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Name: _____________________ ( ) Class: _____ Date: ________________

Secondary 2 Integrated Humanities

Unit: A Shrinking World
E-Learning Worksheet

1. The ease of getting to a place is defined as ___________________.

(A) connectivity
(B) communication
(C) transportation
(D) accessibility

2. Which of the following is the reason for the world becoming a smaller
place and is now termed a “shrinking world”?

(A) The continents are moving closer to each other everyday.

(B) Advancements in communication and transportation have enabled
increased interaction with various parties on the other side of the
(C) The relationships among all countries become better.
(D) A lot of countries such as Singapore adopt land reclamation to
increase land area and move closer to neighbouring countries.

3. Information, ideas, cultures and values can be spread from one place to
another easily and this is commonly known as

(A) entrepreneurship
(B) regionalisation
(C) globalisation
(D) innovation

Answers: 1. ________ 2. _______ 3. ________

4. Explain briefly why sailing ships of the past took a longer time to reach a
destination compared to the ships of today that run on diesel.

5. For each type of the following communications, classify the following into
print media and telecommunications


Type of Communications Examples from the photograph

Print Media

6. State two ways in which the internet has changed the way we do things.


What are the 2 positive effects brought about by the

developments in transport and communications?

How do these effects lead to the shrinking world?

State two ways in which a ‘shrinking world’ can benefit people in their daily lives
End of E-Learning Assignment

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