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Assignment 1: Prepare an oral presentation describing a possible solution (intervention plan) for a particular nutritional challenge in the country.

This would include Background/Introduction describing the problem; Assessment of the extent of the problem in the target population; Proposed Intervention; and methodologies to Evaluate the success of the intervention. The project will be done in groups and each group is expected to submit a 250-300 word Abstract which will give a general description of what will be included in the oral presentation.

Nutrition challenge: Decreased exposure of sunlight and thus decreased vitamin D in the elderly Unable to get cheap sources of proteins and other nutrients and thus unable to eat healthy Faster healthy cooking foods ( opposite of unhealthy fast foods) in the city Young females who diet etc to gain a model look (media) More fast food outlets less home cooked foods (decrease in healthy eating etc due to increase in fast foods/outlets) cheaper, faster, convenient Aids Kidney disease Diabetes

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