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movement and financial support from external and local source.

Traditionally and for longer period of time its major operation core cost have been covered from external source. The key supports are NPS,ICRC,IFRC and some international organization; their support is declining due to factors of global economic crises, man-made and natural disaster, an increasing number of competent.Moreover,a new challenges emerging continue to change. While,local source are coming from government, micro-scale IGA and occasional fundraising activities; which is indigenous and plenty wealth but not exploit it because of organizational incapability and low level of public awareness about ERCS . The society has designed change programme in order to tackle financial problem that exist in the society. Typically to address the optimal utilization of the resource those are at hand at different level. It is assumed that branch and resource development section plays the most important role and that enable as to cover core cost and achieving the objective of the Red Cross Society. Therefore, this document takes for granted to the existing resource and to go through further optimal utilization.

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