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Ch. 3 Co-Teach by Gretchen McBride 3. My priorities as far as classroom procedures and management are structure and consistency.

I think that so many kids whether it is in public or private schools crave consistent routines. When I had my own classroom I was very strict with my rules and schedule. My kids did not have the best home lives and some of their parents where barely smarter than them. I think the reason they did well in my classroom was because they knew what to expect each day with me. I think that hopefully if I had a coteacher that we would both value consistent routines. If not we would have to work really hard, because I think I would have trouble with an inconsistent schedule. I think I would have a hard time with someone who did not value being consistent and scheduled. I know that you have to be flexible as far as kids go, but I see being flexible as reteaching a lesson that did not go so well or moving on to the next days lesson because they picked it up so fast. Not giving chance after chance after chance or changing the schedule daily.

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