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FourStateOfWaterH2O(OneHydrogenTwoOxygenorHydrogenDIOxide) /SolidIce,Boiling,Saltwater,WaterVapor/ At the state of SOLID or Ice, Water H2O molecules bonded with Hydrogen atom forming H2OH,HydrogenHcamesfromcoldatmosphere,especiallylesspresenceof

f Nitrogenatomin the atmosphere, Hydrogen can also be use as a coolant applied in cooling and freezing machines. At the state ofBoilingWater,WaterH2OmoleculesbondedwithNitrogenatomformingH2ON, Nitrogen cames from a hot atmosphere especially Fire where there is no coolnessinit.Source of Nitrogen are the heat of the Sun. Electronegativity of Nitrogen especially 1 to 1.4 negative charged electrons bonds withH2O from partially boiling and totally boiling water. At a level of 1 electronegativity the H2O molecules do not reacts at a level of 1.41 electronegativity the H2O molecules starts to boil until completely evaporates and looses Oxygen atom at 3 electronegativityofNitrogenentrance. At the state of Saltwater, Water H2O molecules bonded with Sodium Cholride (NaCl) molecules, these state is produced through Osmosis of the Ocean, Trees, Animals, Sun and LandMass.SaltwateratomicstrucutureisH2ONaCl. At the state of Water Vapor, Water H2O molecules looses one (1) Oxygen leaving it at a certain Earth elevation for which isconsumed byHumans and Animalsandthroughthebonding of One (1) Nitrogen /1.41 to 3/ Electronegativity. At a certain elevation where one (1) Oxygen atom leaves the H2O forming molecules through the bonding and electronegativeness of Nitrogen from 1.41 to 3. At 3 electronegativeness Nitrogen leaves HO water vaporwith her is One(1)Oxygenbuttheydonotcombine.

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