BNCC Information System - Problem Analysis

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BNCC Information System

Problem Analysis Report

April 14, 2002

Sasmito Adibowo
Wiratna Sari Wiguna

Arcle Technologies


Project Name: BNCC Information System
Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

Table of Contents

About This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Project History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Project Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Report Contents and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Investigation Procedures and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Overview of Current Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

System Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
System Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Analysis of the Current System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Analysis Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Problem and Opportunity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
System Improvement Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Recommendation and Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Schedule for Completion of Requirements Analysis Phase . . . . . . . . . . 25

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

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Project Name: BNCC Information System
Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

1 About This Document

This report presents the detailed findings of our team's investigation of your
current BNCC system. The analysis were performed to provide a solid
ground on which to design the new computerized BNCC Information System,
code-named Buncis. We also update our ideas for solutions (to be further
investigated in the next phase). Finally, this report outlines our proposal of
the procedures and schedule to be followed for the next two phases of the
project. If you find any discrepancies or misconceptions, please bring them
to our immediate attention. We will schedule a formal meeting to discuss the
contents of this report.
1.1 Project History
BNCC is a Student Activity Unit which operates under the consent of Bina
Nusantara University. It is organized as a club that focuses on computer-
related interest groups. It accepts approximately 300 new members yearly,
most of which are first-year undergraduate students. Its activities include
tutoring, member meetings, annual publications, visitations, contests,
seminars, expositions, and research. Its major revenues come from the
yearly members' fees and alumnus' donations.
At the core of BNCC lies a committee which organizes all of its activities. The
committee is divided categorically into several major divisions, and each led
by a Division Chair. Each of the chairs is organized horizontally and
answers directly to the General Chair.
The need for an information system was communicated in a meeting
conducted by Faran Gunawan, the present coordinator of Fave Club. Fave
Club recognizes that the increasing number activities performed by BNCC
and likewise the number of members involved in it poses a growing load to
its core committee. In order to provide a better service for its members,
BNCC requires a strong information system to back its daily activities.
The current information system employed by BNCC is majorly a manual
system. The uses of computers are limited in the creation and storage of
free-form documents and tables. Those documents and tables are created as
files by standard office applications – such as word processing, spreadsheet,
and file-based database software. There are no provisions to impose
structure to those data, which creates difficulties in assessing information
from those data. This ad-hoc system – although has been used for a
significant amount of time – has impeded the performance of BNCC in
servicing and maintaining its members.
While Fave Club has the necessary programmer human resource to perform
the implementation of an information system, it lacks an analyst to complete

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

the system specification. That is why Sasmito Adibowo was directed by

Faran Gunawan to assist in developing the system.
It is recognized that analysis and design of such system to be a nontrivial
task. This fact requires that a team should be formed in order to increase the
quality and speed of the analysis and design processes. The team now
includes Wiratna Sari Wiguna and Yusri which will participate in the
analysis and design to build the new Buncis system. These individuals have
demonstrated their trustworthiness and competence to Sasmito Adibowo in
a previous project. In addition, they also expresses their interest in this
1.2 Project Scope
The following is a definition on the scope of the project:
• The focus of the project is on core member and activity management
• The final specification and design should result in a system that can be
minimally implemented and run, and then incrementally expanded as the
need arises.
• Several complex functions such as financial and asset management that
typically present in most ERP systems will be deliberately omitted from
the project. The design and implementation of such systems will require
an additional problem domain expert and will demand a significant
increase of the expertise of the system analyst.

The following are the business functions that will be addressed by the
project. The list is ordered on the importance of the development of an
automated information system for the corresponding business function.
Each item in the list is accompanied by a brief description on the aspect of
the new system in correspondence with the associated business function.
1.2.1 Member Management
BNCC possesses a large pool of members. Additionally it receives new
members yearly, most of which are first-year Bina Nusantara undergraduate
students. Each of the activities of BNCC revolves around, and for, this pool
of members.
The member-management functionality of the new system will allow the
storage and retrieval of member data. It will also need to gather data which
will aid in providing performance appraisal information of each member.
1.2.2 Document Storage and Retrieval
Most of BNCC's activities are documented in some way. The form of the
documentation varies and may range from inter-staff memos, proposals,
correspondence, announcements, and other free-form documents.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

A method is required to provide a centralized repository for storage and

retrieval of these documents. The documents will need to be categorized,
and each document may belong to multiple categories. In the latter case,
redundancy should be avoided.
1.2.3 External Contacts Management
BNCC requires to maintain a close relationship to those people who came in
contact with it. These people include BNCC’s own seniors, alumnus, and
also staffs and contact people from other organizations. Thus, an automated
information system is required to make this information available to all of
BNCC’s members, especially the core committee.
1.2.4 Class Organizer
BNCC provides tutoring services for its members. This service is referred to
as PnP (an acronym for Pendalaman dan Penghayatan). Each semester
several topics are selected to tutor and instructors are obtained to provide
tuition. Additionally, the instructors are further trained by one or more
gurus which specialize in the subject.
A comprehensive system is required to manage the interaction between
gurus and instructors, and also to manage classes, its instructor and its
1.2.5 Media Management
BNCC provides annual publications for its members in the form of
magazines and CD-ROMs. Since the member's fees include the cost of such
subscriptions, it is essential that each member may obtain a copy upon
request. But overproduction and unclaimed copies are not desirable, as it
incurs losses to the organization.
The system will aid in production (replication) and distribution management
of those media. For each publication cycle, it will keep records on how many
copies of the media produced, how many distributed, and the number that
are still in stock. The data obtained are to be assessed to provide a heuristic
on the number of copies that will need to be produced in the next
publication cycle.
1.2.6 Event Organizer
What constitutes the lifeblood of BNCC are the events it organizes. Some of
these events are held annually and others sporadically. For every event that
requires an active participation of the members, he or she must register for
the event beforehand. For most events – especially for sporadic events – an
ad-hoc committee responsible for the event is formed from both a subset of
the members and a subset of the core committee.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

A system is required to schedule these events, publish them, organize the

resources involved in each event – especially people, and records various
data about the event for further performance analysis and evaluation.
1.2.7 Library Management
BNCC operates a small library of reference materials provided for its
members. Occasionally, it also purchases additional books to extend its
The system should provide a functionality for the library to keep track which
books are lent to which members, its return date, and also the books that
are still available in the collection.
1.3 Report Contents and Organization
This report initially describes the methods and procedures used to conduct a
study of your current system. The next section summarizes the operation of
the current system. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the current
system. We have identified and analyzed the current system for problems,
opportunities, and constraints. The next section presents an update of
possible solutions to be investigated in the next two phases. This section
also presents the tasks and schedule for the next two phases.

2 Investigation Procedures and Methods

This section was designed to provide you with a brief summary of the
methods and procedures used in our investigation. You should notify us of
any potential omissions or mistakes that may render our findings incomplete
or inaccurate.
2.1 Procedures
Initially, we conducted a preliminary investigation of your system. The
preliminary investigation consisted of an interview of our key contact, Faran
Gunawan. Our preliminary findings were documented in an earlier report
entitled Project Feasibility Assessment Report, dated March 5, 2002.
The following is a list of methods and procedures followed in the subsequent
detailed investigation of your system:
2.1.1 Forms and reports that were sampled
• Notulen Rapat Majalah
• Notulen Rapat Kerja Lomba Pemrograman Komputer, 5 Oktober 1997
• Notulen Rapat Seminar, 1997
• Form Penilaian Calon Aktivis BNCC 2001

2.1.2 Existing documentations that were studied

• Program Kerja Divisi Workshop. 2001 – 2002
• Program Kerja Divisi Humas. 2001 – 2002

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• Program Kerja Divisi Publikasi. 2001 – 2002

• Program Kerja Divisi Eksternal. 2001 – 2002
• Program Kerja Divisi Internet. 2001 – 2002
• Program Kerja Kepengurusan periode 11
• Program Kerja Kepengurusan periode 13
• Program Kerja Fave Club. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Dokumentasi. 2001 – 2002
• Job Description Divisi Event Organizer. 2001 – 2002
• Job Description Divisi Kunjungan. 2001 – 2002
• Job Description Divisi Dokumentasi. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Humas. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Eksternal. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Pemasaran. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Workshop. 2000 – 2001
• Job Description Divisi Sekretaris. 2000 – 2001
• Penawaran Kerjasama Kentucky Fried Chicken untuk seminar The World
of Digital Animation. 18 September 2000
• Penawaran Kerjasama PT Datascrip untuk seminar The World of Digital
Animation. 18 September 2000
• Penawaran Kerjasama Apkomindo untuk seminar The World of Digital
Animation. 15 Agustus 2000
• Perjanjian Kerjasama Sponsorship Pemasangan Booth pada Seminar
Sehari Creating Multimedia Application with Digital Imaging.
31 Maret 2001
• Permintaan Maaf kepada Peserta Seminar Web Teknologi. 12 Juni 2001
• Pendidikan dan Pelatihan C/C++ RINGNET
• Proposal Temu Informasi BNCC 2000-2001. 22 Juni 2000
• Proposal Public Meeting BNCC Web Technology. 10 Mei 2001
• Proposal Seminar Dua Hari Digital Animation. 22 Juli 2000
• Penawaran Pemasangan Iklan pada BNCC Magazine. 25 Juli 2000
• Penawaran Pemasangan Iklan pada BNCC Magazine. 14 Juli 2000
• Proposal BNCC 2001 – 2002 Launching.

2.2 Methods
This report contains high-level pictures that diagram the flow of documents
and data through your system. In the interest of brevity, this report only
contains high-level pictures of the current system. The pictures use the
following special symbols:

A square represents a person, department, organization, or system
Text that is beyond the scope of the system that we studied, but which
provides input to or receives outputs from the system being studied.

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In other words, the squares define where the system begins and ends.

A rounded rectangle represents work that is performed in, by, or for
the system. This includes work performed by people and machines.

An open-ended box represents data storage, either temporary

or permanent. This includes in/out boxes, log sheets,

reference books, manual files, and computer files.

An arrow represents the actual flow of documents, messages

(possibly verbal), and reports through the system. Each arrow can
be thought of as a pipeline through which one or more occurrences
of the named flow travel.

3 Overview of Current Operations

In this section of the report, we present our understanding of your current
system operations.
3.1 System Participants
To date, we have identified the following list of participants for this system.
Please inform us of any potential omissions.
3.1.1 Management – Managers of the System
• Fransiska
General Chair
• Faran Filbert Gunawan
Fave Club Coordinator
• Carolina Cellestine Chandra
PnP Coordinator
• Felicia Lie
• Lukas Hendri

3.1.2 Non-Management – Direct Users of the System

• Benny Yogisaputra
• Chandra Jaya
• Defi
• Frenky Yuliko

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• Ichen
Financial Services
• Jefri Hendrawan
• Yessy Sutana
• PnP instructors
• Members of BNCC

3.2 System Environment

The system we studied can be conveniently broken down into the following
• Administrative Services
• Internet Services
• Educational Services
• Publication Services
• Event Organizer
• Financial Services
• Public Relations

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Administrative Services Internet Services Educational Services Publication Services Event Organizer Financial Services

Internal Administration Mailing List PnP Division Magazine Division Seminar Organizer Marketing Division

Data Processing Libary Division e-Media Division Training Organizer Human Resources
Web Site

Fave Club Bulletin Visitation Organizer Public Relations

Internal Documentator
Project Name: BNCC Information System
Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

3.2.1 System Interfaces Context

The following diagrams depicts the interfaces between the subsystems
(divisions) in the current BNCC system. It also describes the interfaces
between BNCC with various external entities. The diagrams emphasizes on
the flow of data and information between the components depicted. PnP Division

class schedule Publication

Members Services

class registration PnP


Resources available instructors PnP
class data Instructors
participant data

class database

The PnP division is in charge in providing tutorials to members. Therefore, it

organizes classes for the members, each class provide a particular subject.
To run the class it requires an instructor for each class, which are obtained
from human resources. It then provides the classes' schedule to the
Publication Services to make it available to the members.

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BNCC (any
division) resources request
event request Human

event registration Event Financial
Organizer Services
funding request
Participants event registration

event notifications Services

Organizations event request

The event organizer is responsible for the management and operations of the
various events held by BNCC. It manages the registration, human
resources, and also the funding spent in the event. In addition, it provides
publication materials of the event to the Publication Services.

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funding request Financial
class schedule
Publication Members
Organizer event notifications Media content
media content Services

member data Public
external notifications Relations

media files

The Publication Services is responsible for the various publications of BNCC,

including Magazine, CD-ROM, and Bulletin. It receives various data from
other divisions, process them into publishable information, and produce the
media delivering that information. It also provides the materials to the
Internet Services division for publication on the Internet. Administrative Services
Member registration member data
Candidate Publication
Member Services

member data
Current Resources
Member re-registration member data

member database

The Administrative Services is responsible for the office day-to-day tasks. It

manages internal and external correspondence, along with the various
household tasks required to maintain the administrative office.

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Event resources request

Organizer PnP

Resources available instructors
PnP instructor application
instructor data

member data Instructor database

The Human Resources division is responsible for managing the BNCC staff,
including keeping track of members, the core committee, and also keeps
track information about PnP instructors. Financial Services

member fee

Members Event funding request
Financial Executive
Internet Services financial report
funding request
funding request

data financial data
External Marketing
Participants revenue division

The Financial Services division is responsible in keeping track of the

financial status of BNCC. It manages the flow of money to/from the various
divisions, and provide a report to BNCC executives (primarily the General
Chair) about the financial status.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report Internet Services

Web Site
Media content system
Services notifications

funding request
Internet data files Financial

The Internet Services division performs Internet-related tasks. It primarily

publishes information obtained from Publication Services to the Internet. Public Relations

Publication external notifications

various BNCC
Public Other
Relations Organizations

Organizations feedback

The Public Relations division is responsible for managing the interaction of

BNCC and other organization.
3.2.2 System Data Context
The following diagrams describe the data that are stored in some of the
subsystems previously referred. Those diagrams only depicts a high level
view of the data entities and their relations, not including the attributes of
those entities. These diagrams will assist in capturing the types of data
stored and processed by the current system.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report PnP Division

specialized in
Guru Subject Member

0..1 0..* 1..*


taught in

0..* teaches 0..* enrol ls in

Instructor Class Participant
1 1 1..* 1..*

Each guru taught several instructors and is specialized in at least one

subject. At a given semester, a guru may not be currently training
instructors. When selected, each subject is taught in several classes. The
classes are enrolled by several participants. The participants must be a
registered member of BNCC. Administrative Services
Mem ber Staff

The Administrative Services division manages the member and staff data.
Each staff is also a member of BNCC. Human Resources

te aches participates in
Class Instructor Staff Event
1 1 1..* 0.. *

The Human Resources division obtains data from the Administrative services
division. It also keep track of the allocated instructors and staff that are
allocated in an event.

4 Analysis of the Current System

This is the most important section of this report. It analyzes the current
system, describing and analyzing problems, opportunities, and constraints.

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Problems, opportunities, and constraints include those identified by you and

those perceived by our own team. Keep in mind, we are analyzing "the
system," not the people in the system.
A problem is a situation that results in an undesirable side effect. All
problems will be defined in the following way: problem statement cause(s),
and net effect(s).
Sometimes confused for solutions to problems, opportunities are actually
situations that we have identified as possible areas for improvement, despite
not being specific problems. Computer automation is not an opportunity
(only a way to exploit an opportunity). Opportunities are stated as follows:
statement and business benefit that can be derived by exploiting the
A constraint is an existing or anticipated situation that may constrain any
improved system that we may recommend in the subsequent phases of this
project. In other words, a constraint is something which cannot or should
not be changed (e.g. policies, regulations, equipment, deadlines, budget,
etc.). All constraints are stated along with the rationale for not being able to
change the constraint.
4.1 Analysis Framework
Problems, opportunities, and constraints are presented within a framework
called PIECES (developed by James Wetherbe and refined by Whitten/
Bentley). The letters in the acronym classify the problems, opportunities,
and constraints:
• Performance
• Information and Data
• Economy (costs)
• Control and Security
• Efficiency
• Service and overall usefulness

A single problem, opportunity, or constraint may show up in more than one

category; however, there would be different implications. For example, a
single problem may have performance, economic, control, efficiency, et al,
4.1.1 Performance Analysis
Performance analysis is generally applied to the systems transactions (or
inputs). When discussing the performance of any given transaction, we need
to discuss both throughput and response time. Throughput is the number
of transactions processed in some specified period of time (e.g. 50 per day).
Response time is the time required to process a single transaction.

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4.1.2 Economic Analysis

Economic analysis examines the system for cost problems (e.g. excessive
costs or insufficient cost controls) or cost reduction opportunities. It can
also be used to present budget constraints.
4.1.3 Information and Data Analysis
Information analysis examines the outputs of a system. Outputs include
reports and inquiry responses. Data analysis examines the data stored
within a system. Information Analysis
Information analysis initially identifies those net outputs produced by or for
the system. Each output is analyzed for the following possible problems or
• Information overload. Either too many outputs are produced or
outputs contain too much information, limiting their usefulness.
• Information accuracy. Information contains errors or possible errors.
• Information timeliness. Information is not received fast enough to be
• Information format. Information is in a format that is either not useful
or must be modified to become useful.
• Information redundancy. Multiple outputs contain much of the same
• Lack of information. Information is not available to aid in decision
making. Data Analysis
Data analysis describes the degree to which data is redundantly stored
within the system, the ease (or lack thereof) of access to data (e.g. how easy
or difficult it is to produce information and outputs from the data), and the
accuracy and consistency of stored data.
4.1.4 Economic Analysis
Economic analysis examines the system for cost problems (e.g. excessive
costs or insufficient cost controls) or cost reduction opportunities. It can
also be used to present budget constraints.
4.1.5 Control and Security Analysis
Controls analysis examines how the system ensures that it is properly
operating. Security analysis is concerned with both facility and data
security. The system was examined both for excessive controls and lack of
controls. Controls are measures taken to eliminate mistakes and tampering.
Controls can also have performance implications.
4.1.6 Efficiency Analysis
Efficiency analysis is sometimes confused with economic analysis. Efficiency
analysis examines the system for problems and opportunities related to how

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resources (e.g. people, facilities, money, etc.) are being used. Efficiency
problems and opportunities usually target resources that could be better
used (not eliminated).
4.1.7 Service Analysis
Service analysis takes on several forms. The following list is not exhaustive:
• Processing and data accuracy (manual and computer). Especially for
computerized systems, is data being properly edited prior to file updates?
• Reliability of the system. Are transactions and situations handled
• Recoverability of the system. Especially for computerized systems, is data
being periodically backed up?
• Maintainability of the system. Especially for computerized systems, has
the system been properly maintained? Can it be maintained? How good
is the documentation?
• Ease of use. For both computerized and manual systems or subsystems,
is the system easy to learn and use?
• Flexibility. Are there situations or conditions that the system cannot
• Coordination. Do the people in the system appear to coordinate their
activities? Do actions or decisions ever contradict? Do people
understand how their fellow workers interface to their jobs?
• Customer and/or employee goodwill or morale.

4.2 Problem and Opportunity Analysis

The following table summarizes our findings of the problems and
opportunities present in the current system. Along with each statement, a
check mark indicates the area in the PIECES analytical framework that the
corresponding problem or opportunities may be categorized into. The
problems and opportunities listed below are those that are perceived to be
addressable by an automated information system.

Problem or Opportunity Area

Publication of magazines and CD-ROMs were never on time TT TTT
Magazines and CD-ROMs are mostly overproduced TT T
The needs of members are often not accommodated T T
Relationship with seniors and alumnus are often cut-off T
Information about PnP classes are not always readily available T TT
Difficulty in discovering potential PnP instructors T TT

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Problem or Opportunity Area

Difficulty in training candidate PnP instructors TTT
Difficulty in providing materials for PnP sessions T T
Difficulty in distributing PnP materials to the appropriate instructors T TTT
Some PnP classes are over-booked while some other are under-booked T T
Difficulty in assessing data about member trends T
Information about events are not always readily available to members T
Difficulty in forming and maintaining an efficient committee TT T
Difficulty to assess the performance for each member T T
Difficulty in coordinating the work of event organizer committees T TTT
Difficulty in handling potential sponsors/participants from external TTT T
The server in the BNCC administration office crashed because of a virus TT
Difficulty in storage and retrieval of correspondence documents T TT
Difficulty in performing knowledge transfer to new committee members T T

The following subsections provide detailed analyses of the problem or

opportunity statements. Provided with each item are analyses on its
perceived causes and effects.
4.2.1 Publication of magazines and CD-ROMs were never on time
Every two months, a media in the form of a magazine and its accompanying
CD-ROM is published. Those media are to be distributed to the members at
the monthly Member's Forum event. Ideally, the media are ready for
distribution at some time before the event. But apparently for each
publication, the targeted date was never met. Cause
• Slow preparation of materials.
• Technical difficulties in replicating the media. Effect
• The production staff had to work overtime.
• Undistributed media.
• Dissatisfied members.

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4.2.2 Magazines and CD-ROMs are mostly overproduced Cause
• Lack of statistical data on past production/consumption rate of the
• Undistributed media
• Resigned members – the copy allocated for the member was already
produced. Effect
• The undistributed media piles up at the administrative office
• Financial inefficiency – money that was spent in replication of the media.

4.2.3 The needs of members are often not accommodated Cause
• Member requirements are difficult to assess.
• Difficulty in communicating with members. Effect
• Dissatisfied members.
• Declining members – at the end of each year, most members do not re-
register, in other words, resigned.

4.2.4 Relationship with seniors and alumnus are often cut-off Cause
The committee often does not know how to contact seniors and alumnus.
Lack of communication to seniors and alumnus. Effect
• Difficulty in finding spokespersons for seminars and events.
• Difficulty in extending the reach of BNCC – in attaining the go
international vision.

4.2.5 Information about PnP classes are not always readily available Cause
Lack of communication with candidate participants. Effect
Some interested members are unable to participate in PnP sessions.
4.2.6 Difficulty in discovering potential PnP instructors
Apart from being interested, a person must also have specific technical skills
to become a PnP instructor. People who meet those requirements are
difficult to find. Cause
Lack of information on individuals who possesses the skills required.

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Not enough PnP instructors with the required skills.
4.2.7 Difficulty in training candidate PnP instructors
The PnP instructors are trained by one or more gurus which have
considerably more expertise in the subject. Often, because of their expertise,
these gurus have other projects/activities to take care of. Cause
• Scheduling problems between gurus and instructors.
• Communication problems between gurus and instructors. Effect
PnP instructors are often not adequately trained.
4.2.8 Difficulty in providing materials for PnP sessions Cause
• Inadequate curriculum preparation and planning beforehand.
• Difficulty in finding a guru for a particular subject.
• Difficulty in discovering the member's desires of PnP materials. Effect
The materials provided are less than optimal.
4.2.9 Difficulty in distributing PnP materials to the appropriate instructors
Gurus sometimes find it difficult to make the materials that he or she
possesses to become available to the appropriate instructor. Cause
• The lack of a repository for instruction materials.
• Communication and scheduling problems between gurus and
instructors. Effect
The materials provided are less than optimal.
4.2.10 Some PnP classes are over-booked while some other are under-booked
When the number of instructors for a subject is adequate, more than one
PnP class is held at different day of the week teaching the same subject.
Sometimes, an imbalance of the numbers of participants occur between the
parallel classes. Cause
• Lack of communication to members that are interested in the PnP
• Mismatches between the scheduling of each class and the member's own
schedule. Effect
• Some PnP class have while others have very few participants.
• Some members are not accommodated in a class.

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Project Name: BNCC Information System
Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

4.2.11 Difficulty in assessing data about member trends Cause
• The committee have very few mechanisms to collect data from the
• The members are not actively encouraged to contribute information. Effect
• Members' needs are not adequately met.
• Dissatisfied members.
• Lack of information in which to formulaize the organization's activities.

4.2.12 Information about events are not always readily available to members Cause
Difficulty in announcing event information. Effect
Less members who participate in the event.
4.2.13 Difficulty in forming and maintaining an efficient committee Cause
• Difficulty in managing the committee.
• Communications and control problems in the committee. Effect
• The members spend more time playing games instead of working.
• The organization performs less than optimal.
4.2.14 Difficulty to assess the performance for each member Cause
Performance data for each member are not recorded in an orderly manner. Effect
• Difficulty in promoting members to the core committee.
• Difficulty in improving the performance of the organization.

4.2.15 Difficulty in coordinating the work of event organizer committees Cause
• Communications and scheduling problems.
• Difficulty in measuring the work, performance, and progress for each
member in each committee in preparation and execution of the event. Effect
Errors and slip-ups always happen in each event.
4.2.16 Difficulty in handling potential sponsors/participants from external
organizations Cause
Lack of knowledge of the contacted individual.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report Effect
The potential participants are hindered from participating in the event.
4.2.17 The server in the BNCC administration office crashed because of a virus Cause
Lack of security enforcement and access control in the BNCC administration
office. Effect
Major losses of data, which results in various other problems.
4.2.18 Difficulty in storage and retrieval of correspondence documents Cause
• Lack of standardization of correspondence documents.
• No formal methods of document storage, backup, and later retrieval. Effect
Difficult in referring to past correspondence documents.
4.2.19 Difficulty in performing knowledge transfer to new committee members Cause
Lack of documentation about past activities. Effect
• The new committee members have to re-learn just about everything.
• The organization's learning process is slowed

5 Recommendations
In this section of the report we make recommendations regarding the status
of the project and revise our schedule.
5.1 System Improvement Objectives
At this point, we are able to define the objectives for the new system. These
objectives will be used to evaluate the accomplishments of the system after it
has been deployed and used.
The primary objective of the new system is that it will assist in
communication, documentation, and management of the various BNCC
activities. Generally, the system should:
• Reduce the declination of members.
• Improve communication within the BNCC staff, between BNCC members,
and to other organizations.
• Improve storage, retrieval, and distribution of documents.
• Records history data about the various BNCC activities along with their
participants and provide functionalities to assess information from those
recorded data.

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Document Title: Problem Analysis Report

5.2 Recommendation and Proposal

We propose to define user business requirements for an improved system.
This section of the report outlines our proposal.
The next phase of our project is commonly referred to as the requirements
analysis phase. The requirements analysis phase activities involve:
1. Soliciting facts about business requirements.
2. Defining and documenting the data storage for a new system.
3. Defining and documenting essential inputs needed for an improved
4. Defining and documenting essential outputs needed for an improved
5. Defining and documenting the business processes for an improved
6. Defining and documenting the geographic support requirements for an
improved system.
7. Packaging a comprehensive business requirements statement that will
guide future project phases.

5.3 Schedule for Completion of Requirements Analysis Phase

Apr 14, '02 Apr 21, '02 Apr 28, '02 May 05, '02
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T
1 Soliciting facts about business 2 days Tue 04/16/02 Wed 04/17/02
2 Defining and documenting the data 3 days Thu 04/18/02 Mon 04/22/02
storage for a new system.
3 Defining and documenting essential inputs 4 days Tue 04/23/02 Fri 04/26/02
needed for an improved system.
4 Defining and documenting essential 4 days Tue 04/23/02 Fri 04/26/02
outputs needed for an improved system.
5 Defining and documenting the business 3 days Mon 04/29/02 Wed 05/01/02
processes for an improved system.
6 Defining and documenting the geographic 5 days Thu 04/25/02 Wed 05/01/02
support requirements for an improved
7 Packaging a comprehensive business 3 days Thu 05/02/02 Mon 05/06/02
requirements statement that will guide

6 Conclusion
This report has presented the findings of a detailed investigation of your
existing BNCC system.
Please review this report at your earliest convenience. We anxiously await
your reaction to our findings. We thank you for your cooperation in
compiling this analysis and we look forward to working with you as we begin
to plan and design possible improvements to your system.

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