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Welcome to 2nd Grade


Mclass Assessments 2. Spaghetti 1.1 3. Written Expression Across Curriculum 4. Field trip information

Mclass Assessment

Test reading : fluency, letter/sound recognition, and comprehension

Uses oral and written responses:

Contains complete well thought-out sentences that answer the question Uses examples from the story when explaining the answer in their written response Students should be able to able to answer questions beyond the literal: Example Questions: Narrative (fiction): What is the problem in this story and how is it solved? Use details from the story to help explain. How does ___ feel when ___ happens? How do you know? Use examples from the story. Expository (non fiction): How does the picture on page __ help you learn more about ____? Look at the pages. Tell the most important ideas on these pages.

Results will come home Friday in an envelope

Spaghetti 1.1
Standard based grading Levels 1, 2, 3,4 No longer has 3*

Written Expression Across Curriculum

Common Core Requirement

Written expression is evaluated in reading, math,

science, and social studies. Look at your childs writing sample:

Field Trip Information

NC Zoo May 23 9:30am-5:30pm Cost of trip is $25 per student. You may pay all up front

or we will do payment plan with $10 due October 25, $10 due November 22, and $5 due January 24. Volunteers must be registered and you may register in the library tonight on the computers. The first 7 to sign up as chaperones can ride the bus and only pay $25 as well. Your entrance into the zoo will be covered. Remaining volunteers/chaperones can work out carpool with grade level parent helping to coordinate and will need to pay $10 zoo entrance. Siblings cant ride the bus and must be paid for.

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