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Eroski Center is the closest supermarket to my house, so I usually go shopping there.

Firstly, when I leave my house, I turn right and walk about twenty metres. After that, I cross the road to the park, at a pedestrian crossing. Then, I walk across the park, which is next to the church, until I get to a pedestrian street. I go ahead this street for fourty metres and turn left to get to a new pedestrian crossing which leads right to the supermarkets door. Eroski Center is at the corner, next to the post office.

Maria Rico Eroski Center is the closest supermarket to my house, so I usually go shopping there. When I leave my house, I turn right and walk about twenty meters . I then cross the road to the park, at a pededstrian crosswalk. I walk across the park until I reach a pedestrian crosswalk by the Church. After crossing, I walk along the street about 40 meters and turn left to get to a pedestrian crossing which leads right to the door of the supermarket. Eroski Center is at the corner, next to the Post Office.

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