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In a Garden in Dublin

In a Garden in Dublin an English Head is bowed, And Children wait, and wonder. In Hope and Expectation The Children wait and the Swans display as a Head is bowed And the Transgressions of the Ages are acknowledged, For in the Islands of which England a Part a new Order was emerging, And in the Circumstances as they were developing fittingly And most graciously so. Throughout the Islands as a Whole A Vision was being realised and an Order fashioned to sustain it, For when Hope and History rhyme Things happen and Poets prosper And they were no longer to serve in Englands Cause, The Sons and Daughters of the Good Captains Jamy, Fluellen And Macmorris when lately in a Hole in a Wall in France And Kings and Queens were talking of Balls And Games of Tennis. In the Islands of the British The Empire of the English was coming finally to a Close, For Poetry the Order of the Day in the Garden Where an English Head is bowed and Poetry the Thing Wherein to catch the Conscience of the Isles.

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