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LL2012 Report Tue, Dec.

18, 2012 Robert Duckworth, EdTech Director Brandon Porterfield, Technology Integration Specialist

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What is the LL2012? Top-level It was a 3 daythree-day conference focused on learning WHY and HOW to make purposeful and systemic use of the iPad in primary grades and beyond.

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What was the content of LL2012? Infusing technology into the primary grades through an iPad implementation is a complex system requiring attention to several domains simultaneously. 4 Strands: 1. Leadership & Professional Development - How to lead and support? School change requires both leadership and support. How to provide overall leadership? What kinds of professional development will help teachers be successful? 2. Curriculum, Pedagogy, & Assessment - What happens in the classroom? Improving student learning is goal #1. How can iPads impact what is taught, how teachers teach and students learn, and how to know what students are learning? 3. Data & Research - How to know implementation is working? Data & Research informs how initiative is working, and guides direction initiative takes based on hard evidence. (Also creates opportunities and brings benefits to program.) What types of research and assessments should be made a part of initiative? 4. Technical Project Management - How to make sure equipment will work well? How can learning with iPads program address technical side without becoming a technology program? How to purchase, manage, and sync apps? How to store and protect the iPads? What policies and procedures should be in place to support program?

, focused on the integration, pedogogy, and creative use of the iPads in education. Why did weI go? Brandon - As OIS Technology Integration Specialist (EdTech Coach)TIS, my my areas of responsibility are:
1. Visionary Leadership 2. Teaching, Learning, & Assessments

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3. Digital Age Learning Environments 4. Professional Development and Program Evaluation 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Content Knowledge and Professional Growth

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My jprimary jobob is to coach the OIS community of stakeholders (teachers, parents, and students) on the use of the iPads forin education (in the classroom, at and at home, beyond). This conference was a gathering of some of the best minds and techniques for technology in education. Robert - As OIS EdTech Director, my areas of responsibility are:
1. Visionary Leadership 2. Digital-Age Learning Culture 3. Excellence in Professional Practice 4. Systemic Improvement 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Content Knowledge and Professional Growth

My primary job is to make sure all the pieces of this framework for successful large-scale school change are covered (by myself, members of the Design Team, the ICT Dept, teachers, and other stakeholders:

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This conference was a gathering of some of the best minds and techniques for technology in education in the world, was directly relevant, and afforded Brandon and I both overall and specialized professional growth, vastly accelerating our development as individuals, and moreover, as an ICT team. What diddid weI learn? Brandon I learned various techniques and methods for increasing individualized learning in the classroom, along with the technical & networking skills required to enhance the pedagogy practices. Based on the abovementioned learning, I now realize thatFirst and foremost we as a school, we severely are lag behind in our understanding of the ideal use of 1:1 devices. Due to our lack of knowledge, the ability to imagine the potential of these devices is difficult. It is now my job to help spread that vision and knowledge, and as a member of the ICT Dept. contribute to a paradigm shift of the way ICT happens at OIS. I also learned various techniques and methods for increasing individualised learning in the classroom, along with the technical & networking skills required to enhance the pedogogy practices. Robert Outcomes included: growing knowledge of how to effectively integrate the iPad into primary grades making progress in own planning through facilitated work time supported by professionals from Maine and across the United States growing knowledge of the synergistic roles Leadership & Professional Development, Curriculum & Pedagogy & Assessment, Data & Research, and Technical Project Management play in supporting effective iPad implementations in primary grades becoming more effective in collaboratively supporting iPad implementations and other significant school change efforts growing knowledge of how to identify iPad apps that directly support achievement of their program's goals networking with Auburn School Departments Advantage 2014 leadership team and other teams engaged in iPad implementations in Elementary grades networking with the Maine Learning Technology Initiative's leadership team - a team that has supported Maine's decade-long, statewide 1:1 laptop implementation in grades 7-12

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How did the model classroom use the iPads? We were able to view several a class whichclasses that used theuse 1:1 iPads in a completely integrated setting. From the teachers explanation of the lessons, displaying the students work, collaboration betweeamongn students (even kindergartenkindergartens), individualisedindividualized learning centers (which allowed the teacher more time to focus on those students the required extra attention), to assessments of the students and their metacognition. Levels of Technology Integration: SAMR - Dr. Ruben Puentedura

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How can we use this information to improve? Brandon I feel the iPad is currently radically underused as a tool at OIS. It will require many hours of deliberately planned and coordinated professional development, as well as some major changes to the teaching practices, to reach the full potential of 1:1 device learning. The reason for making the effort is that tThere is a whole new world of possiblitiespossibilities that opens up for teachers and students when individualisedindividualized learning via. 1:1 technology is the method of pedagogy. Robert This summer I attended iSummit 2012 as exploratory research, basically not even knowing what I didnt know. I returned to OIS from Atlanta with at least some knowledge of the vast outline of my ignorance when it comes to contemporary ICT. Shortly after that, less than 5 months ago, on July 27th, 2012, I was asked by Mr. Chinen to assume the role of EdTech Director. Since then a lot of changes have taken place. I have focused most of my energy on Building a Common Vision, Putting together a Team, Leadership, and Research on Professional Development for Paradigm Shifts. As a major part of this effort, Mr. Chinen agreed to send us to LL2012. Brandon and I left Naha as two individuals. We came back to OIS as a team. This is an invaluable success, and the future of our entire ICT program hinges on this fact. Yet, everything we have done up until now (and will continue to do up to, and through March 2013) has been mere preparation. Yes, during this period we have been generously supported with resources and PD. We have the tools, and we are developing our capacity. Suggested actions: 1. Leadership
iFly2015 Design Team (Mr. Chinen, Mr. Nakamura, Ms. Tinio, Mr. Garcia, Mr. Porterfield, Department Heads, Leaders, myself, et al) must re-constitute itself and re-dedicate itself to promoting a unified vision of the future of ICT at OIS through leadership in all spheres of its influence.

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2. Teacher Practice

Engaging Teaching Classroom Management and Planning Integration of Modern Learning Tools Level of Implementation

All of the above must be encouraged by both the ICT Dept., the Technology Coaches, and, importantly, the Programme Coordinators, who must encourage and support their teachers to re-think their teaching in terms of the role of ICT in IB.

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3. PD for Paradigm Shift

Teachers (as individuals, pairs, departments, and as a school) must be given ample time (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly) out of their overburdened schedules so that the ICT Dept. can do Technology Coaching with them. The human network of ICT at must be established and nurtured. ICT Dept. must be given further PD in 2013, both in Japan and abroad.

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The hardest part lies ahead. We urge you to continue to empower us in every way possible to do the work at hand.

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