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Sous WATCHED MICHAEL MOORE give CINN’s neweseast er, Wolf Blitzer, a virtual biteh-slap on live TV the other day (! watch?v=JpKoN4OK7mA). “Why don't ‘you tell the truth to the American public, Wolf?” he asked. “Why don't you tell the truth about what's going on in this country?” Thadn't seen anything so exiting on tlevi sion since. well, never. ‘Moore was talking about his new documen- tary SiCKO, a scathing indictment of Ameri ca’s healthcare system and health insurance industry, which Fd seen just the day before. In it Moore points out that America, dospite its great wealth, is ranked 37th in the world for quality of healtheare by the World Health Organisation. Did you know that America has almost 47 million people without health in- surance and 18 000 Americans die each year asa result? "At the end of the movie, Moore takes 9/11 rescue workers who are unable to afford healthcare to the US Guantanamo naval base, where, he has heard, the 9/11 “evildoers” are receiving world-class medical care courtesy of the US government. They are turned away, Dut outside the base get free treatment, com: plimonts of the Cuban government. Alin all, SICKO is an entertaining and satirical look at America’s failed healtheare system, It also confirms my own opinion that healthcare in the good of US of A isa blatant ‘money-making entorprise where even cancer is profitable. I was quite surprised to learn that CNN was going to interview Moore. Live, rogal. This had to be good, s0 I settled down with a cup of tea “Just before Moore was due to go on air, CNN ran a segment titled “SiCKO reality cheek”, wherein CNN's resident medical expert Dr Sanjay Gupta informed viewers: “Moore asserts that Cuba spends $25 dollars per person (on healtheare). Not true.” I nearly choked on my orange pekoe. What Moore said was that Cuba spends $251 per person on health care, not $25. Gupta went on, "(Moore says) the United States slipped to number 37 in the world’s healthcare systems. Its true. .. Moore brings ‘group of patients, including $/11 workers, ‘to Cuba and marvels at their free treatment and quality of care. But hold on ~ that WHO list puts Cuba's healthcare system even lower ‘than the United States, coming in at No 39.” But wait a moment... Moore said that in the rmovie. It wasnt like he was trying to hide the fact. The point was that the healthcare sys Unhealthy ignorance Do you ever wonder why somany Americans acquiesce toany argument favouring the ‘free market’ or military intervention? osewek Soros 2007 tem in an impoverished country ranks closely to America’s ‘The rest of Gupta’s piece cast as much doubt as possible on a number of the statis: tics presented in SICKO. Tt ended with an “expert” claiming that socialised medicine inevitably results in long and life-threatening waits for treatment... an “expert” with close ties to the for-profit medical industry... which. CNN filed to diselose, ‘Moore was steaming. “You've fudged the facts to the American people about this is- sue and about the war,” he countered. ‘We ‘wouldn't be in this war if you'd done your job!” Hot-damn! I did a cartwheel. Tea went flying. Do you ever wonder why Americans seem to acquiesce to any argument favouring the “free ‘market’ or military intervention? Why s0 many Americans still believe that Iragis were responsible for 9/11? Look no further. CNN labels itself “The most trusted name in news”. So, I didn't just dream that American main- stream media feed the people a steady diet of elevated danger levels, sox scandals and "Who's the baby’s daddy? to distract them from what's really happening in the world. But in America an omnipresent corporate me- dia serves corporate interests — and to say it should be any different... well, you must hate ‘America. As author Saul Bellow once said, “A ‘reat deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” "After the debacle Michael Moore wrote an ‘open letter to CNN: “After what the publie saw with your report on SiCKO, how can anyone believe anything you say on your network? Before the Internet, you could get away with it. Your vietims had no way to show the view cers how you had misrepresented the truth. But now, we ean post the truth ~ backed up with evidence — on the Web, for all to see.” “And this is the beautiful thing about the Internet: It can sometimes deliver the truth to those who care enough to dig a litle. (www.alternet.orp/blogs/peek/56681), We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance,” says Moore. “We don’t know any- thing that’s happening outside our country. ‘Our stupidity is embarrassing.” Tiknow a lot of Americans. They're pretty nice people. But your decisions are only as good as your information, I was in America only an hour when a businessman asked ‘where I'm from, “South Africa,” I replied. “Oh, which coun- try?’ he asked. “Azania,” I replied, to which +e nodded knowingly.

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