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Progressions - AP, GP, HP - Practice Questions

1. What is the sum of all 3 digit numbers that leave a remainder of '2' when divided by 3?

1. 2. 3. 4.

897 164,850 164,749 149,700

Correct Choice is (2) and Correct Answer is 164,850. Explanatory Answer The smallest 3 digit number that will leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 3 is 101. The next number that will leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 3 is 104, 107, .... The largest 3 digit number that will leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 3 is 998. So, it is an AP with the first term being 101 and the last term being 998 and common difference being 3.

Sum of an AP = We know that in an A.P., the nth term an = a1 + (n - 1)*d In this case, therefore, 998 = 101 + (n - 1)* 3 i.e., 897 = (n - 1) * 3 Therefore, n - 1 = 299 Or n = 300.

Sum of the AP will therefore, be

= 164,850

2. Obtain the sum of all positive integers up to 1000, which are divisible by 5 and not divisible by

2. (1) 10050 (2) 5050 (3) 5000 (4) 50000 Correct Answer is 50,000 and Correct Choice is (4)

Explanatory Answer The positive integers, which are divisible by 5, are 5, 10, 15, ..., 1000 Out of these 10,20,30,.... 1000 are divisible by 2 Thus, we have to find the sum of the positive integers 5, 15, 25, ...., 995 If n is the number of terms in it the sequence then 995 = 5 + 10(n - 1) => 1000 = 10n Therefore, n = 100. Thus the sum of the series = (n/2)(a + l) = (100/2) (5 + 995) = 50000.

3. The sum of the three numbers in A.P is 21 and the product of their extremes is 45. Find the

numbers 1.5, 7 and 9 2.9, 7 and 5 3.Both (1) and (2) 4.None of these Correct Answer is Both (1) and (2). Correct Choice is (3) Explanatory Answer Let the numbers are be a - d, a, a + d Then a - d + a + a + d = 21 3a = 21 a=7 and (a - d)(a + d) = 45 a2 - d2 = 45 d2 = 4 d = +2 Hence, the numbers are 5, 7 and 9 when d = 2 and 9, 7 and 5 when d = -2. In both the cases numbers are the same.
4. A piece of equipment cost a certain factory Rs. 600,000. If it depreciates in value, 15% the

first year, 13.5 % the next year, 12% the third year, and so on, what will be its value at the end of 10 years, all percentages applying to the original cost? (1) 2,00,000 (2) 1,05,000 (3) 4,05,000 (4) 6,50,000

Explanatory Answer Let the cost of an equipment is Rs. 100. Now the percentages of depreciation at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd years are 15, 13.5, 12, which are in A.P., with a = 15 and d = - 1.5. Hence, percentage of depreciation in the tenth year = a + (10-1) d = 15 + 9 (-1.5) = 1.5 Also total value depreciated in 10 years = 15 + 13.5 + 12 + ... + 1.5 = 82.5 Hence, the value of equipment at the end of 10 years=100 - 82.5 = 17.5. The total cost being Rs. 6,00,000/100 * 17.5 = Rs. 1,05,000. 5. The sum of third and ninth term of an A.P is 8. Find the sum of the first 11 terms of the progression. (1) 44 (2) 22 (3) 19 (4) None of these Correct Answer is 44 and Correct Choice is (1) Explanatory Answer The third term t3 = a + 3d The ninth term t9 = a + 8d t3 + t9 = 2a + 10d = 8 Sum of first 11 terms of an AP is given by

6. Given A = 265 and B = (264+263+262+...+20)

1. 2. 3. 4.

B is 264 larger than A A and B are equal B is larger than A by 1 A is larger than B by 1

Correct Answer is A is larger than B by 1. Correct Choice is (4) Explanatory Answer B is in G.P. with a = 20, r = 2, n = 65

Sn =

B = 265 - 1 => B = A - 1 A is larger than B by 1

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