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a xX THE ONLY THING COLDER THAN & Eel: R. TALSORIAN GAM Ww CHa ROS reer ay something you would see td gis Bers RIMFIRE: THE STSFF Rimfire MECHANICAL DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION: Benjamin Wright v't call me Ben, dammit!) L. forker born and bre in Benjamin longer than he CHARACTER DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION: kid), and his fandom uh Jenkins GRAPHIC DESIGN: Matthew Anacleto David Ackerman COVER PAINTING: Bill Eaken ADDITIONAL MATERIALS & THANKS: Mike Pondsmith Yoshiyuki “The Godfather" Tomino Mike V. Jones David Ackerman panese Animation graduated wit a Degree in Film Stuces SUE Cet mn ensc) pages help the players choose LTE Lele Carer OL YO) ie serve to introduce some of our villains ~ eee. Sy a1 ty a eae episodes of the series. Includes statistics and illustrations for all the people and places UCReICIC ACMI ECON Ce 100% CHARACTERS 2 To xerox and give to the players for visual and Els) Ue UAL UAT elT TL CAMEO MLL (UTC CUSH (0) UTES) UE THEUUS BUR eT) aa) CULMS UACO RS cod SMe MOM MIT LOIN) ec M ARO) erClUO MULES Ace RE rea otis aren AO onc ca ca ca rac a n Games Inc, All Rights Reserved. All incidents, situations, and persons portrayed within are fictional and ary sim pierre serie weer er eens th PESTS RANK: CAPTAIN NATIONALITY: KARGAN s\choice for Fire mand. pfs, while ha EXPEL instabi Doc. Céd. Lh, 623). Larapfis perfect gr odir needs: an ex Dincompetent ley’ 'sinall the SEA diplo eee nally ff dealing withthe public-All / records indicate/a coo! personalit thakis capable oe any érperge! Her position as a sath ofa cargan-Hobletamity hasqaise¢— uestiofs bf her loyalties/| Believe that tHese concerns ar arf uch s her ehjistment was for- CET ~_ RANK: LIEUTENANT | NATIONALITY: ELARAN SERIAL NUMBER: 0 CEDRIC ARTIS BSS Si T [_ Weigut: 180188. ———a ‘UAA SECURE FILE: PeRs.DOC.CED.LT.623 Cddric has sérved as a loyal and godd soldfer for seven years, longty than any othersquadron [f membbf He has been decorated by the Eigran throne, and Surviving Kargén pitts that have faced him in yatlecal\him a “worthy antl ad- ipfrable” opponent. In all, he is a perfect additidy 16 the squadron, and possibly i's most valuable ember. Myonly hesitation ig that, in/the pasthe was “under observation” atan Ejaran hospital after Josing a 4ettowSquadromemeritran ambushithey were rophahtically involved). While he was relbased with a clean bill offrealth, | still wonder ho deéply the loss affected him. byfish | could rec ‘ommend Cedfi¢ as highly as ther membefs ofthe squadron. Even with ty& personal problems, it was diffcult to chose Larani over Wipf for the commander's spot-Bytas-e second-he shout be inyAldgble -Hav.Com.Rim2- RANK: ENSIGN NATIONALITY: KARGAN ‘SERIAL NUMBER: 02- 9 ie adi fo att yar, and ty only practical exbe- rience that be has is\lying praétice runs in the mektons\9n his ily’s fan carrier. Jo my aed a gifted tech; Yang for the inde to start, hdypaired the secfetdry’s vid- phones well asa quays watch. Since te interview, he h#&\shown equal briltance on lagna scale é 4 ont prodlem a Aods trait for an £ HEIGHT: 5°5" WEIGHT: 135 LBS. LAIAN DES PERS.DOC.LAILLEU.004, I receivetshe news of a Myrian THARIS TREMAINE BT 1g ET ae RANK: ENSIGN | ul) gore $91 raring to prot ed out of boot bamp. afnboyant end over-individoelis- { she is also the consummate Hirt. ergy into so4mall a body j8\ i) ge Terer crew col tier f9F a long peri at-eMlirtgrO1 front, and tHatia she will show mo, the male squagton' Somehow/| doubhwe'll pe so luckys, / HEIGHT: 3 WEIGHT: 158 LBS. all his Ii A based/it i Seah oat tat wilkbe in their Suits 24 hours a day. Hopefully, Xf will teach A the, ners so “ e of His skills, and in/feturn he Will \gdtn trom theth, The Squad needs someone eric; and fet thet he's the ‘peri choice ‘onthe surtace he may appear csfant nd moody, bt ; he seems to value friéhdship abbve all, and | think he will tig welt with the rest of, He has a \ 2 et ton Ary 220. PES RANK: ENSIGN | NaTiONaLITY: KaRGi [SERIAL NUMBER: AGE: HEIGHT: UA SECURE FILE; PERS.DOC.! : Anighiy‘rated reanrassdreypit Karin ig ong of the best what she does. Her exploits Against theSharitin rebels Four personal fegings on tye mattgr) isexemplary / loyalty and Spiffy are unqueStighed, but | do Raye one or doubt-Aomanrot rer sk ave gone taro An’ front lines during the war. SoAvhy was she stationed so far om the action? The Kargap/deledutes say that she was, simply more/useful where sé was. That explanation Will have tOyo férnow. —\\ "i er pers falty eaves abi) (o be desired. He military bearing never seems to relax; it's Her way of life. Thre \night be sor {rictiog! betwen Karin afid a fer of the more “eewheeli \\ members of the squadron, but \imaginé that eaby can Igarn \ sogfething frork the/other.She Seems to respect Wisoipline ‘agid skill above all\go | don't think that she will have ems serving wi ee —— UAASECURE FILE: PERS,DOC.ALE.ENS.523 ANY7, Aleoi is the stcond youngest recry to be chosen for this\group {Its od the tio yolingest recrults aré both E4fan). There were other, older/appligghitg, but ‘when jt ¢ame down to if/Aleoi fas dimply (overall the best qualifed fayAne ppsition, Her/bility to understénd and use cbmpu ers is, in my Opinion’ amazjfg. | have yet see the system that she qbuldn't cruek-Gr the computer that could withh say Secrets from hr. If we ofn get her hooked img the Axis phainframe, ve | | unllerstayd that her fois personal belies\nef skill, but belfeye me, the skill ‘are thefé-tn-all- possible te3ts.and.siarta> tions 4h’ has had top/marks, both asa piloyas wall as programmer. Simply weannot akford to Jose her. Face to face, She/seems to bea ttaran-teenaget-interested in Aa tock music and the latest film héartthrob. Having recently mekthe y son, can say this: Wag roomibette than a hyp ¢ ay eT BESTT |_RANK: ENSIGN NATIONALITY: ETTARAN |SERIAL NUMBER: 03-2-846523 [ AGE: 17 HEIGHT. 5°2 [~~ Welgt: 1058s. LORD DREMMOND AXIS LEADER? PTs / Ten UAAh Tale] S see EI ff aeest Cineereuposs tie tiette -Sal.Com.UAA 1-20. GIST (RANK: N/A NATIONALITY: \AXIS.DOC.TARO ReSponsible for ove aids Imperial stronghc ‘ tthe premier of a \Emperor Koray fard fok his head, MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE STORY DIGEST ry OPERATION: RIMIARE. ) ‘THE REFEREE'S ‘wTRoDUCTION. “wothausnd years go acolon shi ling tetany cla galtic empire discovered he tar syste Algo ‘The colony ship, cartying both the standard Human and the psioncally-stiong Eiomani, landed nthe ares island inthe Archipelago. They named it Muri, Fora yea, the colonists setup a small city around the giant ship and prospered. With advanced technologies and afghing si, hey slowly began 3 djynasy..which was cruelly wiped out in less than ‘went mints ‘The Aagend,arace curently ina genocidal war with all humans, had discovered the litle pocket of humenity, The aea around the colony ship wes bom- taxed with bo-weapons, rendering the ship anda mie area around it uninhabitable for hundreds of year Inalast itch efor, wo giant Metal Knights (th ier for meklon) fought a desperae bal ered one Aggendi on the moon, andi betore plunging into a voeanic page 31), who iat was destroyed ty agents fe Gate Epi. ps oF someting sil despite the ges, aie tis the Aggendt ‘mekton, rapped in he volcanic rock, Tote Agen, the ages passed ina cod stasis. (One second it had been fighting ina deserted planeti. The nex, it was confonted witha the signs of human infection: mechanicals, radio waves, and radiation, he minds of ssid ani heftage and pKargan missile attack. destroy al those who i, the all was a sion hope Wand desta al he Kargans iy he lrans who alowed the to ans, just because hey sng oo much nds spies rough him information about onthe moon and about the tn (the Rime 30 Kile it before it could complet its cll, All would suet, bu those accursed en would see his The survivors ofthe atack split nto ali ‘andthe Eloman interred with the Humanist Algolian man, Slowly new nations angi cameo be, and Algolian man ee bersonal wrath Werte Karga otha south was rammond worked night an day While planning r i i i jc was tithe crew the ship, putigg 'y ooo before pr dl sated bythe ristoct chartered the ship inthe fis pl both groups ad into the thousands of flail hat straddled the ‘quar They became te tara and native islanders. TwoMilenium pessed, and our avenue begins BEHIND THE SCENES: THE 7m AGGENDI THREAT, AND MME 100 DREMMOND ALi poin, he referee should veed the episodes that tin on page 18, ten come back and read these bsck- ound e333. In 1520 (episode 1 of ou story) as part of the ‘pansion ofthe moonbase Dion 1, a work crew digs intoa cod laa flow. Theic laser touches something. ni-_aftacks onthe UAA that distracted his enemies, he atenited to complete cal himself, He traveled over the lobe, taking those who had psychic powe, gather. Jing innocents to do his work. Carved into orbit by cloaked melons, the victims wee placed ina specially ‘signed transmit, andthe cal was made Iwas. fare, someone on boar te tansmiter was blocking the empl. Their wil was strong But the UAA was kept busy, an the call was altempled once more, ‘Again the harmony was disrupted by single voice. The call eached is age, bt wasn understood, Beforea third atl could be made th enemies showed up again and pressured fr time, the cll was. sant, draining mostof the espe energy trom te its, ‘The transmits was taken, butthe call ad gore out! Nothing happened. No chaos, no death, it called wth aloe Something had gone wrong. ..again Ihvas time to tke mats ino his own hands. ‘Taking the to finished Avs spaceships, he head- ed toward his “saviour ater leaving behind several “distraction” fr any UARpysuers. nthe dscovered is problem He 1-ain oulpost, and had igi. Ate site, however, len He collected sam ithe coud not valen pete his on army of desicion, al fie’ brougntaratria is atin ubator. The offspring would and feed off the body of its mother, When he ‘elumed, he would release itand examine it more thor- ovghiy. Determined to at east see the Alien ship, he let the midway point, unaware that others followed close behind But cou they reach im in tie? DELANEY AND THE ELARAN CIVIL WAR. ‘The Elatan Peace Council, ead by Lord Delaney has 1520, EVENING, (aaa RIMFIRE DAY: 4 “Alter a restful day, you are set upon by servants at about 4:00 in the afternoon. They drag the ladies off to a partor and the men to a fitting oom, and spend the next hour “preparing” you for the party. The girls are made-up and per- fumed, while the men are shaved and have their air trimmed. You are dressed and presented to Eliza at about 6:00." I your players want to kil the day exploring ‘col, feel fee to alow them to role-play; It might help them become more attached to their characters. “With everyone perfumed and pretty, Eliza (ina stunning, near-transparent dress) gathers you up and escorts you to a series of fan cars waiting for you. Ate a stow drive through the city stteets, you approach a large mansion, with hundreds of cars pulling in front. There are ‘quards in Power Armor, and two security men on soadstriker bikes.” Characters with a watchful eye [Awareness 15+] notice that while the security is very tight, it seems to be a recent addition. “As your group exits the cars and walks up the steps to the palace, you are met by a valet, who leads you into a ballroom filled with hun- titeds of well-dressed people.he then turns to the ‘crowd to announce you." ‘Footman: Ladies and Gentleman, the lady Eliza, sister to the consort of the Throne. And the Lords Cedric, Tharis, Eiran, Tammis, Daric. The Ladies Larani, 2: . i Celine, Laian, Karin and Aleoi. {Ot course, cut the oe = ae = . ot rames of any dead characters.) é i a ainoupvste eos er altege Palo Ses “Aer the announcement, you see a short, rotund man with atl, dignitied-looking woman in his shel etsvilainthe ouiskits § \wake, heading toward you. The couple introduce ven the Mutlafs announced the themselves as Lord and Lady Arkman. He fist ie i: extends his joy that the characters could make it, ands glad thatthe invitations made itto them on the moon, With a quick wink, he and the Lady Yerish into th crowd Elz tells you that vial is ‘deo ative in an hour, and that they should mingle.” During that hour, the folowing two events wil ocu, inthe order below. Unless iis stated {hale event happens toa patculr character, Desurethat each happens toa diferent person or group of persons. Itersperse them with other small socal eves of your choosing Pethaps a newfound romance? ‘The Mystery Woman (Arnellia): One ofthe PC'S nolcea beautiful woman watching Cedric {make sure that Cedric isn’ t the one to notice this). She has long lavender hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Wile she mingles and talks with other ‘guests, she rarely takes her eyes of of him. i someone points her out to Cedric, she does not look familar to him. i Cedric approaches her, she wil try her hardest to avoid him. She wil ‘make only small talk, and introduce herself as Mali Faris, the daughter of a Nissan Design ‘Group designe. She as traveled from Loriel to altend the pat. Ceri ries to talk to hes, she wil dash ol tothe ladies room, and vanish om the party. Otherwise she leaves when Tarik does (below) v ‘AFriend (Tarrik: During light talk around the punch table, Kain is approached by a tall man with blue hair. He hands her a note that reads: Do not get involved in this. It is Elaran treachery. Quit the UAA before it s too late. -AFriend, ‘Mer she reads the not, Tarik weaves ofinto the cxowd, and vanishes into a side room. Karin can track him [Awareness 10). she follos him, he will leave the party, meet an attractive woman (Arnel) and driv tin fan car. Noone remem bers who he was, of even fhe had an invitation. Lord Ackman doesnt even remember seeing him. Karin has no idea wh twas. Wan NPC, Karin wil tell no one about the note, buta swt eyed PC awareness 15+] may notice the exchange.) ‘er the hout has passed, and Armelig]and Tatrik have left, the valet makes another ‘announcement: The Lady Ariel of Maria, “There seems to be a moment of complete silence when the girl steps through the large doors in the banquet hall. She is possibly the most beautiful woman anyone in the room has ever seem. She seems to glide into the room, oblivious to the silence and stares. More than ‘one head turns 2s she walks through the room. As she begins to wind through the crowd, con- versation resumes. Everything is about back to ‘normal when she aries at your litle group.” ‘ie will pick the largest concentration of PC's to approach. I everyone has scattered, then pick someone at random. She will then travel around the party, gathering wayward PC's. She leads them off oa private libra that Lord Ark- ‘man has provided. Once everyone is together, she begins to speak Atel: Hello, as you know my name is Ariel, and Tal has inlormed me of yours. Here is what he knows and suspects. Tha hing you killed was an Aggendi Tha legends are tue; they do exist. Talis afraid that there are more out ther, in space. When you were killing i, the powerful ESPers of the planet felt ts cry. Only Tal and afew others ofthe great- st sil were able f0 perceive it. The Doctor, and cathers, ate afraid that is was sending a distress call to something. This something may or may ‘nt exist, but we can afford to take no chances. there are mare of them, in better condition, there could be a serious thveat to all fe on this planet. Tal Is now returning from a meeting in Kondu, and will be able fo meet with us the day alter tomorrow. We have an appointment with him and the Queen at noon, Please tell no one about this threat You are simply going tothe palace to meet Yani understand? Read the characters the section on Aggendi (9.31). Other than the information above, Ariel has no important information to impart. She explains that she will be the “date” of one ofthe men for a cover until they reach the palace. Which one of them wants to get saddled with her? At this time, le the men rip each others’ throats cout the winner takes Are's arm, an they return tothe party, The est othe evening passes in parying and light conversation. Ariel is affectionate with her date, but rot overly so. Her dat, onthe oer hand, becomes the mast hated man a the etre party, [Avil and her “date” have a good chanoe of becoming involved. She is fond of romance and kindness, Most “macho” displays turn her off cold. Role-play accordingly] ‘Ate the party, Ariel and Eliza take the characters back to an elegant hotel Althe hotel, the characters are shown to individual suites Ariel gets her own room. I Eliza has become attached to a male PC, she would be willing to “cut costs" by sharing a room. EVENT #2 (OPT. MARCT'S DEATH 3- 18, 1520. RIMFIRE DAY:5 This event only occurs if Marci didn’t die last episode. ‘At about 6:00 the following morning, Eliza ‘gets a call in her room. It's a guard from the Arcol Prison. Marci was found dead in her cell. She ‘hung herself, and did not leave a note. Eliza will relay this information to the other characters when they awake. They don't have time to investigate, however, as they must leave to make it to the ‘palace for their appointment with Ymei and Tal. MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE ‘Awards for Episode #3: Getting “involved” with Ariel: +5 1P to player ting “involved” with Eliza: +3 IP to yer Interacting with Tarrlk or Arnellia: + 3 to player(s) ‘SET: ARCOL Located onthe clits ofthe Bay of Orlo, Arcol is cone ofthe greatest cities inthe laran nation, ‘Smaller in size than most other Elaran cities, ‘col makes up fr its small size with political ‘ower anda ich history Located near the Crystal ‘The area of Arcol in the Bay of Loriel, and the first floor of Palace Arkman. +t paler Palace, Arco! has benefited from royal patronage cover the years. ts place the social and econom- ic structure ofthe nation is invaluable. Arcos reat sea-farms produce about a third of Elara’s {ood supply, and itis the home to many great liraries and universities. Italso serves 2s home base to Ys old squadron, the Grey Hunters. PALACE ARKMAN This luxurious estate is locale inthe center of the ‘ble quarter of Aral. Three slaies tll and con- taining over 70 rooms, the palace is one ofthe (randest in the ct. The entire frst floor is devoted to banquet halls and ballrooms alone, jz The Palace of Light 2: Arcol : Loriel 4: The Arcol-Loriel bridge 5: The Bay of Orlo. WV LocaTioNs: Interior Crystal Palace, Arcol-Lorel Bridge CHARACTERS APPEARING: (Queen Yiu, Elza (p. 23), Atel (9.25), Royal Guards, Dr. Ta, Axis Goons EVENT #1: AMBUSH 3-19, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: The moming ater the party (aftr news of Marc's death if you used optional Event #2 last episode) the characters ar treated to a lavish breakfast at thehotel izatels the PC's that they wil be taking afan-transport tothe city of Lril. From Lorie, the characters wil take a royal shut to the Crys- tal Palace. (The palace is located in Oro Bay near Lote.) For protection, al ofthe characters are ven sidearms (sete sta for UAA i), The transport arives at 10:00 that morning, disguised as a tour bus. Eliza drives, and the characters are loaded int the passenger section. (Itshould be noted that he city is designed a6 an arology on the side ofthe eastern clifs of the Bay of Orlo. Ittakes about an hour fo wind dwn the streets o ge othe bridge.) The bridge itself is @ huge span connecting the cles ofArcol and Loriel. Near Lore, in the tay, reflecting the morning light, isthe Crystal Palace. tis by far the most beautiful structure any of the PC's have ever seen, Even the Kargans mustaciitits beauty. The entire structure seems to’be made reflective crystal, shining in the moing light “You ate travelling siowly aoross the large bridge, enjoying the scenery, Ariel suddenly cries uf. Beore you have a chance to react, the large ‘ruckin tonto you jackknifes, sending fresh fruit {yng everyerere. Eliza yanks the wheel tthe right, smashing the bus int the protective barer atthe side ofthe bridge. Looking around, no one seems to be hurt, but Eliza suddenly screams “down as the sound of gunfire and shattering jas isthe bus. She yels “Axis!” and pulls out her pistol and returns ir.” Battle: PC's Ariel and Eliza vs. 5 Axis thugs in Ais ‘amor and auto rifles. The Axis has blocked a 200 yard section ofthe bridge with “accidents” so the players and the ‘Ais thugs will not be disturbed. It wil take six v lose state end of ig asked Tal to stay in Elara and i oh al {his throne, | eve et hil Tal has. woe ie laran sounds for the report of gunfire lo reach the local lew enforcement. On tur 9, two roadstriers will show up trom Lore! (use stats forthe Stallion if needed), The Axis agents wll ght othe death ‘Mter te battle, the local police converge on the area, and whisk the characters directly to the palace. Any wounded are sent directly to the inf ‘maty. The others are led into a large library, ‘where Ymri and Tal wat fr them. EVENT #2: THE MEETING 3-19 1520. EARLY AFTERNOON. BIMFIRE DAY: 5 “Before the shock ofthe sudden attack is over, you find yourselves standing before the Queen of Elara and Dr. Tal. Ymtlis radiant; her beauty seems to only be enhanced by her maternal state (Yin is about six months pregnant). As you enter the room, she stands and welcomes you, putting down the rapier she is polishing, Tal sits ‘uly in one corner ofthe room ost in thought. Yoni speaks his name, but he doesn't respond. ‘She has to repeat it twice to get his ztetion "Tal greets you all, but says everyone must hear what he has to say, and he closes his eyes.” As Tal closes his eyes, suddenly the wounded PC's are able to hear his words. He tl's them that they are hearing him telepathicaly, and thatthe connection is only one way. He cannot hear anything they think. If they have any impor ‘ant questions, ask an orderly to relay them. ‘Once this is done, Tal begins to speak. Dr, Tals Thankyou for coming. Here is what we know. The unityou destroyed was an Aggenci, one of the ancient enemies of man. According to all the ‘Murian records | have been able to study, the ‘Aggend! operated on some sort of community ineligence. What one knew, al knew. Tat thing was buried on the moon when man frst came fo ‘Ago inthe Black Tower. There are two possible explanations for its appearance. twas leas a ‘py, and the Aggendi now know man has space- faring potential. Or Itwas let over from some ages-old battle, and was frozen in the lava like flyin amber. We must assume for the sake of preparation tha iti the former. The Aggendi existed; thal we now asa fact. Whether or not they til exist asa race Is undecided. Before it dled the thing sent for a strong psychi signal twas so strong that even hough it was directed ilo deep space, | elt it here. The fects, it may have called for help. It did andthe Aggendi stil exist, we need fo pre- pat fora possible altack. | and several others in the UA feel that it's imperative that we prepare MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE “a nt en “death In vest i did sae eo ee Wat Tait antes aie for such an emergency. Orders have begun for the construction of a second Overwatch cruiser, the Moria ‘Until then, as an Agent of the UAA, / assign ‘your ship and squadron to investigation and iirst- ine defense against any alien threat. For simplic- i's sake we are calling ths program Operation Risntire. You all know about the threat, and for all practical purposes you arethe only nes wih any experience fighting it. al wl go.on to explain the need for seorecy in dealings with anyone outside the information loop ofthe UAA. the general public were to tind cut there was a possible alien invasion on the way, the panic would cripple al the governments ofthe world The Rime and its crew must go about business as normal. He wil also tll them that sclence station al the Solar Arvays is examining the outer system, to see i there is anything out there thatthe signal may have been lected at When Tal istnished, Yr wil tum to the players Your: ‘Above and beyond all of this, the Axis seems to have taken zn interes! in you. This may simply be >acause your organization is designed to con- front ter, but we don't think so The Aus soy was prety quick n geting tat Information othe planet. Whatever they are up fo, _you can bel that it has something to do with the curren situation. Kerion thinks that they might use the “allen invasion” scare to cause havoc as cover for another plan. We dont really now, 80 ttl we have slid information, assume tha he ‘Axis is acting fo setup some sor of scar Yiri and Tal will answer as many questions as they are able. They will lso tel the characters that transportation has been arranged to return them to Dion. The Sentinels have been completed and are due to launch from Kalin a week; Yn tas arranged fora second shuttle launch to aceom- pany them, There is an Etaran convoy heading to the stands, and the characters have been booked passage. The rp shoul take thee days, leaving the characters two days to recover nthe palace y EVENT #3: FOND FAREWELL 3-21, 1520, AFTERNOON. Se RIMFIRE DAY: 7 ‘Ate the meeting the characters have two days left in Elara, Ariel must leave with Tal on the evening of the 21st. Shortly before she leaves, shetinds her “lover.” (It she hasrit been involved with anyone, she has a secret crush on one of the PC's, Pick accordingly.) She will comer him in some secluded spot, She approaches the PC, and speaks in a ‘quiet voice. ve spent most of my ite devoted to my studies. Uni! al ofthis happened | never thought leave ‘my small family vila, | ust wanted you (a know ‘how much you mean to me, asa friend... and as someone very special In an few hours, | must leave for Muria, and you will soon leave for ‘pace. fel that there is some great danger about to befall us, some crisis: | don't know when, ori well meet again, but | wanted you to have some thing before I went She reaches into a small bag, ‘Please take hi, and know that someone on Algol prays for your safely. She pushes @ small box ino the PC's hands, then runs away to meot Ta. [the PC makesa move play tout Ail has lead a secluded lite and this her fist “lve.” ithe PC kisses her, or fakes the romantic in tiative, she will be hopelessly in love. Remember the outcome ofthis scene, Ariel will show up later] Inside the small silver box is a blue stone that seems to slightly hum. Ifthe PC touches it, he (gets a clear mental image of Ariel, n'a sun dress ‘onawhite sand beac. Italmost seems like she is near when the stone is activate. to player Yori (asking ‘questions, discussing theories, etc.): +3 ‘to player(s) EQUIPMENT: THE UAA SMM Thisis the UAA variation on the standard EMF ‘Smm pistol. The Accuracy has been increased ‘ver the orginal, but the range has sufered some asa result, The design of the pistol mostly remains the same. DAM SH BY WA WT CST RNG 1D6+1 12 NA 42 8kq BOcr 22H ‘THE AXIS 10MM AUTORIFLE This nasty weapon works on the premise that i you throw enough lead into the air, some ol itis. bound to hit your target. Produced in limited ‘numbers by Axis factories, the autorifie i only available to Axis agents, of on the black market, ‘hence its high cost DAM SH BV WA WT CST RNG 1DB/nit 406-3 3kg500or 55H AXIS COMBAT ARMOR This jl-black armor has become a symbol of ‘Ais terror. The retiectve silver tace-plale covers eececcccccesces ‘LocaTions: ttaran Fan Caries. (CHARACTERS APPEARII Thiran, Various Etran ivi EVENT #1 DEPARTURE 3-22, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 8 "You spend the rest of your time in Elara ‘ecoveting fom the trauma and injuries ofthe last few days. By the morning ofthe 22nd, you areal ead to travel. Two ofthe erystal-clad ‘yal guards lead you through the palace tothe main all As the doors open, a qust of wind nearly knocks everyone off thet fet. The wind is followed by a wal of water, and as he characters are drenched, one of the guards turn tothe other and yells “Bit of bad weather, hope it lts up soon” Infact, the storm that now grips this pat of #laraisone ofthe worst to hit theaea this season, Butt rain, and not snow, o thal makes ita won- derul event. The characters are escorted tothe cats The dive tothe docks takes twenty minutes ‘nth pouring rain, and when the characters get there, the hl ofthe Ettaran ship is barely visible “ks you reach the ship, two cloaked figures ‘sh you up the ladder and into the carrer. Enter- ing the deck, you smell roasting meats and potent brandy. You are al handed towels and. ‘ips fhe aforementioned brandy, and suddenly feelathomein the cramped quaters. Eran getsa sttange sense of dja-wu ...” As everyone setles down, Eira is grabbed {rom behind and litted of the deck. He is spun around and comes face to face with Kiran, his ns. the entire facial region, making the wearer unidentifiable. This armor affords 7 SP to all locations (including the head), and comes with 2 re-breather unit inthe helmet (acts as a gas mask). This atmor is usually only available through the Axis, or the black marke, hence the high cost: ue to the bulky nature of the armor, all REF based actions while wearing it are at 1. Weight: 54g Cost: 700cr ‘STANDARD UNIFORM (UAA, KARGAN, ELARAN, ETTARAN) eecccssccoce father! Behind Kiran is Ouran, his wit and Eran's stepmother. In the storm Eran dit realize that this was the Sharan Cari. This i his home! All ofthe PC's are shown to “quarters” (which closer resemble hotel rooms) and allowed to get settled in. Eiran is alowed to have his own room back, ‘and Aleolis given the quarters that are assigned to her “amily” when they stay on this carter The fist day at sea passes uneventfully, as the carrier rides out the storm. The bad weather breaks about Eleven that evening, and the next ay calls for sun and clear she. If Eran isa PC, You may want to roleplay his homecoming, reunion with iends, ec EVENT #2: THE LETTER 3-23, 1520. ‘AFTERNOON. RIMFIRE DAY: 3 “The nextday the sun fs out, and a warm breeze blows up from the south, You're allowed on the cleck, whichis tered with tara children play- ing ball, and men and women sunning them- selves in skimpy bathing suit. The sea is chop- py, but the carrie rides smoothly above it on a ‘oud of ait. The Dhannan (worker mektons used. by this Ettatan family) are on deck, being This bullet resistant cloth gives the wearer 4 SP In all locations (excluding head). Weight: 1kg Gost: 50cr ‘SET: THE CRYSTAL PALACE Seat ofthe throne and monarchy of Elara, the palace as its own living, shopping, and power facilis. The name comes from the construction ofthe palace, which is made from a reflective ‘granite found in the sea bed near lilyria. This ‘Granite was ast mines in 1385, belore polar ice covered the area, repaired. Above, in the clouds, you can spot ‘ocasional Elaran mektons fying patrol” The characters are going about thes business (perhaps participating in tha time-honored Etaran fastime, chasing the opposite sex), when the cap- tain ofthe carer (@ man named Thran) approach es Larani and hands her alter. tis in code, but Thiran provides her wth proper decoding tacts. ‘era quick decoding session, thelr reads: Greetings Commander. 1 hope his message fins yu well. As of yes- terday 3-20-20 the Rimlire is complete. The Commader tthe ship, Altar Dass, sends his ‘greetings; wih hopes to meet you soon, (have been inormed of Operation Rimfire, and under- stand everything, Colone Caball at the launch ‘cil expects your arrival. One nal message, we at Ovewaich awail your peedy reun. General Haversom [The pattern of absent letters is present on the decoded message. You may wish to clplicate the letter for your players. tsa ue ‘and you and your players should remember it For ease of GMing, the missing letters ‘ead: Do not first] v tasked about the odd glitch wit the letters, the Etarans wil respond that sometimes transmitting cnded messages from orbit can ge vicky, and that scrambled letters or words are not uncommon. It you player igure ot, good fr them EVENT #3: ATTACK 3-24, 1520. EARLY MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 10 The evening comes after a relaxing day; the characters are fed, and a small party is held in ‘heir honor (the Ettarans are always looking for an excuse to party). The characters are then shown off to bed (with, or without, ‘ampanionship as they see fi; Evans aren very prudish). Eventually they al fll asleep. [At this point have everyone make Luck rolls 15¢.] For those who mis tthe first they know ofthe event is being hurled out oftheir bunks at high speed, and another Luck rol [10+] is needed to avoid taking 2 hits to a random locaton. For those who ‘made the intial Luck roll, they wake up as soon. as they fee! the carrer lurch to one side, and are secure when the entire carrier seems to jerk Violently One side of the carrier seems to dip, and peopl and furniture sat siding to that side. A sien sounds, and Ettarans run up toward the upper deck. Any character that stops to think abou it will realize that no explosions have been heard, Any ofthe characters that goto the upper eck se the following As you push yout way onto the deck, the fist thing you see is a glant reptilian head about ‘feet wide, with a mouth the size ofa smal ar. Fags and bits of meat between the teth seem fo indicate that its aleady fed atleast once. It stems io be pushing down one sie of the carer with its weight In the water, an Elaran man is folding a young gir, silently trading wate. By them (on the deck) is a young woman who spots you, and yells for help. There seem to be Fog Hunter young inthe water, circling the hapless ‘0, What do you do?” This isa role-playing episode. The Fog Hunters are looking for a quick meal, and all it takes few rounds of gunfire to drive them of alt the characters didn't try to help the Btarans, then the carier continues on its way to Kalla Proceed to Episode 6 >olfthe characters (other than Elran) went cut oftheir way to help the Ettarans in the Water, Tiran wil invite them into his cabin that evening. After offering them a good found of Ettaran honey nectar, he sits and ates hem some information. MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE ce , Thiran: To tell youth tru, we never rally usled you, ‘antl you went out of your way to help us when ‘you could have simply let Miran and is daughter die. (He looks atthe Kargan characters.) You have ted to kil or enslave us as long as anyone conti carrier has been alive, and we never realy believed thal would change. But maybe the ‘promises ofthe UAA are true, andthe old ways ate gone. The Etarans are not as dinwited as ‘many would have you think, and we have sources ‘of information tha the Kargan and Elaran intel ‘gence services could hardly dream of. know a Ile of your situation, but not everything. My ‘mouth is sealed, Iwill not talk. But some ifor- mation | have coud be of use to you The Axis’ chief is @ man named Dtemmand, and he was the son of an Eiaran lord in Fira. He is very rich, possibly the single richest man on either continent. was said that he saw hs par- ents killed inthe bombing, and tha it ove him mad, Helter fled to the isfnds with fortune in {gold and jewels. The rumor has it hat he actualy formed the Axis, to revenge himself onthe Kar- ‘gans forthe death of his family. have idea it this is tve or no. There reais rumors that bis very powertl ESPe, but one again, I cant say {for certain if this i true. {do know that the Axis ‘has ull space capable, and tha they have sev- al cloaked and hidden orbital factories. One of these i under Dremmond’s dlrect command. Dremmond isa nihilist. He doesn give a damm about life Others think the Axis threats against the mirors ae bls. think hed really dh it just to prove he cout. Aer the tak, nothing much happens until the alernoon of the 25th, when the carrie pulls into a Kalin dock. you wish, use the remaining day to roleplay sun and fun with the Etarans. IP Awards for Episode #5: Helping the Ettarans: +6 IP to each players) Decoding the message: +5 to each player(s) that figured it out Partying with the Ettarans: +3 to each player —eftaran lot: Us bes salts a aon oa pilots. mand women who ens "ol the Fan Carriers. They Saal arenes Mieresn ye Mecha Piloting(+6), Beam: pe ine _ see = ae ‘SET: FAN CARRIERS Early in the First Mekton War, the istand-based nations ofthe Ettara discovered that they wouldn't last long caught between the superpowers of laraand Karga. As entire islands were wiped out in the fighting, the normally nomadic Ettarans gave upon their land-based towns entirely, and ‘moved thelr communities ont large, ocean going vessels. Over the years, these vessels changed from large flotillas of small sailing ves sels, to large cargo carrer, to thei inal form of the Fan Ca Part luxuty liner, prt mekton carrie, and pat cargo ship, the Fan Cartier is oten consid- ered the finest form of ocean-going travel on ‘Nool. Capable of holding 100 people in comfort, they ply the oceans of Algol, trading at every pot, only stopping long enough to take on supplies ‘and offload goods. Normally the Fan Carters travel one ata time to get bette rading values a the pots, but. sometimes whol les of them wil assemble or protection, of for an important meeting between Etaran families. eooe LOCATIONS: Kalian launch facility CHARACTERS APPEARING: Lisa Cabal, Falcon Daris MECHANICALS APPEAR! ‘The Sentinel (p.93) ‘Theog lit al about 2:00 inthe altrnoon ofthe nextday, and characters can see the north coast of Kala. At about 3:00, the Fan Carrier docks near the launching por, and off loads the charac- ters. iran and Ouran havea tert farewell with ‘thelr son, embarrassing him infront of the est of the squad. Tian himsel sees the characters of at the shore, then returns to monitoring the loading of supplies. He promises to send more informa= tion should he discover any. any ofthe charac ters have become romantically involved with an Ettaran, the relationship will come to an abrupt end, (Ettatans arent known for ping after some- ‘one. I the charate is serious about the rela- tionship, the only way an Ettaran will "wait" for Ettaran Fan Carrier them is to receive a proposal of martiage, wit- essed by Tira. “As you disembark you ae greeted by two Kargan soldiers, who lead you down the docks toward a truck with EMF markings. Sta front othe tuck, wearing an ofice' uniform, is a tall smiling red-haired woman, She grets you all, and introduces herself Colonel Lisa Caball She sends the soldiers back to get any excess luggage, and welcomes you to the Kalin Launch Facil” ‘She loads the characters into the truck, and chives them to the launch facility, On the pad is 2 large multi-stage rocket, with a group of mektons being loaded into it. Lisa explains thatthe char- acters willbe launched fis in a smaller shuttle, to be followed up by the transport rocket. The launch is set for tamorrow morning. The charac- ters have some time to relax. >» lithe characters understood the message {rom Event2 last episode, and tel Lis, she has the shutle gone over wit @fne-oothed ‘comi, She ins the bomb, and the characters launch normally. Skip to Event 3. tthe char- acters missed the meaning, gto Event 2. EVENT #2: LAUNCH OMe #26, 1520. Ln Basc7e MORNING. RIMFIRI Bees Seb | DAY: 12 “Early the next morning, as you finish off a full breakfast, Lisa approaches your table, holding = several large boxes. She opens a box and pro- cles a uniform, She goes onto explain tha their ‘UAA uniforms just arrived, and that she thought that you might want to wear them back into space, Each of the uniforms is a perect it Alter you get them on, you are taken to the launch staging aea, put into your space sults, and dri- ven out to the launch area” ‘As several hours pass the characters are loaded into a small space shutle, and strapped into acclertion couches. The hour-long count- down begins. As the players fidget, the com light in Kari's panel comes on. When she tums it on, she sees the face of Sima Daris, the freelancer snown as “Faloon.” Falcon: Hey babe, got some news for you (He holds up the bloody remains ofan Axis helmet.) was ordered {see you of. found this guy lurking inthe bush- s, Not to worry your litle noggin, bul he had ‘enough friggin’ cordit to blow the Arcol bridge. ‘Adit looks like some’ already been used. Also found some forged papers listing him under the tech crew forthe launch fclly, Kinda suspicious fun? Wel, gotta spl The communication is cul By the end ofthe tlk, the countdown has reached five minutes, ‘The bomb is atached tothe fuel tanks ofthe shutl he bomb goes off onthe ground, dozens willbe killed. The characters have afew options, >> 1: lunforit. they just fee the shutle at breakneck speeds, they may be OK. All they have to doit get the door open [Electronics {ech 15¢], and get into the safety of the blast shielding. I they do this, the shuttle pilot notices the door breach, and halts the countdown. The shuttle explodes on the pad. Dozens are Killed, including Lisa, nat tomention the shuttle crew. >> 2: Tell someone. It will take a few precious moments, but if they think and tll Lisa or the pilot, a quick evac ofthe shuttle crew and an automatic launch cause the shuttle to explode harmlessly over the open 2a, This of couse, the optimum solution. >> 3: Stay put. the characters do nothing, they ate launched. In two minutes, the bomb oes of, destroying the shut, killing them all. [lf your characters actually do nothing, when the shuttle explodes, give the group a Luckroll. anyone inthe group rolls 20, the shultle survives the bomb bias, and plunges into the sea Give everyone a second Luck rol those who beat 15 survive the crash See Whatever happens, assuming the characters sut- Vive, Lisa rushes them to the command bunker, ‘and orders the base sealed off. The second rocket is searched for bombs, and its launch is delayed. Dais is nowhere tobe found. EVENT #3: ‘SPACE 3-27, 1520. EVENING. RIMFIRE = DAY: 13 “The next 24 hours are spent in preparation for a second lift-off. You are all examined and any ‘Wounds are tended to. You have been told by Lisa (orthe second if she's dead) that you will launch with the Sentinels on the second rocket. As the hours tick by, you are once again driven to the launching pad, but this time you notice the perimeter is heavily quarded. You are again Strapped into the rocke, ina small compartment. behind the pilots. The last hour's countdown, begins.” [Play up the suspense it you want to, make them sweat abit] “After an eternity, the engines burst into fife, and the glant cargo rocket takes of” ‘Soon the charac fel the familar eting of (0-6 and the cargo shut heads forthe moon. Aer the inlense G's of ito its almost a rei to fal he weightlessness of space. The pilot els you to ‘unstapand rela, he long ride home’ has begun” On the afternoon of the 28th, the ship aves back on Dion Haversom is athe reovety {aciliy to meet the characters, as Is Altair Dass, the Captain ofthe Rimfire. Dass gives them a polite greeting, then proceeds to take charge of the mekton transleral to the Rimfire. Haversom takes the characters toa debriefing room, and asks to heat theit fll story. I asked about the message, Haversom will be confused, He sent the message, but he wasn't responsible for removing any letters. He has no idea who warned the character. ‘Ate he listens to the whole story oftheir rip to Algol, he seals the door, and begins to speak: Haversom: Fs, as ofthis date! have pu youll up for com ‘mendations. You have all performed well above and beyond the call of duty. The Rime is com- plete, and will pull out of atydock the day alter tomorrow. Your quarters have been moved onto the ship. Dass wil give you alla tour tomorrow ‘morning. !have been contacted by Sunlight 1. The commander there has managed 0 fndinfr- ‘mation pertaining lo our particular problem. Your ist tour ofthe system wil include a stop at Sun light. I want you to pick up whatever Information she has. Dass and the rest of he Ries crew have been briefed on the purpose of Operation Aimiie. Keep an eye out fr the Axis; Ihave no ‘idea what they are up to, but It always pays fo watch them carefully. Sooner or laler they're ‘going to take shot at us, and I want fo smash them when they do, ‘After the talk, Haversom gives the characters a well-deserved evening off, and tells them to meet ‘Altar Dass inthe airlook of Alpha Quadrant the ext morning, That evening the characters are treated to another dinner in their honor, with more home- cooked food, music, and dancing, About alway through dinner, Altair Dass arrives in an Over- v watch uniform, followed by fourteen others in similar unitorms. They are the ships crew ofthe ire, and are introduced tothe characters [see page 38-41 for descriptions of the crew, Mox Locations: (9.20), Interior Rimfire (p42) CHARACTERS APPEARING: General Haversom (p. 18), Altair Dass, Crew and Colonists of Dion 1 (p. 20), Crew of Rime MECHANICALS APPEARING: The Sentinel (p:93)the Rimfire, the Scarab (0-88) EVENT #1: BOARDING 3-29, 1520. MORNING. “The next morning comes far too quickly for those who had heavy drinks lastnight. But duty calls as the 5:00am alarm rings in each of your fooms. You gather up your equipment and suit ‘upto calc a transport fo Alpha Airlock. AS you reach the Tock, Dass is already waltng, with one other UAA worker suited up. When you have gathered together, you enter the airlock, and Dass begins to cet. v |PERATION RIMFIRE isnt there). Dass isa severe man, who earns some animosity by not allowing any of te light cet din to excess. At 10:0 that evening, ha ‘gathers up the crew and depart, ling the char- "When the pressure has reached zero, the lock opens to reveal two half-tracklike moon buggies. Dass enters on, asthe olher man enters the other. They motion for you to jin them” {You may want to make them list what car they are in, and ifthey have any weapons, justto increase the PC's paranoia) Alter about an hour of driving, Dass pulls up to the edge ofa large crater. He andthe characters disembark and head fora crater edge. Set into the acters that he will mee them inthe morning, He also tells them to bring whatever personal belongings they wish, as they wil be moving to the Rimi. IP Awards for Episode #6: Discovering the bomb before launch: +5 toall players Saving the shuttle crew: + 31P to all players ‘Allowing the shuttle to explode on the pad: No IP for episode Ignoring Falcon's war survivors, “10 IP toall ‘SET: KALIAN LAUNCH FACILITY The sland of Kalla was the location of the bloodi- est fighting inthe Archipelago War. Located on the equator, the island was of great strategic Value during the war, and the Kargans attempted to takeitsix times. ‘Atewards, the area was converted into an ctital launch facility. Upon completion ofthe Solar Artays, the facliy was co-opted by the UAA and now serves as @ multi-national orbital staging area On the east end ofthe island, currently under construction, is @ mass driver that is scheduled fr completion in 1523. eovcccccccce edge, almost invisible from mote than 30 feet, and well-hidden from above, isa large door with 2 combination lock. After punching ina string of riumbers, the doors open into a small 15 fool by 15 foot room. When the outer door closes, thee isthe sound of ait entering and a sudden feeling ‘of rapid descent. “Altera few moments, Dass removes his helmet, and motions for you to do the same, ‘About the tim everyone gels their helmets ofa et of doors onthe othe sie ofthe elevator open into a huge circular chamber, in the center of which sits the Rime, The large ship seems to be covered in scaffolding, attached to which are ‘many large devices that look lke racket engines. Ison these engines that dozens of technicians. ae curently working. Supervising the work is a large man with grey hair wearing an Overwatch uniform. Dass points him out as the Rimfire's, chiel engineer, Farid Mox. Mox waves to Dass as you alk up the entry platform and ent the ship.” Dass proceeds to give the characters athor- ugh tour ofthe ship, and reintroduce them tothe ‘ren, Fel ree to role-play this out, a itis likely that one or mare PC'S may find romantic matches. ‘ter al, these are the paople the PC's will be ‘working and living with forthe next few years. ‘tera general tour ofthe ship, Dass takes them to the circus room, the giant carousel in the center ofthe ship that launches the mektons, All cfthe Sentinels are already loaded into it and ‘much to Aleo’s surprise, she spots her helmet insgnia being painted on one of the shields. The characters then tke an elevator into the living section, and each is shown to his quarters (Gee map) and allowed to unpack and get sete i. Dass explains that when the ship isin ight the entire upper section rotates, giving the living ‘waters avy, He then leaves the characers to opted in, EVENT #2: LAUNCH 3-30, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE a DAY: 16 The characters have spent the evening getting acquainted with the lving section ofthe ship and any role-playing you want to setup, a possible romance ovary? As they retire to theit rooms that evening, several small events wl happen. >eWhoever had been “dating” Ariel gets a message saying that she arrived in Mura, and hopes the characteris well. She also ‘hopes to see him soon. >aQne ofthe PC's discover thal the Rimfire is picking up news broadcasts from Algol. (ne such broadcast shows the PC's iting off ‘rom Kali, with astory about he "brave men and women who guard us from above.” >>0ne ofthe PC's passes Arisa inthe hall- way; she is crying. I the PC asks why, she explains that her litle brother vanished a few ays. 290 (in Aol) and she wishes thal she ould be with er family inthis time of rss >olarani ges letter from “Lord Kynis.” All it says is “Good Luck” It should send chills down her spine. The next morning, Dass’ voice booms over the intercom: Dass: Good morning, people. We launch in two hours. All fight crew to stations. All Fireflight squadron members please use the acceleration couches in ‘your rooms. The isa. ‘The next 2 hours are spent in frantic activity by the ship’ crew. It any characters go exploring, wioewer they run into wil send them back to thet rooms. “Alter waiting, strapped ilo your couches, {or two hours, the Rimfire begins to shake. Soon the sound and vibration of thrusters ils the halls Slowly, you begin to fel movement. As the shak- ing and the nase grows louder, so does the fel- ing of weiaht on your chests. Soon its dificult to even breathe. After what seems like hours (your clocks must be slow, they say only 30 minutes), ‘Dass'familiar harsh voice comes actos the com.” Dass: We are in Orbit. Algol, can you hear me? (Asta filed voice answers) Yes, Rte, we copy. (Dass responds) Tiss Rimi, weareoper- ational. (There is sound of clapping from behind Dass over the com, and @ *yahaoo" from Onell.) Firebrand, this is Dass (he continues). The ‘nice folks who paid for your suits would like to ‘see them; scramble for the news crew in the shut- ‘He off our bow. All pilots to the Circus. Now the characters get to show off. There is@ small news shutle by the Rimfire. Asal the char- acets launch, role-play out how much they show of, [Let them have fun for ten minutes oF s0.] ‘ter the PC's fly about the shut fora bit, a single plasma bolt hits the shuttle, and sends spinning of into space e EVENT #3: BATTLE MPM serennoon. A humeine ov: 16 "As the crew ofthe shuttle calls for help, a large shape seems to appear out of nowhere, and atacks the squad." 10 Sentinels vs. the Scarab The Scarab will attempt fo destroy the squad at all costs. The pilot wil not retreat or surrender, and seems to fight witha nearly suicidal fervor. The Pilot’ stats are listed on page x. tis key that it the characters work as aleam, they may not take ‘any casveltes. There is also a possibilty of one cr more sults being destroyed. The battle shouldbe long and hard tis entirely possible that one or more ofthe PC's might de But keep in mind the show's not even half over yet, $0 you might want to fudge the dice abit. Hopeluly, during o afte the bat, someone wll, think of rescuing the damaged shut. I some- ‘one does go out ofthe way fo resoue the shuttle, they wil be made out bethe hero ofthe hour by the news crews, no mater how much they did to, defeat the Scarab. ‘AMter the Scarab is destroyed, Dass orders the squad to rescue the shuttle ino one already did so). Das has to ord them, asthe charac- ters approach the shuttle, one ofthe damaged fuel tanks goes up, and the shuttle is destroyed. ‘There are no survivors. Tere is stunned silence from the bridge ofthe Rimfire ‘Aer the characters land, Dass meets them atthe ready room, >oil the characters rescued the shut, be offers them his hearty congratulations on a job well done >it the shuitl was destroyed, he tls them that it couldn't be helped and not to blame themselves. He wil also go onto tel them thatthe peace faction in the council (headed by Delaney) is going to have afield day tear~ ing Overwatch apart forthe incident, and to ‘be prepared for some bad press. IP Awards tor Episode #7: Destroying the Scarab: +10 IP to all in Fight Saving the news crew: +51P toll players |) Por : “sees aAone oo : pate Kar allie Karri Yall setves as the main pllot and back navigalor forte Rimfire: She i plezsant “son, Who has @ husband back on Elara. She is -~atvexcellent pilot, anid when on duly shes all Shi is loyal toher hu battle, he was relocated fo Clara when just child. Friendly and consider- “ale, he has @ slight crush Ase aet hasal time t id faces any e c ‘ : - business. Off duty she is lively and slightly irs toa atrsalole zn tsomeone pushes the issue, they are pha broken e ae o fist pd Ab Boe ae rae, s slowly, the limb didn't have the speed to. able Haj to fener combat: Hoping the technol ee ae eee “Wines atone who drives everyone crazy.. _ hothing mechanical is safe with her in the ts UAAortetunofie i a uty check Fess aan fl our ioe ‘ad wishes to spend his on ik et owe ent n space. Stil civilian he has Saka was Keo camueaee le when the EMF folfow all linay gens and laws. cL Scene “ws winding down ts war operations. Her _butfarrom upd beknows who sacl ess Ht ee do teirobs, padi nib Geoaiae resell she Understands a soldier's an r soedameneies tie ee ‘spends | his! time filling in tor ‘someone whois "sicko needs to be somewhere ese. A jackrol- rates, Reltiom i able fo efor any ofthe ip’ functions on abasic evel someone is ia Menta ‘happened to make spent a year undercover aoe —— ‘ied ita great deal. Atthe verSom okayedit afer 8 end ofthe war, he got out of Karga and joined Ee MEKTON: SATU: OPERATION EINE a - sk: Zero Gee Manewer(+10),- 3 - Programming(+4), Teaching(+), SET: THE RIMFIRE Locanions: Anterior Rimfire (p. 42) CHARACTERS APPEARING: Dass andthe crew of Rimfire (p. 38-41), Various rnewscastrs, Yi (p. 29) Dr, Tal (p28) Lathrin Darkmoor and Karen F MECHANICALS APPEARING: The Rimfire (p. 42), Sentinel (0. $3) NEWSCAST 4-5, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 23 “it's been several days since the attack on the shuatle, Despite a constant feling of paranoia on the ship, nothing has happened, You have all been flying 12-hour shifts, with litte or no ‘elaraton time, Finally, Dass has ordered a stand down from Stage 2 alert, and you are all gathering in the recreation area for some well deserve rest. As the cards and drinks come out, andthe musi stats, June runs into the room, pony tail flying. Breathless, she tells you that ‘Dass wants a general meeting on the bridge in ten minutes" The bridge ofthe Rime is cramped in nor~ ‘nal circumstances, and wit twenty-five people init there is barely enough room to find a spat to sit or stand. When Dass sees that everyone is as. comfortable as they will get, he begins. Dass: Dt Tal sent me ths transmission lastnight. Its a ‘ae copy of Elaran and Kargan newscasts. Bath ran wiin he lst two cys, The Ais have stuckagain, ‘ony this time, theyea bit more circumspect. ‘Themain screen avove the viewport ofthe bridge ome to lt, They see a pretty newscaster read- inga story with the UAA symbol behind he. Howscaster: nina story tonight. Network 12has received this holo trough a source high inthe Elran Peace ‘CouniThe UNA symbols replaced bya picture ot prison camp, with quads in UAA uniforms and a few dozen people hudcled being the fence Geographical experts place the location of the picture to be somewhere on the Kargan cont- rea. Out same source has been quoted as say- ing tat some ofthe rash of missing persons may well be political prisoners of one type of another. ‘A spokesman forthe UAA claims that the picture Isa fraud, and that the UAA Is nota “secret police” organization ‘The picture is then replaced by a grim-faced Kar gan reporter. Kargan reporter: We have investigated the report thatthe UAA is ‘holding poliical prisoners on our continent. There ‘sno truth to ths rumor. The photo was ether a ‘ke, or the Elarans were wrong about the lcaton. ‘We did find evidence that the UAA was planning ‘on building 2 facility near the Sharif mountains. UUAA officers showed us the plans, and they were foratrackng station, nota prsion camp. ‘Then Tals face appears, There are hundreds of ether items along this vein popping up down here. For every rumor that we Ail two more pop upto take its place, It seems thatthe Axis are determined to wreak as much havoc with the UAA as possible. Ive arranged an interview for you wit Latin Darkmoor, pilot who has had a great deal of problems withthe ‘Axis inthe past. All he links should hook up at 1:00 am tomorrow. Then the screen goes black. Dass tells everyone that Lathrin wil be on-line in five minutes, and that he wants everyone tobe here forthe talk. He has alist of questions that he needs answered, so ‘he wil request thet everyone keep their opinions ‘quiet unt after the talk. The ink will only be up fortwenty minutes. ‘Mer the tive minutes, the soreen comes to lite again. Ths time everyone sees a dark haired man siting next o a beautiful woman ina wheel- chair She simply stares straightforward, while he looks around the bridge. Latin: Some ship. Looks ait crowded, though. Dass: Thank you or he time, Major. at: ied. Dass: m sony, | heard diferent Latrin: Don’ be. Yr keeps me on as ar “advisor "So lechnically In onthe payrol Just call me Lathrin. ve heard thal you've got some problems wit the Axis? Dass: Yes, but before goton, may lask ere ‘ou gta your information on ter actites? arin: Inthe casing months of he Arch- ‘pelago War, Karen was Kidnapped by a Kargan ‘named Ebonilck and brainwashed. Se was Kept as pilot fora new control system they were developing, I barely beat him ina ight when | rescued Karen Afr tha, he turned othe Ais for some reason or another. He's ver vinletiv, and still wants me deed Since then, the Axis have ‘been gunning for me. In oder to survive this long, I needed to learn bit about them. And the ‘Axis arent the only ones with spies. ‘Dass: Why oo the Ars want to destroy us? Lathrin: Twa reasons as | see it. First you ‘epresenta direct treat other. Ihe UMA solid- ites, there wil be no room forthe Axis to ac. They will become like hunted animals, to be tracked down ahd destroyed. Secondly, there is some personal reason why Drermmond hats you. may be that someone up there once tuned him cionn ora date He's crazy bastard Dass: You know Dremmond? Latin: Yes. He and | crossed paths once He tried to get me o join the Ais. Sao he could “cure” Karen's brain damage. (Latin holds the its hand) / passed, ass: And youte sure he runs the Ais? Lathrin: I would take an ego even greater than Ebontack's to keep him from taking over. ‘And Dremmandis the only one ve ever met who could came close to matching or surpassing Ebonlack in the ego department. v 7), Wardiobe Be e+6), Sing(+8), Personal jomingl +7}. - Dass: Do you have any idea what the personal vendetta might be? Could your “spies” tind out? Latin: Ive really got no idea, I cam find anything, et you know. Then Dass wil allow the characters to question Lattin, For simplicity’ sake, there is enough {imefor Latin to answe en more questions. Its pte referee on how accurate, and how truthful, Latrin's answers are. Lathrin wil ot le tothe PC’, butis information may wel be wrong. ‘When the interview is over, Dass sends everyone back to thei quarters. He announces a general meeting inthe ec area the next morning EVENT #2: DECISIONS 4-6, 1520, MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 24 “The day and evening pass withoul much hap- oS pu Keren had fallen in ove al irs lt. (Tel: fist meeting was ata logistics meet- Lathtn and Karen were once members ofthe Night Hunters, the celebrated tactical squadron used for special missions imthe Archipelago Was. -Lalhrin himsel-has been knighted by:the crown tor his. seivios 0 Bara 3 : ito blows over differences-in tactical deployments.) Soon the two were figt on ofthe best teams lara ha produced thas been theorized that he reason ily inaction Was due to Karen bonding with Lathrin. I this is thecase, iis the eo igwith a non-psionic. Ce cio es recor ofan : Due to injr aula Crete aol Karen has been rendered severely “brain- damaged, unable to actor think. Latin now devotes his time to caring fo his “better halt.” Sad and melancholy, Lin's main concern nif isto ind a cure fox Karn. she doesnt survive, helikely wontlongoutlivehe. = ‘ pening. The next morning, you ae all gathered into the lounge n the rec area Dass enters with a recording tape in one han.” He walks to a couch and sts Dass: Tal contacted me again las night. lt seams that one ofthe long-range sensors at Sunlight 1 has picked ‘up something unusual in the quadrant hat Tal tld them to look into. t's possible that whatever this objects its what the Aggend!ransmited to. We ‘ate to proceed directly to Sunlight to meet with Erni Dara, the tation commande. She has com- piled al he information hat might be useful tous. That isa. Dass turns to leave the room. Before he does, he seems to remember something and hands the ‘recording tape to Larani. He says that i's a pri- vale message for her, from Karga. Hal crushes acan in his stel hand. Hajz Damnation! In the old day's we'd take the fight to the Axis, not let them run us around like lost pup e ecco CHARACTERS APPEARIN( Crew of Rimfire (p. 38-41), Emilia Dark MECHANICALS APPEARING: ‘The Sentinel (0.93), Ritire(p. 42) Sunlight 1 EVENT #1: LANDING 4-10, 1520, ‘AFTERNOON. RIMFIRE DAY: 28 “Four long days have passed since the tak with Lathrin and the meeting in the recreation area Those days passed with hardly an incident. As ‘he time slowly progresses, you all realize that the near weightlessness ofthe ship it nearly so confusing as it once was. [Give al characters 2 pint in zro-gee manewvering.] You have all ‘rained hard, nearly all your lives, to fight and nok your combat skls sit useless. As you try to wile away the hours, hoping, ye fearing, the alamo action, Kats musical voce comes over the com” pies! Tey ve attacked the fight crew tre limes! Kari tuins and ooks at him. Karn Wht can we do? They cloak all hei bases and hide. We cant find them. The conversation fas ino a general melee, with Haj and Realan trying to convince everyone thatthe best delense is a good offense. {Thisis another role-playing session. Use ito help Cefne the crew to your payers. Hopetuly you can create some sparks between players and NPC's] It Larant plays the message on her video player, the face of Lady Arasai appears, beautitul and elegant as always. She begin to speak. Arasal: Helo dear, | hope you're enjoying your stay in ‘pace. | understand thet you are serving under ‘Dass. He's a good man. My time here is shor, so ‘wil say my piece and sign of Your father has spent great deal of time in the company ofa stranger recently staying atthe nis lands. My husband believes that his man is ‘Ais, and they are plotting against he Emperor. t evccccece Kari: ‘Sunlight 1 on visual. Everyone might want to ind forward viewing por. This is beaut anyone goes to a forward por, they can see “Even from the ‘tea’ Sunlight is magnificent Itis by fa the largest man-made structure any of you have ever seen in space. The center isa 3.5km wide, 13km long cylinder, designed inthe style ofthe proposed ‘mega" colonies. Spreading ‘outward from the hub, like a giant spider's web, axe the mirrors, pointed toward the darkened area of the polar cap. Across the back of the glant aay, worker mektons constantly travel, replacing chipped and cracked mitrors. Within the halo of mirrors, the central cylinder slowly rotate. we can prove his, you never need tear your tater again. If find anything out, | will inform you. Farewell, The transmission ends, andthe Rimiire speeds toward Sunlight 1. IP Awards tor Episode #8: For participating in the Interview with Lathrin: +2 1P per question EQUIPMENT ‘THE UAA COMBAT SPACE-SUIT. ‘This amored Space-Suitis standard issue to all UNA personnel who serve ina potential combat zone. This includes mekton plas aswel as other rnon-ditect combatants, suchas supply, covert operations and command personnel. The sui ra- vides 5 SP o all locations, andthe helmet provides 6SP protection othe head. The suits designed to be as light, flexible and mobile as possible, so this design has been copied by mas other Algolian space forces. Includes 1 hour ar supply. Weight: 2kg Cost: 100cr eeccecccos “Docked athe end ofthe ylindr shes other spaceship you have seen. Unlike he R= ‘irewith its dua circus design this ship seems to be just an engine with an afterthought ofa ship attached to it” ‘The Fimire slowly apptcaches and docks with the central hub. As docking ams hod the ship in lace Kar calls fr disembarking prooedues. Dass meets everyone athe airlock, and sends he rest ofthe Rimfire crew back ino sip. Hal starts to complain, and Mox fas him by the ‘aim and leads him off down the all Ashe characters enter the alloc, eycles and opens. ‘Waiting for them onthe other side isa stk ingly beautiful red-haired woman, [Anyone who Vv makes a Perception rll 15+ can ell she site surprised when she sees Tharis.] “Emilia leads you down several maze-ike corridors. After two or three tums mast of you are Ioally ost, and aren even sue which way i up. ‘ter about fitten minutes, she opens a door, and users you in “The chamber iselt is spherical, with the center ofthe loo a good 30 fet below the entry area. The entre room is ringed with reclined MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE seats, each row lower than the one before. The ceiling seems to be some sort of viewing port, as ‘YoU can see the stars twinkling in deep space. “Emilia motions for you all to have a sea, as she walks dow to a pedestal inthe centr of the ‘oom. After everyone is seated, she activates controls on the pedestal, and it raises up as she bepins to speak” Emilia: Dr. Tal has had us checking in sector 182.56. Until a few days ago we had nothing. No cue, nothing. Then at 22:34 another signal was beamed tothe section we were looking for. (A white circle seems to appear in the night sky.) It is here. (The circle expands, as ItIna zoom lens. The characters see a planet with a dark spot on its surface. The spot is circled, and the Words Asteroid Karmuriaappear under] The second signal was beamed direc at We can only assume tat ist signal was, 2s wel. ‘Our sensors are picking up higher then average rafaton from it.The planet you sees Aves. ‘Now forthe bad news. (The planet vanishes, and is replaced by asta.) The second signal was a coded numerical message. Very human tn origin. We have been seeping our eyes onthe deeper system, 30 we are certain that the transmission was nat sent to a ‘human aget. ‘The lights come back up, and the platform hold- ing Emila lowers, She continues Currently there are 2 targets that we must con- tend with: the Asteroid and the “source” ofthe second transmission. It would take the Rimfire ‘vera year to reach Ares. The ship in dock now, the Tarus, could make the tip in about hal that time, So the Tarus is going tothe Asteroid. You al, and the Rimfire, are going fo stay insystem, When we geta fx onthe location of the human ‘ransmiter, itil be your job to destroy i She then shows them out of the room, and back to the Rimfire, She is curt and polite, and avoids Thais like the plague. EVENT #2: @ ROMANCE 4-10, pA 1520. NIGHT. RIMFIRE DAY: 28 Later that night, as everyone is thinking about the tevelation, a soft knock comes on Tharis’ door, When he opens it, Emilia is on the other side, ‘Assuming he Jets her in, she wil throw her arms around him, and kiss him hard. After one or both come up fr ai, she explains her sudden depar- tue fom his ite ‘hated to leave you, but there was no choice! ‘When | was picked for this command, they insist- 2 that | tell no one where | was going, not even ‘you. If (ried to explain, things would have been worse, $0 just left. so sony ... tere hasnt been a day that | haven't regretted leaving. Can you ever forgive mel? Now that we're both in the ‘UAA, perhaps things can be the same again? Role-play ths to the hill. She rally loves him. If be crumbles under the assault, she wil spend the ‘night with him, and ask him to request transfer to Sunlight, They are going to need a new com- ‘ander ofthe mecha wing stationed there, and it ‘would allow them to be together, possibly even (get married. (Note to referee: This should be obvi ‘us, but Tharis requests and receives a transfer, he wl be out othe game.] Whatever the solution, Emilia loves him, and is even willing to walt for the current crisis to end before taking a serious ‘commitment. She will not leave Sunlight EVENT #3: ROMANCE, PT. 2. 4- 10, 1520. NIGHT. RIMFIRE DAY:28 ‘Now it's time for you (the referee) to have some fun. This is an optional episode, to be used to torture a player. Pick whoever hates to “role- v play” the most for the target ofthis encounter, Every group has one: the one player that's a tact- ‘cal genius, but needs to rol the die in order to talkto someone ‘As your victim is sitting in his room, a knock comes on his door. When he opens i, he sees Arisa, with her eyes rimmed in tears. She thvows herself int his arms, sobbing She explains that her family has been dsin- ‘egrating while she's away. Het mothe has fallen ill and hes father is stil of looking for her broth- € Shei looking for some support. Ply tis up to the hilt. Arisa needs some reassurance that she’s doing the right thing, and also some close companionship. Don't et the player get away with saying "I comfort het." Make him ply it out. This fas worked for our gaming groups; hel probably end up enjoying it much more if you push the issue. With any luc, by the end ofthe session, his character will have anew gilirlend, and hel eta new role-playing experience ‘The last thing that happens that nights that Cedtichasa dream about Mari, the fist ina very long time. She is trapped in a dark place, and soteams his name over and over. I he reaches. MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE ‘out, of tries to touch her in the dream, she steams one more time and fades away. As she fades from his sight, she screams the word “Impostor!” ‘Awards for Episode #9: For making up with Emilia: +5 IP to Tharis. For “comforting” Arisa: +5 IP to player ‘SET: SUNLIGHT 1 This massive (13km long and 3.5km wide) cytin- deri the center of all Algolan space operations, and to many the salvation of Algoian man, The Giant mirrored arrays that stretch for kilometers from the center of the cylinder (22km diameter for the mircors) ae the first of six such arrays that surround the globe, ating as a pseudo-Dyson Sphere, reflecting the solar energy at the frozen poles, causing the ice to melt, and releasing Greenhouse gasses trapped in the ice, warming the planet. Since the completion ofthe arrays (in a record two years), the average temperature has fisen 9° Celsius. A remarkable feat Of the six arrays, Sunlight 1 isthe only one witha central cylinder hub; the others are simply ‘manned with a mekton garrison and a command crew of 50. The giant cylinder rotates inside the aay, making the interior veable like a colony. On either end of the cylinder, rotating in oposi- tion tothe main body, are the Science Hub (fc ing away trom the planel and the Command Hub (acing Aigo). The main body is used for manu facturing the thousands of mitrors needed to maintain the arrays, along witha space ship dry- dock and construction facility (under construc tion, estimated completion dale 1524. The cen- ter ofthe cylinder is hollow, allowing fee access toal parts ofthe station from space. Nominally under the UAA command struc- ture, the people of Sunlight havea relaxed living atmosphere and rank structure. The cute com- rmander, Emilia, leads more with ability and charisma than any military rank. The otal popu- lation of Sunlight is 1467, with three quatrs of that being fabrication and construction person- nel It also houses four full mekton squads for protection gainst Axis thea, and ten shuts. twas the Axis threats against Sualight 1 and the other arrays that led the UAA to form the (Overwatch program. Perhaps the greatest man-made structure ever, Sunlight 1 represents the salvation of Algolian man. Illo courtesy of UAA publicity. >, ‘Locarions: Sunlight (9.47), Rimfire (p. 42). CHARACTERS APPEARING: Crew o Rime (. 98-41), Elia Drka (p46), Commissioner Crystal MECHANICALS APPEARING: ‘The Sentinel (9.93), Rimfire (. 42), Saitan EVENT #1: ATTACK. 4-11, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY:29 Cedicawakes screaming fom his nightmare; how «vet, he sound is drowned out by the atrm Kaxon ofthe Rimfire. All characters are rudely awakened by Dass voi coming over te intercom, Dass: Allplots tothe circus, Sunlight 1 under attack! As usual, Larant is first out ofthe launch tube. What she sees surprises het. Descending toward the command hub of the station isa group often argan Shaitans! The mektons have no markings, ‘and fly in perfect formation. About half of them carry large magnetic mines. The seem to be heading forthe Rimfire. Battle: 10 Sentinels vs 10 Shaitans. ‘Once again, the enemy pilots fight wih a nearly suicidal furor. The pilots do not identify them- ‘selves, utara few rounds of combat, the Kar- ‘gan members of Fiteght should be able fo ell that they arent using Kargan factcs o piloting techniques. Ths isa fairly large fight, and wil Iiely fake up a good amount of your gaming ses- sian, so be sure to be prepared wien you str. The main target ofthe sults is’ the station, but the Rite. Te suits willy to bypass the mecha and plant bombs onthe Rimtire’shul. Use the deense laser fie station and any ‘ena mektons onboard as back-up. Altera the PO'Sare te heroes o the show; us hep sparingly EVENT #2: DREAMS. 4-11, 1520. AFTERNGON. RIMFIRE DAY: 29. ee ~atention is rushed tothe Sunlight infirmary. While Theo ce uaen Crystal sas cold aid axe et namesake. The most vocal ‘ofthe *Peace Faction” in the Elaran ante jai and again to get _eUAA sande, adage ceitaca 2 sidings. Unaware of plans fr the throne, shes the per eae a aa iy, she “woul cons ina fe a Struggle on Ys soe. “ Keo) Socal UNG), ales the characters recover rom the bate, the Sunlight recovery crs go out and search the wreckage for survivors. Much to everyone's surprise, the recov ery tam do manage to recover a person fom one ‘kthe Kargan mektons: young gi, about seven ten, wearing a Kargan uniform. She is rushed to the infirmary. Ater a few hours pass, Emilia cor- nets Lalan and asks her to look tthe ge [i Laian isan NPC, be sure to have at east cone PC with her. Ths is important informa- tion, anda PC should be thereto heart) Laian (and anyone she has with her are shown into a Sparse white rom. ina bed, hooked up toa life support machine, is the young woman, She is badly burt, but breathing steal. Her eyes are open, but respond to nothing. She seems nat to ‘notice the other people in the room with her atl if Laan is suocessul wit a level 5 Telepa-~ thy 154, she receives the following image The Git cart ress, soi’ a freeroll for Lain} "You stand concentrate on the gis mind sony your surroundings fade, and you ae sudden- Iysiting at make-up tebe, combing your hair. The relation isnot your own, but athe tha of the gc lying inthe bed. You (she?) gotes) about normal foutre puting on make-up and jenelry. Ate abit the doorchime rings. You can tel bythe make-up botles and posters onthe wal hat the git i lan, Yau flounce to the door, and open it, expecting your dat. "But there is large man at the door, unla~ liar, One side of his face is hortibly scared. You try to soream, but it's trapped in her throat. ‘A fades to black. “The next image is suddenly waking in the cockpit of a mekton, looking atthe uniform you wearin confusion You look up asa Seine! res into the suit. Suddenly there is fire and pain Then alls blackness again.” Ther is nothing ese inthe git’ mind. 's@ total blank, like an c:2sed videotape. E explains that th. gis brainscan indicates the level ofa newbom infant Emilia wil then turn and ask Laan’ advice Should they pull the plug, o let het live in hopes foracure? Vv | vecron: OPERATION FIMFRE VAG Enila is way ou of her league here. Whatev- er Laan suggests, she will do, The gis life i in Laian's hands she recommends death, the git is. led by lethal injection, and takes he secret to the crave with her. f Laian advises that they lt her ive, the optional event in Episode 16 occurs. Laian is an NPC, she should et the gt Ive j EVENT #3: Jie PREPERATION 4-12, q 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 30 Early onthe morning ofthe 12h, Dass is contact- edby Haversom, andthe Rimfire is ordered back tp ion. To facilitate quicker loading of supplies, theentire ship's complement i dated into load- ing, incluing Freight *As you ate loading boxes across the alroc, Dass comes walking bisly down te hal flowed tyasevere-ooking woman. They appear to be a= ingarargumen, orraher she sees obeying at Das, Dass ignores her unt he steps over the edge afte ook, when he quick spins o face her. He. inside the ship, and she sll ontestaion.” Dass: She turns her gaze upon the people loading the ship, and shakes her head in disgust. She storms off down the hall, almost knocking over Mox who is coming the other direction with an aimload of fresh frit. As she storms past, he {urns and gives her a wolf whistle Hooks could kil, Mox would be atoms, The incident over, Mox tll the players to ‘go back to work, and whistles a popular tune dut- ing the resto the day. EVENT #4: DEPARTURE 4-12, 1520. EVENING. RIMFIRE DAY: 30 “There is a small group waiting to say goodbye to the ‘characters as they prepare to leave. Emilia will be there i she and Tharis have “made up,” (assuming that he didn't decide to stay,) She will have tears in her eyes, but they probably said their goodbyes ear lier, in private. i things went poorly, then she is on the command deck, attending to “critical” matters. Crystal is also there, and she addresses them. Crystal: ‘any of you are good Elarans, slay here. Lam pre- There must be atleast one of you who would reer ife back on Algol, to enjoy the warm sum ‘mers again, (sn't there one sane petson among ‘you who has something better todo wilh. your time than follow these madmen? Aware players might natie Aisa quivering inthe ‘back row, bout to sy something. there was 0 Event 3 last episode, or her "boyilend” doesnt do anything, Haj, who is standing next to her places his normal hand on her shoulder. She ‘rips it and he returns the fmness, Mox steps forward Mox: Lady, you annoy me. My father dled nthe bate forthe Crystal Palace. My sister dled in the nal ‘months ofthe Archizelago War, Al the time, you ols stood around and said we threw down our ‘uns there would be peace. Was there? Sure, we all wan! peace, but good inlentions won't stop bullets, ofthe Axis. Go peddle it somewhere else. C'mon folks, we gata gel home ‘Mox turns and walks into the ship. Arisa and Ha walk away in hand in hand, olawed by everyone Commissioner Crystal you may heap all the nsuls pared to offer you the prolaction of the Council of else. The airlock closes, and the Rimfire pulls canmeyou lite whie we are both an board te station, a the commander of it has given you fee access. However, a my ship you have no such invitation or ay. you wishto discuss this in aia manner, nmy bridge, you are weloame fo do so. you insist conacing like a spoiled 10-year-ol, please go away, Hecuttly tums and walks of leaving her enraged. Wwronmarion: Lords ityouar wing to abandon this insane pan asked what she means, she will continue. The age of war is past us now. Peace will prevail ifwe ltt. The people you follow ae determined tokeep war alive. i we accept peace, twill come, Itwill not came if we constantly prepare for war. ’ it owes titer wt) erecta t pubicy con ‘away from Sunlight 1. IP Awards for Episode #10: For Deteating the “Kargan” attack: +5 IP per player For letting the gitl live: +61P to Lalan It Tharis and Emilia part friends: +3 IP to Thatis. Delaney, cousinto the Queen and second in line for tet throne. He “REFEREE : Paine EME > tered th bod 35 "useless fongage Then’ began tack on Y's ati, exept FLARAN PEACE FACTION — ‘Eaxaisa constitutional monarchy, which isto ame when i was time had chosen har long-time ‘tea the Regent's power is curtalled by laws, and is lover and companion, Kerion. Appafled that the _atsueble to the peoole for his orheradtions.The Queen would marry a commoner, the council ot- Vocal and sizea {hat this time it was for her continued mititary. build-up, (When the war was obviously over.) ‘The Peace Faction has managed to fn following, ‘whio want to see ee ‘scared outby the Council of bade the malt and put Keron underhousearest weapons eliminated ftom space. weapons oo, ‘of nobles and elecled officials trom. ‘Once agin Yims popularly caved te day, so does the Overwatch program, The Peace Fac- ae ingdofns. This body atts as patient, as supporters teed Ketion and escorted imo he tion feeds off people's paranola, wit tales of ices arora poe "chapel at Aol Gree ther, they kept outhe few dropped asteroids thal could devastate th pan the yeats, the Council has become a | es nd restape, Keeping almost ing usetl rom getting dane, EME soldets wha followed the Counc’ odes, ‘The Council, enraged, could do nothing, ~ ef andoibtl wr. They have managed to con- _ Vince thst ofthe pub tha warir Queen wll _ The war was newly over and he Muranpeate in oly wantto perpetuate war, and thal peace ithe “When Yne took the throne from heather, effect. Yas popularly was untouchable, The way ofthefutue, ‘Hecrioyed the highestpopulariy.of any laran members ol the Counc fered the Queen would This dango instabilly, when Yi needs ‘vic. People followed her, and she led thern. soon disband the body, and take back supreme suppor the most, may well cause the Peaoe Fac- een Cound ied nterere power ove te people andthe non. She dnt ons pronhedestobecomesel-ulling. plans and anes disband the Council, but she did put into place There is always the chance that Delaney is pecs Sen eres, _ many rstitions on is power and operations. trying to depose Ym belote het child can be By now most ofthe Counc had been won acknowledged it eer People ruch uteri ine __overby Yio Tal but selec ew held out. _pevedone ich more onthe wat the own. Locarions: Unteor Dion 1 (p. 20) CHARACTERS APPEARING: General Haversom (0.18), Mefall, Crewand Colonists of Don 1 (p. 20), Lady ltican EVENT #1: MAJALL 4-15, 1520. MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 33 “Afra slow, unerentulretunrip to Dion 1, every- ‘one’s nerves ae about back to normal After awhile, the silence of space has become quite soothing. ‘Things hve ben prety quiet and peaoetul, and no word fom Sunight about the Axis. On the moming ofthe 15th, The Rimfire pulls into orbit around Dion. A shite mets it. Your group and about hal the crew ae of-loaded It takes the shuttle about [wey minutes to land on Dion 1, and Haversom is alin for you atthe alloc. He looks very angry. Bing him, atl black haired Murian stands.” Lian knows him instantly: Maal, her one~ time teacher and over, who had directed he ite forthe yar. Havetsom motions forthe character to ol- lowhim. He doesn’ saya word, butt ooks like hes ea to kll something — or someone. Majll walks with serene peace. He steps beside Lalan and isto lake her hand (roleplay this ut to see \what she does). Once they get into Haversom's ‘ofc, Haversom spins, his rage barely concealed. CIN Haversom: Tel! them. Maj walks to the center ofthe room, dragging Lain bythe hand. Majall: {mala to say that Laian will be leaving you al. Lady Atican has decided to re-enact the Murian policies of isolation. All adepts are being recalled and the force shield will go back up in twa days. He begins to leave, with Laian stil in tow, Come sister, itis me to return home. Haversom slams hs ist on the table. Haversom: ‘Damnit ts you ofr to lead us to a new age of peace, and now this! Without the Murian pres ‘ence, the UAA wll alt pieces, you know that vv Why, damit whyl? Majall: The lady's decisions are not for your mind to understand. Come, Laian He begins to drag her out. Haversom walks in front of them, Haversom: Lalan, you are under oath othe people of Algol ‘you wish to go twill absolve you of that oath, but you must want to go. wil et no other drag ‘you of against your wil Now its Laian’s decision. She can go off with Maja and return to Muri, or she can stay with the ae ‘iniire, Heavy pathos ime: Role-play this one to the hit. Mafal won tae no fran answer, and will, stil try to drag her off. Hei arogant and pushy, and will try to bully Laian into going with talks about her weak wil, and how she needs another to ‘make her important decisions. Overall he treats her ikea 10-year-old child. Asan NPC (and hopetlly 3. PC) Lain wil tel him to get stud. He sil ries to take her against her wil for her “own good.” He grabs her arm and begins taking her toward the door. Assuming that one of the PO's don’t beat him to the punch (good for them if they do), Haversom drives his fist into Majal's face. Majall goes flying, but he doesn't land, He toats two feet off the ground, with a pale blue glow around him, His eyes light up, and he {urs toward Haversom. You dare strike a frst rank initiate ofthe Murian people!” You are lucky | don't destroy you here and now. Come, Lalan, enough foolishness. Let us lave these pathetic psople o their poli. Lian feels a finger of fear creep down her back. Haversom faces Mal Haversom: Ifyou attempt to abduct tha gil against her will ‘ou wil not leave this station alive. Maja You dare threaten me!? Haversom: | dare promise you. ‘jal its his hand, and points itat Haversom. ‘Atthis point it is likely that guns will be drawn or ‘someone will try to punch Majall. He ignores them, and all attacks seem to slide off the blue glow. Laken ‘eels a great deal of power flowing through Majall, wor tan she thought possible for one of his ar- ingtowield Havessom buckles to his kes. Suddenly Majall screams; the blue field ‘around his body seems to glow brighter. ‘Suddenly his features blur and shift, and where he once was, there is now a delicate robed woman, Her eyes are covered in shadow, but What is showing of her features are beautiful. Her elicatehands each have only thee fingers anda thumb. Laian knows her instantly: Lady Atican.. the leader of the Murian people and the most ‘powertul ESPer onthe planet. Lady Attican: | must apologize forthe arrogance and bullying that Majall has performed. Its not the usual way ‘of one of my students. He is being disciplined for his actions. What he said, however, is tue. In two days time Muria will once again be sealed oft ‘No, commander, cannot tl you why. And yes, ‘know tha the UAA wil eventually collapse, | have ‘known that from the beginning. But the UAA stil has many things i wil accomplish, things that will lead to lasting peace on this plane, and for that you can all be proud. Lalan, you may stay here or retumn— that is ‘your decision to make. You do not “abandon” ‘Mura by choosing to stay with the UAA. Let no cone fel you otherwise. General, know thal you have my blessing on ‘your endeavors, and also know thai could tll ‘you ty lam doing what lam, | would lease forgive me— one day, you will all understand. She vanishes in a bright flash of blu; Majal is also gone. A 1520. AFTERNNON. S38 RIMFIRE DAY: 34 “The day passes. Haversom is in a really rotten ‘mood, and stays locked away in his office, send- ‘ng messages everywhere. “The station and ety ae busily growing. After only a month, there are about half again as ‘many people on the moon now as when the char- acters first arrived. There are more shops open, andthe smal own s begining took. The ‘news of the Murian pullout from the UAA is offi- cially announced at 2:00 that afternoon. “A\ fist everyone is shocked and dismayed. ‘Shock soon tun to anger, and talk bins about the Murian ‘betray’ of Algol Rumors sat ly ing, rom the UAA being disbanded, to talk of another war.” ‘Mtr afew hous of speculation (and rle- playing) Haversom comes on the genefal com. Harversom: ‘As you have all heard, the Morians have pulled cut of the UAA, and are going to raise the force soreen again. This is re, Whats not tue fs the rumors that the UAA is reaking up Ihave spo- en to the leaders ofthe lance, and they assure ‘me thatthe Murian pullout wil inno way affect the day-to-day functions of the UAA. Operation Overwatch ssl i elle, and wil be uni have speci orders in my hand to ‘he contrary Lastly, one week rom today, Emperor Kora wil be visiting the facility here. Pease prepare proper welcome, The news thatthe Kargan Emperors visiting puts the entre base into a talspin, as everyone drops what they are doing to prepare forthe vist. While people ae cleaning up shops, and buying git, the news comes that Arkon wil be visting with the Emperor. [The week will pas, the characters essentially havea week of RBR as well straining time] Haversom is constantly busy, and the characters are pretty much left on their own. Fee ree to ‘ole-play out the time or not 2s you see fit. Now would be a good time to introduce any of your ‘own subplots or characters that you wantin the game. The characters have passed the halfway Point, and it’ all downhill from here, IP Awards for Episode #11 Lalan refusing to go: +2 P to Laian arene whe sc cpoces MNES V Locarions: Interior Dion (. 20) CHARACTERS APPEARING: ‘General Haversom (p18), Crew & {Colaniss of Dion (p20), Commander Air ass (0. 3), Rimfire Crew (p 38-41), Emperor Koray, Arkon Verian, ‘el (p25) EVENT #1: SWEET ‘SURPRISE 4-23 1520, AFTERNNON. RIMFIRE DAY: 41 "The week passes slowly for everyone. As the colonists of Dion 1 prepare forthe avival ofthe Emperor, the ani-Overwatch propaganda on Algol grows fo alaming proportions. There are constant ep’ that the UAA i executing polt- cal pisones and aucing dissidents. Most of the absuid claims would be funny, it so many people did statelieving them. On one broad cast, Commissioner Crystal officially requests thatthe verwatch program be disbanded. (uick-eyed characters can spot Lord Detaney in the backoround ofthe interview. “On Dion, andthe colonies in general, the attitude toward the UAA and Overwatch is much beter. In fa, theresa debate onthe usefulness ‘of the Overwatch program held on the 21st Lata is suprised to see Dar Koma, who vowed tostay out of pois, sone of Overwatch's most verbal supports. "Ashe tie forte visit grows near, every> cone is shocked io hear that Queen Yr is con- sidering paling Ear out ofthe UAA, and paling Elaran support or Overatch* Finally, the day arsves, and as the shuttle approaches the colony, everyone turns out in the Hight deck with terest on. Asthe shut lands the fist oto the hatch isa shiouded Imperial guard. His voice rings across thea, ashe announces the rivals Imperial Guard: Preseniing his Imperial Majesty, Korax IA large Imposing man steps ofthe shutle. Presenting ‘his lordshio, Arkon Verian. Atal thin man steps of the shutle behind the Emperor. Presenting ‘ner ladyship, Ariel Verian. ‘And much to everyone's shock, Ariel exits the shuttle behind her aes I her paramour is pre~ MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE sent, she waves to him across the landing bay and smiles. When Korax and Arkon meet with Haversom, Arie discreetly finds her Way to her “lover side and grasps his hand. Arkon sends an iy glance their way. Ariel stifens abit, but loesnit let oo of his hand Haversom takes the Emperor and Arkon off toa confidential meeting, He leaves the charac- ters to show Ariel around ‘ter the exchange ofa few pleasantries, Ariel draws the characters aside, Ariel: Its so good to see you al again. Especially you (she looks at her “lover"). But there are some things going on thal you need to know. m sure ‘you heard about the Murian force screen being re-activated. Well, i's gone up, and Dr. Talis i Te ee Sonate repped inside! He was taking Lathrin and his girlfriend to see one of the wise ones. 1 don't ‘know if they ever got there. No one, not even my ‘dad, has heard trom Tal in days, its our fear that he is stuck ince. My dad says Tal knows how breach the field, but he fears that the Murians ‘might atest him to keep him trom letting out any ‘Murian secrels. Also, Eilza has disappeared. She went out one night for some dinner and never came back. Kerin is worried sick! Everything is {alling agar, what do you think we should ao? This is, of course, fte's way of telling the players ‘ow is some time for some thinking. You should play out the session with Ariel. Use this moment to reaffirm what the players know and suspect. ‘Once again, Ariel is happy to be near her “para- ‘mour,” but sil sleeps in her own room. | iF | a ae ate iegy Bt odein thin eee ot en me ta r ‘THE MORNING 4-24, 1520, MORNING. RIMFIRE DAY: 42 “Anoan othe next day, as you are going about your daly business of filing out papers and wondering what is going to happen next, you hear Haversom’s vooe over the com. As usual it sounds likzhe has had any sleep in the last few years.” Haversom: ‘All Overwatoh personnel please report to docking bay 5, "Docking bay 5 i the largest open area on the tease, and itneeds the space to hold the throngs of uniformed people. Everyone in the UAA (whch is nearly everyone on the base) is crowded around. Ate about fifteen minutes of standing ‘uncomfortably, Haversom and Dass enter with Atkon and Korax. Haversom walks overt a pile af crates, and climbs to the top. From there he adresses the crowd,” Haversom: ‘Atnoon yesterday, the 23r0, the thre top admin- ‘stators in Overwalch were found dead. The pre- liminary investigation indicates svicide. There vasa note found. I wish to read you this noe He pulls outa slip of paper from his pocket. Dear Algol he eads) Wecan no longer bear the shame of what we have done. We have crealed a monster capable of enslaving the planet. We have given the Over- walch authorities too much power. We can no longer siop them. May God have mercy on our souls. Ferman Salmae Tals (There is a hushed silence, Everyone stands Clumb-ounded.) This ete a fraud. None ofthe three men in question had a shred of common decency. If there nasa conspiracy in Overwach, they would fave been at the top, Soin our opinion we have thee more deaths to pay the Axis back fr. Sadly, however, the press has gotten int it There is a smear campaign going on agains us. Weare being painted as the blackest vilans in Abgolin history. We have to slop this, now: Ether we stop, or ‘vervaichis doomed. Te second Overwatchshio tasbeen sapped. That eaves the Rimi. We have Aobethe we right’, nt they wl ar us apart With plans of conquest afllur : | began to attempt unification Py oliaiad : | diplomatic means. twas much of his drive thal formed the backbone of the UAA. ae Cold and calculating, he des fii in pet= somo bel his cy reputation. Mien te ‘oot, Se hil sete Gen, iat Dir Perhaps the single most hated man on all of ‘Awareness(+8) Research(s7), Algol: To everyone on lara and the Archipel~ ago eis Shatan (Devil) incarnate, - Apoweral psionic, Arkon rarely uses his ables: nsleadhe relies more onisawnbri- lance and polltcalknowed - Soman a "His ooals| ‘opportunity te ‘nly by fore, a quick and tidy proposition. His plas bactired, asthe quickatempt io invade “and subjugale Elaracepeneraed into one of he _Jongest and bloodiest wars on ecard, ; 5), “Watdiobe(+10), Oy aes History). brought back pregnant Elran asa coneubine. When the woman's husband inflated the cou, the Caplin demarde that tne Etaran be ‘ful to death rather than be allowet atrial by. combat, Korax, impressed with the man's. : ane and angered with eas fis ler ofthe Karan erie tas been. ‘ onthe for over 20 yeas, a record for that ‘turbulent nation. Ing land where strength rules, ‘Koraxis the' strongest, and other than’ “ityto win the war with Elara, he has proven _ one ofthe best emperofs that Karga has had, -Levelsneaded and intligent, Koraxhas,— “even known to be mercial on occasion, With ‘him, bravery and nobility are evetything that makes up aman, and he will teata brave enemy we cowardly ally This Wa 5). Beam Weaposl8), _ Fast Talk(+4) Poios(s8), Missile ‘Weapons(+9),Leadership(+40), ‘Intimidate(+5), Specific Know!= ‘two days tie, the Fire fs going to make a _goodl tip to ALL of the obit colonies. We must ral popular suppa, or weal ecu of aod Thank you for your time. Get back io work. @ EVENT #3: BAD PRESS 4-24, 1520. oN EVENING. RIMFIRE ed bay: 42 ‘Thebacklash Is severe when te ete is played on news stations across Algol. There ate public protests at al planetary Overwatch bases across the ‘world, There is a massive organized protest at the video the Crystal Palace, blocking entrance and exit. Lord Detaney claims that the entire UAA was a Kagan plot, and ofcaly presents Yr with a ‘request to withdraw Elara from it, thus killing it. ‘Ymri’s response: “We'll look into it.” In Karga, ‘protests come in the form of a protest in the High Counel by etn rds, inuding Lord Kyi LOCATIONS: Interior Don 1 (p. 20), Dion City (9.21) CHARACTERS APPEARING: General Haversom (p. 18), Crew & Colonists of Dion 1 (p. 20), Emperor Korax (p.5), Imperial Guard Ariel (p. 25) EVENT #1: MURDER Y* 4-25, 1520. ‘AFTERNOON. “You were al prety shocked to hea that xe (insert Ariel's love's name) was arrested last night forthe murder of Arkon Verian. Before ‘breakas,the tumors had circulated that not only had he been aresed, but that he had been put to leat bythe Emperor. When noon rolled around, and there was no sign of your teammate, or Ariel, and no rumor to counter the fist, you started get- ting pretty nervous. But now Korax has called you tohis personal rooms, and you head toward the door hoping that is sword isn't red with your friend's blood. Koraxis staying in a house in Dion Cty, and itso here you have been called.” ‘Incase you haven figured tout, keep Avis lover in suspense; don’ even talk o him about his characte. Keep saying "get back to you." ‘An mpeial guard opens Kora’s door when the characters knock. They ae searched and al ‘weapons are removed, even Dar’ knives. MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE {Any character that can make a "Social" roll 20+, realizes an important fact. There is no way in bel the organized Elaran and Kargan protests could have come so quickly. There Trust have been prior preparation involved] (On Dion 1, the entre base is caught between two fonts. The orbitals give ther unconditional sup- port ofthe Overwatch program, while Algol based factions are calling fort to be disbanded, and in some extreme cases, calling for the arrest of members as traltrs to Algol (ne last thing happens before the end ofthe ode, Ariel, who until naw has been “chaste” romantic partner, asks to stay the night with her boyfriend. She is just too frightened to sleep alone, Let nature tke its couse, ‘They (orobably) spend the evening in bliss ‘As morning approaches, suddenly Ave sits up in the bed, soreams "Father", and runs out ofthe eccccccccce *You enter a darkened room. There is the ‘overpowering smell of blood. As the door closes behind you, you hear Kora's voice.” Korax: Do you believe that XXX (again Ariel's lover) could fave murdered Arkon Verian? Speak slow Yy, and one ata time. The creepy scene is likely to unnerve atleast cone or two of your players. Flippancy is greeted by anger. Only a yes or no answer will be accepted by the Emperor. Once everyone has spoken, he will pause for a moment (hopefully, more people said no than yes). Suddenly, the lights come on, and the characters see the contents ofthe room. “in front of you is @ mutilated body, the chest blown open and burnt. Ariel is atthe fig- e's fet, weeping room, leaving a bewildered lover behind, It he follows her (shame on him if he oes!) he reaches Arkon's open door seconds behind Ariel. Ashe steps in, she is leaning over the dead body of he ater. Where Akon's chest sed tobe, there is usta smoking crater. ‘As she looks up to the PC, there is acal from the door, and as the PC tufns, there are a group of Imperial guard, with Korax inthe lad. Koraxz You are under arrest. Do not resistor we wil fie IP Awards for Eplsode #12: For figuring out the odd timing of the protests: +5 IP To Ariel's “lo day): +5 (Gust for having a bad "Altera horrtying moment, you realize that this is the corpse of Arkon Veran, and that XXXX 's siting by Korax’s righthand side, Korax looks Uupand speaks.” Korax: | would be mad to think that Ariel could have any- thing to do with her father’s murder, and she by all ‘accounts was i the room before your tien, (He tums toward Ave’ lover.) fam sony to keep you ‘ere, but {needed to see the murderer WOUG try (to flee while we were “questioning” you. As for my thend’s body being hee, i's simply a itv, We in Karga always watch over our dead. You may go now. We need to prepare our friend's sul ‘And wit that, the characters are dismissed. viel slays with her father and the Emperor. [Do your players ask for their weapons back? Don't prod v MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE TT ther, but give them the opportunity to do some- thing, talk to Ariel, et, before they leave. lf they don't ask for the weapons, Korax doesn't offer them. He has other things on his mind,] EVENT #2: MURDERER 4-25, 1520. AFTERNOON. & | RIMFIRE DAY: 43 “The humid air in the cavern really gets to you as you walk away from Korax’s house. By the time ‘you reach the elevator to get back into the base, you are thinking that the smell of the blood will ‘never leave your senses. You wait impatiently for the elevator to come, and you each become acutely aware that somewhere on the base Is a calg-blooed kl.” The elevator takes them back up to the base; there are signs that the area is undergoing con- struction, and that it will be closed off for two ‘hours. Absently checking one of their watches, a character realizes that the time is now. The eleva- tor should not be working. ‘A about that time, the power goes out {ny character making an Awareness Roll 20+ will ear the sound of far ff door slam ming shut} Now isthe time to point out that none ofthe char- acters have any weapons. (Did they ask for them back from Korax? i's unlikely.) Down the hall they can hear something approaching, some- thing mechanical. Combat: Fitelight members vs. 1 AUX-01. (Map Page 56, Use Generic Axis plo’ stats for Jhon.) Furing the fight: ‘Akon's murderer (Jhon Tale, an engineer at the base that Dremmand has mental allered todo his oity work) has decided to do away withthe C's before they can cause any more problems to ‘Dremmond’s plans. He has sealed off this section, andi wil tke a Compute Use sil 30+ 0 overide tis commands. ItAleoi can get to terminal and tas iteen minutes of tie, she can get te doors open automaticaly al she needs isthe ine, As listed on the map, there laa armory, in this ae all the EMF and UAA weapons listed cS below. The characters have two options. They ‘Trebestcl or betcltetiniieemeiadonmneneas ‘can go to the armory, and try to fight him with the ‘he ofthe Emperot and other imporant ‘heavy rifles, or distract him, giving Aleoi the time di H s. They are feared by even the vicious. a | eflectiveness. They ae erhans Skills: ‘she needs at a computer terminal. ifthe characters do anay with Jhon , great. _hetmost gto onAigg. IF not, after Aleoi gets the door open, he will be ee S [eee swamped with security, and eventually |. 7 estoyed. Due to the tight confines the AUX must maneuver i, Jhon has a ~2 to all ations. poe RIMFIRE DAY: 43 ‘After Talma has been Killed, Haversom and Korax will soon be on the scene. The characters are questioned, and thanked for their part in the “apprehension” of the villain. Korax looks even ‘more disturbed, and seems to brood even deeper. If asked what's wrong, he'll reply that the murderer wanted to die, and he would like to ‘know why. Talma had no connections to the Axis, ‘and as far 2s anyone knew, had no specific hatred ‘of Arkon, Jhon Talma was formerly a Kargan citi- ‘Ten, and well-respected in social circles. On searching his room, the authorities dis- ‘cover the following: ‘The room itselt is a mess, with papers and other junk scattered throughout. After a quick inspection, a few interesting items come to light: >>A pctue of Laranias a young gil!) — ‘She siting on her father’s lap, wearing his fice’ cap, Larani wil identily the picture asonethat heather keps nhs fice. Another photo, of Cline t's duting the (graduation ceremonies and all she's wear- ing loosely buttoned uniform op. She's saluting, while a strong, handsome cadet holds her up. She identifies the man as Ter- fin Fela, someone she hasn' seen in ages. The last she remembered the picture was in his possession. He had always joked about blackmailing her with it. (It investigated it willbe discovered that Terrin Felial is cur- rently AWOL trom his base in Korie) >There ae other photos, taken rom the com- puter records of Overwach, forthe othe squad ‘members, and copies oftheir personnel les. >>A copy of Lucia's Abduction Ina recent, paperback edition (See Aggendi, page 31, {or deta on Luci’s Abduction) The sec- tion where the Aggendituns into a winged Woman and “showers the hero with gis is highlighted. >A picture of Arkon Verian that has been cut in halt >>An unsigned letter that reads: The time is near, saon someone will visityou; this wil allow you to do that which needs to be done. With the Viper dead, we may progress agains the sofiness of the throne. Our rend will allow youo approach hin, under the thoughs of MEKTON: OPERATION RIMFIRE ‘one he trusts; you may then proceed. Only ater he is gone can we act. >aLastly, another computer message pinout. {have helped you, now help me, Destay the UAA Interlopers in my affairs. Here are pictures of two of them, you can find the rest in the computer files. Override Command Number 3554728349400-2341. ‘The Overide command is curent, and Haversom has no idea how anyone could have managed to get ‘it Only the top officials have aocess toi. With that code, he would have total contro over the base The only good news comes later that evening. Dass radios that Emilia has located the ‘Axis transmitting device, and that she isin the Process of transmitting the data to him, Once the information isin, and the ship is finished retuel- ing, they wil trike. {IP Awards for Episode #12: Defeating the murderer: +10 per player. Looking up Terrin (after finding the pic ture): +51P Opening the doors (Aleoi): +8 IP Remembering to take their weapons form Korax: +3 1P the computer EQUIPMENT: ‘THE UAA HEAVY RIFLE ‘Aleawy anti-roadstier rifle designed to make @ man capable of damaging a smaller, armored Ambush Site in Dion 1. mekton. Only characters with a BT of 8 or beter can use this rife without ts bipod. The ites WA (es up by 2 when using the bipo. DAM SH BV WA WT CST RNG 2D10(AP) 5 NA -1(+1)13kg 1000cr 2008 Gas GRENADE A standard peace-keeping tool inthe osbital colonies where one misplaced shot could kill hundreds. This grenade releases a powertul sleeping gas on impact. To avoid passing outa target must make @ Bod roll 15+ when inthe area of effect. A gas mask ot other similar breathing apparatus negates te efct. The ga atfcts the target hex, and all surounding hexes. Cost: 30¢r. ComBAT UNIFORM (ALL) These heavy combat fatiques provide 5 sp toll locations, and include a4 sp helmet. These are the standard fatigues onthe Algolian batleild Weight: 1.5ky Cost: 90cr si Map of Dion 1 section fo Ambush, Hallway compe |, (ote) Msatinnce ll ty stage (+10 to Hide) mn ehene sits) =. eB =a. | | Charactrs ‘Main Hallway. sat (1010 Hie) oo mm mony | sete , em my) amp Mai stony “Stan S92" Tata inte) Site of the murderer's ambush on Dion 1. v Locations: Interior Dion 1 (p.20), Exterior Dion 1 (p.20) CHARACTERS APPEARING: General Haversom (p. 18), Emperor Korax(p. 83), limperal Guard (p.58), Crew & Colonists of Dion (0.20), Alter Dass (p38), Ariel (p25), Drem- mands Voice. Tyna Veric MECHANICALS APPEARI ‘The Sentinel (p. $3), Giga Kaiser (p. 91) EVENT #1: DEARLY DEPARTED 4-28, 1520. MORNI RIMFIRE DAY: 46 “Three days have passed since the murder of Arkon Verian, andthe battle that resulted in his kile’s death Are! has managed to cope with her iil, and has returned neatly to normal Nothing further has come from the investigation of the murderer's room, but Haversom has altered all ‘computer access codes. For your part in the uncovering ofthe murderer, Korax has awarded cach of you a Bronze Star (a high Kargan miliary honor). To honar the UAA, and the Overwatch program, he wishes to bury Arkon onthe moon. He goes about arranging a full tate funeral im- self, and asks the characters to be the honor quard. Ariel and her paramour ate to be the ‘head of the procession.” ‘There are rantc preparations, as everyone teadies fra televised state funeral. Arie, now able 0 let go of her gre, i thankul to everyone focal that they have done, He lover is now as important o her as he father was, tis possible, Cepending on how the PC acts, that there may be aawedding soon ater the funeral. Let nature take iscouse. Either way, Are rly loves him with all her heart. Anyone Injured inthe final fight recovers, andthe Rimfire prepares to leave orbit inthe days. ry EVENT #2: SERVICE fs =p) 4-29 1520. c= AFTERNOON. AS RIMFIRE DAY: 47 “The funeral is transmitted to the entire planet when it occurs. There is a litany read by. ‘who leads a prayer for Arkon’s soul. Everyone is gathered around the open grave, not far trom where the Aggendi first emerged from Dion's sur- face. All the space-suits ae linked together, so the world can hear everyone. After Ariel, Haver- ‘som gives respects from Etara and Ettara “As the silver casket is lowered Into the hole, Korax speaks." Korax: There are those of you here and on Algol who view this man as the greatest evil to ever blight the surface of our world. Its tue that he was “expedient” when it was called for. He was abe (0 ill when needed: that was one ot his greaiest assets. He could look at a large problem and solve it without needless emation, There i, how= ever, a rumor that Arkon wished to decimate any ‘hing non-Kargan, to commit genocide on this planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. He wished unity, and when it became obvious that unity would never be achieved through war, he tured to peace. | have lost two daughters and a son through war, and now it hs cost me a dear end. Arkon eran formed the UAA, twas his ia to create a Lnityng force thet coud keep al Algo working logether. He did it without my permission, and without my knowledge. Only recently did he revel the truth Now the AA has come under attack rom forces all vr the plane. The Muri- ans have withewn; the Elan populace s being ‘manigulated bythe “res” and elements ofits ‘own government | ask atthe gave of my dear ‘riend, for unity. As the emperor of Karga | can command my own people, bulleeveryone else nthe planet ask his scien of Algo ‘AS Korax finishes his speech, there isa flash of light, sa power surge seems a desta the cam= ‘eras one by one. AS the nes crews are reeling ‘rom the small explosions, single plasma blast dlecimates the otter where Akon's body is rest V Ing. People are thrown about, as a single mekton. appear oetead, beating Avs markings (Show them the ilstraion ofthe GigaKaiser, page 91). Over the headsets they hea a deep booming voice that chills them to the bone. Dremmond: ‘fave cu your communications. There is no help for you. lolfer you a choice: Join me, or be ‘destroyed. The end ofthe world is upon us. The ‘Aggendlare on their way as we speak They have