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This is an ametropic eye condition in which there is good near sight but poor far sight.


Foot massage: The massage is applied to eye (8), frontal sinus (2), parathyroid gland
(13), kidney (22), adrenal gland (21), ureter (23), urinary bladder (24) and liver (18)
reflecting areas (Fig. 110).

Because the eye reflecting area on the foot is very small, a probe may be used to apply
the massage instead of the finger; but since the reflecting area of liver is much larger,
the knuckles of both hands can be used to apply pressure circularly or up and down to
increase the stimulation.

Foot acupuncture:

1) Meridianal acupoints: At Neiting (ST 44), Zulinqi (GB 41), Diwuhui (GB 42),
Xiaxi (GB 43), Zuqiaoyin (GB 44), Kunlun (BL 60) and J inggu (BL 64) acupoints, a
balanced reinforce-reducing acupuncture technique is applied and the needles are
retained for 30 minutes.
2) Foot acupoints: At Head and face (FA-P 1), Liver (FA-P 9) and Kidney (FA-P 14)
acupoints, a gentle acupuncture stimulation is applied and the needles are retained for
30 to 40 minutes.

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