Would You Engage in An Act That Could Lead To Our Extinction

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Would you engage in an act that could lead to the extinction of the human race? Probably not.

Homosexuality is the romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. It can be proven that majority of persons will only procreate with someone with whom they are attracted to. Hence, if someone is not attracted to someone of the opposite gender we wont be able to procreate which would result in the extinction of the human race. I believe homosexuality is wrong because it is immoral, could result in the extinction of human life and it is banned by God Homosexuality is immoral because it does not conform to nature. If one were to observe animals you would realize that animals do not exhibit this behavior. You could then deduce that since animals are not homosexuals why are humans? Another thing that can be deemed immoral from homosexuality is that the act of itself can be found disgusting. To back up this point, a poll was carried out in Israel and a whopping 46% were disgusted while 54% had no problem with gays. Even though it seems that majority of have no problem with homosexuals, if it was a moral/natural act would such a high number have a problem with it? As stated in the first paragraph, homosexuality could lead to the extinction of the human race. If at this moment in time we do not condemn this immoral act and call it wrong from early they shall be confused and may consider homosexuality as the right way. If everyone on earth were to become homosexual they would be no desire or attraction towards the opposite sex . Hence, they would not want to engage in sex with the opposite and hence they would be no precreation. This would result in our extinction Would you disobey God just to satisfy your immoral desires? Well if someone is a part of any of the 4 major world religions and are homosexuals they are doing just that. In fact, in 3 of those 4 religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) the same city was destroyed due to homosexuality. In Islam the punishment for homosexuality is 100 floggings. It is clear to see that God shown his severe wrath towards homosexuals.

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