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Melanie J.

DeBord ELED 300 Module 1

When I become a teacher, I want to start each school year with as much momentum as it takes to inspire my students and get them excited about learning. My goal will be to maintain that momentum throughout the school year through positive reinforcement. I plan on reaching out to the families of my students prior the start of the school year in order to open communication early and encourage it often. My classroom will be as visually welcoming to the students as my words will be on the very first day. I will create a welcome banner to display in my classroom. A productive learning environment is a classroom that is orderly and focuses on learning. p73 (Kauchak & Eggen, 2012) I will review any information the school may already have regarding each of my students and become familiar with any specific requests or requirements that students need such as reviewing their Individualized Education Plan, also known as their IEP. IEP outlines an individualized plan of action p49 (Kauchak & Eggen, 2012) If there are specific arrangements required for my students, I will plan to have those ready prior to the first day to ensure that all of my students have what they need in the classroom. If there are any specific devices required by a student, I will seek to understand it so that the student can ask for help and I can be helpful to them. When beginning the year, I plan to make sure that my classroom will be organized and visually stimulating. I want to use colorful bulletin boards and pictures of all races and people who have special needs so that everyone is represented. I feel that this will help each student see

themselves and their loved ones and perhaps even introduce something the students have not seen before to create awareness and encourage compassion for others. I will send a welcome letter to each student specifically addressed to each student so that they will feel special. Children love to receive mail that is addressed to them. I plan to make sure that my clothes are ironed and shoes are polished so that I will always have a professional image. I like how the book emphasizes that you only get one chance to make a first impression. I will have classroom rules clearly posted as well as schedules and a chart which includes birthdays of all the students in the classroom. When rules are posted, I feel that the expectations are made known so there should be less confusion between appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Classroom rules are descriptions of standards for acceptable student behavior. p78
(Kauchak & Eggen, 2012)

When the day begins, I will make sure to verbally let the students know what my expectations are for that day so that there will be little to no confusion. I will request the parents write a letter about their student within the first two weeks of school. This letter will include what they feel are the strengths and weaknesses as well as any other information regarding their student that they feel should be included. I think that starting each day at the carpet area to talk over what the expectations of the day will be, is a good way to start. I intend to ask my students to reflect on something they did yesterday, whether it was done well or not and think what they can do today to excel. This is not a question that they need to answer out loud but one that is intended to help them reflect on their own skills and set personal goals for themselves.

Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2012). Learning & teaching research-based methods. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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