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UNIT 1: The Scientific Method DAYSHEET 22: Graphing & Data Analysis Station Practice

Biology I

Name :________________________________________________ Date:____________________________

Bellringer Directions:

1. Get out your tablet or another device that can get to the Internet. 2. Type in the following web address:
3. Complete the Scientific Method Bellringer practice quiz. 4. You must take the practice test until you are able to answer all 10 questions correctly.

If you do not have a device to access the Internet, turn to the next page.

If you do not have a device to access the Internet:

Carefully read over the following questions from Unit 1. Without using your notes, see how many questions you can answer correctly.
1. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales make? a. b. c. d. Making observations Interpreting data Drawing conclusions Making a hypothesis

2. Which question would be the best high level scientific question? a. b. c. d. How long ago did dinosaurs live on Earth? Who made the first microscope? How many giraffes live in Africa? Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?

3. Which of the following is NOT a rule when writing a hypothesis? a. b. c. d. It is an if/then statement It is testable It should restate the question None of the above

4. An experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group and an experimental group is? a. b. c. d. An independent variable A controlled experiment A dependent variable A theory

5. Which of the following hypotheses is written correctly? a. b. c. d. Frozen tennis balls will not bounce as high If I freeze a tennis ball, then it will not bounce as high If a tennis ball is frozen, it wont bounce as high as one that is not frozen. If I heat up a tennis ball it will bounce high.

6. The process of obtaining information by using the senses is called a/an a. b. c. d. Scientific method Inquiry Observation Conclusion

7. In an experiment, the one variable that is changed is called the a. b. c. d. Independent variable Dependent variable Controlled variable Experimental variable

8. In an experiment, the factor that we measure is called the a. b. c. d. Dependent variable Independent variable Controlled variable Conclusion

9. A scientist hypothesizes the temperature at which an alligators egg is incubated will determine whether the alligator will be male or female. The independent variable is a. b. c. d. The incubator The gender of the alligator The temperature The male alligator

10. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the independent variable is a. b. c. d. the number of plants in the water the amount of salt in the water the water the temperature of the water

Objective: I can graph complex data sets to help me analyze trends in the data Homework: Complete HW#22. Study for your UNIT 1 Assessment (Tuesday/Wednesday)

Activity 1: Graphing & Data Analysis Station Practice Station #1 1. How much rain fell in March of 1989? _____________________ 2. How much more rain fell in February of 1990 than in February of 1989? ________________ 3. Which year had the most rainfall? _______________ 4. What is the wettest month on the graph? ________________________ 5. How many times does the rainfall in 1990 overtake the amount of rainfall in 1989? __________ 6. What is the trend in rainfall from April June in 1989? ________________________________ 7. During what two months was there the greatest decrease in rainfall during 1990? __________ 8. During what two months was there the smallest increase in rainfall during 1989? ___________ 9. What is the dependent variable in this graph? _________________________________ 10. What is the independent variable in this graph? ________________________________

Station #2

The relative hormone levels vary greatly during the 28 day human menstrual cycle. The table below shows the relative levels of the four major hormones by day.
1. Estrogen levels are highest on day number? ___________ 2. LH levels are highest on day number? _____________ 3. What is the dependent variable? _________________________________ 4. What is the independent variable? ________________________________ 5. If you had to graph this data, what type of graph would you generate? __________________ 6. Is it easier to interpret the data in chart form or in graph form? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. What trends in data were you able to see by studying the data table?

Station #3 This graph represents the number of As earned in a particular high school algebra class. Answer the following questions: 1. How many As were earned during the fall and spring of 1990? ________________ 2. How many more As were earned in the fall of 1991 than in the spring of 1991? __________ 3. In which year were the most As earned? ________________ 4. In which semester and year were the fewest As earned? 5. What is the independent variable? ________________________________ 6. What is the dependent variable? _________________________________ 7. During which semester was there the greatest change in As earned from 1990 to 1991? _____________________ 8. During which semester was there the smallest change in As earned from 1990 to 1991? _____________________ 9. Does this graph provide the viewer with any information that would allow them to infer what caused the change in number of As from 1990 to 1991? ________________________ 10. This graph is missing a title. Generate a title that accurately conveys the relationship between the IV and DV represented on the graph: __________________________________________

Station #4 1. How many planets are represented? _____________ 2. How many moons are represented? ______________ 3. Which moon has the largest mass? _______________ 4. Which planet has a radius closest to that of Earth? ___________________ 5. How many moons are larger than Pluto? _________________ 6. Which of Jupiters moons orbits closest to the planet? ________________ 7. Which planet is closest to Earth? __________________

HW22: Data Analysis Practice

Name ______________________________ Date ________________

Biology I

Directions: Study the graph below. Use the information housed in the graph to answer questions 1-

1. How many total miles did the car travel? __________________ 2. What was the average speed of the car for the trip? _____________________ 3. Describe the motion of the car between hours 5 and 12? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What direction is represented by the line CD? ____________________________________ 5. How many miles were traveled in the first two hours of the trip? __________________ 6. Which line represents the fastest speed? __________________________ 7. What is the dependent variable? ___________________________________ 8. What is the independent variable? __________________________________

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