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Camper Chronicle

October 4, 2013 Mrs. Brosman Phone: 574-342-2355 Math This week we worked on dividing with zeros in the quotient. Unit 2.3 The Chi-lin Purse Vowel Sounds with R
CCSS Language 2.e.

We learned about factor pairs, factorization, and what prime and composite numbers are. We ended the week by learning how to draw pictures to represent division equations. We took today to review unit 4, and we will be testing over unit 4 on Monday! Students were given an extra credit assignment due Monday which could help out scores!


Our story next week is The Chi-lin Purse which is a folk tale. Folk tales are stories that teach us a lesson. Students will discover through our story that the lesson is to do good deeds which will be rewarded by a good deed coming back to you. We will work on the reading skill of comparing and contrasting.

Grammar Next week we will be working on action and linking


Writing We have finished publishing our tall tales. I will be work-

ing on grading those so that I can get them back to students shortly. They turned out great! I was pleased with all the time and effort students put into making their stories well-rounded. We spent this week focusing on detailed writing. Students picked a memory and worked on adding sensory words to help make their writing more descriptive.

Spelling- Our list focuses on vowel sounds with r. Practice! Social Studies This week groups dove into research on their Na-

tive American tribe. They must produce a powerpoint presentation as well as a poster. The groups are working well together and finding out great facts about their tribe. The presentations should be great!

Science-We took the unit 1 test online this week. I wasnt pleased

with their results so I had them retest paper/pencil to see if that might affect the results. We will skip ahead to unit 3 in our books about our Solar System. We did this so that we might be able to do some experiments outside with the sun while the weather is still nice! We will spend the next week learning about our 8 planets in more detail.

1. spare 2. square 3. prepare 4. beware 5. declare 6. chair 7. repair 8. smear 9. appear 10.snore 11. ignore 12.sword 13. order 14.resort 15. report 16. tornado 18. volunteer 19. pioneer

Challenge Words
1.impair 3.hardware 4.clearance 5.porpoise

Homework Hotline
*You must wait until after 5:00 p.m. to use this number.

1) Dial 342 2355.


2) Wait until the answering machine says good evening. Then dial 527. 3) Listen to the message. You may want to write the assignments down on paper. Return to school with all your homework.

Parent teacher conferences are quickly approaching. I will send home reminder slips next week with students that lists the time I have you scheduled for on Tuesday, October 15. If something should happen to come up between now and then where you will not be able to make your appointment, please let me know so we can reschedule. Please come with any questions you might have for both me and your child. On Tuesday, I sent home a pink packet on the Book It program. The Book It program is sponsored by Pizza Hut and awards kids free pizza for setting a reading goal and then achieving it. In the packet is the letter explaining how the program works and a calendar to start you off for October. Students need to read at least 600 minutes altogether in October to qualify for their first free pizza. Thats an average of 20 minutes a day! The calendar will help you to keep track of how many minutes your child has read. At the end of the month I need the calendar back with your signature validating their minutes.
Mrs. Brosman

Note From the Teacher:

Visit Our Class Website:

*teachers blog *contact the teacher *class schedule *nightly homework *upcoming events *websites to visit *class photos
Upcoming Dates:
October 11: End of Grading Period October 15: Parent-Teacher Conf. October 24: Mobile Dentist @ Elem. October 25: Fall Break (NO SCHOOL) November 1: Class Fall party

Star Camper of the Week

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