique (i.e. with individual units: an individual student;
an individual event; a particular group; a particular class; a particular
school, etc.). The results will not therefore be statistically generalisable
to the whole population of learners, classes, institutions, or whatever, of
which this particular example is a member. You as a researcher might
decide, of course, that this particular student, let us say, that you have
investigated is in fact a quite typical member of the group or population
to which he or she belongs, but this will be your subjective judgement.
We can make this more concrete with an :example. At the end of the
previous chapter (Chapter 7), there is an article by Eloise Pearson on
learner strategies. One of her interviewees is a Japanese learner of
English ('Mr 1') who has made very slow progress in English because he
hardly ever interacts with English speakers. It would clearly be very
dangerous to generalise from this that all Japanese operating in a noli-'
Japanese speaking environment behave in this way. Indeed, the very next
interviewee ('Mr S') demonstrates completely contrasting behaviour.
It is, of course, true that a case study cO\lld be used to disprove a.
generalisation. If a generalisation predicts that all the members of a
population will behave in a certain way, then only one exception would
be enough to disprove the generalisation. It has. to be said, though, that
generalisations of this kind playa much less important role in social
sciences like education than they do in the natural sciences (i.e. physics,
chemistry, etc.). In the social sciences, generalisations are more often
made in terms of probability rather than in terms of universal laws, so
they are not likely to be disproved by one or two exceptions.
If the case studies do not give statistically generalisable findings, why
should they be used?
8.4 Reasons for adopting the case study approach
Action researchers are usually interested in their own unique situa
ti ons: their students; their lessons; their classes, and so on. The specific
focus of the case study therefore becomes a positive advantage for
action researchers, since it may meet their professional needs better
than more traditional empirical research studies relating to farge target
The specific and limited nature of the case study approach may make
it more accessible to the practising professionaL I have used the term
'more accessible' rather than 'easier'. It is probably meaningless to
categorise one research approach as 'easier' than another. With research,
8 The case study approach
PERSONAL REVIEW 8.1: Brainstorming Ideas for Case
For this 'Personal review' section, you will have to use a 'mind
mapping' approach.
Take a blank sheet of A4 paper and lay it sideways
(,landscape' layout), thus:
Now draw a rough circle or oval in the middle and put in the
heading 'Ideas for case studies'. Then have lines coming out
from the circle/oval listing categories of case studies that you
might be interested in: for example, individual students, specific
groups or classes, my school/college, etc., colleagues, myself,
learners, critical incidents (Le.significant events in class or
wherever [see chapter 4]), and any other individual categories
that you can think of that you might want to investigate. An
example of how this 'Personal review' section might be
developed is as follows:
(continued . .. )
8 The case study approach
Out of each 'spoke' or 'branch', you could put actual names!
examples of individual students, etc. that you might want to
investigate and why you could. For example, the students
'branch' might look like this:
n (unmotivated learner)
d Anne
u (excellent at compositions: why?)
s James
(uninvolved in group work)
Of course, the case studies might well be related: you might be
thinking of investigating three students, one who appears to
have low motivation, one who is average, and one with
apparently exceptionally high motivation.
as with most things in life, the amount of benefit gained is usually more
or less proportional to the amount of effort you put into it. In this sense,
case studies can be just as demanding as any other form of research. By
its nature, also, case study research often generates more human interest
than generalised statistical findings. For practitioners of a caring
profession like teaching, this fact makes case study research more
accessible, and indeed more valuable, than some approaches.
Although, case studies are not generalisable, they can be used as
evidence to support a theory. For example, you could have a theory that
a teacher with, say, a class of beginners will use the mother tongue in
certain specified situations (e.g. to explain the meaning of different
words). By carefuHy studying and analysing the discourse of one
particular class you can show how this works out in practice. Or you
could find out what your own practice is by'raping your own interaction.
This evidence can then be used to support a theory about the use of the
mother tongue in beginners' dasses. (For an extended discussion of the
use of case studies to support theoretical propositions, see Yin, 1994.)
There are also other particular research objectives that can be
achieved through case studies which I will discuss later (see below:
'Aims of case studies').
8 The case study approach
8.5 Aims of case studies
I have suggested that action researchers might want to use the case
study approach because it may lead to studies that are more focused or
specific, more accessible (especially to inexperienced researchers) and
possibly also more interesting in human terms. Sowhat kind of purpose
might we have in mind in performing case study research? Here are
);ome possible aims for case study investigations:
()'.:;' Solving problems You might have a particular problem that you
.' want to know more about with a view to perhaps finding a
solution. For example:
- \Vhy does Student A do badly in tests though his or her work is
otherwise good?
- When I, as a teacher, give Student B feedback on his or her
compositions, why does Student B appear to ignore it?
- Groups X and Yare supposed to be about the same level of ability:
why does Group X do its group tasks so much more effectively?
. 2 Applying theories to practice You might want to see if a theory
. . advanced by some writer applies in your particular case. If it is argued
that students should survey passages before they read them, how does
that work with your class? A teacher-training article recommends that
you should give feedback on essays, etc. to your students by dictating
the feedback onto tapes instead of writing it down: how would that
work for you and your students? So theories, hypotheses, sample
suggestions can be tried out and the resufts monitored.
3. Generating hypotheses Case studies can also be used in the oppo
site way: as a way of generating hypotheses. What is the most
effective way for students of a certain level to go about reading a
text? By trying things out with a particular student or a particular
class, you may arrive at reading strategies that work for one student
or one class and may not work for others. You can report the case
study and perhaps persuade colleagues to use the same technique:
obviously, the more often it works with different students and
different classes, the more confident you will be in recommending it
to other colleagues, at, say, an in-service workshop. .
4. Providing illustrations Case studies can make interesting illustra
tions if you are describing your work or your ideas to other
colleagues (e.g. in an in-service presentation, staff development
session or in an article in a teachers' journal). We have already noted
that case studies can add human interest to accounts of research, and
sometimes can flesh out what might otherwise be overly abstract.
In the 'Personal review' section which follows I will give same examples of
investigations which seem to me to come under the category of 'case studies'.
8 The case study approach
\ PERSONAL REVI EW 8.2: Reacting to Example Case Studies
In the following section there are brief summaries of six articles
which appeared in ELT Journal during the period 1989-1993.
The articles were not described by their authors themselves as
case studies but, in spite of this, I would suggest that they fall
within the category of case studies as I would define it since
they are involved with the investigation of 'bounded' classes or
groups (i.e. groups with a clear membership so that it is easy
for the researcher to specify who is a member of the target
population and who is not). The membership of each group is
defined in the section labelled I population', It is this specified
population and the analysiS of data generated from it which
characterises these articles as case studies, as opposed to,
say, suggestions derived from teaching principles, teaching
hints and tips, advice or recommendations.
Read each of the summaries with the following questions in mind:
1 . What kind of data might have been generated in each
study? For example, in Case study 3 (Jordan: Pyramid
discussions) possible data might have included:
- the results of the choices (Le. the chosen
at each stage of the .discussions) .'
- tapes/transcripts of the interaction generated by the
exercise both for the pairs and the.:groups of four
- completed evaluation questionnaires from interviews with
- observation of pairs/groups, with/without observation
- tutor's impressions
2. Is there any information about the population not given in
the summary which you would like to know? For example,
taking the Jordan article again, you might like to know:
- What were the 'seven different countries'? Were any (or
perhaps all) of the students from developing countries?
- How long had the students known one another?
- Were any of the students particularly shy? (And did this
affect their performance?)
The answers to such questions might substantially affect the
way that you interpret the findings, and decide on the extent of
their relevance to your own situation.
8 The case study approach
8.6 Some example case studies
1. Joachim Appel. 'Humanistic approaches in the secondary
school: how far can we go?' ELT Journal, Vol. 43/4, October
1989, pp 261-267.
Population Class of 17-19 year old students in top secondary
school stream in Southern Germany.
Description The author's Gymnasium (academic-type
Secondary school) students are used to studying literature in a
very academic way. As a change the teacher did not go straight
to the text, but tried discussing the themes of the text (e.g.
running away from home) for about half-an-hour, in a way
that related to the students' knowledge and experience. The
less academic students liked the approach, the more academic
students didn't.
2. Alan Fortune. 'Self-study grammar practice: learners' views
and preferences'. ELT Journal, VoL 4612, April 1992, pp.
Population 50 intermediate/advanced EFL learners studying
part-time at Ealing College, London.
Description The writer argues that there are two basic types
of grammar practice. Type 1 is deductive (i.e. the rule is given
first and then the learner practises the rule). Type 2 is inductive
(i.e. the student 'discovers' the rule by doing certain tasks).
Over a three-week period, the students worked their way
through fourteen exercises, seven of each type. By the end, the
number of students preferring Type 2 practice jumped from
24% to 42%, although the majority (58%) still preferred Type
1. Even for those preferring Type 2, a dear statement of the
'rule' at some point, is still valued.
8 The case study approach
3. R. R. Jordan. 'Pyramid discussions'. ELT Journal, Vol. 4411,
January 1990, pp. 46-54.
[Oral English]
Population The group involved consisted of twelve
postgraduate economics students at post-intermediate level
coming from seven different countries.
Description The technique used was 'pyramid discussion'.
Each student was given a list of twenty requirements for a
country to improve its economic development. Each student
had to choose the three requirements that they thought were
most essential. Next grouped in pairs, they had to agree on
three requirements with a partner (which inevitably meant that
some previously chosen requirements had to be dropped). The
exercise was repeated with groups of four, and concluded with
a' whole-class discussion and agreement on the final selected
three requirements. The exercise generated a large amount of
spoken language, but more so in pair work than group work.
4. B. Kumaravadivelu. 'Language-learning tasks: teacher
intention and learner interpretation'. ELT Journal. Vol. 45/2,
April 1991, pp. 98-107.
[Teaching Techniques]
Population The study focused mainly on two intermediate
ESL classes, taught by two different teachers.
Description The aim of the study was to look for potential
sources of mismatch between what teachers intended and what
learners actually understood. The researcher discovered ten
potential sources of mismatch (e.g. taped classroom interaction
shows that 'simple' instructions can be misunderstood by
8 The case study approach
5. D. R. RansdelL 'Creative writing is Greek to me: the
continuing education of a language teacher'. ELT Journal, VoL
47/1, January 1993, pp. 40-46.
[Language Learning}
Population One student learning elementary Greek (the
student is the writer herself, otherwise a teacher of EFL).
Description Attending a beginner's class in Greek taught the'
writer 'more than I had learned in several years of attending
conferences and sifting through journal articles'. Specifically,
she learns the motivating value of creative writing, which she
successfully transfers to her own EFL teaching.
6. Susan Vincent. 'Motivating the advanced learner in
developing writing skills: a project'. ELT Journal. Vol. 44/4,
October 1990, pp. 272-278.
Population 5th year students of EFL on a five-year degree
course leading to the award of MA, Institute of Applied
Linguistics, \Varsaw, Poland.
Description Students on a writing skills course were
unmotivated. Teacher arranged a brainstorming session to
identify English-speaking institutions outside the University.
Shell International Petroleum office in Warsaw was one of
those identified. Students composed letters to the Shell office,
visited it and subsequently wrote articles for the Shell
magazine. The teacher noted significantly increased motivation.
8.7 The methodology of case study
It will probably have occurred to you when doing PERSONAL REVIEW
8.2 that the case study approach is capable of being realised through a
wide range of techniques. Most, perhaps all, of the techniques that we
have been rooking at can be used in case studies: observation (Chapter 6),
questionnaire and interview (Chapter 7), verbal report (Chapter 5), and so
on. It is worth remembering that case studies can be made of individuals
just as welt as groups, and in such cases diary studies (Chapter 4) and
think-aloud data (Chapter 5) could very well be appropriate.
8 The case study approach
PERSONAL REVIEW 8.3: Your (Parallel) Case Study
Is there anyone of the case studies you 1have just looked at that
deals with topics that you would like to investigate for yourself
as a parallel case study? In other words, would you be
interested in taking the ideas put forward by Jordan or Vincent,
or whoever, and applying them toyour own context?-(If the
answer is I no', then pick a topic that you would like to
investigate as a case study. You should find the ideas you
generated during the brainstorming exercise that you did for
PERSONAL REVIEW 8.1 useful here.)
Then answer these questions:
1. What would be the 'population' (target gropp) for your
2. If you are adapting a case study, would you alter the
structure of it in any way? (For example, if you chose
'Pyramid Discussions' [Jordan article], you might decide
that you would have a different number of topics [Le. not
20] and that they would deal with a different topic [Le. not
developing countries].)
3. What sort of data would you generate and how would you
generate it?
4. How would you analyse the data?
5. If the case study involves experimenting with new methods
or new materials, how would you go about satisfying
yourself whether or not the materials, etc. were
The decision as to which technique to use will partly depend on the
precise nature of the case study. For example, one of the things which
distinguishes Kamaradivelu's study from most of the other examples is
that most of the others were concerned with making methodOlogical OF
materials-related proposals. Kamaradivelu's research, on the other
hand, is heuristic or exploratory: he is looking at classroom data to see
whether there are any mismatches between teacher intention and
learner interpretation, and, if SO, how these might be categorised. As we
have seen, he has found that this is in fact the case, and prepares ten
categories for describing these teacher/learner mismatches. Kamaradi
velu therefore makes extensive use of classroom observation and
8 The case study approach
transcripts of classroom interaction. Since the other researchers are
anxious to show that their suggested methods/materials are 'successful',
they have to generate data which will support this evaluation.
The Ransdell article is also different from the others in that the 'case
in question is the writer herself. It is, in fact, as you may already have
noted, a self-report. Since a case study is usually of someone or some
group other than the researcher(s), perhaps we should call this a
personal case study to distinguish it from the more usual type.
If you intend to write up a case study for a journal or a conference
presentation, there is a very important issue which relates to the target
lJopulatioll of the case study. The description of the case study popu
lation has to be sufficiently detailed to give a clear picture of all the
relevant aspects of the case study population to interested readers. For
example, if the case study relates to an individual learner, it will
probably be necessary to know various personal details concerning the
learner. These might include age, sex, status (e.g. student, manager),
mother tongue, number of years learning the target language, and so on.
Since we are only talking about one learner (or one class or one college),
the reader has to know enough about this unique case to decide whether
the data generated by it might also relate to his or her own situation.
8.8 Summary
In this chapter we have been considering the case study approach, and,
we have seen that it is an approach which fits very comfortably into the
action research framework. This is it tends to be tightly focused
and personalised and therefore is a highly appropriate tool for teachers
wishing to promote their own professional development within their
own context.
In the next chapter, we shall look at and discLlss techniques of trialling,
and evaluation, with particular to materials.
8.9 Exemplar article
The exemplar article is
Sara Cotterall (1995): Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy.
ELT Joumal49/3,July 1995, 219-227.
It will be obvious from the title this article is concerned with the issue
learner autonomy (i.e. the mental outlook some learners by
they take responsibility for their own learning).
Read through the article carefully, then think abollt these questions:
8 The case study approach
1. In Section 8.5, we discussed four of the possible purposes that
people might have in mind when doing case study action research,
namely: solving problems, applying theories to practice, generating
hypotheses and providing illustrations. Which of these purposes do
you think Sara Cotterall's article is intended to serve? (Remember, it
could be more than one.)
2. What do you know about the context in which Cotterall's pro
gramme works? How similar or different is it to your own teaching
context, or any context that you are familiar with?
3. What are the main components in the Victoria University pro
gramme, and how do they work?
4. What have the programme organisers learned from implementing
this programme?
5. Do you think that a programme like the one described here would
be (a) desirable and (b) feasible in your own teaching context?
Could you use it a.s described or would you have to modify it in
some way?
6. What has reading this article revealed to you about the strengths
and weaknesses of the case study approach? (Note: in answering
this question, you may be interested to know that in the same issue
of ELT Journal, (4913, July 1995, 190-196), there is a companion
article by Jeremy F. Jones about a self-access programme in a very
different context, namely Phnom Penh University in Cambodia. He
describes the way in which a somewhat similar programme is run
along very different lines because of the context and the culture,
e.g. there is much greater emphasis on group work rather than
individual work.}
Developing a course strategy for
learner autonomy
Sara Catterall
Autonomy in language learning is a desirable goal for philosophical, pedago
gical, and practical reasons. However, although many language programmes
claim to be learner-centred and supportive of learner initiative, much classroom
practice appears to subvert this goal. This paper discusses ways in which
mechanisms for promoting learner autonomy have been incorporated into one
English language programme. It also discusses the crucial role played by
teacher/learner dialogue about learning in the classroom, and considers the
implications for materials, task design, and time management
Why is autonomy desirable?
According to Boud (1988: 23):
The main characteristic of autonomy as an approach to learning is that
students take some significant responsibility for their own learning over and
above responding to instruction.
Learners who are autonomous might take responsibility by setting their own
goals, planning practice opportunities. or assessing their progress. But why
should we wish our learners to behave in this way?
Autonomy is considered desirable for philosophical, pedagogical, and practical
reasons. The philosophicaJ rationale behind autonomy is the belief that learners
have the right to make choices with regard to their learning. Furthermore, many
writers (see Knowles 1975) have pointed out the importance of preparing
learners for a rapidly changing future, in which independence in learning will be
vital for effective functioning in society. Helping learners become more indepen
dent in their learning is one way of maximizing their life choices. Littlejohn
(1985) suggests that one outcome of learners acting more autonomously may be
an increase in enthusiasm for teaming.
Promoting learner autonomy can also be justified on pedagogical grounds, since
adults demonstrably learn more, and more effectivefy, when they are con
suIted about dimensions such as the pace, sequence, mode of instruction and
even the content of what they are studying. (Candy 1988: 75)
Learners who are involved in making choices and decisions about aspects of the
172 Sara Cotterall
programme are also likely to feel more secure in their learning (Joiner, cited in
McCafferty 1981).
The practical argument for promoting learner autonomy is quite simply that a
teacher may not always be available to assist. Learners need to be able to learn
on their own because they do not always have access to the kind or amount of
individual instruction they need in order to become proficient in the language.
Finally, learners become more efficient in their language learning if they do not
have to spend time waiting for the teacher to provide them with resources or
solve their problems.
How is autonomy fostered?
Many programmes, and most ESL teachers, claim to believe in autonomy, yet
many of the same teachers regularly subvert that goal by excluding learners
from decisions about planning, pacing, and evaluating classroom tasks. Conse
quently learners do no't always perceive the link between classroom tasks and
the language skills they wish to develop. In our programme, we have come to
believe that autonomy is principally fostered by means of dialogue about
learning. The programme components which are described in the next section
all contribute to that dialogue.
This paper discusses a strategy for promoting autonomy within the overall
language programme and not just that of the classroom, since autonomy as a
goal cannot be realized until it is translated into the structure of the programme:
An innovation needs to be incorporated into the structure and functioning of
its host institution within a short time if it is to survive: it needs to be
institutionalized. If it is not institutionalized but merely tolerated as a minor
a<berration, it is unlikely to be taken seriously by learners or faculty, and may
well fail completely. (Hammond and Collins 1991: 208)
This observation highlights the need to embody the goal of learner autonomy in
the timetable, the materials, the tasks, and the talk which surround learners.
Our experience suggests that autonomy is not something which can be 'clipped
on' to existing learning programmes, but that it has implications for the entire
An autonomy-based course
The EAP course has been run at the English Language Institute of the Victoria
University of Wellington for more than thirty years. It is a twelve-week intensive
course for international students intending to enrol in tertiary institutions in
New Zealand. It runs during the summer months and finishes just before the
start of the academic year. The course comprises ten classes, including three
which are subject-specific, and has approximately twenty teaching staff. Certain
programme components are common to all and were originally designed with
ELTJournal Volume 49/3 July 1995 O.\:(ord Unil'ersity Press 1995 173
the explicit objective of encouraging learners to take more responsibility for
their language learning. These components are:
I Learner/teacher dialogue
2 Learning a Language study theme
3 Classroom tasks and materials
4 Student record booklet
5 Self-access centre
The components presented separately here together make up an overall strategy
for fostering autonomy which has grown in strength and coherence over the
past five years. The programme components focus on learners' understanding of
how language learning proceeds, the language used to discuss that process and
records for charting it, the support provided for learners, and learners' access to
resources and feedback. These concerns are realized through the five com
ponents discussed below.
Leamer/teacher dialogue
The first component of our strategy for promoting autonomy is the dialogue
between the learners and their class teacher. Every learner is interviewed by the
class teacher at the beginning, mid-point, and end of the course. Each interview
has a different focus: the first is principally aimed at establishing a personal
relationship between teacher and learner, and setting and clarifying objectives;
the second aims to assess and discuss the learner's progress, and to offer advice;
in the final interview, teachers advise learners on their future study of English.
Learning a Language study theme
The second component of the strategy is the unit of work on learning a language
which, since 1987, has occupied the first week of study on the course. This unit
presents some key concepts in language learning, and encourages learners to
explore issues sllch as the amount and type of language input they are getting,
and the use they make of it in arranging adequate practice opportunities. The
unit also provides an introduction to a basic metalanguage for language
learning. This makes it easier to discllss learners' difficulties with them. Some
important distinctions made in this first week of study (for example, the
distinction between fluency and accuracy work) are recurring concepts in
dialogue throughout the course.
Classroom tasks and materials
The third component of the strategy involves the design of tasks. The tasks we
design aim to replicate those which learners confront in 'real-world' situations,
and to incorporate language support. The fact that most course members are
destined for university study inspired the introduction of a Guest Lecture series,
which exposes learners to the kind of academic listening task they wiH face in
their future studies. Preparatory help is given before the lecture, learners'
174 Sara Colterali
difficulties are talked through afterwards, and a variety of follow-up classroom
activities is provided.
Virtually all materials used in our language programme are developed by
members of the Institute's staff. Through our materials, we seek to encourage
learners to take the initiative in their language learning. This is achieved
principally by making overt the relationship between classroom language
learning activities and learners' developing language competence. Learners are
encouraged to use the dialogue with the teacher to explore the purpose and
relevance of tasks to their needs.
Student record booklet
The fourth component adds an element of monitoring to the learning process.
Each learner on the course receives his or her personal copy of the student
record booklet at the start of the course. This booklet is divided into two
sections: the first section contains a series of self-assessment scales and a place to
record personal objectives. Self-assessment on the scales is completed on three
separate occasions during the twelve-week course. The second section is
primarily concerned with monitoring learning activity. It contains a number of
graphs and charts on which learners can record their activities and progress
during the course. The booklet encourages learners to develop their ability to
judge their language performance, and helps them to monitor their developing
language competence. The booklet also provides a starting point for discussion
of learners' experience of the course, and can serve to prompt out-of-class
Self-access centre
The final component of our strategy for fostering autonomy is the provision of
independent study facilities. In 1987 a small temporary self-access centre was
established for learners enrolled on the course. The centre provides a selection
of self-study reading and vocabulary and grammar practice materials, as well as
a collection of self-access listening materials. The centre is open four hours a
day for independent study but is staffed for only one hour. The staff member's
functions include orienting students to the materials, advising them on the
election of activities and materials, and issuing reading materials. Learners are
encouraged to discuss ways of using the centre with their class teacher (to ensure
coherence in the dialogue), and are directed to the documentation there for
further information. The centre provides for learners who have identified needs
which they wish to address in their own time, at their own pace, in the way they
feel most comfortable.
Reflections and modifications
The experience of constantly evaluating our language programme has shar
pened our perception of which features have contributed most to fostering
A course strategy/or learner autonomy
autonomy among learners. This has led to catain modiflcations in the overal
Leamer/teacher dialogue
Dialogue between learners and the class teacher on oUf programme is now seel
as central to the fostering of autonomy. At first the learner/teacher dialoglli
consisted principally of formal interviews. However, most teachers had difficult:
keeping to the scheduled twenty minutes per person, and many found tha
learners appeared disappointed with the outcome of the interviews, since the:
had been hoping for instant solutions to their language problems. It becam
clear that the purpose of the interviews was not always well established if
learners' minds. Gradually, however, learners started to relate concepts pre
senteel in the Learning a Language study theme to their own language learning
and requested more frequent, less formal opportunities to talk about thei
learning with the teacher. Our programme has been adapted accordingly, an(
class teachers now aim to speak to each learner for fifteen minutes every weel
(sometimes within the context of a writing workshop). We believe that a grea
deal of language learning activity proceeds without learners fully compre
hending its purpose or relevance. It is therefore important to provide frequen
opportunities for learners to ask the teacher questions and receive feedback 01
progress. Such activities seem ideally suited to the encouragement of learne
autonomy. While this discussion demands time, the quality of feedback fo
teacher and learner, and the level of dialogue about all aspects of the course
justify the innovation.
One of the aims of learner/teacher dialogue is for learners to better understanl
their language learning experience. This dialogue arises naturally out of class
room tasks, and may involve clarifying the purpose of an activity or discussint
ways of evaluating performance. Teachers and learners are able to refer back H
concepts about language learning introduced in the first week of the course. Hi
making this process public, learners who are less skilful at addressing thei'
weaknesses can learn from others who are more expert.
The dialogue can also communicate powerful messages about the
responsibilities. This might happen, for example, when a teacher asks learner!
which learning activities they have practised out of class. This kind of inquin
signals that individual practice in one's own time should accompany classroo1
language activity, and that progress and achievement depend on independent',
(autonomous) activity.
Learners who have no previous experience of talking about their learninj
require a special kind of support. Teachers must be sensitive to their needs anq
confidence so as to transfer responsibility to learners only gradually.
requires considerable skill on the part of the teacher, and imposes a
burden when dealing with large numbers of learners. Teacher education coursel
need to incorporate experience with one-to-one counselling skills. I
176 Sara Cotterall
Learning a Language study theme
The L e ~ r n i n g a Language study theme has helped encourage learners to assume
more initiative in their learning. This comes about principally because the study
theme extends learners' understanding of what they can and should do to help
themselves. Learners come to the course with a wide range of previous learning
experiences and 'myths' (Harri-Augstein and Thomas 1991) about language
learning. This study theme challenges learners' preconceptions and relates them
to information about factors contributing to success in language learning. This
component of the autonomy-fostering strategy is also important because it gives
learners a vocabulary with which to talk about their language learning, and
introduces them to concepts which help. them set realistic objectives, and find
appropriate solutions to problems they face.
This unit also allows us to spell out the rationale behind our teaching language
through content. Failing to do this can result in learners complaining that they
joined the course in order to learn English, and not to learn about, for example,
the greenhouse effect! Teachers who adopt pedagogic approaches without
explaining their reasons for doing so are denying their learners access to
valuable information. A course which aims to promote learner autonomy must
incorporate frank discussion of objectives, methodology, roles, and expecta
tions. We have found our Learning a Language study theme provides a natural
way of opening up this discussion.
Classroom tasks and materials
The importance of learners' understanding the purpose of classroom tasks has
become a major concern in our strategy for autonomy. Learner autonomy
implies an appreciation of the link between classroom practice and learning
needs. However we believe that learners do not always perceive this link.
Accordingly, language tasks on the summer course now incorporate a
consciousness-raising element, aimed at making learners think about the
application to their future needs of ski11s practised in the task. Teachers
frequently ask questions such as: 'How easy or difficult did you find that task?
Why was it difficult? What would have made it easier? Why did we do it? How
might it help you in the future? What do you .need to do to improve your
performance?' Learners are also encouraged to see the 'out-or-class' dimension
of tasks which take place within the classroom. In this way they are constantly
reminded of the need to practise in their own time.
Staff have recently started work on a materials publication project. The
intention is to design materials which make explicit to learners the aspect of
language knowledge or skill being developed. We hope that this will foster
autonomy by clarifying for learners the way they might use such practice
activities. Each task incorporates the prompt for a '[earning conversation'
(Harri-Augstein and Thomas 199]) with the learner. Learners will be encour
aged to provide feedback on the usefulness of these prompts in the materials.
A course strategy/or learner autonomy
Our work on classroom tasks also emphasizes the importance of providing higl
quality feedback on performance to learners. In order to assume greater contre
of their learning, learners need ways of assessing the quality of their languag
performance. Without feedback on their performance, learners can think the
have mastered something when they have not, can fossilize in errors, becom
discouraged, or resent the effort they have put in. Sometimes feedback can b
built into the task itself (Crabbe 1991); where it is not, teachers need time t,
respond adequately to learners' efforts. The student record booklet provide
learners with a means of recording such feedback. This feedback may be form,
or informal, solicited or spontaneous, but it is our conviction that Sue
discussion plays a cerltral role in promoting autonomous learning.
Student record booklet
Our experience with the student record booklet presents a dilemma which face
all those who wish to encourage their learners to become more autonomow
Originally we sought, through the booklet, to encourage learners to monito
and record significant moments in their experience of the course. This aim is i
harmony with the goals of autonomous learning, in that it encourages learner
to take an active role in formulating their learning objectives and assessing h01
and to what extent these are met. In practice, however, many learners neve
really made the booklet their own. While there are several possible explanation
for this, it can also be argued that if learners do not readily see a role for th
booklet in their own learning, then the approach is in some way deficient.
While we now acknowledge that the pre-determined nCi ture of the bookl(
represents a teacher's rather than a learner's point of view, we maintain the
record keeping and monitoring of language performance are important aspecl
of autonomy. We are currently seeking a compromise position. The issu
remains one of how to allow for greater negotiation of the booklet's use an
function without losing the practical advantage of having available at th
beginning of the course a ready-made log for student records.
Self-access centre
The tlnal component of our strategy for promoting autonomy has perhaps
the greatest modification in approach. Initially, resources went into acquiringi
large bank of materials and developing a user-friendly system of organizing an'
displaying them. This was to enable learners to practise independently. Recentl}
however, the centre has come to be seen more as a laboratory where Iearne(
test out solutions to specific language problems. These efforts provide
content for learners' discussions with the teacher. Our approach, therefore,
shifted away from encouraging general language practice activities in the sell
access centre towards promoting individualized problem-solving. Furthermorl
the self-access centre is seen as only one resource among others for
language-related problems. .
In line with this shift in perspective, the self-access centre kam has recently bee!'
178 Sara COflera/l
responsible for twoinitiatives. Firstly, the reference section has been consider
ably expanded to include a collection of dictionaries, encyclopaedias, grammars,
and other reference books. In addition, staff have published a number of self
access centre guides aimed at providing information on possibilities for further
study and language practice in the community. At the same time, efforts have
gone into making documentation on materials in the centre as clear and
straightforward as possible. All these resources offer good starting-points for
learners seeking information on a variety of topics.
Secondly, the centre's listening resources have been greatly expanded. A
considerable number of staff hours were committed to making many existing
listening resources truly 'self-accessible'. The transformation of many of these
materials has been complemented by the production of a clearly organized
catalogue of self-access listening resources, and the production of users' guides
to accompany all tapes. The investment of staff hours, always a critical issue in
development terms, was justified by our conviction that listening skill develop
ment is, ideally suited to independent practice.
During the past five years, our view of the role of staff working in the self-access
centre has been modified by experience. Initial1y they were encouraged to
assume an active role in advising learners in the centre. However, experience
showed that only staff who were seriously committed to the idea of encouraging
learner autonomy were able to successfully assist learners in the centre. The role
of staff nowadays is limited to the issuing of reading materials. This has come
about because we believe that discussion of the best way to use the centre
belongs to the dialogue between learner and class teacher. However, this does
not prevent learners from seeking advice elsewhere.
In spite of the great popularity of self-access c e ~ t r e s in language teaching, our
experience has alerted us to two possible abuses of such learning facilities.
Firstly, there is a tendency for some learners to occupy their time in the centre
with 'busy work' which may not result in learning, or to consistently choose
materials which do not challenge them. Clearly, providing a large number of
attractive self-study resources does not automatically turn dependent learners
into autonomous ones. Rather, it highlights the need for learners to be
encouraged to monitor and evaluate their learning, ideally through discussion
with the class teacher.
Secondly, some learners treat materials in the self-access centre as a 'quick fix'
solution to their language problems. Learners who complete practice activities
without considering their appropriateness run the risk of seeing little return for
their investment of time. Learners need to be encouraged to adopt a systematic
approach to their problem-solving and independent study. This would involve
frequent consultation with the class teacher over resources used, the approach
adopted, and monitoring and evaluating activities. If this approach is to be
successful, teachers need to be allocated time to pursue this important dialogue
with their learners.
A course strategy/or learner autol/omy
Our experimentation with this course-wide strategy for fostering autonomy has
been productive and encouraging. It has led us to draw the following conclusions:
1 Autonomy in language learning is desirable.
2 Dialogue is more important to autonomy than structures.
3 The relationship between the learner and the class teacher is central to the
fostering of autonomy.
4 Autonomy has implications for the entire curriculum.
In this paper, the importance of learners talking about their learning has been
emphasized. Several implications derive from this central theme. Firstly, a
vocabulary of language learning shared by all participants is required. Secondiy,
time must be made available within programmes for teachers and learners to
engage in dialogue about the learning process. Finally, teacher education
programmes need to incorporate practice in the skills required for management
of the learning dialogue.
This article was presented as a paper at the Third National Conference of Commun
ity Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages, Auckland, New
Zealand, September 1992.
Boud, D. (ed.). 1988. Developing Student Autonomy in Learning (2nd edn.). New
York: Kogan Page.
Candy, P. 1988. 'On the attainment ofsubject-matter autonomy' in D. Boud (ed.).
Crabbe, D. A. 1991. 'Bringing evaluation and methodology closer together' in S.
Anivan (ed.). Issues in Language Programme Evailialion in the 1990s. Singapore:
SEAMEO Regional English Language Centre.
Hammond, M. and R. Collins. 1991. Self-Directed Learning: Critical Practice.
London: Kogan Page.
Harri-Augstein, S. and L. Thomas. 1991. Learning Conversations: The Self-Organised
Learning Way /0 Personal and Organisational Growth. London: Routledge.
Knowles, M. 1975. Self-Directed Learning: A Guide for Learners and Teachers. New
York: Association Press.
Littlejohn, A. 1985. 'Learner choice in language study'. ELT Journal 39/4: 253-6 L
McCafferty, .J. B. 1981. Self-Access Problems and Proposals. London: The British
The author
Sara CotteraU has an MA in Applied Linguistics, and taught English in Europe and
China prior to her appointment as a lecturer at the English Language Institute,
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She is co-director of the Institute's
English Proficiency Programme, and is also involved in teacher education and the
teaching of undergraduate writing. Her research interests include autonomous
learning and strategy instruction.
180 Sara Catterall
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching
9.1 Overview
This chapter is concerned with two important aspects of teachers' work:
evaluation and triaIling. Since these both .cover very wide areas of
potential action research activity, they will be discussed with particular
reference to issues. and activities that are relevant to most teachers:
materials evaluation and the trialling of new materials. The chapter
concludes with the study of a survey article on ELTtextbooks.
9.2 What we mean by 'evaluation'
The word evaluation is obviously derived from value, and in its most
basic sense means putting a value or estimation of worth upon some
thing or someone (Le. deciding how bad or good helshelit is). So we
evaluate other colleagues when. we say they are 'good' teachers, we
evaluate ourselves (andlor perhaps our learners) when we say we have
taught a 'terrible' lesson, we evaluate a syllabus when we say it is
'impossible to get through', and we evaluate a coursebook when we say
it is 'really useful and helpful'.
Evaluation is clearly at the heart of the action research philosophy,
since it is usually a self-evaluation of our work (especially a negative
evaluation) which gives us the motivation to attempt to improve it
through action research.
Statements of the kind quoted at the beginning of this section are
commonly heard whenever teachers informally converse or exchange
views. However, such statements are usually impressionistic judgements
and far less often the result of systematic action research investigation. ]
have suggested that action research involves the systematic coHection
and analysis of data. Therefore, a research approach to evaluation will
naturally involve a more systematic approach than intuition or impres
lionistic judgement. (This, by the way, is not a negative evaluation of
:he intuition or judgement of experienced teachers. If you asked some
!xperienced teachers about the suitability of a textbook they had used
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
in a given situation, and they all agreed that it was 'very useful', then
you would probably be right to feel confident in using it in that
In this chapter we will be looking at more systematic ways of going
about evaluation with particular reference to a specific area.
PERSONAL REVI EW 9.1: Areas for Evaluation
You will find listed below a selection of language teaching areas
that could be evaluated. Look through the list to get an idea of
the range of possibilities. Tick any of the areas that you have
informally or formally evaluated. For example, if you have ever
thought or expressed an evaluation of yourself as a teacher, or
of another colleague (which nearly all of us must have done at
bne time!), then you would put a tick opposite these categories.
In the second column, tick if the evaluation has been in a more
formal way: for example, most of us will have formally evaluated
our students through tests, performance in public
examinations, and so on.
Finally, pick one of the;areas that you have evaluated informally,
but not formally (Le. with a tick in the first column only). Try to
think of ways in which,you could go about evaluating that area
in a more systematic way. Self-evaluation as a teacher, for
example, could be done by writing down five positive and five
negative comments on yourself as a teacher. One of the
comments (either positive or negative) could be chosen and a
plan of action drawn up to exploiVovercome that strength/
weakness. Or you may have a better idea ...
Language teaching areas Informal Formal
evaluation evaluation
myself as a teacher (self-evaluation)
other teachers
students (learners):
teacher's materials (e.g. textbooks)
. resources (e.g. self-access courses)
teacher's methods
: courses
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
institutions (e.g. the school we teach in)
organisations (e.g.teachers'
educational projects
research projects
management (classroom/depart
mental/school. etc.
training (trainers/methods/materials/
institutions. etc.)
(supervisor or inspector/methods/
observation checklists, etc.)
teacher support provision
other (specify)
9.3 Range of evaluation areas
Clearly, the range of possibilities for evaluation is vast. Further, it is by
and large true that different areas require the use of different evaluation
techniques, although there are some principles of evaluation that have a
very wide relevance. It would obviously be impossible to cover all these
areas in one chapter here, so Iwill not attempt to do so. Instead I am
going to select" one area, which hopefully will be of relevance to most
classroom teachers, and make suggestions about some ways in which it
might be approached. As for the other areas, I will give you some
references in which the topic of evaluation is dealt with more extensively.
9.4 Teaching: materials
I have decided to focus on teaching materials, as this is an aspect of
evaluation that nearly all teachers do at some time, even if it is only on
an basis. Within the area of teaching materials, I am going to
concentrate on coursebooks, although most of the issues that will be
raised apply equally well to other kinds of teaching materials. I am not
at this point considering teaching materials designed by teachers
themselves, although I will be coming back to this issue later, when the
issue of tr;alling materials will be discussed. In this section, I am
assuming that the materials being used are materials currently in use,
published either by a commercial publisher or by an officiaf publisher,
such as aCurriculum Unit within the Ministry of Education.
9 Evaluation and trial/ing: teaching materials
9.5 Purpose of evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation is very important, because it very much
determines how you will go about the evaluation. Thinking of published
materials, there are two possibilities:
1. You have a range of possible books to use, and you want to com
pare those that are available on the market, in order to choose the
most suitable one for you;
2. You have little or no choice: you are supplied with teaching
materials that you have to use, although perhaps you may be a b h ~
to modify or supplement them in various limited ways.
In many, probably most, teaching situations, the second scenario is the
more common one. Therefore that is the scenario that I will concentrate
on in this chapter. To redress the balance a little, however, the exemplar
article at the end will relate to the first 'consumer survey' type of
evaluation. In any case, many of the issues we shall be looking at have
equal relevance to both possibilities.
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.2: Pre-Evaluation - Developing.
Before you can evaluate something, you have to have some
idea of the qualities which could make it either 'good' or 'bad'.
For example. if you evaluate your Head of Department as being
a very effective manager, then you must have some ideas or
assumptions about what it is to be an effective manager (and,
by contrast, what it is to be an ineffective one), and indeed
about what 'effectiveness' implies.
Since we are goin.g to be looking at coursebook evaluation.
write down at least six qualities that you think a good
coursebook should have.
1 ..................................................................................
2 ............................................................................................. .
a ............................................................................................. .
4 ............................................................................................. .
5 ............................................................................................. .
6 ............................................................................................. .
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
9.6 Commentary.
One benefit of doing a task like PERSONAL REVIEW 9.2 is that it
should be possible to turn the qualities into criteria for evaluating
materials. In the section which follows below you will find a description
of possible criteria for evaluating teaching materials. The possible
criteria are:
1. cost
2. rationale
3. context
4. level
5. relevance to needs
6. facility and practicality
7. layout and organisation
8. coverage
9. range of tasks/activities
10. learner support materials
11 interest/motivation
12. teacher support material.
Are your six 'qualities' represented somewhere on this list?
In Section 9.7 following, I intend to go through each of these criteria
and comment on them. I have incorporated 'Personal review' sections
into most of the criteria: this will allow you to apply that 'Personal
review' section to a particular course book, if you have one that you
wish to evaluate.
I suggest that you read through the whole of Section 9.7 skipping
the 'Personal review' sections, in order to give yourself an overview of
the issues. Then you can come back and do the 'Personal review'
9.7 Teaching materials: Possible criterion areas
1. Cost Expense is an obvious criterion for evaluating materials.
The materials may be good, but are they also value for money?
2. Rationale This refers to the reasoning behind the book (e.g. its
justification for its type, style and organisation among other
things). What is the purpose of the book, and on what methodo
logical assumptions is it based? Here you may have to be careful to
distinguish between the stated rationale and the actual rationale.
Sometimes the writers of a textbook will justify the book in terms
of principles which are actually not realised to any significant
extent in the actual text. For example, the author of a coursebook
9 Evaluation and trjalling: teaching materials
may describe its methodology as 'communicative', but you may
decide on examination of the actual activities, that it does not
merit this description at all (e.g. because it does not include
authentic materials or because it does not provide opportunities
for genuine communication).
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.3: Investigating the Rationale
Choose a textbook or coursebook that you frequently use. (You
can use the book you have chosen as a kind of 'case study' for
the various criterion areas which follow.) See if you can find a
stated rationale for the book as a whole. The rationale may be
explicitly stated in the foreword of the book, or in the teacher's
book (if there is one); or it may have to be pieced together from
various comments made, say, in the publisher's 'blurb' on the
cover or from the kinds of exercises given, etc. For example,
you could take a typical unit and examine it in detail in terms of
the criteria that have been listed here. Or you could look
carefully at the instructions and how the activities are organised
to see whether you can work out the explicit or implied roles of:
the teacher and the learners. How far does the stated rationale
fit in with your perception of the book's rationale? Do they
match exactly? Or do they only overlap? Or are they actually
quite contradictory? And how do the book's stated and real
rationale relate to your own ideas of an acceptable rationale for
a book of this kind?
3. Context For what context is the book intended? Does it have an
'intended' audience, or is it specific to a particular country or
region? Is it intended to be used in a school or university, or is it
intended for private, personal use?
4. Level What is the stated target level of learner? What subcriteria
are used to establish that level (e.g. public examinations or years of
study)? And would you say that, in the particular context that you
are concerned with, the materials are actuaHy appropriate to that
5. Relevance to needs This criterion overlaps with the previous one.
W h a ~ are the needs of the learner in this area of study and is the
coursebook relevant to them?
6. Practicality Practicality reveals itself most easily in use. How
practical and easy to use is the book? Are the exercises easy to set
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
up, for example? Are the teaching units a convenient length for the
teaching periods? What is your experience in using the book in your
owncontext? Did it ever let you down?
7. Layout and organisation This is another overlapping category, as
good layout and organisation can make a textbook significantly
more 'user-friendly'.
Layout incorporates features such as:
- clear signposting (use of list of contents, headings, sub-headings);
- clear and systematic use of conventions (e.g. 100 I for audio tape);
- attractive and appropriate use of typeface (e.g. bold, etc.);
- helpful and attractive use of illustrations (photographs, diagrams,
drawings, etc.)
- What are the different main sections of the book and how do
they relate to one another?
- Are the language topics dealt with in an appropriate order?
- What is the system of organisation for the elements of the course?
(For example, is the course divided into units and each unit
divided into certain sections? What do you think is the rationale
for the organisation?) See PERSONAL'REVIEW 9.4.
8. Coverage Are all important aspects of the course covered, or have
some been omitted? (If you are working to a syllabus, you will want
to check the coursebook against the syllabus.) Are topics included
that could have been omitted?
9. Range of tasks/activities Is there a wide range of activities for the
learners to be engaged in? Or is there some sense of repetitiveness?
Is there perhaps some element of choice? You may find it useful to
list the types of activities, so that you can decide whether there are
any gaps or inconsistencies.
10. Learner support materials Are there extra back-up materials in
the form of cassettes, workbooks, authentic materials, posters,
etc. to support and motivate learners? Are there extension mate
rials for more gifted students andlor remedial materials for the
Jess able? Are there answer keys provided to support autonomolls
11. Interest/motivation There is obviously considerable overlap
between this and other criterion areas. For example, it is obvious
that materials which are at the wrong level and badly organised
wilt tend to demotivate learners. However, it seems such an
important consideration that it merits a category of its own. Is the
overall effect of the material on most learners motivating or the
reverse? What are the factors which you think contribute to the
effect of motivation/demotivation? See PERSONAL REVIEW 9.5.
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.4: Level/Relevance/Facility and
Practicality/Layout and Organisation
Once more, look at the textbook you have chosen and evaluate
it according to the above criterta. What are your findings? You
may find it useful to use a rating-scales layout, like this:
Name of book/materials: ............................ .
Target level:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ; . . . . . . . .
Criterion Rating
Good Poor
! )
(Circle as
appropriateness to
relevance to
students' needs
in use
1 2345
layout 12345
organisation 12345
A problem in this area is that many learners, especialfy less sophisticated
ones, will find it difficult to separate out their feelings towards the
materiafs from their feelings towards the subject as such. Perhaps a
questionnaire would be useful. It could elicit:
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
- feelings towards the subject (e.g. by a 1-5 rating scale)
- feelings towards the materials (similarly)
- listing of three things they liked and didn't like about the coursebook,
perhaps with some kind of rating (stars?) to show how strong their
feelings were about each of the likes/dislikes.
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.5: .Coverage/Range of Tasks and
Activities/Learner Support/Motivation
Continue your evaluation of the book you have chosen by
evaluating it against these criteria. For MOTIVATION you can
either use your own judgement, or you may decide you want to
enrol the help of your students. As well as the questionnaire
referred to in the previous paragraph, they could also interview
one another and make reports to the class on their findings.
12. Teacher support material A very important consideration in
terms of evaluating teaching material is: What help is given to the
teacher? Of course, some of the things that help the student also
help the teacher (e.g. clear layout and sensible organisation).
Teacher support may be part of the text (e.g. in the form of
teacher's notes at the beginning) or it may take the form. of a
separate teacher's handbook. Many of the criteria (e.g. rationale)
that have already been applied to the textbook could also be
applied to the teacher's book. But there are others which might
well appear only in the teacher's book: one thinks of suggestions
on methodology, aims and objectives, rationale, reference data
(e.g. the new vocabulary items, grammar items introduced in each
unit), supplementary activities, suggestions for further reading and
suggested answers to exercises, and so on.
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.6: Teacher's Support Material
What criteria would you use to evaluate teachers' support
material? Are all the criteria just mentioned relevant to you?
Have you any other suggestions? If the coursebook you have
chosen has a teacher's book, then you could evaluate it using
your selected criteria.
1 ~ Q
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
9.8 Evaluation: the outcome
Evaluation is not usually something that is done for its own sake. As
with other aspects of action research, it is performed in order to
improve performance in some way. In the case of teaching materials,
evaluation either helps us to make the right choice of materials or helps
us identify areas where the materials we currently use can be improved
In some way.
In this chapter, we have paid special attention to the evaluation of
materials currently being used rather than with the choice of new
materials. Usually, teachers only go to this trouble if they are currently
aware of some sense of dissatisfaction with the materials they are
currently using, either on the part of the students or on their own part.
Let us imagine that in evaluating some materials you currently use,
you have identified some aspect of these materials that you think can be
improved. What next?
9.9 Adapting materials
You will probably decide that you want to adapt the materials in some
way. This can be done in two ways:
1. Retain the materials basically as they are, but teach them in a
different way (i.e. either different from the way you normally teach
them, or from the way recommended in the Teacher's Book).
2. Change the materials in some way, for example by devising new
materials either instead of or in addition to some part of the existing
materials. (This still comes under 'adapting materials', because I am
assuming you are not rewriting the entire course!)
Although these are rather different strategies, I will not attempt to make
any distinction between them in what follows.
9.1 0 Trialling
How will you know if your adaptation will work better than what you
had previously? The best way or answering this question is by trying out
the materials (trjailing). This is something which as teachers we tend to
do a. lot of: tryout things and see if they work. But if we intend to do
this as a form of action research, we have to be a bit more systematic.
How can we organise this procedure in a more systematic way to give
ourselves data that might be more informative?
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.7: Improving/Changing Materials
For a coursebook that you are currently using or have used in
the past, choose one or more aspects of it that you think could
be improved, or simply done in a different way. Plan in detail
how you would go about improving the materials.
9.11 Pre-trial specifications
Before starting to tryout the new or revised materials, it is best to write
down the answers to these questions:
1. Specify clearly your learning/teaching goals with the new materials.
What are you trying to achieve?
2. How will you know whether or not you have succeeded? How will
you evaluate your trial materials?
Try to make criteria which will generate objective evidence. Take this,
'criterion' for a group-work task, for example: The students will hzteract
How would you evaluate whether this criterion has been achieved?
One way would be to make a subjective judgement. By simple observa
tion, you might decide that in comparison with other lists the quality of
student interaction was, say, much better, better, about the same, worse
than before (with other tasks.)
A more objective criterion would be: Every member of the group will
make at least one contribution to the discussion.
This is more objective, but it doesn't tell us anything about the
quality of the contribution. Also it assumes that members of a group
can only interact by saying something. You might decide to make a
'sweep' of the group every minute to judge the level of interest on say a
3-point scale using the following code:
V =apparently very involved or interested (2 points)
I = apparently involved or interested (1 point)
U =apparently uninvolved or uninterested (0 points).
For a ten-minute task, our recording instrument might took like this:
9 Evaluation and tria/Jing: teaching materials
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 Total
: Student A
Student B
Student C
Student D
Student E
Grand total
The 'Grand total' will provide an overall index of the level of interest
during the task. If there were several groups working at the same time,
you could delegate the observation schedule to student observers (see
Chapter 6): this would make your data more comprehensive, but clearly
less reliable.
PERSONAL REVI EW 9.8: Designing Criteria for
Evaluation of Revised Materials
With reference to the materials that you adapted in the last
'Personal review' section, work out a set of criteria for
evaluating the success of your revised materials. You could use
the kind of layout I suggested for PERSONAL REVIEW 9.4,
incorporating a rating scale, with a space for comments.
9.12 Process and product
When evaluating the triailing of new materials, YOll can eval\jate the
process or you can evaluate the product, or you can evaluate both. For
example, if you are experimenting with new methods of teaching
writing, you could evaluate the product (the eventual compositions) or
the process (how the s t u d ~ n t s go about writing the compositions), or
both. Usually, when you introduce innovations in materials, you are
interested in the product or outcome of the new materials. Nevertheless,
evaluation of the process can also reveal how the improvement (if any)
has actuaHy come about. Sometimes, of course, the process is the
product, as in the case of the example we have just been looking at, of
materials designed to promote discussion. We discussed in Chapters 4
and 5 (using diaries, verbal reports, etc.) how learners could be involved
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
in the gathering of data on process. Questionnaires and interviews
(Chapter 6) could also be used.
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.9: Process/Product Evaluation
Still thinking of the new materials you have devised, would it be
helpful to make a distinction between the evaluation of the
process and the evaluation of the product? Look Cit the criteria
you worked out for PERSONAL REVIEW 9.8. Do they refer to
process or product or both? If you haven't already done so for
PERSONAL REVIEW 9.8, think of ways in which you could
evaluate both of these aspects.
9.13 Summary
I suggested at the beginning of the chapter that there is a sense in which
evaluation lies at the heart of the action research process. Indeed it also
lies at the heart of professional development. The question is, having
identified a source of professional concern, how do we go about
meeting that concern? Since in this book, I have been proposing an
action research strategy, the emphasis in this chapter has once more
been on systematic data collection and analysis.
In this chapter, I have discussed the process of evaluation with special
reference to teaching materials. I have also looked at the trialling
process and how it too can be evaluated. I have emphasised the
importance of establishing valid criteria, and indicated the potential use
of checklists.
9.14 Exemplar article
As the exemplar article for this chapter, I have chosen:
Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan. Survey review: Two series of Business English
materials. ELT Journal 4811, January 1994, 80-89.
Although this article is concerned with ESP-type materiafs, it provides
some useful ideas for any type of materials evaluation repon.
Read through the survey carefully, and think about these questions:
1. Think about the way the review is organised. Do the authors
9 Evaluation and trialling: teaching materials
compare each series step by step according to certain criteria, or do
they deal comprehensively first with one series and then with the
other? What are the advantages or disadvantages of the way in
which they have chosen to organise theif review?
2. What are the criteria that the authors use to evaluate these two
3. Imagine that you were actually able to use these materials with
students. Can you think of any ways in which you could involve your
learners in the process of evaluation? (Think of the range of research
techniques we have been looking at: journals, reports, think-aloud,
observation, interviews, questionnaires, case studies ...)
4. Think back to your evaluation of the textbook you chose earlier.
Now that you have read the article by Reed and Nolan, are there
any other criteria that you now think you could use for your own
textbook evaluation?
Survey-review: two series of Business
English materials
Bill Reed and Sharon N'olan
Business Management English
Nick Brieger and Jeremy Comfort
Prentice Hall 1992
Language Reference for Business English
ISBN a 13 093428 3 Book
ISBN 0 13 093469 0 Book
a 12 093584 0 Cassette
o 13 105750 2 Self-Study Pack
ISBN 0 13 093451 8 Book
a 13 093576 x Cassette
o 13 105678 5 Self-Study Pack
ISBN a 13 093444 5 Book
a 13 093592 1 Cassette
a 13 105743 X Self-Study Pack
Production and Operations
ISBN a 13 093477 1 Book
o 13 093600 6 Cassette
a 13 105776 6 Self-Study Pack
Longman Business English Skills
Series editors: Mark Ellis, Nina O'Driscoll and Adrian Pilbeam
Longman 1987-1992
Making Contact
Nina O'Oriscoll and Fiona Scott-Barrett
ISBN 0582 066447 3 Book
0582 064465 5 Cassette
ELTJournal Volume 48/1 January 1994 Oxford University Press 1994
Exchanging Information
Christine Johnson and Nina Q'Driscoll
ISBN 0582 06445 7 Boqk
0582 06444 9 Cassette
Presenting Facts and Figures
David Kerridge
ISBN 0582 09307 4 Book
0582 20957 9 Cassette
Meetings and Discussions
Nina O'Driscoll and Adrian Pilbeam
ISBN 0582 09305 8 Book
0582 85262 5 Cassette
Mark Ellis and Nina O'Driscoll
ISBN 0582 09308 2 Book
0582 85260 9 Cassette
Kay Bruce
ISBN 0582 09306 6 Book
0582 85266 8 Cassette
Giving Presentations
Mark Ellis and Nina O'Driscoll
ISBN 0582 06441 4 Book
0582 06440 6 Cassette
Philip O'Connor, Adrian Pilbeam, and Fiona Scott-Barrett
ISBN 0582 06443 0 Book
0582 06442 2 Cassette
The development route for most Business English publications has been
through mainstream EFt thinking, and this has caused confusion in some
quarters. 'What is Business English?' and 'Are we teaching Business or
EnglishT are common cries in language schools, conferences, and teacher
training workshops. Many language schools have perceived a potential
market in the Business English sector, leading them to expect their Eft
trained teachers to cope with the particular demands of business and
professional people. At the same time, publications, such as Business
Assignments (Casler and Palmer, 1989) which have departed significantly
from mainstream EFL by incorporating quantities of management training
196 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
material, may only partially meet learners' needs and arouse distrust among
those required to teach them. EFL-trained .teachers fear for their own
credibility, while those who come to Business English teaching from a
management background are not always able to cope with the particular
constraints of language training for management. Whereas the RSA-trained
teacher can make a good stab at teaching general English from virtually any
bit of material, published or improvised, the teacher of English to business
people may be confronted with masses of alien information, and obliged to
deal with it in front of more mature, more experienced, worldly-wise
learners. Only recently have appropriate trainer training courses appeared.)
Business English publications, therefore, have to fulfil an awkward dual
role, which is to inform and support the learner, while, at the same time,
and in entirely different ways, informing and supporting the teacher. Even
with the provision of teachers' books, publications can fail in this difficult
task. Below the intermediate level, the job is done reasonably successfully
by courses such as Business Objectives (Hollett, 1991). But what can be done
for those learners who (whatever their level in English), expect intellectual
and communicative challenges on a par with those they experience in their
own language?
This review considers two series which provide different types of answer to
this question.
The Prentice Hall Business Management English (BME) series appeared in
1992. The first volumes of Longman Business English Skills (LBES)
appeared in 1987, and the series has recently been extended and re-Iaunched
in colour. Both series are written by well-established teams who have
specialized for a number of years in 'Business English, in the UK and
abroad. The main markets for these books are probably the UK, Germany,
France, Italy, Spain, and Japan, with a growing potential in Eastern
Europe, where it is quite possible that a certain amount of management
training is mediated by EFL teachers and books-a disturbing thought,
which highlights the need for books to be based on good management
practice, as wel1 as on sOllnd teaching and learning practice.
Business Management English
The Business Management English series consists of five books. The first,
Language References, covers structures, functions, and notes to help in
communication situations (presentations, metings, telephoning, reports,
letters, and social occasions); each of the others is devoted to a management
discipline: Finance, Personnel, Marketing, and Production and Operations.
Exercises in these four 'discipline' books are cross-referenced to the
language reference volume, and there is a key at the back of each book.
Survey-review: two series of Business English materials
The stated aims are to provide language developmcn t exercises and com
munication skills practice to specialists and non-specialists at post-inter
mediate levels, in the context of key management disciplines, which are
dealt with in some depth. These aims are ambitiolls, and target very specific
business areas.
The approach is through business and management reading texts, and
listening passages on audio cassette. The reading texts are mostly taken
from the publisher's own management textbooks-Prentice Hall being a
specialist in this field. While these texts do not provide a management
course in themselves, they are clearly related to management training
themes, and will be instantly recognisable to MBA and Business Studies
students as topics and theories for discussion. Thus, the stimulus in each
u.nit is a matter of management concern, introduced via a short explanation
which is useful to both teacher and learner, and by a warm-up activity
which raises some basic issues. For example, Part One of Unit 5 in
Marketing is on pricing. The warm-up questions are: <Does a lower price
always mean higher sales?' and 'For what types of product do higher prices
sometimes mean higher sales?', leading in to a short but relatively sophisti
cated and concentrated text, illustrated with graphs, on the relationship
between price and demand. The text and the diagrams form the basis for a
series of exercises-comprehension/interpretation; language foclls (in this
case on cause and effect, appropriate enough for the price/demand topic);
word study; and a transfer exercise where new graphs are to be used for
interpretation, decision-making, and presentation. This overall pattern is
repeated in Part Two, with a listening exercise in place of reading, and
language focus on 'asking for clarification'. The language exercises are
cross-referenced to the relevant units of the language reference book--Unit
77 on 'Cause and effect', and Unit 73 on 'Checking and confirming
information' .
All the units in the discipline books work in the same way: raise and discuss
the t h e m e ~ read or listen; interpret the meaning; work on the language;
practise in a slightly different context. There is a great deal of input in each
unit, and the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all
covered. Tasks are imaginative: the heading 'Comprehension/interpret
ation', for example, shows that opinion and discussion are encouraged.
Learners have to read between the lines of the texts and use a more
exploratory approach than in most EFL books.
Although these books look quite dense at first sight, they are clearly
organized. Each of the discIpline books has seven or eight units. Each unit is
in two sections, A and B, which in turn have two parts, 1 and 2. A header
on each page (e.g. '3.A.2') and a footer giving the main theme and sub
theme (e.g. 'Operations capacity: deciding capacity') make it easy to keep
198 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
track of where you are. It would be h ~ t p f u l if the headers to the key at the
back of each book were blocked in grey instead of black, to distinguish
them from the main part of the book.
Units always begin on a right-hand page-we are pleased to see that the
publishers have been prepared to include blank pages where necessary.
Tapescripts are included in the key.
Given the denseness of the books, we would have liked to see more
sophisticated graphics in place of the rather spindly charts and diagrams.
Symbols could have been used in the margins to indicate, say, reading or
listening exercises; but perhaps the publishers have deliberately cultivated a
'management textbook' look rather than an 'EFL' look.
The language reference volume naturally has its own layout reflecting its
twin aims of providing reference material both for language knowledge and
communication skills.
The Grammar Structure section (61 per cent of the book) is a sort of scaled
down English Grammar in Use (Murphy, 1985) with business examples, and
none the worse for that. There are no exercises, as these are to be found in
the other four books. Each unit contains sample sentences; brief rules under
the heading 'Form'; applications under the heading 'Uses'; and further
notes and references to related units.
The Function section (17 per cent of the book) is organized in the same
way, with seventeen appropriately chosen headings, such as 'Describing
trends', 'Comparing and contrasting ideas', 'Obligation and requirements',
and 'Scale of likelihood'. Some of these units use simple diagrams, such as
those used by the same authors in Business Contacts to explain concepts.
We feel there would be potential for extending this section, to include
common management tasks such as project planning, or explaining mathe
matical calculations, which have their own implications for likely language
The Communication section (22 per cent. of the book) gives tips and useful
language exponents on presentations, meetings, telephoning, report-writing,
letter-writing, and social language. Unlike the Structurc and Function
sections, this section docs not give rise to specific exercises in the discipline
books, which reinforces the self-study bias of the series. The trainer using
this materiat will need to create links between the communication notes and
the warm-up and transfer exercises in the books to ensure the skills are put
into practice.
This volume is exactly what it claims to be: a reference book. You can refer
back from exercises in the discipline books but you can't easily find an
exercise to practise a particular structure or function. For example. while
Survey-review: tlt'O series of Business English materials
testing the material, we found a need to practise the conditional in the
context of company finance. (The springboard was 'If my company wasn't
making a profit it wouldn't be so attractive to potential buyers.') It took a
detailed search through Finance to find an appropriate exercise-we eventu
ally used pages 49 (Language focus: Conditions), and 51 (Language focus:
Conditional I and II). The use of subject-matter, rather than language, as a
starting-point is characteristic of the series, and while we have no argument
with this in principle (language being a means to an end, not an end in
itself), it would be useful to have an extra cross-reference here.
The language content of the series is both varied and sophisticated. All
examples are clearly business-oriented, and the language reference volume
has a practical approach throughout. No apology is made for the com
plexity of some of the texts: the implied assumption is that interest in the
subject-matter will carry the learner through. There is no difference in level
between the beginning and the end of the books; and there is no artificial
attempt to present language systematically or progressively. The series has a
clear commitment to subject-matter first, and language work as a con
Word study rightly plays an important role. Words with suffixes and
prefixes, phrasal verbs, and similar words (e.g. rise, raise, arise; lie, lay) are
examined in some detail. Some terminology is very specific and conceptual
(e.g. net operational cashjlmv; man-machine time chart).
Each discipline book contains a 500-word glossary of terms at the back,
based, according to the authors, on 'frequency of usage within this subject
area'. The entries are not confined to words used in the book. Many entries
have an example as well as a brief definition. As a spot-check, we compiled
the following random list of terms to look up:
Value analysis-appears in Production and Operations: 'a methodical exam
ination of each product in order to mInimize cost without reducing its
functional value'.
Total quality management-doesn't appear in any glossary, though 'total
quality control' appears in Production and Operations.
Cash cow-doesn't appear in Marketing or in any of the other books.
Internal rate of return-doesn't appear in Finance, even though the topic is
dealt with in Unit 4.
BulI market-appears in Finance: 'period when share prices are rising'.
Organigram-appears in Personnel, with the same definition (correctly) as
'organization charf.
Up-market-appears in Alarketing along with eight other collocations using
the word 'markeR'.
There is relatively little overlap in the glossaries. 'Turnover' appears in
200 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
Personnel (,staff turnover') and in Finance ('gross sales of a company'); but
'stock turnover' is not included in Production and Operations, although four
other collocations with 'stock' are listed. 'Account' does not appear in
Production and Operations, but appears in Marketing as 'account executive',
in Finance along with 'accountancy' and 'accountant', and in Personnel as
'accountable' .
Thus, while they cannot vie with other Business English dictionaries such as
Longman's Concise Dictionary of Business English, with upwards of 10,000
main entries, the four books together provide a glossary of getting on for
2,000 entries: a valuable resource for teacher and learner alike.
A cassette accompanies each of the discipline books and contains listening
passages for the second part of each unit. The transcripts are to be found in
the key. These listening passages are scripted :fueetings, conversations, and
telephone dialogues, and while they are fairly realistic, they are more 'EFL
like' in character than the reading texts. The exercises focus on understand
ing the information and also, usefully, on evaluating the quality of the
exchange. For example, a telephone conversation in Marketing, 6.B.2, gives
rise to the comprehension/interpretation questions 'How do you think the
supplier handled these telephone calls?' and 'How do you think the
customer handled these calls?' The answer in the key, appropriately enough
says, 'Up to you!' This is another way in which the series bridges the gap
between language training and Business Studies, and is an implied reference
to the communication section of the language reference book. As with the
reading texts, the exercises then focus on language items, word sttldy, and a
transfer activity.
A large part of the books is given over to a very wide variety of exercises:
comprehension, interpretations, gap-filling, evaluating, summarizing, word
study, report-writing, and many more. Not all of these are dynamic in
themselves; but the emphasis of the series is on the exchange of opinions on
the management content, leading to individual work on the language
We find this scries quite flexible. It is possible to delve in to any unit for an
appropriate text on a particular subject, and then refer back to Language
Reference for relevant language and communication items. You can follow
different paths through the books: you can focus only on the reading or the
listening texts if you wish, as each part of each unit stands alone. The series
can be used as a reference for someone on an immersion course, or as a
complete course for a Business Studies student.
Through its use of Business Studies and MBA-type texts, Business Manage
ment English has a weight found in few other Business English course
materials. Largely theory-based, it avoids discussion of particular products
Survey-revieu': tlVO series oj Business English materials
and services: all the topics raised in the discipline books can be applied to
the individual business and management interests of the learners, and this
gives the series greater flexibility than, say, the case study approach of
Business Assignments. It should not date too quickly.
For the business content, the authors have chosen to concentrate mainly on
'hard' issues-that is, those which are definable and quantifiable. The focus
on specific disciplines means there is little opportunity to raise wider
management issues such as strategic planning, or the implementation of
change within organizations, or the overall social and economic conditions
under which businesses operate-'softer' issues which are more difficult to.
define, and therefore naturally provoke discussion and speculation. In
deciding this format for the series, and in limiting themselves to Prentice
Hall texts, the authors have had to omit such thought-provoking authors as
Drucker, Handy, Peters, Adair, or Heller-writers whose work is increas
ingly on the reading lists of MBA and Business Studies students, and who
raise general management issues which have to be confronted in all
We would advise potential users not to be put off by the initial impression
of dryness and complexity. While many of the issues raised are indeed
complex, about 80 per cent of the content (at a rough estimate) is main
stream language teaching material which should not be alien to the
experienced trainer, the Business Studies trainee, or the management course
participant. With a little practice you can find your way around easily. The
series is entirely suitable for Business Studies students and professional
people on extensive courses, and can easily be 'dipped into' on short
intensive courses.
These books contain a wealth of information on the running of businesses.
However, even well-founded theories are open to interpretation. Language
trainers should see in this series many opportunities to facilitate the
presentation of arguments and the exchange of views, putting into practice
the communication skills outlined in the language reference volume.
Longman Business English Skill$
Longman Business English Skills is a three-level series comprising eight slim
volumes, each with an accompanying cassette: Pre-intermediate (Making
Contact and Exchanging Information}; Intermediate (Telephoning, Socia
lizing, Presenting Facts and Figures, and !vfeetings and Disclissions), and
Upper-intermediate/Advanced (Giving Presentations and Negotiating). The
division into revels is not rigid-for example, parts of Giving Presentations
could certainly be tackled at a lower level. However, the cassettes for the
highest-level books are faster-paced, and have longer listening passages.
202 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
Giving Presentations and Negotiating are also distinguished by the inclusion
of useful tips which go slightly beyond language training into the communi
cation training sphere. The first books in the series appeared in 1987 and the
latest in 1992, when the whole series was relaunched in colour.
The publishers state that 'This seriesis for business and professional people
who need to use English successfully at work. Through a series of carefully
guided activities [it] helps you develop appropriacy, fluency and confidence.'
The audio cassettes are central to the work in all the units, giving practice in
listening to language used in a variety of business situations. Each unit
presents language appropriate to a specific situation (e.g. in Making Contact
Unit 11, entitled 'Introducing others', we have 'explaining position' (i.e.
job), 'introducing', 'explaining job function', 'greeting'). There is practice in
using this language in controlled situations, and in using formal and
informal styles. Each situation has different objectives, but overall the
pattern is: listen; present language; practice; produce. It is possible to use
the material in classroom teaching, but the main bias is towards self-study.
While the books are all very similar in approach, they are organized slightly
differently. Answers are provided either at the back of the book, or after a
group of units, or (in the case of Negotiating) after each unit. The use of
colour, cartoons, wide margins with symbols or notes, and boxes with extra
information help to make the books attractive and inviting. Headers on
each page give unit or section titles, which are often language functions.
Every unit is constructed in a logical, 'building-block' style for self-study,
with task-based language exercises, and plenty of listening tasks which use a
variety of international accents. This tightly-controlled approach means the
series can be a useful support to newly qualified teachers, but the lack of an
interactive dynamic makes it rather dry and repetitive for classroom work.
Exercises follow a consistent pattern in each book. In Socializing, for
example, the pattern is 'Background' (a few tines introducing the listening
passage); 'Comprehension check' (using the cassette); 'Focus on language'
(gap-filling with prompts in the margin pointing out discourse functions);
'Language summary' (function-based tasks, e.g. 'Thanking people for
hospitality' in Unit 5); and 'Practice' (responding to discourse function
prompts, e.g. 'thank your host (you don't know this person very well)' to
elicit '[t was very kind of you to invite me'). Pronunciation exercises are
prominent only in Telephoning.
The two higher-level books are a little less dry. To counteract the lack of
real exchange, Negotiating incorporates 'self-record' prompts with a micro
phone symbol, to encourage learners to speak on cassette instead of simply
writing in the book. This idea could usefully be incorporated throughout
the series. Giving Presentations includes a certain amount of guidance on
Sliney-review: tlt'O series of Business English materials
presentation skills in the form of checklists (e.g. on 'Involving the audience'
in Unit 1 or 'Using visuals' in Unit 4). Negotiating contains a 'Cross-cultural
summary' in each unit, which is an attempt to raise awareness of these
issues in negotiating across national boundaries. We have reservations
about some of the generalizations involved here-for example, is it really
true that in American culture, 'meaning is mainly conveyed through words
... (and) relatively little is left to be understood from the context'? (p.2?) In
explaining their approach to the question of negotiation, the authors refer
to the Harvard Negotiation Project, and state; that. their emphasis is on
'pursuing your own interests while maintaining good human relations with.
people whose interests conflict with yours.' This means that learners who
seek to emulate the Arthur Scargill stabbing-finger style, or the Margaret
Thatcher handbagging style, will not find appropriate language exponents
here. 'No way!', or 'You're off your trolley!', or 'You must be joking!' are
rendered as 'I'm afraid we couldn't accept that' and 'I'd say that was the
least favourable option for us.' Negotiation can be competitive as well as
co-operative, but this is not reflected in the book.
Units in the books can be used in any order, and are complete in themselves.
However, flexibility within each unit is very limited, as each task builds
progressively on the last.
The series is designed to look attractive to business people, with high
quality back-lit cover photographs replacing the harsher, rather dated
pictures of earlier editions. Page layout is lively. Unit themes are appro
priate, and cover a range of communication skills quite thoroughly. The
content of the series has not dated appreciably and does not look likely to
do so.
The step-by-step approach is very supportive of both learner and teacher.
However, the experienced teacher who does not need such a tight frame
work could find this too restrictive. At the same time, less linguistically
inclined learners using the books for self-study may have difficulty in
dealing with some of the discourse analysis prompts. Nevertheless, learners
who work through the books will get a sense of havirig studied English, and
will have listened and read a lot. They can see what they are going to learn,
follow a predictable pattern, and feel comfortable within a safe framework.
They come out armed with a bank of functional language.
What the series does not do, given its self-study bias, is challenge the learner
to be inventive or creative with the language, or give reat experience of
coping in the target situation, possibly under pressure. There is little which
engages the intellect of the learner beyond functional description and
analysis of the language. Even in the higher-level Negotiating, there are no
role plays to put the language learned into practice. For appropriate
204 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
support in creating and facilitating real exchanges in the classroom context,
the trainer will need to look elsewhere.
The BME series and the LBES series set out to achieve very different aims,
and do so in very different ways. In some senses, they are complementary:
what is played down in one series is played up in the other. For example,
LBES has virtually no 'business information' content, whereas BME has a
great deal. On the other hand, BME simply lists appropriate language
exponents for, say, telephoning, in a five-page section of the Language
Reference volume, whereas LBES covers 'them step-by-step. In other ways,
their respective philosophies are quite opposed: BM works downwards from
whole texts, whereas LBES works upwards from component phrases.
Paradoxically, LBES, which concentrates on interaction, contains very little
truly interactive material, because it is designed for self-study; whereas
BME, although it focuses largely on description, provides opportunities for
presentations and discussions in the classroom. In Table 1 we summarize
the relative strengths of the two series as we see them.
Whereas both series should clearly be on the shelves of any Business English
training centre, the choice of which to use in any particular situation will
depend on the nature of the participants and the aims of the course or
Table 1: relative strengths
Use with Business Studies students
Use with business and professional people
Core material in Business Studies English course
Core material in short intensive course
Back-up material in short intensive course
Provide business background knowledge
Comprehensive language reference
Study interactive language functions in detail
Present and discuss business management questions
Dynamic frameworks for extended interaction
Listening passages
Reading texts
Analyse discourse in detail
Intrinsic interest of subject matter
Support to teachers: discourse analYSis
Support to teachers: business background
Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
Survey-review: two series of Business English materials
1 For a list of Business English teacher training courses, see the ARELS/IATEFL
publication English for Business: Survey of teacher training, available from
ARELS, 2 Pontypool Place, Valentine Place, London SEI 8QF.
Adam, J. H. 1985. Concise Dictionary of Business English. Harlow: Longman.
Brieger, N., J. Comfort, S. Hughes and C. West. 1987. Business Contacts. Hemel
Hempstead: Prentice Halt
Casler, K. and D. Palmer. 1989. Business Assignments. Oxford: Oxford University
Hollett, V. 1991. Business Objectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Murphy, R. 1985. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The reviewers
Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan hold qualifications in modern languages, education,
TEFL, and business management, and have trained in interpersonal skills with the
Human Potential Resource Group of the University of Surrey. They are the authors
of Business English Teacher's Resource Book (Longman, 1992) and English for
Business: Survey of Teacher Training (ARELSjIATEFL, 1993). As partners in
Abbey Communication Training, they provide intensive English language and
communication skills courses, trainer training courses, and consultancy services for
business and industry.
206 Bill Reed and Sharon Nolan
10 No teacher is an island: some
approaches to sharing ideas
10.1 Overview
This chapter will explore some ways in which involvement in action
research can help us break out of the isolation of the teacher's role and
tap into the expertise of the wider language teaching community. Two
aspects of this process will be discussed:
1 . making use of the ideas, insights and fipdings of colleagues, other
teachers, writers and researchers;
2. sharing your own ideas, insights and findings with others.
Although it is convenient in some ways to separate these two aspects,
they are very often also complementary and simultaneous activities.
10.2 'No teacher is an island'
There is a sense in which the heading of this section is actually not true.
Paradoxically, although teachers by definition spend their lives in the
company of others (sometimes a very large company, if we think of the
size of certain classes!), it is in many ways a lonely profession. Apart
from team teaching, which only affects a few teachers and then usually
for brief periods, most teachers face their classes alone. Our lapses and
failings very often do not come to the attention of our peers (merci
fully!); but on the other hand our successes are also usually unnoticed
and therefore ignored by those colleagues whose good opinion we
would value.
Apart from personal and morale considerations, this professional:
isolation is ultimately a barrier to professional development. I would
suggest that action research can be a helpful means to break down the
professional isolation just referred to.
Notice that I said 'can be' not 'will be'. It is possible, of course, for
action research to be a totally private activity. As a practising teacher, 1:
can decide to investigate some aspect of my own teaching, collect the
relevant data and analyse it, come to certain conclusions, and keep
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
whatever findings I have arrived at completely to myself. Indeed a lot of
the reflection we do on our own practice is of this purely private nature.
However, if all our professional development were of this kind, we
would surely be unnecessarily handicapping ourselves, as well as
depriving ourselves of a lot of stimulus and interest. Being aware of
other colleagues' ideas can give us a fresh slant on problems and ideas
for our own action research, to say nothing of the saving of time when
solutions are presented to us ready-made. Similarly, sharing our own
ideas with others can be beneficial in many obvious ways. Sometimes,
the mere necessity of having to articulate our ideas to an audience can
help us to develop them in ways that might not otherwise have
happened. The feedback from. colleagues can be motivating and
rewarding, as well as providing the basis for further reflection. These
points may seem so self-evident that they hardly need stating, but the
fact remains that the amount of 'sharing of ideas' that takes place
among language teachers is probably far less than it could and should
be. This may be for a number of reasons, among them, pressure of
work, lack of motivation or reward for professional development,
natural diffidence, professional insecurity, and so on. In other words
some of the inhibiting factors are organisational and some are personal:
but, whatever their origin, their continued existence must be a source of
regret. The greatest share of responsibility for improving this situation
must rest with management and with training institutions, but in at
least some teaching contexts there also exists the opportunity for
individual initiative. The rest of this chapter makes some suggestions as
to how that individual initiative might be exercised. Let us start by
thinking about collaborative action research.
10.3 Collaborative action research
Again we run into a paradox, for one of the most effective ways of
exercising our individual initiative in the context of action research is
through collaboration! Collaboration can be with:
- our students
- colleagues in the same department/school/institution
- colleagues outside our own school/institution
- colleagues with a different area of expertise (e.g. teacher and trainer;
teacher and full-time researcher; teacher and manager, etc.)
- colleagues in other disciplines (e.g. foreign language teacher/mother
tongue teacher) "'
- colleagues in other countries
Let us now look at some of these possibilities:
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
1. Collaboration with students We have frequently noted (e.g.
Sections 3.17, 5.10) that there are ways in which getting our
students involved in the action research may benefit both them
selves and us. With regard to compositioI), for example, researching
their own writing processes and comparihg the results could be, for
students at a certain level, a very helpful exercise. It may also
benefit us as teachers by giving us insights into how our students
2. Collaboration with colleagues in the same department/school/
institution The main advantage here is ease of contact. Proximity
means that it is more convenient when planning activities and
analysing data. It may also make certain kinds of data collection
easier (e.g. observing one another's classes).
3. Collaboration with colleagues outside our school/institution
Teachers who collaborate in action research with colleagues in
other institutions often remark how stimulating it is to get insights
from fellow-professionals operating in different contexts.
4. Collaboration with colleagues with a different area of expertise
This kind of collaboration can lead to useful division of labour. For
example, collaboration between a teacher and a trainer can lead to
the pooling of different kinds of data, or the trainer may have
access to better reference facilities. The danger here is that the
teacher can end up in the role of the 'junior partner', rather than at
least an equal partner.
S. Collaboration with colleagues in other countries This is becoming
much more possible with facilities such as e-mail and the Internet.
Again, interesting comparative and contrastive data could be found
(e.g. some action research done in another country to see if the
results are similar). Also foreign language and mother tongue
comparisons of, for example, reading and writing processes can be
set up.
10.4 Advantages and disadvantages of
collaborative action research
There are three advantages of collaborative action research. They may
be characterised as:
1. Depth and coverage The more people are involved in an action
research project, the more data can be gathered, either in depth
(e.g. a single case study) or in coverage (e.g. several complementary
case studies; a bigger population), or in both.
2. Validity and reliability Involving others makes it easier to investi
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches. to sharing ideas
gate an issue from different angles, perhaps using different research
techniques (i.e. using triangulation, as we discussed in Section 3.3).
Triangulation should make our findings more reliable, and sub
jecting them to different people's scrutiny within the action research
team should help to make the findings more valid.
3. Motivation Perhaps the most important aspect, though, is that, if
the 'vibes' are right (i.e. if the group dynamic is positive), working
as a member of a team is much more motivating than working on
our own. We are much more likely to follow through on the action
research tasks we set ourselves if others are there to spur us on.
There are, of course, potential disadvantages in collaborative action
research. You have probably heard stories of friendly colleagues who
have never spoken to one another again after going on a holiday
together! The same thing is possible in an activity like action research
which can make unusual demands of a professional relationship. This is
something you have to consider when deciding on whether to seek
collaborators within, say, your own department or further afield. I have
already mentioned the potential problem of status when professionals
with different kinds of expertise come together.
Perhaps the solution is to spend. time discussing the ground rules:
- What are we trying to do?
- Why are we doing this? (Do we share the same motivation, or do we
have different motivations?) .
- How are we going to do it? (Who does what and when?)
- How much time are we each prepared to spend on this?
- How often do we meet, where and when?
- What is the end product going to be? (A talk or article, or simply a
shared experience?)
10.5 Commentary (Personal Review 10.1)
If you have been able to respond to this 'Personal review' section, you
may have felt that the next suggested step would be to find a
collaborator and begin In fact, we ali know that collabora
tion rarely comes about in such a logical, calcufating way. It is much
more likely to arise from discovering a shared concern or enthusiasm in
the course of a conversation, or while participating, say, in an in-service
The intention of the 'Personat review' section is simpfy to alert you to
some of the ground-rules that might be usefully established before you
1 get launched on a collaborative action research project. Even close
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.1: Collaborative Research
1 . Note down one or more action research topics that you are
2. For each topic, note down a list of potential collaborators or
types of collaborators (e.g. 'someone who knows about
management') .
3. Write down what form you see the collaboration taking in
terms of:
- your contribution
- col\aborator's/collaborators' contribution(s)
- how much time you are prepared to spend on the topic
- how much time you expect collaborator(s) to spend on
the topic
- how you expect the collaboration to be structured (e.g.
arrangements for meetings)
If you are working in a group, discuss with one or more
members how you could collaborate with each other on your
projects. This is just an exercise, so you don't have to follow
through (but you never know . . .J.
colleagues working together can have totally different expectations and
level of commitment - and grief lies in that direction. It is much better
to have a frank and full discussion of what is involved before anyone
commits too much of their own time and resources.
Next we will look at some other ways of sharing ideas, which you
can use whether or not you are involved in a collaborative arrangement.
10.6 Sources of ideas
The most congenial way of getting ideas about teaching methods and
materials is probably in informal conversation with colleagues. fiirst
hand recommendations from colleagues are very often highly r e l e v a n ~
because they spring from our immediate environment and teaching
context. Further, being personally acquainted with the person origi
nating the idea, we will probably have a shrewd notion as to whether it
might suit us, or whether it may be actually a function of our colleague's
perhaps quite different personality.
Thanks to the miracle of modern electronic technology, it is possible
for those who have the appropriate hardware and software to have
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
something approximating to this kind of informal professional discus
sion on a national or international scale using the Internet. This can be
done through electronic mail ('e-mail') or by accessing electronic
discussion lists. One such list (known as 'TESL-L') had in 1997 a
membership of over 19,000 members in 90 countries, thus creating, in
Ricardo Calil's words, 'a virtual community of professionals where
contact and interaction are facilitated, and a vast amount of infor
mation and knowledge are brought together to be shared' (see Calil (a)
and (b), 1995; Carrier, 1997).
Another popular way of getting ideas is from talks or workshops.
Again, this has the advantage of allowing some degree of personal'
acquaintance. Just by listening to the speaker, we form some kind of
impression of their teaching style and whether what works for them
might also work for us. In a workshop setting we might even have a
chance to tryout teaching materials, or put ideas into action. There is
often an opportunity to ask questions or discuss problems.
One of the best ways of getting involved in talks and workshops is
through membership of a teachers' EFL organisation. Large inter
national organisations such as IATEFL or TESOL International, and
their affiliates, spring to mind, but there are obviously others. Within
the larger organisations there also tend to be special interest groups
(SIGs) devoted to, say, Computer Assisted Learning or Teacher Devel
Another source of ideq,s;i can come from teachers' programmes on
radio or television, especially if we can record them for repeated
The most readily accessible supply of new ideas is probably to be
found in written sources such as books, magazines, and journals. A
magazine like Modern English Teacher (MET) may be a rich source of
ideas for practising teachers who might not think of themselves as
'researchers', but who are nevertheless very much open to new techni
ques and approaches. An example article has been reproduced at the
end of this chapter (second article, by Douglas Buckeridge).
Clearly it would not be too difficult to generate data from the kind of
activity that Douglas Buckeridge describes. We could, for example, turn
some of the interviewers into for the local 'ELT Radio
Station', duly equipped with small portable audio cassette recorders.
The quantity and quality of the recorded interaction could be analysed
using techniques that we have discussed earlier in this book (see
Chapter 6). Student reactions to the technique could be assessed using
questionnaires and interviews. The written fonow-up activity ('Step
three' - short paragraphs concerning what the students have in
common) could also provide data. You may have thought of other
10 No teacher;s an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.2: Practical Ideas from
1 . Read the article from MET by Douglas Buckeridge at the
end of the chapter, and think about these issues:
a) What was the main 'message' that the writer was trying
to get across?
b) Was the message clear, or was the article in any way
confusing or ambiguous?
2. How (a) useful and (b) relevant in your situation would you
reckon the suggestions presented in this article to be?
3. If the answers to the previous question were positive to at
least some degree, would you use the ideas exactly as they
are described here, or would you modify them in some
way? If so, in what ways? .
4. Now you can try on your 'teacher as action researcher' hat!
Certain claims are made in this article, either explicitly or in
an implied way, for the benefits and effectiveness of the
technique described. H,ow would you go about collecting
data on the effectiveness/appropriacy, etc. of this
technique in your own situation?
Finally, this article may also have given you further ideas. For
example, what about devising contexts for teaching and learning
comparatives instead of superlatives? What about getting students to
generate their own sets of questions (see 'Step one')? What about
creating lists ( 'The five things I value most'; 'The four household chores
I like least'; and so on)? Notice that Douglas Buckeridge was motivated
to write this article by something he read by Gertrude Moskowitz
(1978), and also other writings by Klippel (1984) and Ur (1989). You
could be stimulated by his article to write something that wiH interest
other teachers, who may in their turn want to share their ideas in print:
and so a very productive kind of chain reaction is set up which benefits
everyone involved.
10.7 Literature search
So far, we have been looking at ways of getting hold of ideas in a rather
informal, unstructured way, or being fortunate enough to come across a
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
suggestion that motivates or intrigues you. It is also possible to tap into
other people's ideas in a much more directed and purposeful fashion. To
do this you have to have a focus or specific area of interest. The article
we have just been looking at contains a number of overlapping areas of
possible focus, for example:
- grammar
- grammar practice
- grammar practice acti vi ties
- motivation
- affective dimension
- OpI1l10n gap
- conversation/discussion activities
Let us say that you decided that you wanted to know more about
'grammar practice activities'. What are the other possibilities for ways
of practising grammar? Maybe you would like to expand your reper
toire in this area. What is the next step? Well, of course, you could think
up your own activities: but perhaps you don't have too many ideas.
One way forward would be to start searching out other ideas in a
systematic way by trying to find out what has been written on this topic.
You have now embarked on what is sometimes called a literature
search. This term has little to do with literature in its usual sense, as in
language and literature, but actually means a search for the books,
articles and other writings which may have a bearing on the research
area that you are interested in. There are various ways in which you can
go about this, partly dependent upon the resources you have at your
disposal. The basic requirement is that you should have access, directly
or indirectly, to a reasonably well-stocked library.
Very often the starting point for a literature search is a bibliography
or list of references attached to an article that has caught your interest.
If YOli were interested in doing action research in the area covered by
the article by Buckeridge, for example, the references to Klippel (1984),
Moskowitz (1978), and Ur (1992) might be well worth following lip. If
you succeeded in getting hold of any or all of these books, they might
lead you on to other references in their bibliographies. So, bibliogra
phies can have a 'ripple' or 'chain' eHect, one set of references leading
you on to another.
Knowing the title is not much good to you unless your library stocks
the book. In my experience, most librarians take pride in theif ability to
help tserious' readers find what they are looking for. In any case, there
should be an author catalogue and/or title cata/ogue which helps you to
track down the book you are after. The catalogue will have a shelf-mark
which will tell you where the title you are looking for is located.
Sometimes there is also a subject catalogue where all the books relating
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
to the' same or similar topics are grouped together. (In the Dewey
Decimal System, for example, aU the books about Language are
grouped under 400-499.) Many libraries now have computer-accessed
catalogues, which make life even easier: all you have to do is type in the
author's name, and the availability of the books by that author held in
the library is shown on the monitor screen. Similarly, it is usually
possible to type in subject headings (such as those we listed for the MET
article), and any relevant titles will be displayed. If your library does not
have the book you are after, it may be able toget it from another library
on inter-library loan.
Very often, the best source of ideas is from magazines and journals.
They cover a wider range of topics, are sometimes more specialised, and
very often more up-to-date. You may already subscribe to one or more
journals, and, if you do, it is worthwhile holding on to back copies for
future reference: even language teaching association newsletters can
come in handy for references, as well as useful contacts. Remember that
the value of an article is not just in the article itself, but in the further
references that very often go with it.
10.8 Other sources
If you are involved in some action research which you intend to write
up in a journal (or perhaps for a higher degree) then you may want a
wider range of references, or you may want to be fairly confident that
there. are no major references that you have overlooked. Before you get
started on this, you should have decided:
- the specific topic areas you are interested in;
- how far back you want to go for your sources: five years? seven
years? Obviously the wider the scope of your enquiry, the more work
will be involved, and the more time it will take;
- what kind of sources you are interested in: books? articles? theses/
Once you are clear about the kind of information you are looking for,
you will find that there are basical1y two kind's of support that you can
- lists of sources which give you only the bibliographicat information
that you need to locate any source you are interested in;
- lists of sources which, in addition to the above, also provide an
a bstract or summary of the main points in each source.
Such a list of sources could be seen as a kind of 'database'. Obviously,
databases which provide abstracts can save you a lot of time (e.g. in
1.0 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.3: Source Material- Books and
The purpose of this 'Personal review' section is to encourage
you to make an inventory of the sources that are available to you
in terms of books, journals, magazines, newsletters, and so on.
1. What library facilities are available to you? If you live in a
large town, there may be public libraries, and also
university libraries, which may be open to you under
certain conditions.
2. What access, if any, do these libraries give you to other
libraries (e.g. through inter-library loan)?
3. Within any library you have access to, do you know what
catalogues there are, and how they work?
4. Does the library have a readers' adviser, or an assistant
who is willing to help?
5. Do you know what system the library uses for organising
its collection of books? rfhese are sometimes called shelf
mark systems. One common shelf-mark system is the
Dewey Decimal System. It is called a decimal system,
because it divides all human knowledge in ten areas; each
of these is subdivided into ten areas; and so on.)
6. Do you know the main shelf marks associated with
language teaching? (For example, in the Dewey Decimal
System a lot of ELT Methodology texts will be found under
section 428.) Don't forget. however, that there may be
books that are very relevant to your interests in other
areas. For example, if you are interested, let us say, in the
management of an ELT department, you may find some
useful ideas from books located in the business studies
section. Similarly, if you are interested in motivating
students to learn language, you are almost certain to find
helpful texts in the psychology section.
7. What magazines and journals does the library hold in the
area of language teaching? Which of them are likely to be
of use to you? (For example, they may be too 'academic'
or too 'popular' for your purposes.) Do they contain
regularly updated indexes of tOPICS that have appeared in
the journal?
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
8. As I indicated ill (6) above, not all human wisdom resides
in the discipline of ELTI Make a list of journals, etc. in
related areas that may be worth your while looking at from
time to time (e.g. business studies, psychology, or
9. Have you come across any surveY.Brticles in an area you
are interested in? These are articles which are intended to
give comprehensive and authoritative overviews about the
current 'state of the art' in a particular area. The.potential
usefulness of such articles, if they relate to an area you
are interested in, is obvious.
10. Is there any professional journal that you subscribe to, or
would consider subscribing to? You are more likely to
contribute to a journal that you are 'at home' with
because you read It regularly.
sorting out the sources that are really relevant and/or useful from those
that are not). Even in the case ofrelevantfuseful sources, the-abstract
may provide you with enough information for you not to have to read
the original source. (This can be especially useful in the case of
dissertations or theses, which are often quite difficult to get hold of.)
If you identify sources which you want to read in fuU, then you have
to check for their availability or, failing that, order them through inter
library loan if that service is available to you.
There are four main ways of accessing databases:
- by means of print medium
- electronically, by means of CD-ROM
- electronically, on-line (i.e. by direct contact with the source database
[perhaps via the Internet]) .
- by means of microfiche
In the future, it will probably be the case that all major databases (and,
indeed, all major reference works) will be available on CD-ROM,
partly because that takes up much less storage space than in print
medium, but also because it is usualiy much faster to locate information
on electronic databases. It is usually possible to find what you are
looking for if you know either the author's name, or the title (or even a
keyword from the title), or the subject-matter (topic),
For books, many libraries will be able to give you access to national
andlor subject bibliographies, such as the BNE: British National
Bibliography (available either in print medium or CD-ROM), Whita
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
ker's Books in Print (UK books, on microfiche) and R. R. Bowker's
Books in Print (US books, also on microfiche}.
The Education Index (New York: H. W. Wilson) formerly listed only
journals, but from September 1995 it has also listed books. It provides
very useful short abstracts. A similar publication is the Current Index to
Journals in Education (Phoenix, Arizona: Oryx).
Another useful source, available on CD-ROM, is the ERIC database
(Washington, DC: US Dept. of Education, Educational Resources
Information Centre). As well as listing articles etc., ERIC also lists its
own documents on various educational topics. It also provides short
abstracts of all the references it lists. Although a US publication, ERIC
lists many international sources. There is additionally another database,
also available on CD-ROM, called International ERIC, which lists
sources from the Australian, British and Canadian Education Indexes. It
does not, however, provide abstracts. For an example of information
provided by each of these databases, both with reference to the same
source, see Figure 10. 1.
If you wish your search to cover theses and dissertations as well, a
very useful international source that is available in a variety of media is
Dissertation Abstracts International (print medium), Dissertation Ab
stracts On Disc (CD-ROM) and Dissertation Abstracts On-line. This
database provides usually very full abstracts, which can sometimes
provide you with all the information you need. There are also national
databases: for example, for the UK there is the ASLIB Index to Theses
(available in print medium and CD-ROM). .
For many teachers who are involved in research, or who simply wam
to keep up with 'what's new', a very convenient type of database will be
one which gives reasonably full abstracts of new publications in their
own subject-area. For language teachers, a good example of this type of
database is Language Teaching: The International Abstracting Journal
for Language Teachers and Applied Linguists (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press), A sample page of this database is reproduced in
Figure 10.2. (PERSONAL REVIEW lOA, which follows on after Figure
10.2, relates to 'Using Databases'.)
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
i) 5 of 5 Complete Record
00173949 British Education Index (BEl)
Creative writing in foreign language teaching
Morgan Carol
Journal Name: Language Learning Journal; No.lO: Sep 94
Publication Year(s): 1994
Physical Description: p4447
British Library Document Supply Centre Shelfmark: 5155.710200
Language: English
Country of Publication: England
. Notes: Secondary Education
Descriptors: Modern Language Studies; Creative Writing; Poetry
ii) 5 of 5 Complete Record
EJ506765 FL524808
Creative Writing in Foreign Language Teaching.
Morgan, Carol .
Language Learning Journal, nl0 p4447 Sep 1994
ISSN: 0957-1736
Language: English
Document Type: NON-CLASSROOM MATERIAL (055);
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV95
Discusses the use of creative writing in second language
classrooms, focusing on techniques that can help students construct
their own poetry and poem-like creations in the target language.
Maintains that student poetry can help enliven the classroom
experience and allow students to express their own ideas.
(39 references) (MDM)
Descriptors: *Classroom Techniques; *Creative Writing;
Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language);
FLES; Language Usage; *Poetry; *Second Language Instruction;
Student Attitudes
Figure 10.1 Records from (i) International Eric and (ii) Eric Databases
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Teaching particular languages
95-445 Abuhamdia, Zakaria A. Coordination in ESL writing: is its use
culture-specific? Multilingua (Amsterdam), 14,1 (1996),25-37.
It has repeatedly been claimed in the take into consideration facts about the
literature on ESL writing and rhetoric overuse of coordination by other groups
that excessive coordination as a means of learners of written English, including
of structural linkage typifies Arab ESL native speakers of English at a certain
writing. The interpretation generally stage of acquiring the appropriate
given attributes this norm-deviant norms of discourse: This paper examines
feature in writing to the learners' native the role of other intervening variables
language, viz. Arabic. While this feature and concludes that the use of coordina
appears to be dominant in Arabic, the tion is more universal than the culture
negative transfer explanation does not specific position argues.
96-446 Balcom, Patricia and Kozar, Seana. An ESP speaking course
for international graduate students. TESt Canada Journal (Montreal), 12, 1
(1994), 58-68.
A critical issue in English for Academic
Purposes (EAP), is whether a 'wide
angle' or more discipline-specific
approach should be taken. If a course
attempts to address students' needs in
their area of study, even an EAP-trained
teacher cannot be conversant with the
concepts, issues, vocabulary, and dis
course in a variety of scientific fields,
especially with students at the graduate
level. This article describes an academic
speaking programme in which inler
national graduate students are grouped
according to their academic discipline
(e.g. hydrology, chemistry, pharmacy)
and participate in activities that simulate
situations where they need to use
English in their academic programmes.
In such a situation, the peer group
members are the content experts, pro
viding discipline-specific guidance and
discussion, whereas the ESL teacher is
the language expert, helping the students
in the areas of organisation, grammar,
pronunciation and presentation skills.
95-447 Sax, Stephen (Canterbury Christ Church CoiL). Language
across the. curriculum in an ESL context how teachers deal with difficult
texts. Language, Culture and' Curriculum (Clevedon, Avon), 7, 3 (1994),
This article addresses the use of English
to teach 'content' subjects across the
curriculum, and the ways in which
English language teachers operate in
such circumstances. In particular, it ex
amines how South African teachers,
working in situations where English is a
second language, approach the teaching
of a 'content' lesson based on a Geog
raphy text Although their strategies are
useful in some areas, the range and
variety of their approaches could be
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
extended, perhaps through training. medium of instruction, and for English
This has implications for the many other teachers and teacher trainers in those
contexts around the world where countries.
English is being used or introduced as a
95-448, Ernst, Gisela (Washington State U.). 'Talking circle': conversa
tion and negotiation in the ESl classroom. TESOL Quarterly (Washington,
DC), 28, 2 (1994), 2 9 3 ~ 3 2 2 .
Language classrooms are often said to
provide little opportunity for student-
generated talk and meaningful use of
language. However, this research shows
that one classroom event, the talking
circle, can provide a rich opportunity for
students to extend their receptive and
productive repertoires in the L2. More
over, this type of instructional activity
creates opportunities for learners to
engage in meaningful communication,
on the one hand, and to practice recently
acquired social and linguistic know
ledge, on the other. Both are appropriate
activities for the L2 classroom. Results
of a microethnographic analysis of one
talking circle in an elementary ESL
classroom are examined in relation to
specific academic. social, and communi
cative requirements that constrain or
enhance language use and language
learning. Discussion of these results
illustrates the value of ethnographic
research in increasing our understanding
of talk and interaction in L2 classrooms.
Figure 10.2 Sample page from Language Teaching.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.4: Using Databases
1. Compare the two entries in Figure 1 0.1. They are both
about the same article. Which one do you find more
2. Find out what databases are available to you. Pick a topic
that you are interested in, and compare the information
provided by the different databases.
3. The purpose of the next task is to increase your awareness
of the advantages and limitations of abstracts. Look at the
four sources listed in the extract from Language Teaching
reproduced in Figure 10.2. Pick -the one which interests you:
most and read the abstract Does the abstract tell you
everything you want to know about thiS article?
If not, what information is lacking, in your view? Do the
same for any 01 the other articles that interest you. Which
of the original articles are available"to you, either locally or
through inter-library loan?
4. How enlightening/frustrating did you find this task?
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
10.9 Decision time .
In the previous four sections we have been looking at ways in which you
can get ideas from written sources. At this point you have to decide how
you see yourself sharing your own ideas (and perhaps your views on
other people's ideas) with colleagues.
You may either:
a) be thinking of some kind of a fairly formal presentation (e.g. at a
conference, or for an academic qualification); or
b) have decided that, if you share your thoughts with anyone at ali, it.
will be in an informal setting.
If you are going to do the former, then you may find the (fairly
technical) advice given in Sections 10.10-10.15 which follow of some
If you are not contemplating this kind of formal presentation, then
you should go on to Section 10.16, which gives a few hints on
presentations in generaL
10.10 Logging sources
If you are going to be involved in any kind of long-term action, which
involves scanning and reading many resources, it will save you much
time and not a little frustration if you are organised from the beginning
in the way that you log, or keep a systematic record of, these sources
that you have spent your valuable time tracking down and studying.
Unless you are very organised, it will almost inevitably happen that you
will want to refer again to something that you read some time ago, and
you will not be able to remember where you read it. This has happened
at some time to most people involved in research, and it can be most
exasperating. How can you avoid this happening to you?
10.11 Source cards: Books
As we have already said, the secret is to be organised. The technique
used by many researchers is the use of source card's. (If you have access
to a worciprocessor, you might find it more convenient to make up your
own database of sources on the wordprocessor. Don't forget to save
your records! Whichever method you use, you wil,l be logging the same
kind of information.) On the source cards (or wordprocessor database)
you must record all the bibliographical information rdating to the book
or article, which simply means aU the information required so that you,
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
or someone else, will be able to locate the ,book or artiCle again. Source
cards can be any convenient size. Most people use cards that measure
about 5 inches by 3 inches (128 mm x 76 mm).
For a book the required information is:
- the author's name or the editor's name (or the authors'/editors'
names, if there is more than one)
- the title of the book
- the year when it was published
- the city where it was pu blished
- the name of the publisher
There are no rules about how you put this information on source cards,
because these cards are for your own private use. It would probably be
useful, though, to set out the information in the way that you are going
to present it for your own bibliography or list of references. (We will be
coming back to this issue later.)
The information you need will be found on the title page and the
i1nprint page of the book. (The imprint page usually comes immediately
after the title page.)
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.5: Logging a Book Source
Look at Figure 10.3, where you will find the title page and the
imprint page of a book. Get hold of some blank source cards
and see if you can record on one of them the bibliographical
information you would need for that book.
Then do the same for the present book that you are reading
just now.
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
Series Editor: Derrick Sharp
Introspection in Second
Language Research
Edited by
Claus Faarch and:
Gabriel'e Kasper
Clevedon . Philadelphia
F.igure 10.3 Sample title/imprint pages
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Frerch, Claus.
Introspection in second language research.
(Multilingual matters; v. 30)
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Language and languages-Study and teaching
Psychological aspects. 2. Second language acquisition
Methodology. 3. Introspection. I. Kasper, Gabriele.
II. Title. III. Series.
P53.7.F34 1987 40)'.9 87-7647
ISBN 0-905028-73-2
ISBN 0-905028-72-4 (pbk.)
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Introspection in second language research.
(Multi1ingual matters; 30)
1. Second language acquisition
I. Frerch, Claus II. Kasper, Gabriele
III. Series
418'.007 Pl18.2
ISBN 0-905028-73-2
ISBN 0-905028-72-4 Pbk
Multilingual Matters Ltd,
Bank House, 8a Hill Road, & 242 Cherry Street,
Clevedon, Avon BS21 7HH Philadelphia, PA 19106-1906,
England. U.S.A.
Copyright 1987 C. Frerch, G. Kasper,
K. Anders Ericsson, H. A. Simon, R. Grotjahn,
A. D. Cohen, H. W. Dechert, A. Holscher, D. Mohle,
P. Gerloff. H. P. Krings. R. Zimmermann. K. P. Schneider.
K. Haastrup" N. Poulissc, T. Bongacns, E. Kellerman,
M. C. Cavalcanti, U. Feldmann, B. Stemmer and B. Gillette.
All rights reserved. No part of this work
may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without permission in writing from the publisher.
Typeset by Photo-graphics, Honiton, Devon.
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Short Run Press, Exeter, EX2 7LW.
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
The cards you made for the last 'Personal review' section may have
looked something like this:
Faerch, C. and Kasper, G. (eds.) (1987)
Introspection in Second Language Research
ClevedonIPhiladelphia: Multilingual Matters
Wallace, M.J. (1998)
Action Research for Language Teachers
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Don't worry, however, if your cards didn't look exactly like this: the
main thing is to get down the information you are going to need. Don't
forget that the usual publishing convention is that titles are usually
underlined or else printed in italics, as they have been here.
10.12 Book references: some problems
It is not always easy to get the information you need from imprint
pages. Don't get confused between the publisher and the printer: the
publisher's name is usually at the bottom of the tide page. Some
publishers have offices in several cities world wide: you can just choose
the first city, or two if there are two. Also, it is not usual to record
words like Ltd. or Company after the name of the publisher.
10,.13 Source cards: Journals Ir
For a journal the information you should record is:
- author'slauthors' name(s);
- title of the article
- title of the journal in which it appeared
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
- month and year of publication (or exact date in the case of a news
paper, etc.)
- volume number and issue number
- pages of the article
Now let us try logging some journal articles.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.6: 'Logging a Journal Source
Take a blank card and make up a source card for the article at
the end of Chapter 5.
Make up another one for the MET article we were looking at
earlier in this chapter. Remember that the page numbers must
refer to the journal in which the articles were originally
published. You will find this information in the introduction to
the articles.
Your source cards might look something like this,:
Arndt, V. (1987)
Six writers in search of texts: A protocol-based
study of Ll and L2 writing
ELT Journal Vol 41/4
October 1987
pp. 257-267
Buckeridge, D. (1994)
Forging links: an idea for reviewing superlatives
... and a bit more!
Modern English Teacher Vol 3/3
July 1994
p p . 4 0 ~ 1
10'.14 Journal references: Some points to'
Remember that the title of a journal is like the title of a book, so it
should either be underlined or printed in italics.
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
The tide of the article itself can be left plain (as in the examples
above), or can be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
Different journals will require information displayed in different
ways, so it is better to have too much information than too little.
The source card is for your own use, so you may decide that you
want to display information differently (e.g. by recording the author's
first name, thus: Valerie ARNDT). On the other hand, if you are writing
a dissertation where you are going to have lots of references, it might be
wiser to record them in exactly the way required by your University
regulations. The main thing with the names of authors, editors and
publishers is - get them right! It is very easy to misspell a name you are
not familiar with.
All sorts of niggling problems of presentation can arise when you ;lre
recording references. Many of them can be resolved by looking at what
other contributors have done. Some journals issue would-be authors
with style sheets which explain exactly how references are to be written
up. If you are writing a dissertation, etc., your university will no doubt
provide detailed advice. Some useful guides in this area will be
recommended in the 'Suggestions for further reading' section.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.6: Listing References
We have just said that different publications have different rules.
so it is worthwhile studying published reference lists to see
'how it is done',
1', Go back again to Valerie Arndt's article (end of Chapter 5}
and look at the list of references at the end of the article,
Find an example of:
- a journal article by one author
- a joumal article by two authors
- a book written by several authors
- a book edited by one editor
- an article by two authors in a published collection of
- an unpublished paper presented at a conference.
2. What seem to be the conventions for this publisher with
regard to:
- displaying the name at one author/two authors/several
- indicating the year ot publication?
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
- displaying the title of an article?
- displaying the volume number, issue number and page
reference of a journal article? i;;
- recording an article in an edited book?
How you do? As I have said, these are very niggling issues, but you
will have to pay attention to such details if you think that you might
eventually want to publish something about your action research.
10.15 Reading and reacting
So far we have been discussing the mechanics of finding sources and
recording them, which is a necessary procedure, but not a very exciting
one. The main reason for searching the literature is to find authors you
can enter into a dialogue with, either by agreeing or disagreeing with
them; by being informed, intrigued, excited, outraged and sometimes,
we have to admit, baffled or bored. It is a dialogue, but something of a
one-way dialogue: although the author can ~ a l k to you, there is no way
that you can directly interact with him or her (until you have written an
article of your own, that is). If you possess your own copy of the book,
or a photocopy of the article, you can highlight bits that seem
important, and/or write comments in the margin. This is probably the
quickest and easiest way of reacting to a text. But note:
- you have to have your own copy of the text (which could be
expensive if you have many references);
- this process can be too easy. lance came across a second-hand copy
of a linguistics textbook, in which the student who had owned it had
highlighted almost every line! Used indiscriminately, highlighting or
underlining can become a mindless procedure which defeats its own
The next most popular technique which most people use is to take notes
in a notebook. The problem with this approach is that it is not very
flexible, if you are using many references. You may find that closely
related topics are scattered in widery separated parts of the notebook.
People who anticipate that they are going to have a lot of references
sometimes use notecards, with different cards for different topics. So
after reading an article, you may end up with several cards, each with a
different topic heading. The advantage of this system is that, after you
have read several articles or books, you can rearrange the card by topic.
The important thing to remember is that there must be enough
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
information on the notecard to lead you back to the original source,
and that means:
- author (etc.)
- year of publication
- page reference
The information could be displayed like this: Buckeridge (1994: 41). If
you have got a source card for the article, or you have a photocopy of it,
this should be enough to help you to identify it.
If you have a computer, it should also be possible to type entries
straight into an appropriate database, which can then be copied and
pasted as required. The usual precautions about making back-up discs
There is no 'best' way of storing your reactions to your reading: it
depends on a number of factors, some personal and some dependent on
how many references you are actually going to s t o r e ~ Obviously, the
more references you intend to have, the more systematic you are going
to have to be.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.7: Storing Reactions
You may have been a student once or you may be one now.
What are/were your preferred ways of storing your reactions to
what you read? Have you used any of the techniques we have
been discussing? How effective were those techniques? If you
don't already do so, would you consider using the notecard
system or (if you have access to a wordprocessor) a computer
10.16 Ways, of reacting
What is the nature of your dialogue with the writer? There are probably
three ways in which you wiH want to react:
1. The writer has said someth'ing that you may want to quote;
2. You may wish to summarise part of what the writer has to say, or
perhaps summarise the whole article, chapter, etc.;
3'. You may wish to record your own thoughts, views, etc. on some
thing the writer has said - this could obviously be combined with
either of the first two ways listed here.
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
The third possibility is, not problematic, and can be handled any way
you like. The first and s,econd possibilities require a bit more care:
1. Quotations Make sure that you quote exactly from the text. If
you decide to miss something out, use a certain number of dots (e.g.
three or four). If you decide to put something in, to make the
meaning of the quotation clearer, use square brackets.
Here is a notecard which gives a short quotation from p. 41 of
Buckeridge's article (from the section. that begins 'Step three').
'While there is no specific time limit imposed on step two of
this activity [i.e. moving around the class asking questionsJ,
it is a good idea to provide for some feedback time in the
latter part of the lesson ... Also, as a follow-up, they could
write some short paragraphs about what they and other
students have in common.'
Buckeridge, D. (1994: 41)
2. Summaries Good summaries are not always-easy tb write. Make
sure that your sumrrfary is a faithful reflection of what the writer
actually said. Be careful to separate out your own views from his or
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.8: References in the Text
Let us look at how writers incorporate references into their text.
Turn back to Sara Cotterall's article at the end of Chapter 8,
and look again , ~ t her first section: 'Why is autonomy
1. Which of the possibilities that we have been discussing (i.e.
quotations/summaries/own views) does Cotterall use in this
section of her article? Give examples.
2. What 'rules' for using quotations could you derive from this
3. What is Cotterall trying to do in this section, and how do
her sources help her?
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
10.17 Commentary
This extract from Catterall repays careful study, as it is a good example
of the effective use of sources. She certainly uses the first two possi
bilities, and arguably also uses the third.
Catterall seems to be trying to do two things in this section:
1. to define what is meant by the term learner autonomy; and
2. to say why learner autonomy is a desirable thing.
The definition she takes care of by using a quotation (from Baud, 1988).
But she also expands and clarifies Baud's definition, by adding some'
examples of her own.
In response to the question posed in her sub-heading (Why is
autonomy desirable?), she advances three kinds of reasons: philosophi
cal, pedagogical and practical. The philosophical argument she supports
with summaries from Knowles (1975) and Littlejohn (1985). The
pedagogical argument is supported by a quotation from Candy (198B),
and a summary of a point made by Joiner, which was itself referred to
by another writer, McCafferty (1981), who is Cotterall's actual refer
ence. The practical argument for learner autonomy she makes herself,
without reference.
Since the quotations are fairly long ones, they are given separate
paragraphs, slightly inset from the rest of the text. The Baud quotation
is discontinuous from the introductory phrase, so it is introduced by a
colon(:}; the Candy quotation runs on from what goes before it, so it is
not separated from the preceding text by any punctuation marks.
10.18 Using the literature
OK, so now, you have something' to share. You have a topic that
interests you, some ideas of your own about the topic, and you have
read some books and articles that seem to you to be relevant. You have
in front of you a little pile (or perhaps a large pile) of source cards and
notecards. There are two ways you can use them:
1. in a spoken presentation
2. in a written presentation
Whichever mode of presentation you choose, you will need to do a fair
amount of preparation. Having source cards and notecards is not
enough in itself! Let us start by looking at the preparation you will need:
to do for your presentation. '
The most important thing to remember about using sources is that
10 No teacher is an island: $ome approaches to sharing ideas
you have to use them - don't let them use you! What I am trying to say
here is that whatever you say, or whatever you write, has to be driven
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.9: Using the Literature
Go back to the article by Eloise Pearson at the end of Chapter
7. In Task 4 associated with that exemplar article, you have
already done some work on Pearson's use of sources, but let
us take another look.
Read through the last section of Pearson's article again (i.e. the
section beginning Some conclusions). As you are doing so,
think about these questions:
1. In what way does Pearson use her sources in this section?
2. Does she accept everything they have to say uncriticaHy?
3. Who is 'in charge' here: Pearson or her sources?
and organised by your own ideas, and whatever message it is that you
want to get across. This is true even of literature-review chapters in a
dissertation, and of survey articles. You may have got some ideas from
your reading, but now you must fit those ideas into your own frame
work. How do you relate to your sources: do you accept them or not? If
the sources contradict one another, where do you stand? Examiners and
readers complain that the most common fault in literature reviews
written by students is that their reviews come over as lists of sources
strung together, as it were, with very few signs of critical engagement
with the ideas being quoted or summarised.
My own impression on reading this article is that the author is
very much in charge, and is using her sources very weB. In the final
section she uses various authorities to corroborate the findings from
her own data. But she does not accept their views uncritically. In the
fifth paragraph of this section, for example, she quotes Larsen and
Smalley (1972) to the effect that the only way to learn a foreign
language is to devote a significant amount of time to it. This is
undoubtedly true, but Pearson points out the practical difficulties
encountered in attempting to do this. Finally, she aptly uses a
quotation from Wenden (1985) to support her main point, which is
the need to integrate 'learning training' with language training. For a
summary of what I have been saying, see the SOURCES CHECKLIST
which follows.
You might find it interesting to look at an attempt to show how
10 No teacher is- an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Valerie Arndt has used sources to develop her discussion in her article
entitled 'Six writers in search of texts: A protocol-based study of Ll and
L2 writing" the exemplar article for Chapter 5. I have used a 'mind
map' display (Figure lOA) to show how the different readings are used
to underpin the various sections of the article. If you are intending to
use quite a few sources, as Arndt does here, you might find it useful to
draw up a rough display like this to remind yourself where you intend
to fit in the various quotations, etc. that you logged on your notecards
(if that is the system you have been using). Now try PERSONAL
REVIEW 10.9.
10.19 Presentati'on
It is actually very difficult to give general advice on presentation, as the
form of presentation depends on the nature of your audience, and there
is a huge variety of different kinds of audiences.
The best way of learning how to present to a certain audience is to
watch others presenting to the same audience. Judge for yourself what
techniques and approaches seem to be appropriate. As I have said
before, the same goes for journals, magazines, etc.: familiarise yourself
Sources checklist
t. Read the sources carefully. You should attempt this
difficult 'balancing act':
- Be on the look-out for evidence that supports your
point of view.
- At the same time look out for new or different ideas
and perspectives. If they seem to undermine your
position, what is your response?
2. Make source cards for all sources read.
3. Make notes as appropriate.
4. Establish dearly in your own mind what your position,
ideas, etc. are.
S. Make an outline of your talk, article, chapter, etc.
6. Locate your sources (name + date) at the relevant
sections of your outline.
7. Are the sources supportive of your ideas or not?
@IroplicatiQns for teaching
Figyre 10.4
Wason (1981a)
Flower and Hayes (1980a)
Nystrand (1982)
Galbraith (1981)
Was,on (1981b)
Squir,e (1983)
Flower and Hayes (1980b)
(DTask .awareness
Ludwig ( 1983)
Nystrand (198,2)
Olsoo (1977)
RO$,e (19.80)
Ga1braith (1981)
@ Individuality of writers
Protocol-based study of
Ll and L2 writing
[n.o rderem::esJ
CDWriting: text or activity?
Mathew (1983)
Britton et a1. (1975)
Bracewell (1981)
L2 only
Jacobs (1982)
Edesky (1982) Jones (1982)
CD Rese.arch design and procedure
Faigley and Witte (1981)
Raine.s (1985)
Ericsson and Simon (1980)
Lay (1982)
Raimes (1985)
Zame1 (1982, 198.3)
Perl (1979) Ped (1979, 1981)
10 No teacher is an is/and: soine approaches to sharing ideas
8. If they are supportive, decide how you are going to use
them (e.g. by quotation or summary).
9. If they are not supportive, decide:
- how you are going to represent their views (by
quotation or by summary);
- why you do not accept. those views, and how you
are going to present your arguments against them.
10. Finally, you can be selective, as long as you represent
fairly the literature you have read. Just because fifty
authors agree with you does not mean you have to
quote all of them! On the other hand, if fifty authors
disagree with you, you should probably present the
views of at least some of them.
with the house-style of any journal you are thinking of contributing to.
In these cases, familiarity breeds confidence!
Something else that breeds confidence is careful preparation. 'First,
imagine yourself as a member of your own audience ('audience' here
includes readership). If you were listening to a talk With this title, what
sort of things would you be wanting to hear? What sort of style of
presentation would you be expecting? Then think of your message.
What are the main ideas that you want to leave your audience with?
How are you going to ensure that these ideas are highlighted?
10.20 Oral presentation
I will be dealing with written presentations later, but, even if you are
interested in writing rather than speaking, it is worth remembering that
it is often a good plan to air your ideas in an interactive forum, such as
a workshop or an informal talk, before you commit yourself to a
written article. You will feel more confidence in your materials if you
have previously rehearsed with an audience. You may also get useful
feedback, and even new insights that will improve the quality of your
article. ,
The first thing to think about is how to match your topic to your
audience. Is the sort of thing you are talking about going to fit in with
your audience's interests and expectations? If you were a typical1
member of the target audience, what would your reaction be to this
! 9 I ? ~ C ? Can you slant the topic in a way that may make it interesting!
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
relevant to your listeners? Once you have sorted this out, you can think
about the actual presentation.
Before an oral presentation, you will want to be as well prepared as
possible, and this may well mean writing the full text of your talk. But
this is not necessarily the form in which you are going to deliver it. In
order to maintain eyecontact with their audience, most people prefer to
deliver the talk itself from outline notes. These can be
- on a sheet of paper
- on cards (one card for each main idea)
- on an OHT (overhead transparency)
- prepared beforehand on a flip-chart or chalkboard
- on a prepared handout
- or by using some combination of these
Now for some tips about using these. They will sound very obvious, but
there must be very few presenters who have not felt momentarily that
they have 'lost their way' during a presentation, and often for the
simplest of reasons:
- If you are reading from notes or cards, make sure that they are very
legibly written or printed. If you use a wordprocessor, consider using
18-point size print, or even larger.
- If you are using cards, consider numbering them, stapling them
together in one corner, or using some other method to ensure that
they stay in the right order.
- If you are using an overhead projector (OHP) or a flip-chartlchalk
board, make sure that what you have written on it can be easily read,
even f r o ~ the back of the room. It is surprising how often this
elementary point is overlooked by speakers, often to the intense
frustration of the audience.
- If you are typing your outline OHTs on a wordprocessor, consider
using type that is 24-point size or even 36. In this connection,
remember that lower-case letters (like those you are reading now) are
actually easier to read from a distance than upper-case letters LIKE
THESE. Sometimes what you have to say can be summarised
graphically, and this can make the presentation more interesting.
As far as delivery is concerned:
- If at all possible, familiarise yourself with the venue of your talk. Is
there a convenient place for your notes, OHTs, etc.? WiH you be
sitting or standing, and, if so, where? If you are using any teaching
aids will they be conveniently within reach? And so on.
- If you are using aids, make sure you know how they work, and that
they are all set up to go. Also try to find out what your options are if
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
something goes wrong (e.g. if the bulb for the OHP fails, or if the
video recorder starts acting up). Even if your presentation is very
'low-tech' things can still go wrong: if you are using a chalkboard,
find out where the chalk is kept, if there is a duster, etc.
- Give your audience time to 'tune in' to you. Don't say anything too
central to YOUf talk in the first few minutes. (Some speakers use this
time to introduce themselves, or tell the audience a little bit more
about themselves.)
- As far as possible, maintain eye-contact with your audience.
- Be very clear. A useful procedure for achieving this aim is:
- Say what you are going to say.
- Say it.
- Say what you have just said.
(In other words: give a preview outline; deliver your message; give a
summary outline.)
- Don't over-run. It is better to finish too early than too late. Your
audience will probably forgive you if they miss one or two of your
valuable points. They may not forgive you if they miss their coffee Of
- Finally, even if your talk hasn't gone as planned (e.g. if you haven't
managed to cover everything you intended to say), always try to
finish on a clear, positive note. A good way of quickly rounding off a
talk is to state briefly the most important thought you want to leave
with your audience. You should carefully prepare this state"fnent
beforehand, so that you can finish confidently.
I have said nothing here aboLlt ways of organising audience involve
ment through tasks, group work, etc.: you will find useful suggestions
on these and many other related issues in Gibbs and others (1987) 53
Interesting Things to do in your Lectures.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.10: Oral Presentation Style
The next few times you go to presentations, consider making
notes not just on the content of the talks, but also on how the
presenters deliver their message. You might find the checklist
that follows useful.
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Oral presentation checklist
1. How would you rate the talk overall for:
effectiveness? Very much Not at all
(Circle number) 1234567
2. How would you rate the talk overall for:
clarity? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. What things did the speaker do that contributed to the
effectiveness of the presentation?
4. Were there any presentation weaknesses in the talk?
5. What lessons have you learned for your own oral
10.21 Written presentations
As I have already said, there is a huge variation in different writing
contexts, and the best way to learn about them is to read widely in a
range of publications that you think you might write for. There are also
many books to help you in this area, particularly if you are going to
write for the more academic market, and an example text will be given
in the 'Suggestions for further reading' section.
- As with oral presentation, make sure that your message is clear. This
includes obvious things like explaining acronyms and abbreviations
which have only a local significance, if you are writing ror a wider
audience. The advice given for oral presentation ahout deady signal
ling YOUf- content may also apply here, so you could have a structure
like this:
1. overvIew
2. main section
3. summary/conclusions andlor recommendations
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
- Consider 'signposting' the different stages of your article by the
helpful use of headings and sub-headings.
- For some journals, and nearly all dissertations, you will have to
provide an abstract. This is a kind of summary, which especially in
the case of dissertations, should summarise your main findings.
- Before you submit an article for publication, consider asking some
colleagues to read and comment on it.
PERSONAL REVIEW 10.11: Written Presentation Style
I have stressed several times the importance of the fact that
good writing depends upon 'good reading' (Le. wide and critical,
reading in the target area). As before, a checklist has been
provided. Apply the checklist to any of the articles reprinted in
this book, or to any article that is relevant to yqur needs.
10 No teacher is an island: some approaches to sharing ideas
Written presentation checklist
1. How would you rate the article overall for:
effectiveness? Very much -----Not at all
(Circle number) 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7
2. How would you rate the article overall for:
clarity? (Circle number) 1 2 ;';3 4 5 6 7
3. What things did the writer do that contributed to the
effectiveness of the presentation? (Where appropriate, you
can consider the effectiveness of the abstract, and headings!
sub-headings,Olayout, diagrams, etc.)
4. Were there any presentation weaknesses in the article? (For
example, were you lost or confused at any point? Did the
author sometimes make statements that should have been
supported by evidence, but weren't? Was there unnecessary
use of jargon?)
..................... " .............................................................................................. ~ ..... " ................................................. ..
5. What lessons have you learned for your own writing?
1 0.22 Summary
In this chapter, I have tried to emphasise the importance of collabora
tion and networking in professional development, and how action
research can be useful in this process.
I have tried to show how you can exchange ideas with other
colleagues operating in the field of ELT. There are various ways of
getting ideas and learning about other people's research, ranging from
informal conversation to reading articles in journals.
You will want to reflect on these ideas, perhaps incorporate them into
your way of thinking, and perhaps also use them as a basis for your
10 No teacher is an is/and: some approaches to sharing ideas
own research. In this chapter, I have suggested some ways of doing this,
and also how to share your thoughts and findings with others through
either oral or written presentations.
This chapter concludes with an opportunity to apply the checklist we
have just discussed to a survey article on teaching L2 listening. The
details of the article are as follows:
Rebecca L. Oxford (1993). Research update on teaching L2 listening.
System, Vol. 21, No: 2,205-211.
System; Vol. 21, No.2, pp. 205-211, 1993 0346-251 X/93 $6.00 + 0.00
Printed in Great Britain 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Listening is a fundamental language skiH, but it is often ignored by
foreign and second language teachers. This article explains the complexity
and ,importance of the listening skill, summarizes research on L2 listening,
and provides a research-based consumer's guide to selecting and using L2
listening activities.
The skill of listening should be a major area of concern to teachers and students
of a second or foreign language (L2). Listening is a fundamental language skill
that typically develops faster than speaking and that often influences the
development of reading and writing ability in the new language (Scarcella and
Oxford, 1992). Yet in many instances listening is treated like a neglected
stepchild. It is "an overlooked dimension in language acquisition" (Fey ten,
1991: p. 173). While. the other three language skills receive direct instructional
attention, teachers frequently expect students to develop their listening capa
bility by osmosis and without help (Mendelsohn, 1984f"We have to teach our
students HOW to listen,"argues Mendelsohn (p. 63). Listening can no longer be
relegated to the status of an enabling skill that simply helps students to speak
(Nord, 1981) in the traditional, frenzied "Hear it, repeat it!," "Hear it, translate
it!" mode so well described by Meyer (1984).
This article maintains that listening, the most Jundamentallanguage skill, can be
taught and that it should be a clear focus oj classroom instruction. This article
discusses relevant research and provides research-based guidelines for the
teaching of listening. These are the primary t h e m ~ s addressed:
(I) The meaning of listening in the context of input and intake
(2) The complexity of listening as a skiH
(3) Research on L2 listening
(4) A consumer's guide to selecting and using L2 listening activities
Listening is "the process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to
aural stimuli" (Wolvin and Coakley. 1985: p. 74). All aspects of listening involve
a transformation of "input" into "intake"-a change from the whirling buzz of
noise into a meaningful subset that is internalized by the learner (Cohen, 1990;
Larsen-Freeman and Long, 1991; Ellis, ]986; Scarcella and Oxford, 1992). This
distinction between input and intake is very important. Not everything to which
a student is exposed becomes "intake," only the part that is significant and to
which the student is paying t t e n t i o n ~
Listening is "a complex, problem-solving skill" (Wipf, 1984: p. 345). Listening is
more than just perception of sounds, although perception is the foundation.
Listening also includes comprehension of meaning-bearing words, phrases,
clauses, sentences, and connected discourse.
Ordinarily listening is not an isolated skill. In normal, everyday communication,
listening usually occurs together with speaking. Only in certain circumstan
ces-for instance, in a lecture, at the theater, or when listening to the radio---
does listening appear to be an isolated skill, not interacting with other language
skills. Yet, even in those special situations, listeners often have support from the
written word (lecture handouts, theater program notes, radio program listings)
to figure out the meaning; moreover, skilled listeners in such circumstances
apply what they know from other skills (e.g. from the sociolinguistic rules of
speaking) to predict what is likely to be said next.
In almost any setting involving the native language, listening is the most
frequently used language skill. Of the total time devoted to communicating,
45% is spent listening, 30% speaking, 16% reading, and 9% writing (Duker,
1971; Fey ten, 1991). In our culture it is estimated that "close to 90% of class
time in high school and college is spent listening to discussion and lectures"
(Taylor, 1964).
However, people have trouble with listening in their own language, not to
mention in a second or foreign language. Conaway's (1982) review of many
studies showed that deficient listening skills were a stronger factor in college
failure than were poor reading skills and low academic aptitude. After listening
to a 10-min presentation, the average listener has heard, correctly understood,
properly evaluated, and retained only about 30% of what was said, with the
retention rate dropping to 20% after 48 m (Breecher, 1983).
Listening is sometimes difficult The fleetingness of speech demands vigilance on
the part of the listener. Listening:-at least outside of the dassroom or the
language lab--usually requires ur:tderstanding the meaning on the spot and
instantaneously, without any chance to rewind a tape and listen again. In
contrast, with the written word, the readeF can simpry go back and reread a
passage that has been misunderstood or that did not gain sufficient attention
(Joiner, 1986).
Ordinary speech, unlike the written word, contains many ungrammaticaI,
reduced, or incomplete forms. It also contains hesitations, false starts, repeti
tions, fillers, and pauses, all of whiCh make up 30-50% of any conversation
(Oxford, 1990). On the other hand, the large amount of redundancy in everyday
speech sometimes allows listeners to pick up the meaning later if they missed
something. In certain situations, listeners can also ask for clarification or
repetition from speakers.
Listeners must cope with verbal and 'nonverbal messages, which are sometimes
mutually contradictory. For example, the (positive) statement "Let's get
together for lunch sometime" might be contradicted by (negative) nonverbal
messages of gesture and facial expression. As much as 93% of the total meaning
of any interaction comes from nonverbal, often visual, clues.
Recent research has shown that listening is very important in developing a
second or foreign language. The following discussion summarizes these research
topics: listening as a predictor of L2 proficiency, L2 listeners compared with L2
readers, L2 sound perception, "bottom-up" and "top-down" L2 listening,
simplification of L2 input, attention in L2 comprehension, memory in L2
comprehension, monitoring L2 comprehension, and affective aspects of L2
In Feyten's (1991) study, listening-understood as a set of related
contributed significantly to the prediction of foreign language proficiency.
Eleven to 38% of the variability in proficiency was explained by listening. In
fact, listening skill contributed more to the predictiOIl/of proficiency than did
sex, length of previous language learning experience, language being learned,
and last contact with the language.
L2 listeners compared l1Jith L2 readers
Lund (1991) compared L2 listening and reading comprehension. He found that
listeners and readers approached comprehension tasks differently, and their
results were therefore different. L2 listeners recalled more main ideas than L2
readers and invented plausible contexts when uncertain. However, L2 listeners
recalled fewer details than L2 readers.
L2 sound perception
Byrnes (1984: p. 325) noted that the task of the beginning L2 listener is, first of
all, to perceive-to break out the important sounds from the ongoing stream, to
differentiate 'units in a previously undifferentiated sequence of noises." Per
ception of sounds is made difficult by the different pronunciations of words
across versions of the same language (e.g. British, Indian, Pakistani, Canadian,
Australian, and regional US Englishes). Sound perception is also made difficult
by the differenl rhythms and tone patterns in the L2 compared with the rhythms
and tone patterns in the students' native language (Ur, 1984).
L2 listening as "bottom-up" and "top-down" processing
L2 listening is not just a "bottom-up" skill in which the meaning can be derived
from perception or comprehension of the sum of all the discrete sounds,
syllables, words, or phrases (Ur, 1984). L2 listening does indeed involve some
"bottom-up" processing, but at the same time it requires substantial amounts of
"top-down" processing in which the meaning is inferred from broad contextual
clues and background knowledge (Richards, 1983). To comprehend meaning,
the L2 listener links what is heard to his or her internal schemata-mental
frameworks in long-term memory (Byrnes, 1984).
Oxford (1990) lists a variety of clues to help L2 listeners infer meanings:
(1) Linguistic clues, such as suffices, prefixes, word order, stress, and cognates..
(2) Structural clues in the text, stich as first, second, third; the most important
concept is ...; we will now turn to ... j so far we have covered; and in summary . ..
(3) Social context clues, such as the likely purpose of the spoken input given the
social situation, the meaning as related to the social status and age of the
interlocutors, and the emotional tone of the conversation.
(4) Nonverbal clues, such as body movement (a grimace, a smile, a shrug, a
rolling of eyes), the physical distance between speaker and listener, and back
ground noise.
(5) General world knowledge possessed by the listener.
Simplification of L2 input
One of the most hotly contested aspects of L2 acquisition theory is whether
listening input should be intentionally simplified for L2 learners. It is obvious
that, in learning a first language,. children initially receive simplified input
f'motherese" as it is sometimes called), and some L2 specialists believe that L2
learners should likewise receive simplified input [see Scarcella and Oxford (1992)'
for a review of theoretical perspectives on this issue]. Advantages of simplified
input include: (a) greater ease of comprehension for L2 learners, and (b) greater
initial self-confidence in the protected classroom environment. Disadvantages
include: (a) creation of an unrealistic expectation that all L2 input should be
simple and easy to understand, (b) subsequent frustration (and even anger) at
not being able to comprehend unsimplified, normal speech, and (c) loss of
esteem in language settings outside of the classroom. By and large, simplified
input is not useful as a L2 instructional strategy (Scarcella and
Oxford, 1992).
Attention in L2 listening comprehension
Lack of attention can be a significant problem in 1.2 listening. Cohen (1990)
found that, on average, 50% of L2 students are attending to the content of a
lesson at any given and most are just repeating the material to
themselves:-rather than any higher-order functions on the material
(such as making analogies to material already learned). Scovel (1991: pp. 3, 5)
emphasizes the importance of attention as "central to the entire process of
second language acquisition," as "the learner's window to the world," and as
"the neuropsychological mechanism that promotes or prohibits acquisition."
Attention can be increased by active intention and action during the listening
process. Attention can be raised through setting long-term goals and short-term
objectives for L2 listening, making personally meaningful mental associations
while listening, identifying the purpose of L2 listening in any given situation,
and consciously deciding to look for clues while listening (Oxford, 1990;
Scarcella and Oxford, 1992; Cohen, 1990; Mendelsohn, 1984).
Purposes 0/ L2 listening
Research suggests that different L2 listening tasks invoke different kinds. of
listening behaviors on the part of students. Listening/or details for the learner to
pay selective -attention to those details and filter out other information (Oxford,
t 990). Listening for the main idea is a more global type of listening that centers
on broader concepts and less on details and examples (Oxford, 1990). Emphatic
listening, associated with the philosophy of Carl Rogers, requires focusing on
the emotional content as wen as the facts given by the speaker, and providing
supportive verbal and nonverbal responses (Coakley and Wolvin, 1986). Appre
ciative listening (Coakley and Wolvin, 1986) involves listening to enjoy or gain a
sensory impression of the material, and requires paying aesthetic attention to
language style, musicality, and background sounds. Critical listening (Oxford,
1990) requires analyzing and determining the value of arguments presented.
Relationallislening (Farra, 1983; Fey ten, 1991) involves paying attention to the
whole environment as part of listening comprehension. Many other kinds of
listening might also exist. L2 listeners must know what kind of listening they are
expected to do at a given time, so that they can choose the appropriate listening
Memory in L2 comprehension
Retention or memory is an issue in longer L2 discourse. The longer the
discourse, the more the L2 listener must try to remember what has been said
earlier in order to follow the flow of the meaning. The L2 listener who can
remember what he or she has heard performs more effectively, and memory
strategies (simple mnemonics such as using imagery, rhyming, personal associ
ations, and physical response) can help listeners remember what was said
(Oxford, 1990).
Monitoring L2 comprehension
Henner-Stanchina (1986) found that L2 listening involves frequent monitoring
of one's own comprehension. L2 listeners must act as detectives who test out
hypotheses about the meaning of what they hear. They must often guess the
meaning from context clues, predict what.comes next, assess the accuracy of
their predictions, and make adjustments if the predictors are proved wrong [see
also Ellis (1986) regarding the L2 hypothesis-testing process]. Based on her own
research, Henner-Stanchina (1:986) proposed a general program for improving
l e a r n e r ~ ' comprehension-m'onitoring ability.
Affective aspects of L2 listening
"Affective" refers to attitudes, beliefs, and emotions. Often L2 students have a
negative attitude or belief about their listening ability-a "negative listening
self-concept" (Joiner, 1986). Anxiety frequently occurs when students feel they
cannot handle an L2 listening talk. Highly visual learners are particularly
vulnerable to anxiety when faced with complex listening activities (Oxford and
Lavine, 1991). Anxiety is exacerbated when listeners think they must understand
every word they hear, a very unrealistic goal. When anxiety strikes, it prevents
learners from "transferring even the most basic first-language coping skills to
the second language" (Meyer, 1984: p. 343) and creates a sense of failure and
fatigue. Henner-Stanchina (1986) notes that few L2 listeners realize that they
must extract meaning and mentally integrate new knowledge with what is
already known; most L2 listeners believe that, in orde'r to understand, they must
define every word and apply every grammar rule, even though they do not have
to do so to understand what they hear in their own native language.
More positive listening self-concepts can be created by helping students realize
that word-for-word comprehension is not necessary and that guessing and
hypothesis-testing are valuable (Oxford, 1990). L2 listening anxiety can be
reduced through a variety of techniques, such as deep breathing, using music to
relax, and saying positive affirmations (Oxford and Lavine, 1991).
Based on research by Mendelsohn (1984), Ur (l984), Meyer (1984), Oxford
(1990), Scarcella and Oxford (1992), Cohen (1990), Henner-Stanchina (1986),
and others, the following principles 'have been summarized for selecting and
using L2 listening activities:
(I) The listening activity must have a real, communicative purpose.
(2) The activity must use authentic language without significantly slower or
simpler speech than would normally be used in everyday life.
(3) Prelistening tasks (e.g. discussing the topic, brainstorming, presenting
vocabulary, sharing of related articles) must be used to stimulate the appropriate
background knowledge and help learners identify the purpose of the listening
(4) The listening text must offer content that is personaJry interesting and
motivating to learners.
(5) To allow listeners to infer meaning from body language and related context
clues, the speaker must be visible whenever possible (unless the explicit purpose
is to help students understand radio programs or audiotapes).
(6) The listening activity must offer many environmentat clues to meaning, just
as in real-life listening.
(7) When possible, the whole listening text should be given, and then it should!
be divided into parts that can be repeated. This sequence gives listeners time to
think and rethink their hypotheses about the meaning of what is said,
(8) At the end, the whole text should be given again, and learners should have
the opportunity to discuss theiF hypotheses and how they tested and altered
(9) The listening activity must require listeners to respond in some meaningful
fashion, either individuaJly or in small groups or pairs-by saying something,
following a command or request, asking a question; taking notes,and so on ...... .
(10) The listening activity must be fashioned so that listeners with normal
background knowledge are able to understand the topic without doing special
ized research, unless the class is focused on language for special purposes.
(11) The text of the listening activity must be typical for its own speech type;
that is, an informal conversation must have short, redundant, rapid chunks of
speech, while a lecture must be more formalized and orderly.
(12) The classroom climate surrounding the listening activity must be nonthrea
tening and positive, and simple affective strategies should be used to reduce
anxiety if it is present before or during the listening activity.
L2 1istening is a complex skill that deserves the attention of learners and teachers
alike. Recent research offers many suggestions about how listening can be
facilitated in the L2 classroom. Meaningful, interesting language tasks using
ordinary, unsimplified L2 speech are valuable. Teachers can encourage learners
to tap their own background knowledge, identify the purpose of the listening
task, use hypothesis-testing and comprehension-monitoring strategies, and
conquer theirJears about listening in the L2.
BREECHER, M. B. (l983) How to be a better listener and get more out of life. L.A. Times
News Syndicate.
BYRNES, H. (1984) The role of listening comprehension: a theoretical base. Foreign Language
Annals 17, 317-329.
COAKLEY, C. J. and WOLVIN, A. D. (1986) Listening in the native language. In Wing, B. H.
(ed.), Listening, Reading, and Writing: Analysis and Application. pp. 11-42. Middlebury. VT:
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
COHEN, A. D. (1990) Language Learning: Insights for Learners. Teachers. and Researcher.
New York: Newbury House/Harper Collins (now Boston. MA: Heinle & Heinle).
CONAWAY, M. (1982) Listening: learning tool and retention agent. In Aigier A. S. and Aigier
K. W. (eds), Improving Reading and Study Skills. San Francisco. CA: Jossey-Bass.
)UKER. S. (ed.) (1971) Listening Readings. New York: Scarecrow.
::LUS. R. (1986) Understanding Second Language Acquisitiolf. Oxford: Oxford University
:ARRA, H. (1983) Relationallislening. Listening Post Slipplemcllt 21-40.
=EYTEN. C. M. (1991) The power of listening ability: an overlooked dimension in language
cquisition. Modern Language JOllrna/75, 173-180.
IENNER-STANCHINA. C. (1986) Teaching strategies for listening comprehension. Paper
presented at the LaGuardia Conference on Learning Strategies, LaGuardia Community
College, New York.
JOINER. E. (1986) Listening in the foreign language. In Wing, B. H. (ed.), Listening, Reading,
and Writing: An(llysis and Application, pp. 43-70. Middlebury, VT: Northeast Conference on
the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
LARSENFREEMAN, D. and LONG, M. (1991) All /nlrodllclioll to Research Oil Second
Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
LUND, R. J. (1991) A comparison of second language and reading comprehension. Modem
Langllage JOllrna17S, 196-204.
MEHRABIAN, A. (1971) Siletlt Mes.mges. Belmont, CA: W'ldsworth.
MENDELSOHN. D. J. (1984) There ARE strategies for listening. TEAL Occasional Papers 8, .
MEYER, R. (1984) "Usten my children, and you shall hear ... " Foreign Language Anl/als 17,
NORD, J. R. (198\) Three steps to listening fluency: a beginning. In Winitz, H. (ed.), The
Comprehensioll Approach to Foreign Language Instrllction. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
OXFORD, R. L. (1900) Language Learning Services: What Every Teacher Should Know. New
York: Newbury House/Harper Collins (now Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle).
OXFORD, R. L. and LAVINE, R.. Z. (199\) Affective aspects of language learning. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting oCthe Modern Language Association, Chicago, II..
RICHARDS, J. C. (1983) Listening comprehension: approach, design, procedure. TESOr
Quarterly 17,291-340.
SCARCELLA, R. C. and OXFORD, R ~ L. (1992) The Tapestry of Language Learning: the
Individual in the Communicative Classroom. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.
SCOVEL, T. (1991) The Role of Culture in Second Language Pedagogy, Position Paper in
Tapestry Program. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.
TAYLOR, S. E. (1964) Listening: What Research Says 10 the Teacher. Washington, DC:
National Education Association.
UR, P. (1984) Teaching Listening Comprehension. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
WIPF, J. A. (1984) Strategies for teaching second language listening.
WOLVIN, A. D. and COAKLEY, C. G. (1985) Lislelling, 2nd edition. Dubuque, (A: William
C. Brown.
Forging links: an idea for
reviewing superlatives

and' a bit more!
Douglas Buckeridge teaches at Pitman College, London. He describes
an activity to give learners practice with superlatives.
The idea for this activity was inspired. in general, by Gertrude Moskowitz's
humanistic approach in Caring and Sharing in the Foreign Language Class and,
in particular, by Exercise 3, Lots In Common, which appears in the Relating to
Others section of that book.
Moskowitz defines the content of humanistic education as relating to 'the
feelings, experiences, memories, hopes, aspirations, beliefs, values, needs and
fan tasies of students' (p 14). She also stresses the importance of 'accentuating the
positive' and fostering feelings of cooperation and unity within the classroom.
Consequently, I have tried to incorporate some of these elements into an activity
which also provides a review of superlativeadjectives.
The activity
This activity is intended for students who have already been introduced to and
had extensive practice in using superlative adjectives.
Step one Each student is given the following list of questions:
1. What kind of movies are the most enjoyable?
2. What's the most delicious foreign food?
3. What's the most interesting sport to watch?
4. What's the best time of year?
5. What's the nicest thing about studying English?
6. What kind of person is the easiest to get on with?
Ask the students to take a minute or two to think about their oU'n answers to:
these questions (along with reasons to support them). possibly with some soft
music playing in the background to help them relax and focus on the task in:
Step two Having done this, they stand lip and move around Ihe class. mingling
with the other students, asking and answering the above questions. Whenever
they find someone who has an answer which is the same as one of their own,
they should try to develop a conversation on that topic. For example jf they
Classroom Ideas
come across someone who likes the same kind of movies, they can ask each
other further questions such as:
Why do you like them so much?
How do you/eel when you ,vatch them?
How often do you go 10 (that kind oJ movie)?
Have you seen (name o/movie)?
What did you think of it?
As soon as they have discussed that topic satisfactorily, they see if they have
any other common answers and, if not, they separate and continue to mingle.
Encourage them to lulk to as many other students as they can in the time
available. Again, playing soft background music tends to relax the students
and facilitate communication.
Step three While there is no specific time limit imposed on step two of this
activity, it is a good idea to provide for some feedback time in the latter part
of the lesson. During this time the students can - in groups or as a whole class
- share, in a lighthearted way, some of the links between themselves and their
Also, as a follow-up, they could write some short paragraphs about what they
and other students have in common.
Points to note
Superlatives can be worked on at different times, e.g. they are aimed at
elementary students in books such as Streamline Departures and at intermedi
ate students in ones such as Interchange 2, so this activity is not confined to a
particular level.
While the initial questions on the questionnaire are prescribed, the students
are free to develop conversations in ways which are relevant to them, i.e.
although the topics are chosen for them, they can exploit them in any way
they wish.
The importance of intrinsic interest in the topic to success of conversationall
opinion-gap activities is emphasised by materials developers like Klippel and
Ur. Therefore my list of initial superlative questions only serves as an
example. It is certainly open to change depending on the needs and interests
of various groups of students.
This activity can be used with either large or small classes.
Klipper, F. (1984) Keep Talking, CUI?
Hartley, B. & Viney, P. (1978) Streamline Departures, QUP
Moskowitz, G. (1978) Caring alld Sharing In The Foreign Language Class,
Newbury House
Richards, J. (1991) Interchange 2, CUP
Ur, P. (1992) Grammar Practice Activities, CUP
III Douglas Buckeridge
Concluding remarks
The main theme of this book has been to place action research firmly
within the area of professional development. I have presented it as one
of the ways in which teachers can solve professional problems and
improve their practice through reflection-qn-action. In action research
this reflection is done through the systematic collection and analysis of
relevant data, and by applying the results of these investigations of
classroom practice.
I have deliberately used the phrase 'one of the ways' because it has
not been suggested here that every teacher can or should be a researcher.
Teachers have a big enough job to do by teaching, without having other
responsibilities thrust upon them. It is essential that such an important
area to society as teaching should be thoroughly and competently
researched, but the vast majority of teachers have neither the time nor
the resources, nor (in many cases) the specialised expertise to undertake
this task on any significant scale. The appropriate authorities will have
to see to it that selected professionals are trained to do that job and
funded to carry it out. What we are saying is that the limited and
highly-focused kind of investigation which we have described here, and
have called 'action research' is a possible way forward to professional
Nor is it being suggested that the only or the best way of professional
development is through action research. This book began with a
discussion of a whole range of possible avenues of professional develop
ment. In spite of these caveats, it has been suggested that action research
is an important avenue for professional development and for severat
Firstly, it supposes that one way of solving professional problems is
through collecting relevant data in some systematic way and subjecting
those data to reasoned analysis. The results of this analysis can then
become the basis for decisions about further professional action. This is
the basis of action research. (Other ways of dealing with problems
might include discussion ['talking things through']:, reasoning from first
principles, appeals to authority, complaining to a sympathetic listener,
Concluding remarks
Secondly, Action Researc,h encourages collaboration. The isolation of
teachers has often been noted.
'The problem of [teachers'] isolation is a deep-seated one. Architecture often
supports it. Overload sustains it. History legitimates it.'
{Fullan and Hargreaves, 1992}
The 'objective' aspect of action research (i.e. discovering facts rather
than making judgements) can facilitate collaboration. The pooling and
sharing of ideas can demonstrate the rewards of collaborative action
research. (Again, though, a word of caution. Collaboration has to be
voluntary: it should not be imposed. Co-operatives have had a pretty
good track record: collectives have not been so successful ...)
Thirdly, action research can both draw on academic research (thereby
providing it with a professional rationale), and also feed into it by
exploring areas of professional concern. .
There are also pragmatic reasons for considering action research in
the context of tea9her training. In some countries, serious moves are
being made in the direction of continuing professional education linked
to formal in-service qualification, which are in turn linked to promo
tional prospects or financiaf rewards (or both) within the area of
teaching (as opposed to management, training, inspection, etc.). For
most teachers, it is highly desirable that this kind of formal training is
firmly rooted within their professional experience and action research is
highly suited to that purpose.
There is every indication that these developments in on-the-job
training will be facilitated by the development or electronic communi
cation through the Internet (see, for example, Carrier 1997). Not only
will communication between trainers and trainees themselves, as well as
among trainersltrainees, become easier, but also the whole issue or
access to library sources will be simplified. In time, access to sources on
a world-wide scale will become virtually unlimited. Thus the collabora
tive sharing of ideas discussed in Chapter 10 will take on a new
Finally, with regard to pre-service training, action research is ideally
suited to the development of reffective practice through reflection-on
action. Through it, trainees can be provided with a flexibte but powerfuF
means of professional development. With the right kind of institutional
and management support, they could use action research to improve
their own teaching and perhaps arso to herp raise the level of perform
ance generally in their working situation.
Glossary of research terms
abstract brief version or summary of an article, talk, thesis research
paper, etc.; it should give an outline of the main issues and
conclusions. " '
action research method of professional self-development which in
volves the systematic collection and analysis of data related to
affective data factual information relating to feelings or emotions.
analysis (1) process by which research data are examined and conclu
sions drawn from them; (2) report on this' process .. , .
author catalogue list of books, etc., which is organised alphabetically
according to author.
autobiography a person's (professional) life story as told by himself or
bibliography list of books, articles and other sources; list of references.
(Note: a list of references includes only books, articles, etc. which
are referred to in the text; a bibliography may include other sources
which are relevartt, but not directly referred to.)
biography a person's (professional) life story as told by someone else.
(, case study an in-depth study of one particular student, teacher, class,
school, etc.
closed questions questions which allow only a limited range of
answers (e.g. 'yes' or 'no').
computer-accessed catalogue list of books, articles, etc. that can be
retrieved through a corn puter.
concurrent validity extent to which research or test results or findings
are confirmed by other results acquired about the same time. See
also validity.
confidentiality act of keeping findings, sources, etc., private.
construct validity extent to which test or :research results are consis
tent with what is known about some psychological quality (con
struct) that cannot be directly observed, e.g. an aptitude for
languages. See also validity.
content validity type of validity in which a test represents accurately
the content it is supposed to measure. Thus, a test would liot have
Glossary of research terms
content validity if it tested something that had not been taught. See
also validity.
control group in an experiment, the group which is not given any
special treatment. See also experimental group.
convenience sample kind of sample which is chosen because it is
relatively quick or easy to get access to.
criterion standard by which something or someone can be evaluated
or judged.
critical incident an event which is chosen for investigation because it
has a special (professional) significance.
data observations or information (e.g. facts, measurements) which can
be used for research or which are available as the results of
research. See also raw data.
database an organised collection of data from which information can
be quickly extracted.
data collection the process of gathering data.
deductive inquiry form of investigation in which conclusions are
arrived at by reasoning from general or universal principles. See
also inductive inquiry.
dependent variable see variable.
diary private account of a person's actions, thoughts and feelings
written by the person himself or herself, usually on a daily basis.
discussant someone who takes part in a discussion.
empirical data factual information which is acquired through experi
ence or observation (e.g. by doing carefully controlled experiments).
empirical research method of investigation in which factual infor
mation is acquired through experience or observation, usuaHy by
performing an experiment.
evaluation process of assessing the worth or value of something.
experiment investigation conducted under controlled circumstances,
usually involving subjecting someone or something to some kind of
treatment and measuring the results.
experimental group in an experiment the group which is subjected to
some kind of special treatment. See also control group.
external validity extent to which the results of a research study
correspond to the reality outside the research study which the 'study
purports to be informing us about. For example, a research project
which purports to show us how learners learn foreign languages in
the classroom may be so carefully controlled that its findings are
difficult to relate to real classrooms: it therefore laCKS externa1
validity. Compare with internal validity. See also validity.
face validity extent to which test/research results appear to measure
what they are supposed to measure, without providing evidence
that they actually do so. See also validity.
Glossary of research terms
field notes written comments made in the course of professional
findings what has been discovered as the result of research.
focus with reference to an interview, something which is provided to
stimulate or structure discussion; key aspect of a topic.
follow-up interview procedure when someone who has previously
been interviewed is interviewed again (e.g. in order to clarify
something, explore an issue in more depth, etc.).
hard data information which is completely factual and objective (e.g.
a measurement). See also soft
heuristic research type of investigation which is exploratory rather
than trying to prove or disprove a certain hypothesis. Heuristic
research is usually more concerned with discovering the right
questions to ask rather than the right answers.
hypothesis suggested explanation which may be later supported or
disproved through (experimental) evidence.
illuminative research type of investigation which is intended to simply
throw light on a topic rather than come to generalisable conclu
imprint page page in a book in which the key publication details are
independent variable See variable.
inductive inquiry form of investigation in which conclusions are
derived from experience or empiricaf evidence. See also deductive
informant someone who supplies a researcher with information.
inquiry systematic investigation. Also spelled enquiry.
inter-library loan system whereby books can be borrowed from
another library through one's own library.
internal validity extent to which the results of a research study are
logical and coherent because of the careful design and management
of the research. Compare with external validity. See also validity.
interview conversation or meeting interided to gather certain infor
interview schedule list of questions prepared by someone who is
conducting an
introspective data: information which is acquired from a person's
account of his or her own thought processes, feelings, ideas, etc.
journals shared account of a person's actions, thoughts and feelings
written by the person himself or herself, usually on a daily basis.
learner product term used for what is produced by a learner through
performing study tasks in the form of written essays, test answers,
life history person's account of his or her professional life.
Glossary of research terms
literature what has been written about an academic topic, usually in
the form of books and journal articles.
literature search the process of reading through academic books,
journal articles, etc., to find information relevant to one's research
log record ofprofessional action which is set out in a systematic way.
matching group in an experiment, a group which is as far as possible
identical to another group in one or more specified aspects. Groups
may be matched for sex, age, qualifications, etc.
mentalistic data information which is acquired from a person's
account of his or her own thought processes, thoughts, feelings, etc.
narrative an account from personal experience of a sequence of events
. of professional interest.
notecard card on which a researcher keeps notes on what he or she
has read for future reference.
observation process of watching or listening to professional action
either while it is happening, or from a taped sequence.
open(ended) question type of question to which the range of possible
answers has not been specified in advance.
personal account statement by someone on some aspect of his or her
professional life (e.g. a narrative of professional experience, etc.).
pilot trial research done on a small scale in order to antjcipate
plagiarism act of using someone else's ideas or writings without
acknowledgement and passing them off as your own.
population a group of people that you want to find out about by
doing your research. This is often larger than the number of people
that you can actually investigate (the sample). See also sample and
target population.
predictive validity extent to which what is predicted by research or by
a test is actually confirmed later. So, for example, research findings
would have predictive validity if they predicted that everyone being
taught by a new method would increase their scores in an examin
ation and they actually did so. See also validity.
prompts with reference to an interview, follow-up questions that have
been prepared beforehand with the intention of eliciting more
information, should that be necessary.
protocoh written record of everything that has been said or done when
taking part in a research process (e.g. the transcript 01 what
someone has said during a think-aloud sessionh
protocol analysis the act of submitting transcripts and similar written
records to systematic examination.
qualitative research type of investigation in which there is a substan
tial subjective element. See also quantitative research.
Glossary of research terms
quantitative research type of investigation which is intended to be
objective, using only, or mostly, data that can be accurately
measured or counted. See also qualitative research.
questionnaire form on which there is a set of questions to be answered
by a number of people so that information about those people
which is of interest to the researcher can be discovered. Question
naires are usually answered in writing, but may also be used in an
~ ~ m .
random sample selection of people from a given population, chosen
by chance.
rationale (1) the set of ideas which explain why a piece of research has
been undertaken and why it has been done in a certain way; (2)
part of a thesis, dissertation, etc., in which these underpinning
ideas are explained.
raw data factual information which has been collected but not yet
organised or analysed.
reliability extent to which research can be repeated and show the same
or similar results; stability or consistency of test results.
replicable used to describe research processes which can be repeated
by another researcher and would be expected to give the same or
similar results.
research form of investigation in which data is collected and analysed.
researcher ethics standards of moral conduct as applied to research
(e.g. not revealing the names of people that you have promised to
keep confidential).
respondent someone who replied to a research enquiry (e.g. by filling
in a questionnaire).
sample group of people who are investigated because they are con
sidered to be representative of a larger group (population) from
which they are drawn. See also population; conven'ience sample;
random sample; stratified sample.
sampling the process of gathering a sample.
self-observation process by which someone monitors or examines his
or her own behaviour.
self-report account given to a researcher of one's own behaviour,
thought processes, etc.
semi-structured interview formal conversation or discussion for which
the researcher has prepared the key questions, but is also able to
ask supplementary questions, depending on the responses received.
shelf-mark number given to locate a book, etc. in a library collection.
Shelf-marks are organised according to topic. Various ways of
organising shelf-marks are in existence (e.g. the Dewey Decimal
system, the Library of Congress System, etc.).
significance level see under significant.
Glossary of research terms
significant with reference to research findings not caused simply by
chance. Significance is usually expressed by means of a significance
level, so for example, comparison of two scores may be 'signifi
cant at the .05 level' (expressed as p<.05). This means that the
likelihood of the findings being simply due to chance is less than
soft data information that is derived from research that is subi,ective
and/or not amenable to precise measurement.
source card card which gives publication information about an article,
book, etc. that has been used to provide you with information for
your research.
story informal account of some aspect of one's professional life.
stratified sampling procedure that ensures that the group that is taken
is representative of a larger group (population) because it reflects
the composition of the larger group in certain specified ways. For
example, it may have the same percentage of males and females as
the target population. See also: population; target population;
sample; random sample.
structured interview formal conversation conducted for research pur
poses in which all the questions that are asked have been prepared
beforehand. See also semi-structured interview; unstructured inter
structured reflection process of thinking about one's professional
activities in a systematic, organised way.
style sheet information provided by an editor or a publisher which
explains to you how you should present your manuscript in terms
of layout, etc.
subject catalogue list which enables you to access books from a library
according to topic.
survey method of getting information on certain selected topics from a
number of people (usually a large number and often chosen at
survey article piece of writing which summarises selected examples of
what has been published on a certain topic.
target population a specific group of people that you want to find out
about, although you may be actually able to. investigate only a
small number (sample) of them. See also population; sample.
think-aloud research procedure which involves people attempting to
articulate (express) what is actuaUy going through their minds as
they attempt some task (e.g. writing a composition, reading a text).
This process is usualty taped and transcribed. See also protocol;
protocol analysis.
title catalogue list which enables you to access a book from a library if
you know the title of the book.
Glossary of research terms
transcnptlOn written version of what has been said (e.g. in an inter
view or during a lesson).
trialling way of finding out how worthwhile, useful, etc. something is
by making use of it and observing the results: textbooks, methods
and teaching aids can all be trialled.
triangulation method' of making your r e s ~ a r c h findings more reliable
by collecting and analysing the data using more than one research
method. $0 you could research someone else's teaching by observa
tion of the teacher,. interviewing the teacher, and getting the pupils
to fill in a questionnaire.
treatment something that is done to an experimental group which is
expected to have' some measurable result. An example of a treat
ment would be a new method of teaching reading which is expected
to have the result of improving reading-skills.
unstructured interview conversation or meeting which is conducted
for research purposes but for which there is little or no fixed plan
or organisation: the researcher follows through on any topics that
seem interesting or worthwhile as they arise.
validity quality of a test or research procedure whereby it does what it
is supposed to do. So a,valid test of reading comprehension will test
reading comprehension skills and not (say) writing skills. There are
several different kinds of validity. See also concurrent validity;
construct validity; content validity; face' validity; predictive va
lidity; internal validity; external validity.
variable element in a r e s e a ~ c h study_xhatcan vary or change (e.g. test
scores, amount of time spent studying, etc.). Sometimes a re
searcher will modify one variable to produce an effect on another
variable. For example, a researcher might want to show that an
increase in the amount of time studying a language caused an
improvement in test scores for that language. The variable causing
the change (study time) is called the independent variable; the
variable that is affected by the change (test score) is called the
dependent variable.
rerbal categories in a questionnaire, scale options which are expressed
in words rather than numbers (e.g. 'excellent - good - average
'erbal reports accounts given by individuals of their thought pro
cesses, feelings, ideas, etc.
erification process by which research findings are, or are not, con
firmed (e.g. by doing an experiment again or by using a different
, research technique).
'orking tide tide used for a research study, article, etc. until such time
as an exact title is found, which may not be until a substantial
amount of work has been done in the study, etc.
Suggestions for further reading
General texts
You could easily collect a whole library of books on various aspects of
research, so the few suggestions are highly selective and personal. I have
tried to suggest books which are reasonably approachable and down to
Let us start with a book that is specifically aimed at classroom teachers.
It is:
Hopkins, D. (1993). A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research. 2nd
ed. BuckinghamlPhiladelphia: Open University Press.
Another book which is more general in its appeal, but very user-friendly
Bell, J. (1993). Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time
Researchers in Education and Social Science. 2nd ed. BuckinghamJ
Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Bell's book contains many useful checklists for the different
research techniques and procedures.
A more advanced book, and one which is in the foreign language/
second language context is:
Nunan, D. (1992) Research Methods in Language Learning. Cam
bridgelNew York: Cambridge University Press.
Finally in this section, I will mention a standard text book on education
research. It is:
Cohen, L. and Manion, L(1994). Research Methods in Education.
4th ed. LondonlNew York: Routledge.
As well as giving authoritative accounts of the techniques that]
have mentioned in this book, Cohen and Manion also describe
techniques that have not been mentioned here such as Historical
Research and the use of Personal. Constructs,
Suggestions for further reading
Specific techniques:,
Diaries and verbal reports
The best way into these is by looking at actual examples. Most are also
interesting to read. Some examples:
Freeman, E. (1983). Teacher Thinking: A Study of Practical Know
ledge. London: Croom Helm.
An early and very readable study.
Bailey, K. M. and Nunan, D., (eds.) (1996). Voices from the Lan
guage Classroom. CambridgelNew York: Cambridge University
This book actualfy exemplifies a wide range of techniques, but
there are several examples of diary studies.
Thomas, D. (1995). Teachers' Stories. BuckinghamlPhiladelphia:
Open University Press.
This book is not specifically for language teaching, although the
first 'story', by Elizabeth Thomas, is entitled 'My language experi
ence ... '
Most. diary studies have been kept over a fairly limited time. The
following book records a language teacher's deve10pment over many
years. It is quite fascinating: .
Appel, J. (1995). Diary of a Language Teacher. Oxford: Heinemann.
Observation techniques
There are many useful books in this area, but I will just mention two:
Wajnryb, R. (1992) Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book
for Language Teachers a1'ld Trainers. CambridgelNew York: Cam
bridge University Press.
This is a very practical 'how to' book with lots of ideas for ad-hoc
observation schedules.
A book which gives a more narrative account of developments in
observing the fanguage classroom, and gives details of some of the well
known observation systems is:
Allwright D. (1988). Observation in the Language Classro01n.
LondonlNew York: Longman.
Suggestions for further reading
Interviews and Questionnaires
A comprehensive guide to interviewing techniques is:
Powney, J. and Watts, M. (1987). Interviewing in Educational
Research. London: Routledge and Keegan PauL
As well as giving detailed guidance in the techniques involved, this
book also provides six case studies of actual interviews, with
transcriptions, and also supplies useful checklists.
Case studies
A book on this topic which manages to be at the same time fairly
technical, but also accessible and interesting to read is:
Yin, R. K. (1994). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. (2nd
ed.) Thousand Oaks, CalifornialLondon: Sage Publications.
One of the helpful aspects of Robert Yin's book is that it contains
39 'boxes' describing various exampfes of actual case studies.
Evaluation is a huge area with many sub-specialisms depending on the
kind of area that is being evaluated. A very accessible introduction to
the whole topic is:
Rea-Dickens, P. and Germaine, G. (1992). Evaluation. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
For a useful guide to textbook evaluation, see:
Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your Coursebook. Oxford:
Publication and presentation
There are many guides available on how to write up research, especially
for theses and dissertations. As far as articles are concerned, the best
method is to study carefulfy back issues of the magazine or journal you
intend to write for. Some journals have 'style pages' which teB you how
they expect articles to be presented. Universities usually publish their
own guidelines.
A general book on academic style, which you might find useful for
reference is:
Suggestions for further reading
American Psychological Association (1994). Publication Manual of
the America11 Psychological Association. (4th ed.) Washington DC:
American Psychological Association.
As far as presentation is concerned, again the best advice is to
familiarise yourself with the kind of groups andior associations that you
might be talking to. Even if you intend to give an informal talk, and not
a lecture, you will probably find some useful ideas in:
Gibbs, G., Habeshaw, S. and Habeshaw, T. (1983). 53 Interesting
Things to do in your Lectures. Bristol, England: Technical and
Education Services.
Personal and time management
There is a large and ever-increasing number of books on 'time manage
ment', 'personal effectiveness' and 'self management'. The fact that so
many books of this kind exist is probably a bad sign: if there was a
simple and effortless method of achieving success in this area, it would
probably be common knowledge by now; The truth is that most of us
are caught between the things we would like to do or spend more time
on, and the amount of time available to us. Since the scope of the
former is virtually infinite, and the scope of the latter is very strictly
limited, tension between the two is inevitable.
Having said that, much sensible and helpful advice is available. Since
these books are usually aimed at business managers, you might find
some of the advice irrelevant. The best way to using these books may be
to search through them until you find something that meets your needs:
then act on it. You may also find it useful to put the book aside and
come back to it from time to time. The advice stays the same (it is still
good) but your circumstances, attitudes, etc. may have changed.
So, here are three titles:
Godefroy, C. H. and Clark, J. (1990); The Complete Time Manage
ment System. London: Piatkus.
Timm, P. R. (1987). Successful Self-management. London: Kogan
Pedlar, M. and Boydell, T. (1985). Managing Yourself. London:
(Note: the references listed here are those, and only those, which relate
to the main text of the book. References derived from the 'exemplar
articles' will be found in the lists of references attached to the appro
priate articles.)
Allwright, D. (1988). Observation in the Language Classroom.
London: Longman.
American Psychological Association (1994). Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (4th ed.); Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association. .
Appel, J. (1989). Humanistic approaches in the secondary school: how
far can we go? ELTJOl1rnat, 43, 4,261-267.
Appel, J. (1995). Diary of a 'Language Teacher. Oxford: Heinemann.
Arndt, V. (1987). Six writers in search of texts: a protocol-based study
of L1 and L2 writing. ELTJournal, 41, 4,257-267.
Bailey, K.M. (1983). Competitiveness and anxiety in adult second
language learning: looking at and through the diary studies. In
R. Scarcella and S. Krashen (eds.), Research in Second Language
Acquisition: Selected Papers of the Los Angeles Second Language
Research Forum. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House.
Bailey, K.M. (1993). The use of diary studies in teacher education
programs. In J.C. Richards and D. Nunan (eds.) Second Language
Teacher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bailey, K.M. & Nunan, D. (eds.) (1996). Voices from the Language
Classroom. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University
Ben, J. (1993). Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First-time
Researchers in Education and Social Science (2nd ed.). Milton
Keynes, England I Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Bellack, A.A., Kliebard, H.M., Hyman, R.T. & Smith, EL (1966). The
Language of the Classroom. New York: Teacher,S College Press,
Columbia University.
Brock, M.N., Yu, B. and Wong, M. (1992). 'Journaling' together:
collaborative diary-keeping and teacher development. In ]. Flower
dew, M. Brock and S. Hsia (eds.) Perspectives on Second Language
Teacher Education. Hong Kong: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
Brown, G., Anderson, A., Shillcock, R. & Yule, G. (1984). Teaching
Talk: Strategies for Production and Assessment. Cambridge: Cam
bridge University Press.
Buckeridge, D. (1994). Forging links: an idea for reviewing superlatives
... and a bit more! MET, 3,3,40-41.
Calil, R. (1995 a & b)
(a) Professional Development in TEFL: the electronic list experience.
(b)The Internet and its electronic resources.
Both reported in IATEFL Annual Conference Report 1995, 28-29.
Whitstable, Kent: IATEFL.
Carrier, M. (1997). ELT online: the rise of the Internet. ELT Journal,
/ Cohen, A.D. (1987). Using verba\ reports in research on language
learning. In C. Frerch and G. Kasper(eds.) Introspection in Second
Language Research. Clevedon EnglandlPhiladelphia: Multilingual
Cohen, A.D. & Hosenfeld, C. (1981) Some uses of -mentalistic data in
second language research. Language Learning, 31,2,285-313.
Cohert, L. & Manion, L. (1994). Research Methods in Education (4th
ed.) London and New York: Routledge.
Catterall, S. (1995). Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy.
ELT Journal, 49,3,219-227.
Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your Coursebook. Oxford: Heine
Ellis, G. & Sinclair, B. (1989). Learning to Learn English: A Course in
Learner Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fanselow, J.F. (1987). Breaking Rules: Generating and Exploring Alter
natives in Language Teaching. New York and London: Longman.
Flanders, N.A. (1970). Analyzing Teacher Behavior. Reading, Massa
chusetts: Addison-Wesley.
Fortune, A. (1992). Self-study grammar practice: learners' views and
preferences. ELT Journal, 62,2,160-171.
Freeman, E. (1983):. Teacher Thinking: A Study of Practical Know
ledge. London: Croom Helm.
Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (1992). What's Worth Fighting for in your
School. Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press.
Gibbs, G., Habeshaw, S. & Habeshaw, T. (1987). 53 Interesting Things
to do in your Lectures. Bristot, England: Technical and Educational
Godefroy, C.H. & Clark, J. (1990). The Complete Time Management
System. London: Piatkus.
Goodson, I.E (1992). Sponsoring the teacher's voice: learners' lives and
teachers' development. In A. Hargreaves. and M. Fullan (eds.)
Understanding Teacher Development. New York: Teachers College
Hancock, R. and Settle, D. (1990). Teacher Appraisal and Self
evaluation: A Practical Guide. Oxford: Blackwell Education.
Hopkins, D. (1993). A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research (2nd
ed.). Buckingham, Engfand! Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Huberman, M. (1992). Teacher development and instructional mastery.
In A. Hargreaves and M. Fullan (eds.) Understanding Teacher
Deve/o/Jment. London: CasseHlNew York: Teachers College Press.
Jordan, R.R. (1990). Pyramid discussions. ELTJournal, 44, 1,46-54.
Kumeravadivelu, B. (1991). Language learning tasks: teacher intention
and learner interpretation. ELTJournal, 45, 2,98-107.
Laufer, B. (1991). The development of L2 lexis in the expression of the
advanced learner. Modern Language Journal, 75,4,440-448.
Lowe, T. (1994). An experiment in role-reversal: teachers as language
learners. ELT Journal, 41, 2, 89-96.
Luft, J. (1969). Of Human Interaction. New York: Nationaf Press
Malamah-Thomas, A. (1987). Classroom Interaction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Matsumoto, K. (1993). Verbal-report data and introspective methods in
second language research: state of the art. RELe Journal, 24, 1,
Moskowitz, G. (1971). Interaction analysis: a new modern language for
supervisors. Foreign Language Annals, 1, 3, 211-221.
Murdoch, G. (1994). Language development provision in teacher
training curricula. ELTJournal, 48, 3,253-264.
Nunan, D. (1992). Research Methods in Language Learning. Cam
bridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
Oxford, R.t. (1993). Research Update on Teaching L2 Listening.
. System, 21, 2, 205-211..
{learson, E. (1988). Learner Strategies and Learner Interviews. ELT
Journal, 42, 3, 173-178.
Pedler, M. &- Boyden, T. (1985). Managing Yourself. London: Fontanal
Powney, J. &- Watts, M. (1987).. Interviewing in Educational Research.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul!,
Raimes, A. 0985)\. What unskiHed ESt students do as they write: a
classroom study of composing. TESOL Quarterly, 19,2,229-258.
RansdeU, D.R. (1993). Creative writing is Greek to me: the continuing
education of a fanguage teacher. ELT Journal, 47, 1, 40-46.
Rea-Dickens, P. and Germaine" G, (1992). Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Reed, B. & Nolan, S. (1994). Survey review: two. series of Business
English mater.ials. ELT Journal, 48 ,1, 80-89.
Sergeovanni, T.J. & Starratt, R.J. Supervision: Human Perspec
tives. New York: McGraw-HilL
Sinclair, J. McH. & Coulthard, R.M. Towards an Analysis of Dis
course. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, D. (1995). Teachers' Buckingham, EnglandIPhiladef
phia: Open University Press.
Vincent, S. (1990). Motivating the advanced learner in developing
writing skills: a project. ELT Journal, 44, 4, 272-278.
Wajnryb, R. (1992). Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book
for Teachers and Trainers. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Wallace, M.J. (1991). Training Foreign Language Teachers: A Reflec
tive Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wallace, M.J. (1993). Towards creating and maintaining a professional
dynamic in ELT. Paper presented at the ITTI conference on Future
Directions in Teacher Education, held at International House,
London, March 1993.
Widdowson, H.G. (1993). Innovation in teacher development. Annual
Review of Applied Linguistics, 13,260-265.
Woods, P. (1987). Life histories and teacher knowledge. In J. Smyth
(ed.) Educating Teachers: Changing the Nature of Pedagogical
Knowledge. London: Falmer Press.
Wright, T. (1992). L2 classroom research and L2. teacher education:
towards a collaborative approach. In J. Flowerdew, M. Brnck and
S. Hsia (eds.) Perspectives in Second Language Acquisition. Hong
Kong: City Polytechnic of Homg Kong.
Yin, R. K. (1994). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (2nd ed.).
Thousand Oaks, Califofllla / London: Sage Publications.
Subject index
Note: Index items cover only the main text and not the exemplar articles.
ahstract, 240
action research
and collaboration, 254
defined, 1,4, 15, 18
and inquiry, 15
and professional development, 4-19
and reflective cycle, 16
status of, 17-18
and teacher training, 254
ad hoc observation, see observation
affective data, 62
ASLIE Index to Theses, 218
autobiography, 66
bibliography, 214, 217-218
biography, 66
BNE (British National Bibliography), 217
Books in Print (UK, US), 218
case studies, 37 (diagram), 47-48, 160-170
catalogues, 214-215
CD-ROM, 215-218
collaborative research, 37 (diagram), 39, 41,
49,207-242 (passim), 208-211, 254
complementary research, 37 (diagram), 42,
conclusive research, 37 (diagram), 43-44
confidentiality, 51
contror group, 160
convenience sample, see sampl'e
critical incidents, 64-65
Current Index to Journals in Education, 218
databases, 215, 217
data wllection, 35-53
decision-making, boundaries of, 22
diaries, 39, 61-62, 64, 68-75 (exemplar
Dissertation Abstracts, 21 H
e-mail, 209, 212
empirical data/research, 37 (diagram), 39,
ERIC, 218,219 (example)
ethics, 29,49-53
evaluation, 37 (diagram), 46-48, 181-190
experiments, 48
experimental grbup, 160
FlAC, 110-112
field notes, 39,46,57-58
fishbowl technique, 49
focus (stimulus), see also research
hard data, 39-40
heuristic research, 37 (diagram), 43-44
individual research, 37 (diagram), 39,41
illuminative research, 37 (diagram), 43-44
inquiry, 10-13
inter-library loan, 215
Internatiunal ERIC, 219, 219 (example)
Internet, 148,209,212,217,254
interviews, 37 (diagram), 47, 48, 124-133,
introspective data, 37 (diagram), 39, 90
intrusive research, 37 (diagram), 41-44,
Johari window, 78, 79 (diagram)
iournals, 46, 62-64
Language Teaching (abstracting journal),
218,220-221 (sample extract)
learner product, 76-77
learners as researchers, 49, 50,54, 118-119,
life histories, 66
literature (in research), 214
logging resources, 222-229
logs, 59-61
mentalistic data, 39
modes of research, see research modes
narrative, 66
n9tecards, 229-232
observation 37 (diagram), 46; 48, 104-120
oral presentations, see presentations
personal accounts, 65-66
piloting, 132-133
plagiarism, 51
population (sampling), 131
oral, 236-239
written, 239-241
professional development, 1,4, 12, 18,
and action research, 4-19 (passim)
diagram, 14
strategies for, 5-6
protocol (as in research ethics), 51-53
protocols, protocol analysis (research
technique), 76, 86
qualitative research, 37 (diagram), 38-39
quantitive research, 37 (diagram), 38-39
questionnaires, 37 (diagram), 47-48,
random sample, see sample
received knowledge, 89
reflection-on-action, 55, 253-254
reflective cycle, 13, 18
Subject index
reflective practice, 1 2 ~ 1 7 , 254
reliability, 17,35,36,39,86-87
research, 11-13, 15-16, 18,254
research ethics, see ethics
research focus, 24, 27,33-34, 161,214
research modes, 34
research topics, selection and development
of, 20-34
resources, 33
sample, sampling, 127-128, 131-132
schemata, 65
self-observation, 80-81
self-report, 80
'seven questions', 83-86, 87 (diagram)
source cards, 222-229
story, 66
stratified sample, see sample
structured observation, see observation
structured reflection, 14-15
style sheets, 228
subjectivity, 127
teacher training, 254
TESOL International, 212
think-aloud, 37 (diagram), 82-84
time management, 20, 29-33, 48-49
transcription, 56, 107, 147-148
trjalling, 37 (diagram), 46-48, 190-193
triangulation, 36, 109, 210
unstructured observation, see observation
validity, 17,36,38-39,86-87
verbal reports, 37 (diagram), 76-90
verification, 17
written presentations, see presentations
Author index
Allwright, D., 112, 263
American Psychological Assocation, 264
Anderson, A., 120-123 (article)
Appel, J., 166, 263
Arndt, V., 90-103 (article), 227-228,234
Bailey, K. M., 54, 63-64, 263
Bell, j., 262
Bellack, A. A., 105
Boud, D., 232
Bowker, R. R., 21S
Boydell, T., 265
Brock, M. N., 63-64
Brown, G., 120-123 (article)
Buckeridge, D., 212-213, 227, 230-231,
251-252 (article)
Calil, R., 212
Candy, P., 232
Carrier, M., 212,254
Chomsky, N., 44
Clark, J., 265
Cohen, A. D., 80, 88-89
Cohen, L., 10, 132,262
Cotterall, S., 170-180 (article), 231-232
Coulthard, R. M., 105
Cunningsworth, A., 264
Ellis, G.,89
Faercn, C., 224-226
Fanselow, J. E, 105
Banders, N. A., 110-112
Fortune, A., 166
Freeman, E., 263
Full'an, M., 254
Germaine, G., 264
Gibbs, G., 238, 265
Godefroy, C. H., 265
Goodson,1. F., 66
Habeshaw, S. & T., 265
Hancock, R., 59, 60 (diagram)
Hargreaves, A., 254
Hopkins, D., 113,262
Hosenfeld, c., 88-89
Hubermann, M., 49
jones, j. F., 171
jordan, R. R., 165, 167
Kasper, G., 224-226
Klippel, E, 213. .
Knowles, M., 2J2
Kumaravadivelu, B., 167, 169
Larsen, D. N., 233
Laufer, B., 45
Littlejohn, A., 232
Lowe, T., 67-75 (article)
McCafferty, J. B., 232
Malamah-Thomas, A., 112
Manion, L., 10, 132, 262
Matsumoto, K., 80
Moskowitz, G., 112-113,213
Murdoch, G., 138-145, 148
Nolan, S., 193-206 (article)
Nunan, D., 262-263
Oxford, R. L., 242-250 (article)
Pearson, E., 151-159 (article), 161,233
Pedlal', M., 265
Powney, J" 147, 149,264
Ransdell, D. R., 168, 170
Raimes, A., 91
Rea-Dickens, P., 264
Reed, B., 193-206 (article)
Sergeovanni, T.]., 78
Settle, D., 59, 60 (diagram)
Shilleoek, R., 120-123 (article)
Sinclair, J. MeH., 89, 105
Smalley, W.A., 233
Starratt, R.J" 78
Thomas, D., 263
Timm, P. R., 265
Ur, P., 213
Vincent, S., 168
Author index
Wajnryb, R., 112, 263
Wallace, M. J., 12,42,89
Watts, M., 147, 149,264
Wenden, A, L., 233
Widdowson, H. G., 17
Wong, M., 63-64
Woods, P., 66
Wright, T., 17
Yin, R. K., 163,264
Yu, B., 63-64
Yule, G., 120-123 (article)

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