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Preface xxiii

Part I Introduction to Management

Chapter 1 Module Chapter 2

Management and Organizations 2 Management History 27 Understanding Managements Context: Constraints and Challenges


Part II Integrative Managerial Issues

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 3 4 5 6

Managing in a Global Environment 68 Managing Diversity 96 Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics Managing Change and Innovation 150


Part III Planning

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Module

Managers as Decision Makers 176 Foundations of Planning 202 Strategic Management 222 Planning Tools and Techniques 248

Part IV Organizing
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Module Chapter 13

Basic Organizational Design 262 Adaptive Organizational Design 286 Managing Human Resources 310 Managing Your Career 340 Managing Teams 344

Part V Leading
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 14 15 16 17

Understanding Individual Behavior 370 Managers and Communication 402 Motivating Employees 428 Managers as Leaders 458

Part VI Controlling
Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Appendix:

Introduction to Controlling 484 Managing Operations 514 Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures


Endnotes 561 Name Index 607 Organization Index Glindex 628 Photo Credits 643 624


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